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Klo Sifa Jul 2015
Kamu seperti fantasi.
Mengajariku membuat puisi.
aku selalu ingin menggali, kamu, lebih jauh lagi, untuk setiap ambisi dan mimpi.

Karena bagiku tidak ada yang lebih indah selain melihat sinar matamu yang berbinar ketika membicarakan hal yang kau gemar.

ah, aku tak sanggup lagi.
Puisi ini kubuat ketika aku masih dimabuk kebayang atas bayangmu yang masih indah. Dibuat tak bisa tidur pulas teringat pertemuan kita yang telah tuntas. Puisi ini dibuat ketika aku mulai jatuh cinta padamu
ayu rinanda Apr 2012
Gua sama sekali gak maksudbuat ngejelekin, ngejatuhin cowo gua yang sekarang 

gua punya cerita yang mungkin lu semua pernah ngadapin dengan kejadia yang sama

gua punya cowo, asli gua sayang banget sama dia, gua pengen ngebahagia in dia kayak gua pengen ngebahagian keluarga gua. Tapi, ada banyak hal yang selalu buat gua ragu sama dia.
1. dia gak pernah sms ato nelponin gua duluan alesan tidur.
2. gak pernah bilang sayang sama gua, kecuali waktu nembak
3. kalo di ajakin alesan nya segudang, mungkin penuh kali tu gudang 
pasti lu semua punya pikiran kalo dia Cuma mainin gua, ato pun gak sayang sama gua?

tapi biarpun dia kayak gitu, gak tau kenapa gua tetep aja sayang. Gua ikut aturan dia, gua ikut apa maunuya dia. Pokoknya semua maunya dia gua jabanin deh 
karena ada satu hal di diri dia yang sulit banget gua lupain selama ini adalah KENYAMANAN kalo dideket dia.
Padahal yah, gua punya seseorang yang jelas.jelas sayang sa,ma gua, bias ngasih apa aja yang gua mau, yang bias ngebahagia in gua dengan semua hal yang dia punya, dia adalah mantan gua yang pacaran sama gua 2 tahun lebih.
gua udah banyak ngelewatin hari sama dia, susah maupun senang, dia mungkin satu.satu cowo yang paling ngerti siapa gua.
cowo yang paling care sama gua, pokok nya cowo yang paling sempurna deh dia 
meskipun kayak gitu tetep aja gua gak bisa boongin ati mgua sendiri, pacaran sama dia tapi inget orang lain buat apa coba?
lagian gua harus nurut apa kata orang tua gua gak boleh pacaran sama dia, toh gua gak bias ngelawan.

buat kamu cowo yang jadi pacar aku : please donk sayang, jangan cuek sama aku.
jangan suka banyak alesan, aku tuh sayang banget sama kamu.
coba deh kamu yang ngertiin aku sekali.kali jangan akunya terus donk 

buat kamu cowo yang aku sakitin : maapin aku udah nyakitin kaamu, semoga diluar sana kamu bakal ketemu cewe yang syang banget sama kamu.
maapin aku 

#sekarang gua Cuma pengen satu hal yaitu lepas dari kedua.duanya.
gua mau orang baaru, tapi gua takut tuk memulai itu semua 
sangat.sangat btakut
Dave Robertson Dec 2021
Today’s slow cooked ragu
has a lot of familiar ingredients
but spun a little different

The devil in the pork grease
gave me such a wink
I lost my place in the recipe

Liberal with salt, chili flakes,
zest and anything,
this quixotic cook’s hand
throws much freer than weekdays

I only lack the fat slack
of pappardelle for this,
as they were out at the supermarket

Penne will have to do
Alia Ruray Nov 2014
Suatu saat kulihat ronanya
Atau barangkali komposisinya
Dan jikala hati terpaut,
tak ragu kurupainya.
Kurupai serupa-rupa
Karena perupa adalah aku.
Warnai kanvas kosong biar tak nelangsa
Karena perupa adalah aku.

