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melinoe immortal Jul 2018

By the sea, I have been staring,
at your bright colours change.
Erythematous, murderous intentions of
a disease disseminating
on your surface.

The slow, penetrating anguish
tearing the guts,
a one-sided, disdained,
newborn sadness,
I am welcoming in my arms.

On the operating theatre of life
white and now dead moths,
stillborn butterflies
inside the flesh removed,
drowned themselves in a pool of blood.
They, an absurd joy
that never stood a chance
inside this cyanide prison.

Portals of loaned,
disillusioned happiness closed.
The liquid that raced turbulently
through my vessels, drained on a half-filled
with tears palette.

With menacing, impasto knife-like strokes
on the body
Morpheus painted the shadow-covered moon
with memories that refuse to be forgotten
from purulent, open wounds.
'Those worlds you will (never) see.
The people you will (never) meet' he said.

Soul chemicals eroding
the behemoth sky,
as the paint dries out.
Ashes of my Dreams (Not) Achieved,
astral remains;
everything I silently kept inside.
solenn fresnay Mar 2012
Je ne sais plus quel jour nous sommes
J'ai peur du temps qui passe, qu'il s'en aille et me laisse, toute seule et toute bleue, la corde au cou, pendue au cerisier, du gravier plein la bouche
Ce n'est pas moi la folle mais bien toi et juste toi
Écoute mon cri
Compare-le à ton silence, à tes mensonges
C’est bon, tellement bon, d’écrire sur ta musique
J’ai peur de perdre la tête
Il y a Kerouac, ses mots, tes mots et encore Kerouac
Il y a l’espoir, aussi
L’espoir sur ta musique
J’écris à en perdre la tête
Mais cela ne m’appartient plus, tu ne m’appartiens plus et je voudrais tant m’endormir dans tes bras sur mon sofa rouge
M’endormir avec toi, m’endormir dans tes bras et juste, s’il te plaît, que ton prochain appel soit celui qui m’avertira de ta mort.
Personne ne peut comprendre
Qu’il ne comprend rien
Je ne me sens pas très bien ce soir
J’écris, mais je n’ai pas la tête suffisamment hors de mon corps
Je n’attends plus rien
Ne m’attends plus à rien
Je voudrais que ça s’arrête
Çà va s’arrêter
Je ne savais pas
Je n’avais pas compris
Je vais me faire cuire du riz
Je voudrais disparaître maintenant
Fais-moi disparaître
Car tout à jamais t’appartiendra
Y compris mon cadavre dans le fossé.

Ce n'est pas moi la folle mais toi et juste toi
Désolée d'avoir dû te couper la tête.

Maintenant que le trou s'est refermé
Que le vide s'est rempli
Je me tais pour toujours.

Je ne me sens vraiment pas bien
J’écris sans exister, à me tapoter le thymus dans un vide noirâtre et purulent
Mais ça va aller
Bien sûr que ça va aller
Je suis bien plus forte que le néant.

Laisse- moi disparaître.
solenn fresnay Jul 2012
Je n’arrive pas à écrire ce soir
J’arrive juste à boire
Mais pas assez pour m’enivrer
A croire que l’on veut à tout prix me sauver. M’empêcher de crever toute verte.
Juste : triste
Comme d’habitude
Comme tous les jours
Juste : conne
Je ne veux pas de demain, d’aucun autre lendemain
Je m’en fous que tu ne m’aimes pas
Et arrête de me tutoyer foutu connard à la bite trop courte !
Je veux juste être publiée de mon vivant

Je ne suis qu’un ange qui hurle
Un ange noir au cri purulent

J’espère que demain le ciel sera bleu
Bleu et plat.
Mr Monsanto has a monopoly on the GMO market
his products fill many agriculturist's baskets
there harmful affects have been well documented
the damage they're causing can be circumvented

those men and women who work the land
can deal Mr Monsanto a crook poker hand
discontinue buying his bad chemical sprays
recommence those old pest controlling ways

he's been making big profits from the stuff that he sells
it is time for the agriculturists to hear the alarm bells
he's had the ear of the administration for too long
and it has always listened to the pitch of his song

