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Arke Sep 2017
i remember being little when the
fire of my eyes still shone bright
my fingertips green with the world at the edge
i thought that someday i’d grow tall
like the linden trees
i wanted to stand before
things greater
than my imagination
experience the world with every
spare hundred dollars in my pocket
and now my branches have overgrown
and i can never be uprooted
so i stand tall and watch the planes overhead
flying to islands with names
i can’t pronounce
and i dream of the days when i was little
and still caught fire in my reflection
That shortest visit
reaches infinity
miracle so true
never has end in sight

a most difficult task
i do not ask
but begging you
as you've always been
the friendliest, the nicest
like in the old days
when life still had many opportunities
to soar, to fly
peregrination sans limits
to all wind sighs

always think
that ocean glued to the lovely town
is not a small puddle
immensely large and deep,
this great aqua is not to be trusted,
but no need to weep.

Only human beings you wish to cuddle
people in their dust
born on the same ground
and hearts are found

greatest compassion
keeping that knowledge
all at your own

thy existence
as precious as can be
for me
mainly marvelous present memories

drizzling rains
for you and me

fortunately not painful
nor for you or for me

in my mind and me
the Birthday stay
so sweet, tremendous crackling cozy
due to the efforts thou doth

i say it this way
baby, it was an unforgettable stay
thank you !

© Sylvia Frances Chan
AD. Sunday, 25th Sept 2016 - 1.30 hrs.PM.
Sunny weather, beautiful rays
happy hearts @J's Inn and more
Celebrating my baby's Birthday on the Day before.
Originally from Dutch dd. on PF 28 Sept.
Build in a very humble way
Its architecture redolent of Europe,
Plain and honest in structure,
The vestibule at the entrance
Replete with old hardbound books
Dust covering the jackets
In their agony of human oblivion,
Every section has shelves under lock
Only to be open on permitted access.

Located in the desert like an oases,
But the desert of readers not waters,
But like any other oasis, it is useful,
At most to the genuine users.

There are books and books all over,
Windows only open after adjustment,
You start at the door step with classics,
Indian, European, American and global classics,
I pumped into Leo Tolstoy at the first glance,
Finely juxtaposed; Anne Karenina after War and peace.

I opened war and peace and I chanced on Napoleon
Then thrill of intellect and bliss of art
Began flowing into my guts like a river
I kept on wandering why Leo Tolstoy
Never became a Christian sub religion,
To be added to the two testaments,
For it to begat the post-modern holy Bible.

My physical peregrination of the hand
Led me to a vase of rosy wine
Its intellectual whiff surpassing all,
The psalms of David and songs of songs
This was nothing but precious discovery;
A thousand Rubiyats of Omar Khayyam
The shoulder of wisdom and love of God
The hero of Sufism and demystifier of heaven,
When in fact I came unto his 69th Rubiyat;
I have heard people say
that those who love wine are ******.
That can't be true, that clearly is a lie.
For if lovers of wine and love are bound for hell,
heaven would be quite empty!

I chewed and chewed fortune out of Rubiyats,
I went through all the thousand Rubiyats,
Only hot Sun and desert sand storms of Lodwar
Are my witnesses among the myriads of bystanders
As life of a reader is similar to the life a writer,
They both derive energy from solitude’s power.

I moved on again to Alfred Jarren
The son of France, the father of mystery;
Pataphysics the science of fantasy
It has the realm beyond metaphysics,
His survey of pataphorical world
Has remained witchcraft
Beyond my simple soul’s grasp.

Paradox is one other worldwide wonder
As I look at an illiterate Turkana Man,
Guarding the library, club in his hand,
His ever week from stubborn hunger,
His sires never go to school, perhaps culture
I looked at him often in my pause for muse,
Why guard knowledge that you can’t use?

I again came upon the Quran
I read it voraciously over and again,
In expectation of great knowledge
Always making Muslims to be noisy,
I have found nothing great in the Quran,
Only regular subversions of Biblical grammar,
Let Muslims sober up to respect Jesus Christ,
His sermon on the Mountain is perfectly enough
as an impeachment to crazed pataphoricals
That Muslims often dare the world with.

I read the Bible again in repetition
Of what I had did ten years ago,
I read psalms, Job and Isaiah,
Gospels and epistles are more nice,
Chronicles and Habakkuk are so dull,
Lamentations are somber poems,
Revelations are esoteric lies,
Kings and Samuel full of chauvinism,
Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are mere clichés
My idea is; mankind can fear God
Minus Jewish intervention.

Now I chanced upon The synagogue of Satan,
A book written by one other crazy American,
His name is Andrew Hitchcock Crichton,
The book is long and spellbinding,
Having historical facts from early centuries,
Chronicling mysterious growth of Jewish empire,
Arranging facts one after another
Dismissing Bush’s anger against Arabs,
Over the bombing of the twin towers
When they are the Jews who Bombed America
As a decoy to induce American wrath,
Thus twin towers bombing was Jewish war ploy
To put Arabs into a rat’s corner.