Kelak di lain saat kulihat ronanya
Atau barangkali komposisinya
Dan jikala hati terpaut,
tak ragu kurupainya.
Kurupai serupa-rupa; merupai hal baru
Lantas kubuang rupa lampau
Kulupakan tanpa mengindahkan
Kulupakan selupa-lupa
Karena pelupa adalah aku.
Menghapus kanvas berhuni biar nelangsa
Karena pelupa adalah aku
pukul empat sore tadi
seorang pria tua penuh keriput diwajahnya
pergi melangkahkan kaki rentanya
keluar dari pondok jati tempat semalam ia terlelap
lengkap dengan pakaian rapih kebesarannya, sepatu boot dan tak lupa topi baret miliknya

diambilnya sepeda jengki bercat kusam
dengan sedikit bercak karat pada besi besinya
yang disandarkan oleh empunya pada pagar kayu depan pondok

digiringlah sang sepeda jengki menuju jalan sambil melangkah
menuju tempat tujuannya
selang beberapa saat, ia tunggangi sepeda jengki itu
ia kayuh sambil berpeluh pada dahi sampai ke tubuh
berbulir menetes tak ada ragu

lirih ia dendangkan lagu
yang telah ia hafal selama hidupnya
saat ia masih muda
yang dapat memacu semangatnya dulu
saat akan hendak pergi berperang bersama kawan-kawannya dulu

sesampainya ia di Jalan Kusumanegara
di depan taman berpagar tembok putih
di-remnya sepeda jengki kusam itu
tepat di tepi seorang wanita yang sudah terduduk rapi menggelar dagangannya

"Saya beli kembangmu, cukup lima ribu saja." itu katanya
sang wanita penjual lekas membungkuskan permintaannya dengan senyum dibibir

sembari memberikan bungkusan kembang kepada pria bersepeda jengki itu, ia lalu bertanya "Kalau boleh saya tahu, untuk siapa kembang ini Bapak beli?" ujarnya santun hormat

sang pria bersepeda jengki terdiam, ia lalu tertawa kecil
tawa khas seorang di usia senjanya

"Saya mau jenguk kawan seperjuangan saya, hari ini 20 Desember, tepatnya 68 tahun yang lalu, ia berpamitan ingin menuju dunia Qadim milikNya saat kami sedang berjuang untuk Negara" jawabnya

Pria bersepeda jengki itu lalu undur diri, dititipkannya sepeda tua miliknya
pada sang wanita penjual kembang, ia lalu berjalan kaki
memasuki gerbang tembok bercat putih
bertuliskan Taman Makam Pahlawan Kusumanegara
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
dengan langkah mantap dan juga senyum mengembang di wajah keriputnya

" Assalamu'alaikum, Aku njaluk sepuro yo Di Mas, Kepriye kabarmu? Ayo gek tak ceritani kabar Indonesia saiki! "
terinspirasi saat berada di kota Yogyakarta melihat Para Veteran di kawasan Alun-Alun Selatan Kota Yogyakarta di sore hari, saya rindu suasana Yogyakarta :)
Diska Kurniawan Apr 2016
Pernahkah kau bertanya, seakan kau benar-benar ingin tahu?
Apa itu resah?
Mengapa ada salah?
Dimanakah tuan rumah?
Siapakah pemilik masalah?
Kapankah semua musnah?


