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Do you realize that races are overrated,
since God is no respecter of persons?
Colored perceptions of hatred and bigotry
may ultimately destroy our existence.

Who needs people that:
• Lack brotherly love and respect for others
• Lust for power, wealth and *******
• Lack vision and purpose
• Lack maturity and wisdom
• Have attitudes of superiority
• Are poor in spirit
• Lack discipline and self-control

Colored attitudes, regarding skin tones and hues,
pale in contrast to uncontrolled emotions.
Without responsibility and accountability,
people get themselves in trouble rather quickly.

Who really wants or needs:
• Red’s lustful, passion for someone other than your spouse?
• or Green’s destructional envy of others’ wealth or possessions?
• or Yellow’s fear, smelling of ***** from peeing ourselves?
• or White’s collection of powdered deaths?
• or Blue’s inner sadness or coldness towards others?
• or Brown’s poverty, shame and overall uncleanness?
• or Orange steadfastness for a Godless life?
• or Purple’s smugness from a self-conceived ideal of royalty?
• or Black’s foreboding sicknesses and death?

Our human collective needs to find real commonality,
within this brotherhood of man, as planetary stewards.
Under girded with a genuineness of concern and love,
true understanding can lead to harmonious relationships.
We all have the ability to commune with God’s Spirit;
however, we each must have a desire to do so.
Utopia may be unattainable, unlike… unity of community.
And yes, I forgive you, for thinking I might be racist.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Acts 10: 34; Gal 2: 6; Deut 10: 17; 1 Pet 1: 17

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
http: //

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2012, All rights reserved.
brooke Jan 2014
no respecter of persons
and neither should I be
no respecter of persons
and neither should I be
(c)Brooke Otto 2014

Les prêtres avaient dit : « En ce temps-là, mes frères,

On a vu s'élever des docteurs téméraires,

Des dogmes de la foi censeurs audacieux :

Au fond du Saint des saints l'Arche s'est refermée,

Et le puits de l'abîme a vomi la fumée

Qui devait obscurcir la lumière des cieux.

L'Antéchrist est venu, qui parcourut la terre :

Tout à coup, soulevant un terrible mystère,

L'impie a remué de profanes débats ;

Il a dressé la tête : et des voix hérétiques

Ont outragé la Bible, et chanté les cantiques

Dans le langage impur qui se parle ici-bas.

Mais si le ciel permet que l'Église affligée

Gémisse pour un temps, et ne soit point vengée ;

S'il lui plaît de l'abattre et de l'humilier :

Si sa juste colère, un moment assoupie.

Dans sa gloire d'un jour laisse dormir l'impie,

Et livre ses élus au bras séculier ;

Quand les temps sont venus, le fort qui se relève

Soudain de la main droite a ressaisi le glaive :

Sur les débris épars qui gisaient sans honneur

Il rebâtit le Temple, et ses armes bénites

Abattent sous leurs coups les vils Madianites,

Comme fait les épis la faux du moissonneur.

Allez donc, secondant de pieuses vengeances,

Pour vous et vos parents gagner les indulgences ;

Fidèles, qui savez croire sans examen,

Noble race d'élus que le ciel a choisie,

Allez, et dans le sang étouffez l'hérésie !

Ou la messe, ou la mort !» - Le peuple dit : Amen.


A l'hôtel de Soissons, dans une tour mystique,

Catherine interroge avec des yeux émus

Des signes qu'imprima l'anneau cabalistique

Du grand Michel Nostradamus.

Elle a devant l'autel déposé sa couronne ;

A l'image de sa patronne,

En s'agenouillant pour prier.

Elle a dévotement promis une neuvaine,

Et tout haut, par trois fois, conjuré la verveine

Et la branche du coudrier.

« Les astres ont parlé : qui sait entendre, entende !

Ils ont nommé ce vieux Gaspard de Châtillon :

Ils veulent qu'en un jour ma vengeance s'étende

De l'Artois jusqu'au Roussillon.

Les pieux défenseurs de la foi chancelante

D'une guerre déjà trop lente

Ont assez couru les hasards :

A la cause du ciel unissons mon outrage.

Périssent, engloutis dans un même naufrage.

Les huguenots et les guisards ! »


C'était un samedi du mois d'août : c'était l'heure

Où l'on entend de ****, comme une voix qui pleure,

De l'angélus du soir les accents retentir :

Et le jour qui devait terminer la semaine

Était le jour voué, par l'Église romaine.

A saint Barthélémy, confesseur et martyr.

Quelle subite inquiétude

A cette heure ? quels nouveaux cris

Viennent troubler la solitude

Et le repos du vieux Paris ?

Pourquoi tous ces apprêts funèbres,

Pourquoi voit-on dans les ténèbres

Ces archers et ces lansquenets ?

Pourquoi ces pierres entassées,

Et ces chaînes de fer placées

Dans le quartier des Bourdonnais ?

