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Athu Feb 2019
An elephant remebered running wild in savanna.

The rays of the sun shining down warming the ground beneath him,

He bathed in the light, as he trunked with the other elephants around his elder's legs,

He remebered the large disk of light as it descended behind the earth and the sky became hues of color,

He remembered as he lay down in the nights, drawing warmth from his elders,

He remebered this as the lion, with jagged teeth, ripped his guts.

The lion, having had his fill, looked up at the elephant and there as darkness settled in his eyes, like curtains closing in the finale, an elephant ran wild in savanna.
A week after you left, I didn't know how to live my life.
I didn't know how to fall asleep or how to go to school.
I forgot how to simply be myself.
A month after you left, I felt okay.
I remembered how to fall asleep & go to school-but not without a fight.
I wasn't myself, I was different.
3 months after you left, I laughed.
I fell asleep willingly & went to school because that's what would make you proud.
I recognized the person in the mirror.
I was me-the person you made me.
It's November 27th & I am not okay.
I miss you & your smile & your quirky laugh.
The holidays have made it but you have not.
I remembered how to fall asleep, but forgot how to wake up.
It is November 28th- Thanksgiving & 6 months you've been gone.
I saw you in a dream last night, but then I remembered ghosts are see through-they do not want to be seen.
No one ever said you couldn't see an angel.
Poetic T Oct 2014
If I die and
No one  
Remembers me
Was I really alive in the **first place...
One dreary September day
Emperor Manuel Komninos
felt his death was near.
The court astrologers -bribed, of course- went on babbling
about how many years he still had to live.
But while they were having their say,
he remebered an old religious custom
and ordered ecclesiastical vestments
to be brought from a monastery,
and he put them on, glad to assume
the modest image of a priest or monk.

Happy all those who believe,
and like Emperor Manuel end their lives
dressed modestly in their faith.
Prophet  Ezekiel I finally brought about his company he was the prophet who want to see a sea creature for a long time had been walking back int osee looking sideways at a ******* like me and knowing I noticed that he was not looking back at me because my *** is all eyes on the ocean I just came out of saw it shot down and saw it die in vein I was drownding and had not one person to tell by all mean I was on land as eziakal was in his dream to God Ahh Ezikal was prizedforward what every prophet is a bag of seed an instance when the drop there dream of there furry cat and and have to organize the people to get up off there ***** and plow the land so excited all the people they even invited the people who got exciled for the dream of the sea said it all because how the **** could you explain one group participating in the the bitter riverly as confusion and chaos to get over there because have would eat and half would not because they knew they all knew yes they were in for a time of thinking and who was going to take the first shift they were pros they have done it before the ifrst time they did it thhey all aggreed we will figure it out its alright and at the point they would of starved they didnt hell ya they just knew and everry thing was alright the second time ezijkal came to prophet they split it into a group of 9 for 9 lives and one group stayed and the 8 others left by all mmean we are going to rain on your parade befor they left whoever figured yep went and exsiled them selves and when they got back yep by then they all thoug ht it was an exctatic idea so heavenly rightious till they started discussing it and Victorious said wait hold up you all meant when it rains you will remeber us and come out of hiding and not care if we had died or not die? becazuse I swear I and the rest of these ***** sensed you saing we will ****** you gifted ***** if you dont get up and plow and we all laughed cause it was so funny that you would even say som and on the thing one guy said by all means and was eziakela again he got but ****** excited after he just hookked up that dream of the sea thing again and when he quited down **** no he couldnt it woulnt of mattered if he was at teen challenge at church when one of those mother ******* got down on the floor and prayed to god for and instanence eziakel ya he left outside and laughred so loud for so long the whole hour went by and he just calmed down about 3 minutes probley two before they all came aout and said nothing to him ya bit  in my fable that was the point of ezical to follow in the foot steps of the other prphets even when he ****** everythong up cause he was the only only one left by the time he was done telling them about he sea creature as yep he was not contagiously laughing his *** off but with viwers after an hour ya i can picture everyone fucly in the air with there heads listening and when he stated to talk about the sea thing he looked out in the distance and he swore it was behind him though becuse he had never spoken to an audence before and and ya when you speak to an audence and there terrified and keep wanting to look back at what you fist peered over there heads to see but you did not quite ever peer the same again for yep about an hour yep ezikial kept looking behind him to the point where he made that mother sea thang remebered and said o ya it was when I was standing sidways I always looked to my left but one person in the group yep only the the I d the baby zelda alwasy when standing sidways looked to the right and yep large yep overlooked why did she look to the right because yep the mirrors were to the left and the door that she was smokeing crack behind was to the right the window was always behind her and the pictures were alwasys in front of her before she she went to leave to her MARKIES house she would picture herself there and then pick up the mess of clean clothes yep over and over again and throw them not in but behind the hamper so she could hang them when she got home so she could hit her crack pipe on the florr befor she took off down the stairs to the front door and saw the wood yep I was hitting the crack pipe and not positive so i will dismiss which way my head was swaying when I thought back to just poping anut with my ***** as i turned from the hamper towads **** I finished that hit and would take anothe an 1 more for the mere  realitty that i could not figure for positive sure why i would alwasy come to i had it boxed up back then like you guys and i do now.
why di i notice good ****. twice rolling he the mc forgot to checkon me so yep trippen a little. cause **** all this **** that yep  mc either jank or on my **** list whats jank its learner so uh whats learner i am alearner i have beeen in the process 4 yep i am 35 and i was 22 at mc and my meeting
The cacophony of sounds twisted
And entwined in the metal trees
Shakes my soul as I look to the sodden skyline
I view the last discarded leaves of this placid dimension