Kau benar-benar peduli soal logika?
Dan berhenti percaya? Soal keajaiban
Yang dulu kau harapkan?
Kudengar darimu hanya dusta-dusta
Tentang mitos orang tua
Kau gigih bertapa, atau apalah namanya

Cobalah renung dalam dungumu
Yang kau sembah dengan ragu
Inilah aku, sang atheis
Bertuhan tanpa rengek, dan tangis
bimbang terhadap agama...
Vickiazaira Nov 2022
Seolah langit mendengar sebuah sendu
Turun membasahi tiada ragu
Tak sadar air itu turut membaur
Lekas ku usap tanpa ada yang tahu
Di tulis ketika hujan turun di Bandung sore hari
Aridea P Nov 2013
Palembang, 24 November 2013

Suara itu
Suara yang tak terdengar, suara yang membeku
Menyentuh dalam kalbu
Miris, suara itu

Bau itu
Bau yang tak tercium,  bau yang melebur
Menyayat hatiku
Kasihan bau itu

Pandangan itu
Pandangan yang terpaku, hanya diam membisu
Tak menoleh sedikitpun

Sentuhan itu
Senyuhan palsu, yang tak tersentuh
Memukulku, di sini
Di arah sini, dekat hatiku

Pikiran ini
Pikiranku, yang tak berujung
Membuat aku ragu
fatin Oct 2017
melihat kamu meluru laju dan melambai
biarpun jauh, hatimu aku baca
lantas aku bilang maaf
pantas dan cepat aku meluah
jelas setiap rasa aku khabarkan

hakikat dunia tiada siapa mahu sunyi
namun aku harus gagahi jua rasa ini
andai ada hari kita tidak bersua seperti ini lagi
dalam tidur aku sentiasa ku rasa dakapmu
dan dalam setiap hariku, sentiasa indah dengan wujud imaginasi aku tentang kamu

bukan kah amaran dunia pada kita sudah jelas?
tentang rindu yang tak bersahutan
cerita perasan yang sentiasa dan selamanya tak pasti
dan sentiasa aku pinta kamu
untuk terus percaya aku

lalu lembut tanganmu menyapa aku
meminta aku berhenti

entah kenapa
dalam diam dan biacaraku berhenti
aku rasa nyaman dalam dakapmu

mungkin ada pekara yang patutnya aku diamkan

--mungkin ragu aku adalah sama resah hatinya


-f 1030pm oct 2nd
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Your words sting like vinegar
when spilled on open wounds
They carve their way into me
like eating ice cream with a spoon

Like lemonade thats sugar free
they have a bitter taste
but unlike health warnings on cigarettes
their message goes not to waste

As with most recipe disasters
like when I cooked Fish Ragu
I'm not sure where I got things wrong
just what exactly did I do?
Charise Clarke Oct 2010
Thoughts unfurl like smoke.

You blew a circle of it,
your face lay in the centre
encircled by the grey, billowing fumes.
twirling plumes.

We accept our fates blindly
like mice.
Sipping ***** from a jar
that once held
A Frisbee as an ashtray
I’m dancing stupidly with you
Ol’ detective Gribble
who dribbles down the phone
and whispers: “sweet nothings”
in my ear,
I hear.
Annisa Jan 2018
sengsaraku lucu
dipijak ragu, dirundung pilu
semesta hanya mu
ditertawai rindu, ditelan waktu

masih saja tentang ku
gelagat semu
resah menyambut kala pagi.
terbalut kabut yang menghantui.
aku tersadar,
raga kita terpisah oleh jarak.
menciptakan rindu sebesar jagat, dan ragu seluas semesta.

benarkah kau hanya pergi bersama temanmu, atau malah hilang bersama gadis manis yang menggodamu itu.
benarkah hanya namaku yang tertancap dibenakmu?
aku meragu,

tapi aku cinta kamu.
betterdays Apr 2016
with apologies to WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE

(from Henry V, spoken by King Henry)

Once more to the table, dear friends, once more;

Or close up our hungry mouths with supermarket staples.

In peace there's nothing so becomes a man

As modest stillness and humility:

But when the blast of hunger blows in our ears,

Then imitate the action of the tiger;

Cut fine the sinews, simmer up the blood,

Disguise cheaper meats with hard-favour'd sage;

Then lend the stirring spoon a terrible aspect;

Let pry through the portage of the foccacia bread

Like the brass cannon; let the garlic o'erwhelm it

As fearfully as doth a galled onion

O'erhang and jutty his confounded  tomato base,

Swill'd with a wild and wasteful Cabernet Savignon.

Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide,

Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit

To his full height. On, on, you noblest English.

Whose ragu is fet from Nonna's fail proof recipe!

Nonna's that, like so many  Stephanie Alexanders,

Have in these parts from morn till even, baked

And brewed their sauces  and stews, for lack of argument:

Dishonour not your mothers; now attest...

That those whom you call'd mothers did feed you well

Be copy now to men of larger appetites

And teach them how to eat.

And you, good yeoman,

Whose limbs were made in England, show us here

The mettle of your belt; let us swear

That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;

For there is none of you so hungry,

That hath not noble lustre in your eyes.

I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,

Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:

Follow your spirit, and upon this charge

Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'
Found poetry review prompt Napwrimo#2 using magazines, advertizing material etc and a known peice if writng create a piece of poetry......this my attempt
below the original piece

(from Henry V, spoken by King Henry)

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;

Or close the wall up with our English dead.

In peace there's nothing so becomes a man

As modest stillness and humility:

But when the blast of war blows in our ears,

Then imitate the action of the tiger;

Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,

Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage;

Then lend the eye a terrible aspect;

Let pry through the portage of the head

Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it

As fearfully as doth a galled rock

O'erhang and jutty his confounded base,

Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean.

Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide,

Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit

To his full height. On, on, you noblest English.

Whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof!

Fathers that, like so many Alexanders,

Have in these parts from morn till even fought

And sheathed their swords for lack of argument:

Dishonour not your mothers; now attest

That those whom you call'd fathers did beget you.

Be copy now to men of grosser blood,

And teach them how to war. And you, good yeoman,

Whose limbs were made in England, show us here

The mettle of your pasture; let us swear

That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;

For there is none of you so mean and base,

That hath not noble lustre in your eyes.

I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,

Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:

Follow your spirit, and upon this charge

Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'
Megitta Ignacia Jul 2019
membingkai itu ada tujuannya
dilapisi kaca biar tidak terkotori
aku mengamplas ingatan yang sempat luntur
terbawa pada lamunan utuh & seruan sendu
silam, bertumpu berapi-api enggan berkeputusan asal
sampai kini, aku masih patuh pada prinsipku

kamu memintaku,
namun hatiku berprasangka itu rancangan induk
bukan asli pemintaanmu
kupilih menepikan diri
diam-diam berharap kamu bercerita lebih dalam
tapi nihil, malah indukmu maju
aku mau, tapi apa keputusan ini benar
pepetan restu, tekanan waktu
dihimpit ketakutan indukmu atas cemooh
orang, siapa? tetangga? saudara?

keengganan bersepaham
kuuji kamu dari belakang
menantang setara, seimbang, sejajar
lontaran kata pengundang debat
berlindung atas wejangan duda muda yang baik
"dua jenis prinsip tujuan pernikahan"
satu, untuk memulai keluarga baru
dua, untuk menyatukan keluarga
dengan kesadaran kupilih yang bertolak denganmu
karena saat itu aku belumuran ragu
sejauh mana kedewasaanmu?

kamu gagal pada tesmu,
tapi aku tetap bertahan kala itu,
setelah semua berjarak, mungkin kamu sadar ikatan pernikahan bukanlah hal main-main
kubedah diriku, ada setitik kekecewaan
seumpama semesta menghajarku dengan keras
tapi Ia tidak melepaskanku pada maut
disadarkanNya pula, inilah jawaban doa
"jauhkanlah aku dari yang jahat & dekatkanlah dengan yang baik"
jari manisku takkan tersemat cincin duri sebab ranting emas berbunga daisy telah memekarkan diri
230719 | 19:35 PM udah di kost Bali lagi, minum kopi sambil makan roti canai, ini luapan emosi, tentang transformasi ke arah yang baik. Tuhan menjaga kita semua.
Caro Feb 2020
Jeans tight up to her waist
And a thick *** *****-line
water dribbles on her nails
From a jar of water that still smells like Ragu
Ismail Nasution Aug 2018
Yang kau cari di seberang waktu, namun langkahmu ragu melihat lampau yang lalu-lalang.