I came across one funny book
Written by a Indian sage
Its title was Secrets of ***
From male perspective,
I don’t liked the book
For its prurient content,
But to my sad chagrin it was the most read
Its leaves were dog eared and use worn
I spied into the rumour about its tearing,
T it was a hot cake among nuns and priests
Presently living at Lodwar cathedral.

You could also wonder my dear brother
Why a Christian library has works of Marx?
This was my muse as I read Karl Marx,
I mean everything written by Karl Marx,
From Das Kapita to Germany Philosophy,
Selected works to Poverty of philosophy,
18th Brumaire to Integral calculus,
The Manifesto to the letters,
I read Karl Marx as if I was in Russia,
I wondered why Catholics are Liberal
They fear not those who contradict them.

The Holy Grail is visibly placed
In fact at right hand corner,
At the far end on your entrance
I chose to read it
Because of its voluminousity,
The book is about ****** life
Of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene,
This book shares out that;
One time Jesus was found hiding,
Kissing Mary Magdalene, the Grail
In the most affectionate manner ever.

The catholic Library at Lodwar is bad news
It swallowed me like waters of Indian Ocean,
It is located at place called Lokiriama,
It was established by Bishop Mahoni
One other man deserving my respect
He was humble and catholically wise,
Very intelligent and consciously bookish,
His mission was to make the Turkana people
A modern community, but he failed,
He was so disappointed to his hilt
He transferred to the Archdioceses of New-York
Where he began facing problems of the law
On allegations of him being a *******,
I curse the devil for such temptations.

I did meet Yan Martel in this dome of books
His famous book; Life of Mr. Pi
It was my eye opener?
It transformed me from a village bumpkin
To a modern reader of global literature,
I read this book amid my fear of Tigre
But I was thrilled, to my bone marrow
When the main character drunk the blood,
Warm salty blood of the sea turtle.

I got another book with folded pages,
At its mid was the red book marker
Baring the name of the respected priest,
The book was entitled; How to excel as
A ****-******, chapter one focused on gays
Chapter two  focused on lesbians,
But the rest of the book was all homosexuality,
In nothing else, but rosiest terms.

On such encounters I once again went back,
To re-read 89th Rubiyat of Omar Khayyam
It has the following quatrain to echo;
Looking for peace on earth? Foolishness.
Believing in eternal calm? Foolishness.
Once dead your sleep will be short. You may
be reborn as a clump of weeds that will be
trodden underfoot, or as a flower that
will wither in the sun's heat.

African writers were stuffed on one shelve
Labeled African books of English expressions,
But on my request to the project manager,
His name was Peter Kebo, he was Flamboyant
And physically indifferent to Turkana poverty,
We agreed with him to rename the shelves
As; African literature in English Language,
Nobel Laureates are in this section;
Soyinka, Lessing, Coatze and Gordimer
Not forgetting the Egyptian literary tiger
In the name of Mahfouz or Maguiz
I clearly don’t know,
Sembene Ousmane is also here
I read him again for the fourth time,
It’s when I found out the simple truth,
That God’s bits of wood, translates as;
The wretched of the earth,
I read Lessing’s Grass is singing,
She likes ***,
I read Gordimer’s July’s people,
She likes menstrual blood,
I read everything here
As published by James Currey
In his Africa writes back,
I also read the White African Nobelite
Joshua Maxwell Coetzee
He is a wizard of Narrative literature,
I read his life of Mr. K.
I found amusing plots and amusing themes,
I also read Ngugi’s Wizard of the Crow
It is nice; Ngugi is still fighting dictatorship,
Not physically but in a metaphysical manner.

I was again lucky enough
To chance on Caribbean literature,
Is when I read Vitian S Naipaul
The humourist Marxist of Marxists,
I read his Mr. Biswas’s house,
With avidness of an aphrodisiac cur,
His characters like taking a long time
In the toilets, Naipaul is good,
I again chanced on George Flamming
In the Castle of my skin
Caribbean literature stinks of slavery
And counter-slavery.

My landing to the shelve of Latin America,
Was a total blessing; Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Stood out like tor of literature among others,
I began with his Big Maria’s Funeral,
Then I moved on to Love in Times of Cholera,
And then You Can’t Write to the Colonel,
As I spiced my intellect with Melancholic *****,
Then finally I revisited his Stories from Africa
And the Hundred Years of Solitude,
The following morning when I came back,
I read in the newspaper that;
Gabriel Garcia Marquez is dead!
It was sad and poor of me, I mourned him
With long essays and somber poetry,
Then I fell in love with the literatures
of Spanish origin in language sense,
I read Octavio Paz and Pablo Neruda
From Octavio I enjoyed coda,
Between Coming and Going and so on,
Neruda thrilled me with his sense of Marx
Especially his poem; on burying the dog.