A girl walks across the grass
It’s cold out,
About 43 degrees but she lacks shoes
On her tired feet
The black of day collects on the souls of her ragged feet
But it has no effect on her angelic, bohemian outlook
She carries a smile and a switch blade in her pocket
No explanation necessary

Between a rock and a hard place I plant a flower that is my conscious
Simply to watch it grow

The stone pathway, cold against my skin
Creates an aire of direction
Follow the yellow brick road
I seek the wizard but instead-
Find a mirror,
Blistered and fractal
Producing infinite images in my own likeness
A concept of this magnitude is difficult
Much like a human action
In perspective of a fly

Our self proclaimed purpose-
For what, power, money,
Control of the masses
Suppress their minds, diminish their conscious.
The common man deserves better than the plebian life
Of a dog ordered by an invisible master
A shot in the dark,
Who puts forth this motivational bowl of oats?
Bed of hay,
Ring of gold?

I sit and watch
Trying to understand the habits of the world
Every day, the script more blasé and uninteresting than the last

The show created for those who watch,
Whose production value is low.
One must look beyond the projection screen
To understand the man behind the scenes,
The man daring you to dream.

I stop and smell the same lily as yesterday,
Just to denote any change in my world
This lily, my favorite lily,
Lives on, in the grime and muck of

If god is all loving and the devil all evil,
Could they be, one in the same
Changing day to day
He too must have mood swings.

As a child you’re told you can be
Anything you want,
Can this be true?
What if you just want to be happy?

Must you step on the fingers of people
Barely holding on
To the edge of the highest peak to climb,
Watch them fall to their own demise?

My happiness stems
From stepping down
And lending a hand,
My success stems from
The success of the flowers in bloom around me,
For I,
Am the fertilizer of the mind

Cremate me,
Spread my ashes in
The woods,
A field,
A lake,
A river,
The oceans grand.
Your person remebered,
Your kindness admired.

Let these blind people
Step on your cold, ***** fingers,
And offer your other hand
As a stepping stool

They may find their happiness
But only for a time
When all is said and done
Can they explain
Their reason or rhyme?
Who they answer to now may not always,
Be there.
But when they too sign up
For the eternal rest
With themselves only
Their cross they shall bare.

The streets I wander
Grow cold with urgency,
Like a gadfly I stand in the way,
Producing images of
Love, and life,
Without deadlines, submission, or oppression.

Nobody listens, but I speak my mind
I dive on the grenade
To safe these
Ungrateful cowards.

Their words
Shallow and dry against my eardrum
I bleed for new meaning
A redefined existence

Cannot be something you wait for
It can never be found,
Only made
This is my change,
My attempt at change.

You may not like what I say,
But at least I try.

I know
One day
I will die
With your best interests in my mouth,
Your knife in my back,
A smile in my eyes,
And happiness
In my heart.

I bleed for the many,
The lost in translation.
My transcendental mindset
Opening my path,
I leave my door open
For those who choose to read.

Fore I know my thoughts are my own,
Whether they have been thought before or not,
I know that I am thinking them now.

The garbled sound of polka music drones on,
In ominous dance.
Something has changed
Maybe tempo or key,
The color rethought
For me, it’s so easy to see
Far more difficult to show.

Awaken yourselves
To the feverish heat
Of wisdom
And accept that
To truly be wise
One must know he cannot know

The sandy coast of endless life
Carries on in the bleak of night
Your hairy eye and jestered hand
Shall curse me no more

I’ve seen the golden ray of dark
Beyond the sun
And opened portals
To greener, sharper, harsher worlds

The stringent silence
Piercing ears and harmful shouts
Have shown me pathways beyond the sun

I’ve opened my eyes simply to glance,
And there was a man,
Tired and beaten
His voice a crusty piece of bread
Left by the children, wasted and old

He asked but a question,
Where are you from?
My reply, wordless and empty,
I think to myself,

Home, home is where I am from.
Where I belong
In the nestle of my childhood blanket.
Scent of me filled with memory, old and discarded.

I wish to return but
Memories oh tasteless, sightless memories
They shall remain.

The man, sitting on a stump of what was an apple tree,
Repeats his timeless question.
I have no reply

Carrying my thought
Through barbed wire fences
I pray to a god that is not mine and
Find a crumbling remnant of a statue
Holding a silver tarnished scepter
With a quote painstakingly engraved into the stone
"All that lives shall perish in due time"

Is this my time my thought moves on.
These worlds I view beyond the golden rays of darkness
Show me that without death
There can never be new life

Oh these sandy coast of infinity
Set me free to a new beginning
But first my work must be complete
In this treacherous world in which
I reside

My family grows hungry for answers
And receive no helping of knowledge
Passed down through the ancient cave writings of
Peoples before
The past is real
But remains a memory
Dusty and forgotten by many

This life a flower past by,
By the masses,
Material goods and swirls of profits.