24 Agustus 2018
So Dreamy Mar 2018
Kertas putih kosong,
Cat putih kosong
Cat merah menyala
Cat hitam yang kelam
Langit dalam hati
Tangis tawa
Ruang hampa penuh maaf
Tak dihargai
Diulangi lagi
Lemas terkulai
Hati ragu
Langkah berhenti
Pergi saja
Ingin saya pergi
Atau kamu yang pergi
Kemudian berlalu
Garis pantai dan pohon rindang
Dalam rangkulnya
Matahari bernyanyi
Satu ruang penuh tawa
Ruang hampa bersajak cinta
Penuh harapan penuh asa
: Jatuh cinta.
Vickiazaira Mar 2023
Kala itu diriku terasa letih
Coba tuk berlari walau tertatih
Rasa ragu menyelimuti diri
Apa mampu tegak berdiri?

Kini aku sedang berjuang
Melewati jalan yang berlubang
Meski sulit mengejar peluang
Ku yakin akan benderang
sedikit tulisan tentang diri ini yang sedang berjuang untuk meraih gelar sarjana! hihi🫶🏻
Joshua Fenner Sep 2014
Today was not a bust or a wash, but instead a push.
A day where nothing was lost, but nothing was gained.

I accomplished nothing today because there was nothing that needed to be accomplished.

As the days go on I will be more appreciative of these days that don't mean so much to me now. I chatted with some old friends, told them stories that were just lies tied to dumb jokes.

Listen to whatever music I happen to stumble upon and spend my life watching others enjoy themselves for my enjoyment. I talked about going home today, and where I want to go after this whole "Adventure" they call it is over.

I recollected all the places I've been that I enjoy. NYC: busy, but a beautiful bustling that would keep me busy, Salt Lake City: a blanket spread all throughout Utah, expansive as well as calming. California: a modern vibe that screams tourism and tries to hide it's problems, New Jersey, an interesting place that needs more research in my heart. A mix of city, nature, as well as ocean that never ceased to captivate me for the one week I was there, and the food, oh the food was unbelievable, hearty pastas and pieces of pizza pie that dripped with flavor.

I've never been much for pasta sauce as most people I know buy store bought Ragu and I don't much like the taste. But my uncle makes an unreal sauce that takes hours to cook and contains extra ****** olive oil and smells like a beautiful savory taste in my mouth.

I heat up, and wish that I was never cold again and want to sleep for 4 years and wake up in that place, wherever that may be. Your life revolves around you, but remember to have common decency for your fellow human beings. Let life take you where you want it to, like a passenger inside a taxi. Take me to Lex and leave me there.
jimmy tee Mar 2014
there is no reason to expect
that todays state of affairs
would be any different
had history been changed
in some way or other

of course, the big picture
magnifies the small lies
inside each and every one

we moved away shortly after
my fathers death and within
a year my mother came to visit
we saw some sights
and spent time talking
while sitting outdoors
on fair September evenings
while in the kitchen
whipping up a ragu
I felt the burn of her stare
as I coursed back and forth
slowly realizing that I was now
the closest thing she had to her husband
my reach then extended
to the afterworld
Megitta Ignacia Mar 2024
Dari dua
Kupilih satu
Yang mula

Sebab main main main main
Lalu jatuh
Endap lain lain lain batin
Baru runtuh

Anggap bodoh pemain lama
Kalau jodoh takkan kemana

Apa rasaku palsu
Alpa jujurmu bisu
Biar resah di lembah ragu
Atau nyata sungguh lugu