On ne sait. Mais enfin, quelque chose d'étrange

Dans l'ombre de la nuit se prépare et s'arrange.

Les prévôts des marchands, Marcel et Jean Charron.

D'un projet ignoré mystérieux complices.

Ont à l'Hôtel-de-Ville assemblé les milices,

Qu'ils doivent haranguer debout sur le perron.

La ville, dit-on, est cernée

De soldats, les mousquets chargés ;

Et l'on a vu, l'après-dînée.

Arriver les chevau-légers :

Dans leurs mains le fer étincelle ;

Ils attendent le boute-selle.

Prêts au premier commandement ;

Et des cinq cantons catholiques,

Sur l'Évangile et les reliques,

Les Suisses ont prêté serment.

Auprès de chaque pont des troupes sont postées :

Sur la rive du nord les barques transportées ;

Par ordre de la cour, quittant leurs garnisons,

Des bandes de soldats dans Paris accourues

Passent, la hallebarde au bras, et dans les rues

Des gens ont été vus qui marquaient des maisons.

On vit, quand la nuit fut venue,

Des hommes portant sur le dos

Des choses de forme inconnue

Et de mystérieux fardeaux.

Et les passants se regardèrent :

Aucuns furent qui demandèrent :

- Où portes-tu, par l'ostensoir !

Ces fardeaux persans, je te prie ?

- Au Louvre, votre seigneurie.

Pour le bal qu'on donne ce soir.


Il est temps ; tout est prêt : les gardes sont placés.

De l'hôtel Châtillon les portes sont forcées ;

Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois a sonné le tocsin :

Maudit de Rome, effroi du parti royaliste,

C'est le grand-amiral Coligni que la liste

Désigne le premier au poignard assassin.

- « Est-ce Coligni qu'on te nomme ? »

- « Tu l'as dit. Mais, en vérité,

Tu devrais respecter, jeune homme.

Mon âge et mon infirmité.

Va, mérite ta récompense ;

Mais, tu pouvais bien, que je pense,

T'épargner un pareil forfait

Pour le peu de jours qui m'attendent ! »

Ils hésitaient, quand ils entendent

Guise leur criant : « Est-ce fait ? »

Ils l'ont tué ! la tête est pour Rome. On espère

Que ce sera présent agréable au saint père.

Son cadavre est jeté par-dessus le balcon :

Catherine aux corbeaux l'a promis pour curée.

Et rira voir demain, de ses fils entourée,

Au gibet qu'elle a fait dresser à Montfaucon.

Messieurs de Nevers et de Guise,

Messieurs de Tavanne et de Retz,

Que le fer des poignards s'aiguise,

Que vos gentilshommes soient prêts.

Monsieur le duc d'Anjou, d'Entrague,

Bâtard d'Angoulême, Birague,

Faites armer tous vos valets !

Courez où le ciel vous ordonne,

Car voici le signal que donne

La Tour-de-l'horloge au Palais.

Par l'espoir du butin ces hordes animées.

Agitant à la main des torches allumées,

Au lugubre signal se hâtent d'accourir :

Ils vont. Ceux qui voudraient, d'une main impuissante,

Écarter des poignards la pointe menaçante.

Tombent ; ceux qui dormaient s'éveillent pour mourir.

Troupes au massacre aguerries,

Bedeaux, sacristains et curés,

Moines de toutes confréries.

Capucins, Carmes, Prémontrés,

Excitant la fureur civile,

En tout sens parcourent la ville

Armés d'un glaive et d'un missel.

Et vont plaçant des sentinelles

Du Louvre au palais des Tournelles

De Saint-Lazare à Saint-Marcel.

Parmi les tourbillons d'une épaisse fumée

Que répand en flots noirs la résine enflammée,

A la rouge clarté du feu des pistolets,

On voit courir des gens à sinistre visage,

Et comme des oiseaux de funeste présage,

Les clercs du Parlement et des deux Châtelets.

Invoquant les saints et les saintes,

Animés par les quarteniers,

Ils jettent les femmes enceintes

Par-dessus le Pont-aux-Meuniers.

Dans les cours, devant les portiques.

Maîtres, écuyers, domestiques.

Tous sont égorgés sans merci :

Heureux qui peut dans ce carnage,

Traversant la Seine à la nage.

Trouver la porte de Bussi !

C'est par là que, trompant leur fureur meurtrière,

Avertis à propos, le vidame Perrière,

De Fontenay, Caumont, et de Montgomery,

Pressés qu'ils sont de fuir, sans casque, sans cuirasse.

Échappent aux soldats qui courent sur leur trace

Jusque sous les remparts de Montfort-l'Amaury.

Et toi, dont la crédule enfance,

Jeune Henri le Navarrois.

S'endormit, faible et sans défense,

Sur la foi que donnaient les rois ;

L'espérance te soit rendue :

Une clémence inattendue

A pour toi suspendu l'arrêt ;

Vis pour remplir ta destinée,

Car ton heure n'est pas sonnée,

Et ton assassin n'est pas prêt !