Your god is not my god,
Your money means nothing
Show me what you truly believe,
Not what the texts of heralds
And documented in secret libraries
And chastised caves have told you
I too shall remain but a memory
Or shall I live on,
This sandy coast of endless life,
Teaching the ways of passage and right.
The Poseidonians forgot the Greek language
after so many centuries of mingling
with Tyrrhenians, Latins, and other foreigners.
The only thing surviving from their ancestors
was a Greek festival, with beautiful rites,
with lyres and flutes, contests and wreaths.
And it was their habit toward the festival's end
to tell each other about their ancient customs
and once again to speak Greek names
that only few of them still recognized.
And so their festival always had a melancholy ending
because they remebered that they too were Greeks,
they too once upon a time were citizens of Magna Graecia;
and how low they'd fallen now, what they'd become,
living and speaking like barbarians,
cut off so disastrously from the Greek way of life.
Niveda Nahta Nov 2013
I was born today,
Yes on this very day,
Today people wished me,
from here and there,
from the cleverest of people
to that nerd,
But I still wish that person remebered,
Who was once,
Through my life
Never forgotten..
Yes today is my birthday..and I prefer spending my time with poetry..:)<3
Annabel Lee Mar 2015
Being famous doesn't mean you'll be remembered
It just means your famous
Being remebered doesn't mean your famous
Infact most famous people probably won't be
The world has made it hard to be remembered by the universe
You have to try to take over the world or a planet or discover a cure for cancer or discover a three hearted cyclopes
That's the rediculous standards the universe holds for being infamous
Being remebered?
All you need for that is someone to love you
So which would you rather be?
Famous or remembered?
aniket nikhade Apr 2016
When ascertaining the future over a period of time it is realized that the present has become a thing of past, from then onwards it must be understood that it's time now to return back to the present moment in time because that is where life exists.

When ascertaining the future over a period of time it is realized that the present exists not only because of what happened in the past, but also because the past played a major role in shaping the present.

When ascertaining future over a period of time it must be realized that everything done in the present will shape the future accordingly with what you like, what you want, what you have got in your mind and not necessarily what you demand.

Quite essentially the only thing that must be always remebered and kept in mind is that everything belongs to the present moment in time, it's always better to remain with the present moment in time and continue along with the same in mind.