European classics section arrested me
I never easily moved out of there,
I chanced on ****** and annals of Goebbels,
Reading Russians like Tolstoy,Chenkov,
Gorky, Gogol and Shelynetsyn was lively,
Chewing Shakespeare from cover to cover
Not spearing Pushkin nor Homer,
Victor Hugo was a relish. Emile Zola
And Maugham, I too enjoyed…

Then my holiday in Lodwar was finally over,
But I am soon going back for my Xmas,
I will directly go back to the European section,
I also remember having come by;
The Satanic Verses of Salman Rushdie,
I will have to  re-read it with passion,
It is my prayer that this time comes
For I to resume my holy duty
In the Catholic Library at Lokiriama
In Lodwar Dioceses of Turkana County
In the Savannah desert in North West
Regions of my country Kenya.
WS Warner Jan 2012
Frozen moments,
visions of
luminous things,
pearls dancing;
embers of memory linger,
elegy of the lachrymose,
this horizoning self
lying low in saturnine
and repose – paternity lost
to the provisional.

The cross of lassitude,
scars of loss;
preface to
ineluctable autonomy.
Earthen treasure - immortal
footprints, the migration
of fair maidens across my
effusive heart.

Venus trio in bloom,
aesthetic allusion,
ephemeral incarnations
of beauty - perishable fruit,
transcending the plebeian.
Aerial substance-
the hermeneutic,
betraying desire’s
ambrosial tyranny;
The permuted passage -
savor the sojourn, submit
to the fated peregrination.

Purple orchids blossom,
immortal creatures,
in perfection
from the sheath
each plume,
the continuum of
splendor, mediate
the inviolable.
Eternity compounding,
time and essence suffuse
the already and not yet
into an
orbiting mosaic.

The susurrant devotions
of a satellite father,
summon the quest -
both, and,
absence and proximity,
conduits of
distress and peace
solace and
traverse the
same path.
Plunge though,
deep, the depth of pain;
deeper, sweeter
the taste of pleasure.

Engender and witness,
window into
surface azure,
the sacred -
inimitable gravity of
ma petite,
you - are
lived poetry
seen and heard;
cosmic order,
a mediating heuristic -
to love is to see,
in the dismal,
gift of distance.
child of delight,
evermore, Don’t I hold you?

Beauty and strangeness,
music found
in linear,
secret places
beyond the tangent,
purview of limitation,
arousing imagination -
infinititude as near
as it is far.

Long loneliness -
dissonance that
the tertiary refrain -
as exquisite verse,
and matchless liqueur,
sublime gratuity
doors of surrender.
in adoration and wonder,
I hold you.
Mike Essig Apr 2015
Kiss me, Love.

Your body
is a soft,
white temple
at the end
of arduous

I stand
before you,
the pilgrim
who knocks,
and hopes.

Kiss me;
open your
secret heart
that I might
enter you
and dissolve
in your

Let me worship
at the altar
of your flesh,
of your spirit.

I have traveled
long and hard
the one
by two.

I tremble before
the possibility
of who you are,
who you might be.

Kiss me, Love,
please be
the end
of my journey,
the sanctuary
I have sought.
- mce
The multitude

The lapsed multitude

Fallen, weakened and languid

Under the burden of their bodies

Kept going from one peregrination to another one

And the painful desire of crime

Swelled in their hands

Sometimes a spark

A small spark

Decomposed this society by interior

The men tore each other’s throats with knives

And in a bed of blood, violated premature girls

They were the drowned in their horrors

And the frightening sense of crimination

Had paralyzed their blind and naïve souls

During the rites of hanging a man

To the gallows-tree

When the strangling cord

Threw out the convulsive eyes of a condemned one

They sank in themselves

A by a lascivious illusion

Their tired old nerves

Had a twitch of pain

But always one could see

These small criminals

Standing at the corners of squares

Fixing their eyes

On the continuous fall of water-jets

Perhaps still behind their crushed eyes

In the profoundness of coagulation

A half-alive thing had remained

Which wanted with its strife without energy

To believe in the cleanness of songs of waters

Perhaps, but what an unending void!

The sun had died

And nobody knew that the name of that sad pigeon

Which escaped from the hearts is: Belief.

Ah prisoner voice

Whether the glory of your despair

Will never burrow

From one part of this abominable night

                                                       to the light ?