Mr Monsanto keeps telling the world that his products are fab
but he never mentions a thing about adverse discoveries in science labs
the people are becoming informed on the land
they're waking up to the unsafeness of his brand

the public will not abide Mr Monsanto's crap
they know when a dodgy product has landed in their laps
cancer causing agents in cornmeal
this sort of thing doesn't make for edible appeal

big companies like Mr Monsanto might like to explain themselves
and enlighten us as to why his purulent stuff is on market shelves
behind his fortress walls he hides a folio of dross
uncovering it would ensure his company ran at a loss
Chelsea Chavez Oct 2015
in the cohort of her hands, a disorder

lost dignity wrapped in the red of need
reckless and arrogant as lilies

an abundance of periphery
wavers at the sea-black hand

of hands of time of hands

rune stones
black granite spattered in stars

a slutter of language
of words of wombs

necrotic we burst
a pause of however

a narcosis of want

meander of limbs
siphoning brine-white tide

colorless-the disorder
marquis of white shadow
on seal slick waves

and the lilies,
petal outward

and in the silence
there were unknown weeks
where the flowers foundered
other bodies

there is a form in the garden
still as clay

we reddened our mouths
and still like clay

slant of a neck untattered
partitioning cerebral sea
arcing back on itself

there was a benign negligence
in the want-of flowers of lilies

vague signs of amplitude
pachyderm and small
in the grooves of lack

malnourished, contrite hands
flushed blooms of pink paper along
pink walls-flush seas of lack

vague symbols of wood and
purulent understanding a

nest of roots
dipping towards the alkaline sea

we didn’t even begin to understand
the range of mourning
becoming us

smooth white shells of elegant
weakened at the hock
distempered by the recent winters
foundering in the vacant space
between us

I mule you
through the tapestries of my desert
and am still, here
where I don’t belong

here I am spread as an excess
as an unfortunate truth
glossed by negligent hands

anxious, with the possible morning
indistinct dwindling winter
curling pink paper
along the walls of black sea

small weakened arrangement of groundcover
jostling in the ferns of truth

we measured the years in numerals
as with skin, ardent and ruddy

palpable lost youth

the rare wood of mistake
loosened from sleep

in the morning we resemble damaged objects
prized for obedience
at odd angles of deformation to time

in the body, a funeral
still warm

skin and stone a slender neck of atonement
for the absence of home
KD Miller Sep 2015

I remember the tar stuck to my shoe, penny and patent,
a hot summer

staphylinid female with
wiry rotten acorn hair
swollen fingers red running

through the autumn dirt
the forest floor
Japanese maples, Douglas firs

purulent nailbed and
the window rolled down:
air whips like a riding crop,

I close it back up
Pride Ed Jun 2015
In this cracked bower of dusted morn,
Under crinkled leaves of cankered scorn,
Thine promise hath ruptured in purulent bliss;
Innards devoured with one poisoned kiss!
In death’s cruel grasp, spring bid adieu,
Such an ill-fate bestowed upon thee so soon!
Writhing in the pain from this soiled vow,
Revenge is waiting, won’t thy surrender now?
Leay Aug 2016
As is time
A waste of those  embibed
Hear of me a  different cord
A melody contrived

Where are they
Those pure of ilk
Those purulent, repent.

Dully dammed
an accumulation of
the not-so-distant insofar as
a whelm of cafard..

it is something that my hands
have seen with their drones,
something that bloviates
with intermittent speech,
a reaching-for-and-out hauling
of tempests as these

shadows renegade the dark
and join necessities of clarity
to combobulate their hue
into white without any trace of remembering, whatsoever.

yet in this scraping perimeter,
everything is within reach
yet unmoving - teeth do not gnash
anymore to grit their cadences,
mouths are swollen with something. a name perhaps? or a random memory of something we chortled about?
or were they bitten off by the fangs and their unrelenting incise,
suturing the lesions and removing the scabs of these wounds?

something that is purulent in laughter is just as crimson as in pain - these photographs watermarked by an effloresce of blood from which has lived once
in this world full in movement and in flesh now gone.
To the humble home of laughter, circa 2012-2013.
white: whips like its many
      a name,
         divines in it still,
  my eyes pure engulfed in
      the silence;

       white: which sound
     spills the sud of women
      sitting by the river
     looming clean sheets purulent
       with the Earth's gruel;

   oh, by the
   heart's ****** tillage or
      a word unspoken sinking
  in postponement, a moth's
    glide in perpetual motion

    white, many days,
      fewer nights,
         earth sways to crystalline
a tear to light a face
      of beauty once
      tarnished black with
          the blood of roses.
John Hayes Jan 2021
The witness sits waiting
as he walks in, briefcase in hand,
the table lined with lawyers.
He sits, puts down a tablet and pen,
asks for the witness to be sworn in,
and begins.
The pecking order is established.
The questioner is boss
and all embark on the train of
his thought.
'Would you recount for us
the circumstances leading up to
the incident.'
She begins one more time
to recount thoughts and impressions,
superimposed on
dimly recollected facts
whose keen edges
have long dissolved.
Her preparation is as apparent
as a painted door
over the threshold of
the truth.
'You have taken an oath',
he reminds her,
but the lock on the door
clicks shut.
Carefully, then, he makes a small incision
in the web
of aggregated incompatibilities,
and the abscess behind
exudes a purulent glow
through cracks only apparent
to him.
Her lawyer blusters and roars,
attempting to blow out the flickering flame.
But the cover is cleft,
and enough of the truth can be seen
to tip the scale.
A bandit’s just a brute at best.
A politician, sharp and sly,
Is like a purulent abscess,
Destroying roots as others die.