It's then, at that point in time realized that life can be very much interesting.
rosees satin doll favorite orange hair thick clothe ciggerett on addas shiny pants accedent the whole doll little nos you would remember it peach polka a dot dress and  ya the ros the top of my hamper wicker basket and nope never remebered to rember any of that the doll part with the polka dot dress *** i trhew the ***** bend with dithces caves and wholes the holes those are my windy road holes and the ditch just got taken care of that sentences with ditche started with a long widy road the caves was in casers i could never explain how i got my words but i sewed every one of them up and i got all my papers stolen and everything else happended too wow **** so i dont know no more again but *** k wait again yep im the **** fewfiefofum low and i dont tknow vwhat the mother **** **** is **** ya i did it was a sence i was ggoing to be talking an my greatest fear was alwasy well mark once said lurp and right before he said it  it landed on me and i was checking him  for the first time i said i lurp and he saidvicki dont say lurp becuse he started with dont he was at his breaking point and i just found out a second ago any fiefofee he got ****** up and almost killed and i have a question do people ypou people know get ****** up for passing seses cause i am dethly afraid i am going to pass one that sys i o i have to say the word out loud o o kay well let me try hold up i am quick well because i roll something in a row doesnt mean it hooked even though it hooked i just rolled by it dude and ya i hooked it It might be illegal on a jank undergo
Prophet  Ezekiel I finally brought about his company he was the prophet who want to see a sea creature for a long time had been walking back int osee looking sideways at a ******* like me and knowing I noticed that he was not looking back at me because my *** is all eyes on the ocean I just came out of saw it shot down and saw it die in vein I was drownding and had not one person to tell by all mean I was on land as eziakal was in his dream to God Ahh Ezikal was prizedforward what every prophet is a bag of seed an instance when the drop there dream of there furry cat and and have to organize the people to get up off there ***** and plow the land so excited all the people they even invited the people who got exciled for the dream of the sea said it all because how the **** could you explain one group participating in the the bitter riverly as confusion and chaos to get over there because have would eat and half would not because they knew they all knew yes they were in for a time of thinking and who was going to take the first shift they were pros they have done it before the ifrst time they did it thhey all aggreed we will figure it out its alright and at the point they would of starved they didnt hell ya they just knew and everry thing was alright the second time ezijkal came to prophet they split it into a group of 9 for 9 lives and one group stayed and the 8 others left by all mmean we are going to rain on your parade befor they left whoever figured yep went and exsiled them selves and when they got back yep by then they all thoug ht it was an exctatic idea so heavenly rightious till they started discussing it and Victorious said wait hold up you all meant when it rains you will remeber us and come out of hiding and not care if we had died or not die? becazuse I swear I and the rest of these ***** sensed you saing we will ****** you gifted ***** if you dont get up and plow and we all laughed cause it was so funny that you would even say som and on the thing one guy said by all means and was eziakela again he got but ****** excited after he just hookked up that dream of the sea thing again and when he quited down **** no he couldnt it woulnt of mattered if he was at teen challenge at church when one of those mother ******* got down on the floor and prayed to god for and instanence eziakel ya he left outside and laughred so loud for so long the whole hour went by and he just calmed down about 3 minutes probley two before they all came aout and said nothing to him ya bit  in my fable that was the point of ezical to follow in the foot steps of the other prphets even when he ****** everythong up cause he was the only only one left by the time he was done telling them about he sea creature as yep he was not contagiously laughing his *** off but with viwers after an hour ya i can picture everyone fucly in the air with there heads listening and when he stated to talk about the sea thing he looked out in the distance and he swore it was behind him though becuse he had never spoken to an audence before and and ya when you speak to an audence and there terrified and keep wanting to look back at what you fist peered over there heads to see but you did not quite ever peer the same again for yep about an hour yep ezikial kept looking behind him to the point where he made that mother sea thang remebered and said o ya it was when I was standing sidways I always looked to my left but one person in the group yep only the the I d the baby zelda alwasy when standing sidways looked to the right and yep large yep overlooked why did she look to the right because yep the mirrors were to the left and the door that she was smokeing crack behind was to the right the window was always behind her and the pictures were alwasys in front of her before she she went to leave to her MARKIES house she would picture herself there and then pick up the mess of clean clothes yep over and over again and throw them not in but behind the hamper so she could hang them when she got home so she could hit her crack pipe on the florr befor she took off down the stairs to the front door and saw the wood yep I was hitting the crack pipe and not positive so i will dismiss which way my head was swaying when I thought back to just poping anut with my ***** as i turned from the hamper towads **** I finished that hit and would take anothe an 1 more for the mere  realitty that i could not figure for positive sure why i would alwasy come to i had it boxed up back then like you guys and i do now.
Prophet  Ezekiel I finally brought about his company he was the prophet who want to see a sea creature for a long time had been walking back int osee looking sideways at a ******* like me and knowing I noticed that he was not looking back at me because my *** is all eyes on the ocean I just came out of saw it shot down and saw it die in vein I was drownding and had not one person to tell by all mean I was on land as eziakal was in his dream to God Ahh Ezikal was prizedforward what every prophet is a bag of seed an instance when the drop there dream of there furry cat and and have to organize the people to get up off there ***** and plow the land so excited all the people they even invited the people who got exciled for the dream of the sea said it all because how the **** could you explain one group participating in the the bitter riverly as confusion and chaos to get over there because have would eat and half would not because they knew they all knew yes they were in for a time of thinking and who was going to take the first shift they were pros they have done it before the ifrst time they did it thhey all aggreed we will figure it out its alright and at the point they would of starved they didnt hell ya they just knew and everry thing was alright the second time ezijkal came to prophet they split it into a group of 9 for 9 lives and one group stayed and the 8 others left by all mmean we are going to rain on your parade befor they left whoever figured yep went and exsiled them selves and when they got back yep by then they all thoug ht it was an exctatic idea so heavenly rightious till they started discussing it and Victorious said wait hold up you all meant when it rains you will remeber us and come out of hiding and not care if we had died or not die? becazuse I swear I and the rest of these ***** sensed you saing we will ****** you gifted ***** if you dont get up and plow and we all laughed cause it was so funny that you would even say som and on the thing one guy said by all means and was eziakela again he got but ****** excited after he just hookked up that dream of the sea thing again and when he quited down **** no he couldnt it woulnt of mattered if he was at teen challenge at church when one of those mother ******* got down on the floor and prayed to god for and instanence eziakel ya he left outside and laughred so loud for so long the whole hour went by and he just calmed down about 3 minutes probley two before they all came aout and