Partout des toits rompus et des portes brisées,

Des cadavres sanglants jetés par les croisées,

A des corps mutilés des femmes insultant ;

De bourgeois, d'écoliers, des troupes meurtrières.

Des blasphèmes, des pleurs, des cris et des prières.

Et des hommes hideux qui s'en allaient chantant :

« Valois et Lorraine

Et la double croix !

L'hérétique apprenne

Le pape et ses droits !

Tombant sous le glaive.

Que l'impie élève

Un bras impuissant ;

Archers de Lausanne,

Que la pertuisane

S'abreuve de sang !

Croyez-en l'oracle

Des corbeaux passants,

Et le grand miracle

Des Saints-Innocents.

A nos cris de guerre

On a vu naguère,

Malgré les chaleurs,

Surgir une branche

D'aubépine franche

Couverte de fleurs !

Honni qui pardonne !

Allez sans effroi,

C'est Dieu qui l'ordonne,

C'est Dieu, c'est le roi !

Le crime s'expie ;

Plongez à l'impie

Le fer au côté

Jusqu'à la poignée ;

Saignez ! la saignée

Est bonne en été ! »


Aux fenêtres du Louvre, on voyait le roi. « Tue,

Par la mort Dieu ! que l'hydre enfin soit abattue !

Qu'est-ce ? Ils veulent gagner le faubourg Saint-Germain ?

J'y mets empêchement : et, si je ne m'abuse,

Ce coup est bien au droit. - George, une autre arquebuse,

Et tenez toujours prête une mèche à la main.

Allons, tout va bien : Tue ! - Ah. Cadet de Lorraine,

Allez-vous-en quérir les filles de la reine.

Voici Dupont, que vient d'abattre un Écossais :

Vous savez son affaire ? Aussi bien, par la messe,

Le cas était douteux, et je vous fais promesse

Qu'elles auront plaisir à juger le procès.

Je sais comment la meute en plaine est gouvernée ;

Comment il faut chasser, en quel temps de l'année.

Aux perdrix, aux faisans, aux geais, aux étourneaux ;

Comment on doit forcer la fauve en son repaire ;

Mais je n'ai point songé, par l'âme de mon père,

A mettre en mon traité la chasse aux huguenots ! »
brooke Dec 2016
all my photos are in his passenger's seat
these black and whites of him singing
and talking about the wars he has and hasn't
been in, navigating Penrose like he walked
these roads a thousand times before he ever
took a truck--

and he know everybody's name, date of birth
and probably their social, who died and when--
he's been livin' as 14 other people,
never gets no space and I'm no respecter of that
neither cause the way he looks at me used to
scare me and now I know he jus' scared himself.

saw it when he told me about Braun's body
in the brambles, and in the letters he gets from
past lovers full of jealous jargon-- you made me
feel terrible
,  your fault, ending in a hundred
goodnights, she wants the last word and all I want
is for him to tell me what he's thinkin' when he's angry

'cause he is angry, with bitterness sunk down in his bones
and swimmin' 'round in his chest, he lost weight out at the rig
but kept all that melancholy to himself, brings it home and
drops it in a glass before taking it back in

he asks why I'm lookin' and it's just 'cause.
Just 'cause i'm looking at his eyelashes while
he sleeps or the lip of his brow hidin' eyes a lot lighter than you'd think, committing the eagle on his back to memory
with that scripture from Isaiah a ways off in my head,
scrawled on the back of my heart,
written at the crown of his spine,

I used to wonder about the integrity of his skin
if water'd seep through or run off, used to think
he was made of wood with rice paper shutters--
but he's a mountain, a snowcapped alp
you wouldn't know it from a ways off,
when he's just a soldier standing out
in the field, shoulders hunched, chin tucked
breathin' cold air, but Lord he warm, fierce as the
mistakes he runnin' from--

we both beggin' to be right
or good enough, for the sunlight
to make us into somethin' pretty
somethin' new and shined--
but for now i'm takin' pictures shotgun,
hiding my fingers in my pockets
thinking about the way his voice'd
prolly blow in on the curtains on a
summer's day, and he's singing
My love, is somewhere in that mountain....

*my love is somewhere in that mountain
(c) Brooke Otto 2016

And he'd dig himself out with dynamite

The incorrigible judge of the universe
The voice of man's spirit
The breaker of the stone heart
You should get one

He pounds the accusssed heart to confession
A mortal pessil
The rod that punishes
The accused mind

He chastises the mind of kings and priests
He makes the most secretive to voice out
The arch angel in our heart
Who dare resist him

He changes the mood of a friendly one
Whenever they misbehave
He never condone any indiscipline around him
Whenever he sights any bad deeds

The ever faithful companion
He is no respecter of anyone
You should get one
You sincerely need one

Dear friend
Do you have a conscience?
Dear friend get one
You really need to.
Enoch was a dynamic soul
who truly sought God’s heart;
as a result of revelation knowledge
being imparted unto him,
God plucked him from the earth
so that he was “no more.”
Since Jehovah is no respecter of persons
and there is “nothing new under the sun”,
then why do we know only of a single individual
who was transported to heaven in the same manner
without experiencing an earthly demise?
How many “other” Enochs were there
whose names are unknown?
Did Enoch’s life story inspire God
to put His Word into print
with the intention of history repeating itself?
Why do ministers neglect Enoch’s story?
Perhaps by contrast it would reflect
poorly on themselves,
seeing they are still with us.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2009, All rights reserved.