A fool alone could place their trust
In tyrants posing as the wise,
Who open doors to lies unjust,
And welcome butchers in disguise.

In Russian:

Сравнение двух видов преступности

Бандит — обычный недоумок.
Страшней политик — он умней:
Преступности даёт он в сумме
Гораздо больше, гробя пней.

Лишь пень убогий может верить
Фашистам в облике вождей,
Их лжи открывши настежь двери,
Впуская позже палачей.
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
It's still stopping now. My heart drummed and my uncontrollable heart bounces. We also feel it in our bone-breaking viscera, in the basic formula of our skeletons: Infinite Time is hysterical, in large cloud passages like a herd of greedy wolves among an army of lambs!

What if I can't take this cudar atmospheric front anymore? "It just depends on your organization, like your only driving force for many, many years!" - Oh, but Summer! The heated nights of insomnia! Swirling insomnia and restlessness, which suffocates everyone as a temptation, and an ****-winking of ripe colorful fruits, out in the kitchen garden, and

those unforgettable, immortal passions, sighing flames that came out every summer! Wounds, purulent scars bulged like stigmas in the craters of my body, and because I was careless I now have to put up with clenched prison teeth that fatal UVB radiation measured on me! - You haven't even looked at me!

,, Come on! What would I have done? I was just playing with you so I could throw it away forever! ” - The destruction of the apocalypse of the universe in all your deeds, your ancient deeds! You have been exiled in your heart for a long time, and I have not found myself since! And then, as one who has long been forgotten and described, he is devastated, he digests himself incessantly! As a one-eyed prisoner of the Cyclops, he cannot escape!
Norbert Tasev May 2020

I'm afraid because I can't trust anyone, and because I'm constantly disappointed - I only exist, even in the face of purulent scars, rocking dust! I try to look inside myself: What else can the secret map of my heart hide and how can it be even more lasting in biological material than ore? The lazy and monotonous minutes of walking through the alley of Life remain mortal until then - the eternal crisis of immortality is given to the happy legacy of star-eyes!

The perforated, leaked days are spinning around, squeezing into a vise, that you can't be with me - at most just in thought - and rushing around me like an overzealous gun, the assured fear is busy! Around me - I was afraid, I had already closed everything, because I was alone in conscious uncertainty: I was a stranger. They are stretched out towards me, even stretched by the cold indifference spikes of the ice stars. The cosmos is gaping in space, the black hole isn't fiddling, because I can be a kid again - if only for fragments - and rock in my mother's safe lap! "I don't know where to go, on designated, well-traveled roads?"

There that I have never been able to walk before, or are there risk-free beasts guided by poaching hunts that alternate war messages, cheap motherhoods? Then, if the protector Someone is next to me, maybe we will start with a definite undeniable pride, and with every perception of the blind we will unravel the secrets of the uncertain unknown Doom!

And perhaps our greatest sin will be that we have not remained convulsively clinging to us even in the decisive, defining moments - and we will forgive in the crater of our hearts that priceless tears will fall from the chasms of our soul-seeing eyes like soft meteors…
Norbert Tasev Jul 2020
Il-advised and outcastly, I still dared to hope: In the sublime consciousness of the planned happiness! It was only now that I realized that with its melted blood clumps, Hope itself had begun to wane! I whispered with idiotic love. I want to live with you, and together because you are very important to me!

In the immortal chain of existence, the connecting, fertile gem was yourself and your character! The fate of our destiny, the will to keep it, has certainly deprived me of every foot of my will. What kind of unrecognizable, unknown fear and conscious Horror squeezes the purple dungeons of my heart, in which only the dying patches of coparians now light up?

An emotion that can be increased to vanity, thought to be destroyed, cannot be destroyed, because the eternal flame of love nourishes, fuels and trains the consciousness awakening in biological instincts.

The ghost domain of the brain is received and captured by the catacombs of the nervous system with the message of kisses: The feeling of transcendence is that it is all about us unselfishly! In his son, who is still indefinite and may not be able to take the initiative, we can easily discover with conscious discipline we are searching and snooping: an individual who protects the bastions of morals and is vulnerable to the rich repositories of his character!

- Sometimes the contagion of diseases ruptures as a purulent ulcer. It is a pessimistic contagion of self-pity, and this is involuntary not only to repel, but increasingly to forge the insurmountable and pure-hearted laws of the relationship swaying in the rope dance!

And in that crossfire of disarming moments, all the superfluous, debris words are no longer valid: Two human stars are facing each other deeply, yet understandingly wolf-eyed at the center of humanist understanding!

— The End —