said nothing to him ya bit  in my fable that was the point of ezical to follow in the foot steps of the other prphets even when he ****** everythong up cause he was the only only one left by the time he was done telling them about he sea creature as yep he was not contagiously laughing his *** off but with viwers after an hour ya i can picture everyone fucly in the air with there heads listening and when he stated to talk about the sea thing he looked out in the distance and he swore it was behind him though becuse he had never spoken to an audence before and and ya when you speak to an audence and there terrified and keep wanting to look back at what you fist peered over there heads to see but you did not quite ever peer the same again for yep about an hour yep ezikial kept looking behind him to the point where he made that mother sea thang remebered and said o ya it was when I was standing sidways I always looked to my left but one person in the group yep only the the I d the baby zelda alwasy when standing sidways looked to the right and yep large yep overlooked why did she look to the right because yep the mirrors were to the left and the door that she was smokeing crack behind was to the right the window was always behind her and the pictures were alwasys in front of her before she she went to leave to her MARKIES house she would picture herself there and then pick up the mess of clean clothes yep over and over again and throw them not in but behind the hamper so she could hang them when she got home so she could hit her crack pipe on the florr befor she took off down the stairs to the front door and saw the wood yep I was hitting the crack pipe and not positive so i will dismiss which way my head was swaying when I thought back to just poping anut with my ***** as i turned from the hamper towads **** I finished that hit and would take anothe an 1 more for the mere  realitty that i could not figure for positive sure why i would alwasy come to i had it boxed up back then like you guys and i do now.
why di i notice good ****. twice rolling he the mc forgot to checkon me so yep trippen a little. cause **** all this **** that yep  mc either jank or on my **** list whats jank its learner so uh whats learner i am alearner i have beeen in the process 4 yep i am 35 and i was 22 at mc and my meeting
Heee Mark I just checked back and saw him while you'll standing in my room still. . . Because the fact of the matter is I dont know where you'll were before to feel you dont have the obligation to get the **** out of this ******* but where I was. I was just checking back like I had to look like it was bugging me that bad as i WAS i CHECKED MY MARKY. Came back went black and came back before I knew I was tainted black and coming back like an apistoval of eary quiver was fornicating on my *** like I was going to die again I saw that **** skirt and I dont know why dickly never got involved so backbefor I knew apistavol is *** fornication and for me to grab it I knew I had to be more down still riding peace so I jank whats up fo you eat baby ***** and they got no he doesnt he listens to brother lynch as I pucked up no up chuck just heave so I come back turn my head into my own little up on two feet hanging out with my ya and if he was here by all means he would be hooking me up right now you wouldnt be here and my next man well I am going to be up still riding peace on all these down riding peace I still have but keep reflecting to that bible I just hooked up and I'll do this again too. andnow I feel like a ******* is watching me so if for instance homie your homies get hooked up over there by my MARKY being really smart on my hes BIG red have a little fun watching me down this pick astreet picked it as everyone isnt even as far as I have been cause I am hooking up some ***** with my michelle phipher cause you fuckly stariyer there are going to check my spot after I am gone you will find some animal ******* bringing you a bag of papers with out a word out of him and they will all check you over there fuckly to see if I take my time to pick the most beautiful brightest one I see ******* little mexican **** had to **** with my bible **** fool you just missed it I show you what wont happen while you are with me cause I am fine after they left. I went right to my bible never made a large turn with my head remebered devil on the note calender black thing I lost with my memorie attached the change and dresser you never saw but I didnt make it clear to you fuckly I was ******  up cause by all means your here to help me up too I rented a car and jammed never thought again till now Im going to go AND **** UP MY BIBLE PROPERLY BEING THAT i WAS UP AND COULDNT **** IT UP JUST RIGHT LIKE i INTENDED TO DO WHEN i LOOKED BACK TO GET THE DEVIL AFTER HOW ****** i KNOW i AM RIGHT NOW AND i CAME UP BY SAYING i CAME UP STILL RIDING PEACE i HOOKED TO THAT PEACEFUL PART OF THAT SONG IT MUST HAVE BEEN LOVE BUT IT IS OVER NOW i ONLY GOT TO IT MUST H i WAS SO HAPPY i SKATED I was outs.
rosees satin doll favorite orange hair thick clothe ciggerett on addas shiny pants accedent the whole doll little nos you would remember it peach polka a dot dress and  ya the ros the top of my hamper wicker basket and nope never remebered to rember any of that the doll part with the polka dot dress *** i trhew the ***** bend with dithces caves and wholes the holes those are my windy road holes and the ditch just got taken care of that sentences with ditche started with a long widy road the caves was in casers i could never explain how i got my words but i sewed every one of them up and i got all my papers stolen and everything else happended too wow **** so i dont know no more again but *** k wait again yep im the **** fewfiefofum low and i dont tknow vwhat the mother **** **** is **** ya i did it was a sence i was ggoing to be talking an my greatest fear was alwasy well mark once said lurp and right before he said it  it landed on me and i was checking him  for the first time i said i lurp and he saidvicki dont say lurp becuse he started with dont he was at his breaking point and i just found out a second ago any fiefofee he got ****** up and almost killed and i have a question do people ypou people know get ****** up for passing seses cause i am dethly afraid i am going to pass one that sys i o i have to say the word out loud o o kay well let me try hold up i am quick well because i roll something in a row doesnt mean it hooked even though it hooked i just rolled by it dude and ya i hooked it It might be illegal on a jank undergo
Michael Parish Oct 2013
Regular malcolm knockedn in pool ***** alnite.
Unquestionable malcolm polietly goofed off.
But a stranger advice made our malcolm
unruly with himself.
It was a joke he heard.
But he needed to be serious.
Instead malcolm became to
***** and was consciencely warned.
It was no big deal but the same
people wouldnt quit thinking
about how to rethink a sanerio
which was not worth thinking about.
Malcolm left to finish his game.
Its normal, but he should of
hung around.  
I used to close my eyes before I could see
my life and every moment I dreamed
to look for.  Twice I missed out on making love
because nothing important ever happened.
I survived years never believing I had what
we see in other peoples talent.  All the world,
All the cars have me in their passenger seats.  
I never drove away from what I lost when
2010 couldnt keep the house from slipping
jobs with less and less money.  My fathers apologies,
Dont be sorry, I told you never to be sorry.  I caved in
last month  when my palms covered my eyes because
I remebered my name in permanent marker in the garage.
And my mother having to settle with the last thirty years she spent
Molding dentures.  Now a dream to her when she puts on a thick purple coat
In the cold reality that good work is hard to find.
midnight prague Jan 2011
sickly rip me from this diluted tree of melted charm
take me back to those barley filled days
and place me with your little fingers back upon that farm
a time when there was no such thing as firearm
or harm
a time when I was filled with scars of loyal work streched forth for the world to see
down my arms
I time when we didnt hurt our brothers
a time when we went to ours mother for the answer
a time when our ancestors and relatives did not pass this life to live in cancer
a time when the pigs where not the bachlors
a time when a woman was not a cheater
a time when the human was not the actor
and the actors and artists human
these minds
have come to crease the internal of a superficial disaster
that only the right heads can master