Se voir le plus possible et s'aimer seulement,
Sans ruse et sans détours, sans honte ni mensonge,
Sans qu'un désir nous trompe, ou qu'un remords nous ronge,
Vivre à deux et donner son coeur à tout moment ;

Respecter sa pensée aussi **** qu'on y plonge,
Faire de son amour un jour au lieu d'un songe,
Et dans cette clarté respirer librement
Ainsi respirait Laure et chantait son amant.

Vous dont chaque pas touche à la grâce suprême,
Cest vous, la tête en fleurs, qu'on croirait sans souci,
C'est vous qui me disiez qu'il faut aimer ainsi.

Et c'est moi, vieil enfant du doute et du blasphème,
Qui vous écoute, et pense, et vous réponds ceci :
Oui, l'on vit autrement, mais c'est ainsi qu'on aime.
Mike Hauser Nov 2013
Forgiveness takes the bitten hand
And then holds it out again
A respecter of all men
Forgiveness then forgives

For without forgiveness in our lives
What would we find to gage love by
For all the hurt to end
Forgiveness must forgive

When I think about myself
It's me to blame and no one else
For after all didn't all I need
Forgiveness to forgive
This Tricky Cunning Fellow

One so young, gone

A companion of all, a lover of none

Like a thief in the night

This tricky cunning fellow will come and ***** out your light

A king’s nightmare, a mother’s worst enemy

This tricky cunning fellow is a respecter of none, trust me
An experience will change your life forever

Nowhere to run, cower or hide when he comes like an uninvited lover

He will dine and wine with you, dropping one or two lies as he whispers to you

Be not deceived, his goal isn’t to tease or please, he is there just to ruin

No number of warriors, magicians or strong towers can keep him back

This tricky cunning fellow is a master in the art of war, he will simply attack

Just when your guard is down and when you least expect, calamity strikes!

Only then would you get the fame and love you so desired via a thousand Facebook likes

Friends and family who never cared for you, yet smiling while baring envious teeth

But it is that tricky cunning fellow who opened your eyes to see the truth, by closing it

For some a time to eat and drink and show their affluence

Instead of reflection and regrets while they mourn in silence

But their time cometh one way or another, whether by man, man-made or natural causes

Everyone must submit to his wit, charm and supernatural forces
A recruitment not even age, class, creed or *** can be exempt from its call

Child, rich, poor, male, female, sick, healthy, black or white, must fall in line, not one, but all

A race where there is no winner or loser, just a referee blowing a whistle to start the run

This tricky cunning fellow is indeed a companion of all, and a lover of none
                                                                                                                                                January 3rd 2018
Paul d'Aubin Mar 2016
Comment une  Femme m'a émue

Des jambes fines terminées par des baskets,
Des cheveux qui tombent sur les épaules,
Un bracelet vert sur le bras,
Et ce petit short noir si pudique,
qu'il en est émouvant.
Chère belle inconnue rencontrée dans ce bus,
Je me gardais bien de t'aborder ni  de t’importuner,
A peine t’avais-je jeté un regard discret,
pour respecter ton intimité,
et parce que nos âges étaient par trop lointains.
Mais ta fugitive beauté, ta fraîcheur, ta joliesse,
ont été l'arc-en-ciel en  cette  journée.
Il existe parfois des croisements éphémères
Qui vous apportent plus,
Que de longs propos et des espoirs déçus.

Paul Arrighi
Ayodeji Oje Apr 2020
Shushed until now
Respecter of no status
Not even the blue bloods
Even men of timber and caliber shivers
Ha! Uncle Sam trembles at thy blow