Jangan lagi kau cari aku
Karena aku si paling batu
040324 | 20:00 sejak semalam ada yg tak terelakkan berubah, di perjalanan ke kos ga bisa berenti mikir, tapi yakin akan pilihan. Bukan tentang bermain-main. Tidak akan terbawa dalam rasa.
Cicavilana Jul 2020
Sebab aku bunga,
yang akan tumbuh ditengah semak belukar.
Meski tersengat panas dan gersangnya gurun,
takkan ragu
tuk lagi
dan kembali,
The rat population
In Paris
Has exploded
The rodents have
Left the sewers
Walk for lunch at their
Local waste bins
And wait outside cafés
For crumbs sparrows used
To pick up
They also obey
Traffic rules
As they are not
Like dogs
Colour blind
But tourists stay away
Empty bed
No one goes to Paris
To make love anymore
And be careful
When eating Ragu
In Paris
Samuel H Jun 2018
Still can’t quite make up the color of your eyes
Like how I still can’t make up if this is all a disguise
Are they green or are they hazel?
Are you the devil or are you the angel?

Clint who?
Does he even like fondue like i do?!!
Dude is just one of the crews
I’d eat him like ragu

As the stage laments on about “I will love you”
I brush the tip of my wandering fingers over your olive tan skin
Barely touching, craving more than what’s given and then some
“Give me a lifetime and then 50 more…” - I’m a hopeless what can i say

Aimed to plant my lips on yours
But they ended up on your teeth; I guess they slipped
Blamed that on your cheeky silly smile
Let’s make the next one worthwhile

Replaying scene after scene from last night
Reciting them night after night
3rd date
Paw Marks
Ragu pasta is being recalled
cover me,

through fence unclean
make me an offer
patience is a virtue
walk in the way of the master of fame

love nestled in one accord....

encountered in the way of the game
love nestled between,
thrown out a window
nestled by my pillow

shadows block my radio
heavy cheer out my window

Paw Marks....

pulsating moon beams
front porch swing
the fly on the porch ring
love the course of the march
you crossed me
that did it
you insulted my intelligence
yet who are they really anyways ?
you live behind four walls that close in
it's too late you blew it
my pride is on the floor
lest I implore more
but that of what
a challenge to be free is a quest of time
you gave me the *******
just remember there's four fingers pointing right back at you
have I bitten off far more then I could chew ?

Now your messing with a *******
give you another lousy dish
you tend to sweep things underneath the rug
no sense of remorse from me & no love
you bit & devour with viscous fangs that bite dripping blood of side
go run away & hide
standing alone with a noose around my neck
what the heck is this life for ?
it's not known in a Studio 54
nor of that a Warhol piece of Campbell soup cans
hopefully someday you will understand
that you can't get away from sticking it to the man
life is to short for losers like you
sit back with your spaghetti with sauce & Ragu
you got eyes of blackened hot wired stench
ears that hear but you straddle the fence
said you read your books in school but you haven't made a dent
try to even the score lest I implore
another place in time hence another door
The Culture Of life

I'm not ready for a full plate of spaghetti some sort of Ragu
there is a tale beneath the hostile escape of a winner turned fool
nor wretched bananas for burgers with steak on the side,
clear path over react the dentures habitat...,
plant a seed of a worker of iniquity

my skin is enhanced observed in the make believe,
come follow...come sit next to me
pillars stand together as Samson in great need
people are people so why should it be
you and i should get together so awfully

night turns to day
a beautiful flower display
The Culture Of life
sprang apart on my knees
follow through the breeze
within the ancients that should freeze

look deep,
an anthem through the folly
gross socks through the reindeer stop
From Santa to Reagan
draw back the curtain from my eyes a sweet knit lulabye,
come near together from the pasta filled polar

one in twain both operating fully intact
working too hard can give anyone a heart attack
passing through the Ozark's exploited..,
yesterdays news grive for todays common blues
best to use the break to cover your shoes
exhibit A outside your patio,
listen to the news

— The End —