I was thinking of our situation on this one night I was plastered
and woke up the next morning after
with the bitter potion still pumping through my combusted liver
and remebered last night with its bright lights and rich champagne
and started to shiver
and how I would have loved to celeberate any occasion down
by a white river
filled with stones and fish of similar nature
a fire and love that spread out through the achres
flowers worn by the women and men in theyre hair for praise
to our universe
and in our very own souls we would immerse
and our eyes and hearts would burst
and the only spell that would be casted upon us is mother natures tender curse
Zay Bliss Jan 2015
Im alone and afraid
Im angry, im selfish, im sad,
So many things all convulging together
But most of all,
Im in love. Im in love with someone who doesnt exist. Someone ill never find as though im incapable.
why cant i find them? Im here but im not!
When i realize this everything goes dark as i stand in the light.
Who am i?
Why wont i be remebered...
God answered with no voice
And i spoke with long forgotten words
I am Nobody
And Mr Nobody does not exist
Eugene T Marulé Jul 2015
If ever one meats with any metaphorical meaning in my mind, one will notice its medium-rarity.

Maybe even ponder inside its pans (or puns) playing poultry to its poetry.

Better yet, one would willingly fish for feelings and try to fry (or fly) playing poultry to its potency.

Mealtime; one will move on from the meeting thereafter, with the sort of sensation in one's stomach that's abnormally associated with winged insects.

By then, it would have been a ravishing rendezvous, remebered without rue; tummies would have been filled too.

A moment made mainly with a mixture of magic as well as a dab of madness - an exhibition of eloquent intent, like eating expensively at an elegant event.

Does one get it?
Coz if one doesn't; I DEE GEE A Sugar Honey Ice Tea.
Heee Mark I just checked back and saw him while you'll standing in my room still. . . Because the fact of the matter is I dont know where you'll were before to feel you dont have the obligation to get the **** out of this ******* but where I was. I was just checking back like I had to look like it was bugging me that bad as i WAS i CHECKED MY MARKY. Came back went black and came back before I knew I was tainted black and coming back like an apistoval of eary quiver was fornicating on my *** like I was going to die again I saw that **** skirt and I dont know why dickly never got involved so backbefor I knew apistavol is *** fornication and for me to grab it I knew I had to be more down still riding peace so I jank whats up fo you eat baby ***** and they got no he doesnt he listens to brother lynch as I pucked up no up chuck just heave so I come back turn my head into my own little up on two feet hanging out with my ya and if he was here by all means he would be hooking me up right now you wouldnt be here and my next man well I am going to be up still riding peace on all these down riding peace I still have but keep reflecting to that bible I just hooked up and I'll do this again too. andnow I feel like a ******* is watching me so if for instance homie your homies get hooked up over there by my MARKY being really smart on my hes BIG red have a little fun watching me down this pick astreet picked it as everyone isnt even as far as I have been cause I am hooking up some ***** with my michelle phipher cause you fuckly stariyer there are going to check my spot after I am gone you will find some animal ******* bringing you a bag of papers with out a word out of him and they will all check you over there fuckly to see if I take my time to pick the most beautiful brightest one I see ******* little mexican **** had to **** with my bible **** fool you just missed it I show you what wont happen while you are with me cause I am fine after they left. I went right to my bible never made a large turn with my head remebered devil on the note calender black thing I lost with my memorie attached the change and dresser you never saw but I didnt make it clear to you fuckly I was ******  up cause by all means your here to help me up too I rented a car and jammed never thought again till now Im going to go AND **** UP MY BIBLE PROPERLY BEING THAT i WAS UP AND COULDNT **** IT UP JUST RIGHT LIKE i INTENDED TO DO WHEN i LOOKED BACK TO GET THE DEVIL AFTER HOW ****** i KNOW i AM RIGHT NOW AND i CAME UP BY SAYING i CAME UP STILL RIDING PEACE i HOOKED TO THAT PEACEFUL PART OF THAT SONG IT MUST HAVE BEEN LOVE BUT IT IS OVER NOW i ONLY GOT TO IT MUST H i WAS SO HAPPY i SKATED I was outs.
Cecelia Francis Dec 2014
No one to

To think
more than
to do with

The width
of the sun
as remebered
in a memory
-thin as a
road- it
rose in
rows of

Before us
-around me-
to you, to
no one
My Beloved Leader
My beloved leader Imam Hussain my heart's solace
I salute to you and to your small group of seventy two
When he decided not to submit the race of lawless
Being the true soldier of Allah he was determined to do
Whatever was the call of the occasion to establish writ
He and his group was debarred from food and water
But being hungry and thirsty they were fit and not upset
And then enemy attacked and sky saw man slaughter
Imam hussain fell down from horseback in the battle
Imam Hussain was severely injured went to prostation
This was the excellent action of martyrdom as example
His act of valor and wonderful elation was the salvation
Great Hussain will be remebered for sacrifice for times
His stand for the cause of Allah will bring all mercy
Yazeed will be cursed for his ***** designs henious crimes
Imam Hussain will be the symbol of virtue ,liberty
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Aug 2020 Love Remains
what would life be like...
                                        ...if we lived for one day?
How would you...
                                 ...waste away?
What could you do...
                                    ...that didnt seem like such a waste?
Would you spend the first-day-of-the-last-day-of-your-life texting....
                                                                         ....or watvhing t.v?
Making love?
                                                                                                ...or having ***... very roughly.