What a time for the atheist
To raise both hands skyward
A time to trust the unknown
In the hands of the one
Made known by nature
Claire Ellen Jul 2019
She asked me, Who are you?
I responded, What do you mean?
My headed and thoughts thickened and clouded over;
Who am I?
Have I lost touch of all the wonderful blocks that build me
    to me?
Have I lost the emotions and roots that created me
    to be me?
I know I have found her before,
once or  twice when alone and happy and free,
but now I've morphed into, just me.
Then I think, all these things I think are me,
are they me?
Or are they what others see in me?
Have I morphed into a "What you see me"?
People say I am warm and bright,
but all I can ask is who are you?
Are you changing? Are you sliding by?
Who do you want to be vs. who were you?
I'm Claire.
I'm unfiltered,
I'm easy going,
I'm nervous but adventurous,
I'm authentic and open with everyone,
When I love you, I LOVE you
    and when I hate you, I just don't care about you anymore.
I'm so open I hurt deeply,
I'm selfish
   but I think everyone should be in some ways.
I always see another side,
I'm dramatic but I shy from frienship and relationship drama
I don't belong to one mold, I'm always changing and shifting
I'm an imaginer and not much of a do-er,
I'm a listener,
God respecter.
I find it funny, my whole life my parents said,
"You're unique", but never said why or how to use this "uniqueness".
I just grew up thinking, "I'm unique" but I still don't know why.
I'm pretty much like everyone else I think,
I feel, I love, I see, I react.
I change so much in a day its hard to focus on who I'm being in one moment.
I don't know who I am,
I really don't even know who I want to be,
I just want to be better than I am now.
Il est deux Amitiés comme il est deux Amours.
L'une ressemble à l'imprudence ;
Faite pour l'âge heureux dont elle a l'ignorance,
C'est une enfant qui rit toujours.
Bruyante, naïve, légère,
Elle éclate en transports joyeux.
Aux préjugés du monde indocile, étrangère,
Elle confond les rangs et folâtre avec eux.
L'instinct du cœur est sa science,
Et son guide est la confiance.
L'enfance ne sait point haïr ;
Elle ignore qu'on peut trahir.
Si l'ennui dans ses yeux (on l'éprouve à tout âge)
Fait rouler quelques pleurs,
L'Amitié les arrête, et couvre ce nuage
D'un nuage de fleurs.
On la voit s'élancer près de l'enfant qu'elle aime,
Caresser la douleur sans la comprendre encor,
Lui jeter des bouquets moins riants qu'elle-même,
L'obliger à la fuite et reprendre l'essor.

C'est elle, ô ma première amie !
Dont la chaîne s'étend pour nous unir toujours.
Elle embellit par toi l'aurore de ma vie,
Elle en doit embellir encor les derniers jours.
Oh ! que son empire est aimable !
Qu'il répand un charme ineffable
Sur la jeunesse et l'avenir,
Ce doux reflet du souvenir !
Ce rêve pur de notre enfance
En a prolongé l'innocence ;
L'Amour, le temps, l'absence, le malheur,
Semblent le respecter dans le fond de mon cœur.
Il traverse avec nous la saison des orages,
Comme un rayon du ciel qui nous guide et nous luit :
C'est, ma chère, un jour sans nuages
Qui prépare une douce nuit.

L'autre Amitié, plus grave, plus austère,
Se donne avec lenteur, choisit avec mystère ;
Elle observe en silence et craint de s'avancer ;
Elle écarte les fleurs, de peur de s'y blesser.
Choisissant la raison pour conseil et pour guide,
Elle voit par ses yeux et marche sur ses pas :
Son abord est craintif, son regard est timide ;
Elle attend, et ne prévient pas.

The end of mortals sojourn
An Au'gust visitor
A must all living dislike
Is there any armour against it?
A thief that strikes unnoticed
A snatcher
A destroyer
He snatches the forgotten
The free born
The most sought after
Even the loved one's are not left out
He snatches the kings maker
The princes and princess
The queens are not excluded
Not to talk of the kings
He is a cruel messenger
He is no respecter of anyone
What a ruthless messenger
The offer of gold, brass and bronze
He rejects
The best attire in style never frick him
What a cruel you are
A ticket to the judgement hall
The leverage amongst all
He is not a friend of all classes;
Pauper,slave and the wealthy
Oh death
The breaker of the umbreakable bond.
Adieu ! je crois qu'en cette vie
Je ne te reverrai jamais.
Dieu passe, il t'appelle et m'oublie ;
En te perdant je sens que je t'aimais.

Pas de pleurs, pas de plainte vaine.
Je sais respecter l'avenir.
Vienne la voile qui t'emmène,
En souriant je la verrai partir.

Tu t'en vas pleine d'espérance,
Avec orgueil tu reviendras ;
Mais ceux qui vont souffrir de ton absence,
Tu ne les reconnaîtras pas.

Adieu ! tu vas faire un beau rêve
Et t'enivrer d'un plaisir dangereux ;
Sur ton chemin l'étoile qui se lève
Longtemps encor éblouira tes yeux.

Un jour tu sentiras peut-être
Le prix d'un coeur qui nous comprend,
Le bien qu'on trouve à le connaître,
Et ce qu'on souffre en le perdant.
Black Sep 2020
pain the teacher

the only instructor who instructs after punishment

the only teacher who flogs you without a cain

it teaches you the bittersweet truth

it knows nobody

it is a respecter of noon

it won't stop until you learn.

the best instructor anyone can ever have.

take or leave it one way or the other everyone gets trashed
pain pain pain
Pain it's keeps coming, it will teach you almost all you need to know ...
This Tricky Cunning Fellow

One so young, gone
A companion of all, a lover of none
Like a thief in the night
This tricky cunning fellow will come and ***** out your light
A king’s nightmare, a mother’s worst enemy
This tricky cunning fellow is a respecter of none, trust me
An experience will change your life forever
Nowhere to run, cower or hide when he comes like an uninvited lover
He will dine and wine with you, dropping one or two lies as he whispers to you
Be not deceived, his goal isn’t to tease or please, he is there just to ruin
No number of warriors, magicians or strong towers can keep him back
This tricky cunning fellow is a master in the art of war, he will simply attack
Just when your guard is down and when you least expect, calamity strikes!
Only then would you get the fame and love you so desired via a thousand Facebook likes
Friends and family who never cared for you, yet smiling while baring envious teeth
But it is that tricky cunning fellow who opened your eyes to see the truth, by closing it
For some a time to eat and drink and show their affluence
Instead of reflection and regrets while they mourn in silence
But their time cometh one way or another, whether by man, man-made or natural causes
Everyone must submit to his wit, charm and supernatural forces
A recruitment not even age, class, creed or *** can be exempt from its call
Child, rich, poor, male, female, sick, healthy, black or white, must fall in line, not one, but all
A race where there is no winner or loser, just a referee blowing a whistle to start the run
This tricky cunning fellow is indeed a companion of all, and a lover of none
January 3rd 2018
Gage D Apr 2016
If Death was my best friend,
would I go through life unnerving and unafraid?
Would I read through the book of my life, feeling no fear to turn each page?
I would roam where the unwary stumble across the bones of the lost,
fighting for my freedom at any age and at any cost.
I would face my enemies and speak the truth, even if knowing it would lead to my demise
Flank my adversaries and catch them by surprise!
But alas, Death is the friend of no man,
He'll grip you in his icy grasp, regardless of dreams or plans,
He is no respecter of age, youth or elder
Wether you are lost in the storm or already to shelter.
But still I shall not be afraid.
I shall go through the story of life and not only turn, but rewrite every page
For this is my story, for me to rise up and accept my glory,
Wether it be fame, shame or neither
I'll live my life on my terms,
No longer distracted through your intoxicating memory,
No longer wishing to breathe you in like ether
Edmund black Jan 2021
Sometimes I’m strong and sometimes the nights are too long. Sometimes I feel love and sometimes the pain is all I have. As the pain grows so is the fear.
Fear will come upon you like a thief in the night.
Stealing the strength you need to carry all the weight.
The heavier it becomes the slower your gait.
Struggle to hold on to what I thought I knew,
My reality once clear suddenly no longer seemed true.
But must remind myself that time is not a respecter of no man , for it marches on
Even when we need a minute or two to catch our breath. When we don’t feel like it anymore, we must push on and begin again. Every day when life is trying,
I laid my soul bare to the master’s feet,
In a blink of an eye I no longer felt sad. Given another chance to begin again. Turn my tears into joy.
My tears now gone and replaced with a smile. Standing tall And so full of love, a clear path for others to seek. Finally my head held up high. No longer feeling heavy, but light enough to fly.
Black bird’s in the sky with my wings spread out, if you need a hug.
Soft clouds and sunshine awakens the gratitude within. Forget the pain and the disappointment and begin again.
Brace yourself , embrace the wonder. Brothers and sisters, suffering from illness and darkness, facing an unknown future, please know that you stand amongst. And be thankful you still exist.

This one for YOU!
Empire Nov 2019
Perhaps rules really were
Meant to be broken
Checkpoints, goals, objectives
You’re developed, you’re grown
When you’ve learned the secret
That rules weren’t intended to be followed
Not precisely, for certain
Everyone at some point must learn
To bend the rules

So... what does that make me?
The respecter of rules.
I did everything you asked
I took all the precautions
Memorized the guidelines
Never broke a rule

Am I... am I to be broken in their place?
Emeka Mokeme Jan 2018
This world is not what it seems
It blessed some
And cursed some
Some inherited curse
and blessings,
Some extremely happy
Some are not
Some wealthy
While some are so poor.
Most are poor not by choice,
They were nudged out
by circumstances.
Some have abundance
but can't take advantage
or benefit from it.
Some have riches endowed
within their families
But it's of no use to them
For it left their abode to another.
And men wonder how this is possible
And think in their unenlightened heart
how all this can be,
without understanding
the inner principle of things.
One can deduced from
their understanding,
how dark their minds are.
But to him who has mercy
from the almighty,
such a one is graced with
the ability to obtain wealth and riches
for he is favoured,
All nature bow to him,
He does not struggle like his peers,
But then,long life eludes him,
for he cannot eat that
which he had gathered.
Unlike those in the down world,
though so poor but longevity
is bestowed upon them.
Haaa,what do you think of those so sick,
crippled, blind, bedridden and disfigured
But grace is giving them to excel,
their mind is brazenly active.
I knew such a one who is a good giver
but in so much pain all the time.
Don't underestimate the power of the almighty.
He is gracious and full of mercy.
A respecter of no one.
He is the one who distributes
according to the way He deemed fit.
He is the great I am,
The One who knows,
Because He molded you.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme.All Rights Reserved.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jul 2019
Everyone's created equal,
The law is no respecter of anyone,
Build that bridge, tear down that wall!
You're entitled to anything you've won.
The Player