Make yourself a memory for every iris to bloom with you in mind?
                      or be a nightmare for your generation...?
**** their Rest in Peace.
                                            ...they will remember me....

Im not so sure when it comes to me...
                                                                 ...frankly for 17...
                                            ...I do nothing...
I write poetry...
pollute my lungs daily...
read?  maybe...
make love to the lady i promised myself i would marry?

Donate my organs...
                                     from every vein...
               every synapse in my brain...
                                  ...let me be of use...
thats silly...the opposing sides will be dead on the same day they decided their differences will make their faces remebered someday.

                                 ..could lead us..
no time to learn nor explain

Let us..

and die....
Betthia Mae Feb 2019
I prep myself to sleep
Preparing for the war
I grab my pillow
To cushion my fall
I grab my blanket
To hide from my dreams
It’s a constant replay
Of what we used to be

Awake never remembers you
Your smile, your laugh
Your cry, your mad
Sleep savors you
Remembers you
Embedded you in my dreams

I fight
No longer will I wake up
Forgetting what i once remebered
Nothin goes by what i want
You ask if im happy with you
But you don't even want me to see you

Who gave you the power to control
We, right, i remebered
I can take it all back
Becareful, don't do me wrong

Or you'll comeback crying

And I remembered when it stuck his nape
All ye attending souls gnashing and gape
Only he who knew what he did
Or so he thought that many forbid
And then roll thy head facing the sky
With a single tear on his eye
Then remebered and have always known
That we, to each his own
rose14195 Jun 2014
I was staring into the night watching the time click by
Right then you walked into my life
that was the last night
I watched the starts alone

We where up there dancing
The two brightest stars you could see
With smiles that where brighter than the moon

We where beautiful

Then you left me
We ended up being nothing

That night I went to watch the stars
and remebered us dancing
us shining
but now all i have is memories
because we became nothing

Nothing but fallen stars
V01D W1THN Jul 2015
Lela Aug 2020
I want to grow old to see how my life will evolve
But at the same time I want to die young so I dont have to look back and wonder how my life would've turnt out if I did the things I never had the courage to do
I want my grandkids to be interested in all the stories I tell
But what If i won't have any?

If I died today, what would I be remebered by?
As the girl who never looked back or a girl who did everything she felt was right?
JR Weiss Oct 2017
it's night
and there are only
two sounds
in the room.

a staggered, humming,
of running cars,
and a plastic fan
who's chipped blades
struggle for breath
in a wall facing window.

thoughts echo,
take your hand, and
lead you places
you know you don't want to go.

it's quiet
but at times
night rushes in on all sides
only to stop at the window,
held back by a single shaded bulb.
the childhood nightmares that
hold the sill
drool, grind their teeth,
wait for the inevitable dark.

a train passes
somewhere far off.
blowing a lonly note,
proving to the world
that it still exists and
is hard at work.

it sparks the mind
to chew nervously on
bitter retellings
of histories half remebered.

the bed,
and heart have run cold,
while the two beers by the bedside
have gone warm.

time stretches out into forever,
yet somehow still maintains
the very real threat
of swallowing things whole,
and coughing everything up into
a dreadful tomorrow.
Harriz Sierra Apr 2018
Why is there always something unfound inside me?
is it A memory, ready to be remebered as a great moment
or A terrible Tragedy?
A missing piece maybe? or an unfixed part,
that's partly bleeding and screaming "Fix me now!"
How can you describe this unconscious feeling?

A lost Memory? or a Terrible Tragedy?
A missing Part? or a Bleeding Heart?
Dominic Blair Nov 2017
There was snow on the ground so I grabbed a coat
Nothing abnormal, nothing to note

Or so I thought but I remembered you
The things you said and the things you do

Twenty years down the road and I felt my stomach sinks
I remebered you showing me to hold my cuffs, I think

You did indeed with those small arms of mine
You said "hold on to the cuffs of your shirt and pull, itll be fine"

So I did as I was told,
I didn't want to be cold

And correct you were, my coat was on just right
I didn't have to try again, it was on perfect and tight

I remembered this moment now, as my coat was crinkled and loose
Why did I have this memory, I didn't get to choose

You ruined my life and I hate you for that
Today was not the day for a panic attack

No father-daughter dances, no yelling when I kissed a boy
No screaming because I won't quit playing with my toy

In prison you now are, growing old and weak
I can't help but wonder, I can't help but seek

I need answers and not the same old lies,
Why didn't you love me, why do I still cry?

I'm twenty-three, and I still crave your love
Was I bad, or too ugly, or did you forget a glove?