I am just a ******
Born in a town just like sleepy hollow
Fought my own demons, became my own hero
A tale no one but me will ever know
I wasn’t the most handsome
If I was ever kidnapped, there would never have been a ransom
The only valuable thing on my head
Wouldn’t even be as expensive as a loaf of bread
I was not also the strongest or brightest
Just a quiet kid who carried every day like an undertaker, survival of the fittest
Call me vain, but I love to admire myself for hours in the mirror
A billionaire by day and a silent killer at night, like the green arrow
Only I don’t shoot at the first villain, I aim for the best opportunity
Mixed amorously with the opposite ***, I was renowned for my congeniality
Not your fairytale prince charming but i had true love’s kiss, ready to use at the slightest chance
My diction, brings down defenses and puts my victims in a state of trance
Not a slave driver, but as a *** God, I consider myself a prison warder
Willing inmates subjecting themselves as prisoners of passion, ready to commit ******
From castles to dungeons I am sought out for ****** ******
No respecter of class, high and low all must satisfy their personal urges
Missionary, ******* and foursome infact I am awesome,
All I need is a place
Whether in castles or bushes, I take them all irrespective of religion or race
With looks and diction I lure into them into a maze
Like medusa, only difference is my heart is the stone as I imprison them with my gaze
Self-taught in the art of romance, with a doctorate degree in ******
A peep at my qualifications, and even nuns and virgins squirt losing their sense of reason
Wasn’t the most ingenious, yet I graduated first class
No license but my *** drive is fast and furious, I don’t stop till we reach ******
To attract the best you need to be that which you hope to attract, attraction is cheap
Intimacy on the other hand is a luxury that unites even the wolves with the sheep
I can go wild in the sack but I believe in playing it safe
Carrying every day like an umbrella, under the shadow of the night as I move fast pace
Not a sailor but no ship I can’t sail, except long term relationship
I prefer it short term under the comfort of clean white sheets
Don’t hate the player or even the game
Blame the rules that’s what gives it such a bad name
What do I know, I am just a ******
But don’t forget my first class, hell, no one will ever know.
Mark Toney Mar 2020
Crazy COVID-19 has us all in a tizzy
Too much information making all of us dizzy
Most who’ve been exposed self-quarantine
Running out of toilet paper making us mean
“Social distancing” is the phrase du jour
Scientists now scrambling to find the cure

COVID-19 apolitical
Proper testing so critical
Slow response hypocritical
Naysayers hypercritical
Division and strife
Don’t take my life
Give it back!

What started out in China as an epidemic
No respecter of nations totally pandemic
All around the world countries shutting down
Even New York City looks like a ghost town
Is there no end to this viral mess
As our way of life’s forced to evanesce?

COVID-19 apolitical
Proper testing so critical
Slow response hypocritical
Naysayers hypercritical
Division and strife
Don’t take my life
Give it back!

© 2020 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
3/14/2020 - Poetry form: Lyric - © 2020 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
Emeka Mokeme Apr 2019
This flitting time,
does it actually
really exist
at all as
we know it.
Time is an illusion.
It keeps moving,
without waiting for
It is a
respecter of none.
This time used
it's power of
cunning craftiness
and deceived me
because i couldn't
cope with it's
illusory speed,
no one could.
I feel so defeated.
I can't catch up
with this illusion
of time magic.  
The past,present
and the future,
all exists at once
now at this moment.
Depending on
where you are
in your
You can be
anywhere in a
twinkle of a
moment with your
eyes closed.
Traveling to other
places takes you
to other different
time zones,
ahead of you
or still behind.
That place which
you have have been,
now is already
in the past.
Whatever plans you
conceive in your
mind or think
to do now is
in your future.
The things already
done are in
your past and
these can also
be remembered or
momentarily forgotten.
There is only
one absolute present.
The illusion of time
are crafted by
our memories.
This time travels
moves me as
fast as light.
But i live in
the present moment.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Que dirai-je encore sur elle ?
Elle est un cadeau de Dieu pour l'humanité

En vérité, auprès d'elle, la vie se sent équilibrée.
Elles ont le même langage.

Elle se veut être la maîtresse du bonheur dans les communautés.
Ne dites pas que pars que là, elle se prend la tête. 
Ok, admettons que vous avez raison :
Débattez donc sur cela et essayez d'avoir un échange cordial dans le bon ordre sans respecter ses principes.

Comme je le ressasse dernièrement,
Les hommes sont têtus.
Ils veulent bouder les règles qui existent bien avant l'existence de leurs aïeux.
Ceci en se basant sur ce qu'ils ont appris

Se servir d'elle est synonyme de faiblesse,  disent-ils et bien d'autres sornettes du genre.

Il faut rappeler à l'humanité que tout ce qu'ils connaissent, la diversité et ses sœurs les leur ont apprissent. 
Et pour ce qu'ils ne connaissent pas, ils ont séché les cours.
Enjoy 😉
Ntsika H Sep 2019
I have a bad habit of listening to sad music when I’m sad. To come to think about it, it’s not actually sad music. It’s just music that closest relates to how I’m feeling at that moment

I guess we cling onto the things that allow us to loath in our pain, and rhythms and rhymes keep us wrapped up in self pity, but at the same time, I feel like I need to be at my worst to get to my best. It’s just a whole mix up.

My life is a playlist.
My playlist is as random as the shuffle button.
You never know what you’re going to get until you get it.
I already have a weird taste in music.
I could go from the calmest, most soothing song to some death metal music. I heard black people don’t listen to heavy metal. That isn’t entirely true. We do listen to heavy metal.... when we’re in a car with white people

Sometimes, heavy metal is the order of the day
With the rowdy instruments and the high pitched voice, sometimes it’s hard to make sense of what we don’t understand. After such a wild song, you can bet my ears are ringing even after the songs done, and that’s why I feel like my life is a playlist. You know never know what you’re getting until you get it and after you get what you got, the pain and trauma linger in your life a little after the song ends, and the funny thing about a playlist is that it’s consistent with the different songs and it’s not a respecter of the last song so you can have 3 heavy metal songs play in a row, by the time a good calm song comes on, you can hardly hear it and that’s why sometimes I can hardly hear her.

After 3 bad relationships, when the right one comes along, my heart is still beating to the pain my past has inflicted and now she’s wondering why my heart doesn’t beat for her... it’s because it beats for them...

I know how this sounds but I’m over them.
Well, I am. I think I am. It’s a little confusing because every time she says I love you, my heart feels a little pain because that last person to say that to my heart, ended breaking it.

I know what this sounds like
I do love her, too. Most of the time.
I’m just being honest. On the days I don’t love her it’s purely because I feel that I don’t deserve to be with her in the state that I’m in.

I know her playlist is also on shuffle
I just want to be that artist that she’s been waiting for. The one whose music is flawed but true. It’s genuine. I want to be the artist that makes all the other artists look like mumble rappers. Their beats move me more than their words do. I know that it seems like I’m going at other genres, and I’m actually not. Just like I’m entitled to an opinion, I know what she likes because she shares her opinions with me, and loud noises, high pitched voices, sick beats with no meaning behind their words isn’t what she likes.

I’ve mastered the art of layering everything she likes, into one song so even when she has a terrible set of songs, there’s one song that will come along and restore what every other song took away. I make her whole with my broken pieces and it’s intentionally so because I was produced, mixed and mastered to the tune of her life so she’s always compatible with my content. She’s always content when listening to the sounds of a her heartbeat, through the earphones of my chest, which ultimately lead to my heart. I’m her favorite song, and she’s my favorite listener.
Emeka Mokeme Apr 2019
Is this Deja Vu,
seems so strange
but so familiar.
With an uncanny
feeling like it
has happened before.
Is this just
a glimpse into
the past.
Seemed so weird,
with a feeling
so wired.
Like those
mornings when
the sun shines
so brightly but
the dark still
looms in the corner,
when gloom like
an umbrella hovered
and towered overhead,
like the cobwebs
that scattered
over the ceiling
of an abandoned
old hut,
guilt hung over
the feelings.
The head looks
down in shame,
disgraced as if
the face is
really messed up
with excreta.
I patiently watched
as they tried
so hard to
redeem themselves.
But nature was
so adamant to
respond favorably,
for their past
crimes are irredeemable.
Karma now knocks
on the door.
The reaper is
harvesting his wages.
He is not
looking at faces,
neither is he
a respecter of
class and status.
What they sowed,
they now reap.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
My purpose to wake you,
and shake you to your core...
Leave this world behind you,
and of its sin, abhor!
For what is your life?
Just a tiny, small vapor...
After a little time,
soon death knocks on your door!
No respecter of persons,
whether rich or poor...
It comes to interfere,
the life you had in store!
HERE, nothing can compare,
for THERE is so much more...
When Christ is All in All,
your life will He restore
Onoma Dec 2019
do you wipe stardust from your

paws to enter greener pastures?

howling the mixed business of

planets, as matted wool coughs

up your mouth's ****** reading?

your sight black clad in broad daylight--

body monolith grey, split faced.

burning eye peeking from the sides of

trees, forsaken clearing.

evading the sole possession of your

truest fidelity.

nature is a respecter of stealth--until it

is not...enter a greater stealth.

— The End —