Sometimes I still want to see you and talk
Sometimes I still miss you, your voice, and your walk

But I don't though, not really, I just think I do
I just want my heart mended, what I need is glue

I sometimes feel bad, but for you and not for me,
I'm everything I ever hoped for, something you'll never see

Twenty-three years and your kid is still scarred
What you left is unfished and you're behind bars

I am grateful to you for giving me life,
Everything else is dead, give me a knife
Ken Pepiton Apr 2020
Baiting master critics, come ******* pi tyed to Beanie Baby auctions
from 1995... old bb cred be called anarchisic auto did act-ism did do done

get out the way boomer budsomine, we done.
Give the kids the bombs.

Serious or humorous, or amourous, or mysterious

thrillers, puzzlers, riddlers
hero saviour feminine wiles, Jael's nail, at one point

intime intimate clang rang human-ity's little brain,

at a granular level barely perceptible to a naked child,

much less to one circumscribing rules or orderly grammer
positioned arrangements of raw material, each quest has filled this horde.

lines of lines in OneNote format,
to plain text even toned audio to be pleasant when spoken

at ease, you asked me if I knew a reason for war, any more,

and I said no
you know,
by now, I took part in several sorts of wars, two ... three, with guns
and knives,

lives... we live a life in the mind of every person who believes we
know one another,

all the me we see in those we think know us not,
these are living words a-ranged on a plan plain sans dis
couraging words. hear hi you silver and say

how stupid was that, but it worked,
better than minecraft, fewer rules, in my realm

my best black friend worshipped Silver Surfer, I just remebered...

as good as any on tv, and virtually indistinguishexistting wish able

from a Hogwarts dorm, or post first Wuwuchin discussion among the
old men in front of the new men, who stood tall

ready to take the old mans burden,
he say
hey ya'll heh yall, peace beyon' ye now,

see some how say I see how I see how I see how

Hia watha had song for ever's single season

after we are born we live and learn and die, or
after we are born we live and are informed to be a we

we imagine,
as we age, when comes a time we say, war is stupid, and you all
knowit knowit knowit gnostic snot 'snot 'snots

dripping through the NAND NAND NAND gates mr. feynman
wasn't joking, yo

Cal local, hitchin' highway one, for fun, nothin' to do but wonder if

the future is worth waithing material being a waiting thing

or a wu wei thang, watch thise, one blow, hammer time

see. In a word a thousand stories, in a picture a mere thousand words.
Who can hold the wind in his fist, i wonder why I love that line so much..
Natália May 2019
What leaving high school feels like to me
I woke up this morning in tears because it is Monday and I should have been getting ready for school
Then I poured my coffee to the top of the cup of course and I cried again because she taught me to pour so much coffee into a cup that you cannot even carry it
Then I sat down and lit a cigarette with tears because I clearly remember our cigarette-coffee sessions
Then I looked at my phone and it was 9:30 AM and I cried again because at that time we used to sit in the school hall watching people walk around
Then I opened messenger and I saw my texts with him and I remembered how we used to text everyday for the past couple of weeks I knew exactly what he was doing and where he was so I cried again because it never will be like that again
Then I turned on Spotify and the songs that he sent me started playing
Then I remebered last week and how we all were still together, partying, talking, having fun and I cried again
These are pure feelings and thoughts and I am sorry it is so messy and ******
uzzi obinna Feb 2020
Relationships might be broken,
Love may still remain,
When memories are beautiful,
Break-ups drive us insane;

When your angel is a beauty,
Your heart bleeds when they leave,
With eyes shut you will see them,
Even with yourheart being berieved;

Your love couldn't keep her,
Neither will your pain do
This woman is your jewel,
Your peace and angel too;

A rose with her petals,
And her thorns too,
A treasure you admire,
That comes back new;

Are you the reason she is broken,
And the reason she smiled too?
Did she plan it to be a one-off,
Were your feelings sincere and true?

Words can not describe it,
The hurt you feel inside,
And though it burns you deeply,
It cold be tough on her side;

She will always be your angel,
Your sun, moon and shine,
Your memories will b remebered,
Hopefully she'll be back sometime.
Wrote this as i walked on a street this morning. I was reading aloud while i walked. I guess neighbours and motorists must have thought that i have gone mad.
Carlos Vega Aug 2018
I stand in the darkness,
The scars on my skin exist only in my memory
Like a half-remebered dream,
I can recall only about half of the scenery
My location hasn't changed,
But everything feels upside down
Like in another dimension,
To this reality am I bound?

My eyes begin to adjust,
I can see only black figures
There's no one else here,
And my anxiety is triggered
I'm lost,
But my path was never rerouted
I'm my best and worst enemy,
Because my insecurities I never scouted

The only light I see,
Is in my eyes through a reflection
It's dim but not diminished,
Like my soul needs a B12 injection
Despite my position,
I know I'll find a way
To break out of this dark room,
And again see the light of day
It may not be today,
Or even anytime soon,
But a little more light a day,
Eventually reveals the full face of the moon

Michelle Feb 2021
i want to dive in deep and i want to leave a trace
of the places that i've been and the things that i've done
i want to go on roadtrips and get lost just for fun
i want to throw my head back and scream at the top of my lungs
in the middle of a field as i lay under the moon
and i don't want it in the future, i want to do it soon
i want to be someone's courage, someones happiness, someones light
i want to take people dancing in the middle of the night
i want to be known for being able to make people smile
and make someone want to live longer, even just for a while
those people that light up the world, i want to become one
i want to be remebered for being someone
Inspired by 'someone to you' - Banners

— The End —