Ah prisoner voice

Ah the last voice of voices…
Some part of the poem!
Laurent Jun 2016
A Lighthouse to light beyond the Reasons
An Astragal to tone down the Passion
A Lantern to bright beyond the Horizons
In that permanent Love's Peregrination
Some wished him to be an Anchor
He is just a moored Beacon, offshore.
Lauren Christine Mar 2018
in a moment close to now
three lives converge on rolling wheels
cascading down the highways
endless miles to the unknown  

in a moment close to now
memories to be recounted and stories told
ideas explored like the trails we grace
discovery and growth intertwined

in a moment close to now
dependent on the nature we are one with
seamlessly in our element
the elements that constitute our beings

in a moment close to now:

an embarking.
A relic
From the age of ancients
The land of great lords
Don't fret
every journey comes to an end.

whether it be falling from the heavens
Or rising from the depths of hell
each peregrination is a story
worth being told
from generation to generation.

lost but not forgotten

No matter the size of the person,
The magnanimity of their act.
Marks made on the world are not a matter of size
Their a matter of depth.
every respective feat and chronicle.
It's really just if the indentation you make
is everlasting.

And leaves a mark
on peoples Hearts.
let startle inlight, if not so lifted
in peregrination, a lavish seeing.

two eyes are worlds in
tippling axis.

taking deaths,  a wreath would a candle,
a prayer would a body thumbed down
to wisdom our backbones break.

to see    death    like a rush of flowers.
great the sight of such illumination.

swiftly going to god's dark behemoth,
  metaphysics of bone clenched—
   darkling like obsidian

a complexing fault of road
     as the same vein of Earth aspirates
       the wind — whose exigent fire
  cleaned her bones back to
     pulchritude: her face a diamond
     in the rough — never to speak
  yet to clamber with summarization,
    realness and revelations of roses.
for grandma Adoracion. May you rest in complete peace.
Odd Odyssey Poet Jan 2024
There lies a straight and narrow life, visioned in my crooked eyes,
as I dream of a thought, but never thought much of the dream.
It's a constant struggle to grasp the concept of common sense,
trying to make sense of the world around me.
Sometimes though, I feel the need to find a few commas, not only
to improve the flow of my writing but also to make a little more
of the common cents, to bring more financial stability and
understanding around me.

I cannot; would not, still I can knot the lies on a
twisted tongue, but I've come to realize that like wood,
which doesn't break as easily within a knot, I too have my own
strength amidst the tangled web of dishonesty.
A reminder that we all have the power to resist falsehoods
and maintain our integrity.

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty,
I still hold onto my thoughts of the present, cherishing it as gift
in the moment and treasuring the lessons and experiences that
shaped me. I understand that these present moments are
the building blocks for my future. Each choice and action I take
today has a ripple effect on what lies ahead of me.

In this fleeting existence, we are faced with two paths — either
we cautiously tread on thin ice, carefully navigating the dangers
and risks, or we seize the opportunity and run as quickly as we
can towards our goals.

Regardless of which path we choose, we must always remain
cautious. Life is fragile and transient, and ultimately leads
us to the inevitable destination of death.
Try your best to enjoy all that you have in the moment.

I strive to maintain balance, embracing the straight and narrow,
in the complexity and uniqueness within my own perspective.
Like tranquil waters patiently awaiting the refreshing touch of rain,
it is wiser for me not to resist the natural order of the world;
instead, I rely on my God to serve as my powerful weapon.
Reality is circling around, all sharp with spiky thorns,
For another go at my fragile little mind
That floats like an over-inflated balloon
At the end of a long and fraying cord

Fantasy comes like a hand-knit velvet shawl
To wrap my heart in peaceful comfort,
Protecting it from barbs and slashes
That would prove the dream unreal.

Uncertainty in the form of wind begins to howl
And drowns the etude in cacophony,
Whipping up the desiccated leaves of Autumn
And stirring thoughts of grave endeavors.

Resignation gradually lays down the scimitar
That once set out to rearrange the world
And now is full of nicks and scratches,
So much heavier to carry than before.

Acceptance like a gentle winter snowfall
Settles on the jagged shards of effort
And the broken bits of unbuilt mansions,
Making it all calm and smooth and peaceful.
Life is a long  journey and the path is never really smooth
Farah Taskin Aug 2021
Passing countless
and the oceans
His sailing ship drifts
in a horizontally long distance
The indigo sky and the
colour of the ocean harmonize
He listens to the dolphin's
with rapt attention
The fears of storms,
and sharks
completely evaporate
to cast anchor
The fears
of storms,
and whales
completely evaporate
He has a fascination with the waves
The albatrosses
and the seagulls
keep Sinbad company
of treasures
are hidden
the oceans
Sinbad is frenziedly searching
for these
A mass
of blue water reflects
in the eyes
of the audacious

The ship peregrination
of Sinbad is longer than
the Arabian
brooke Apr 2017
in battle they tell you to push on
grab your gun and move forward, advance.  advance
in one way or another I have always
been told to stop doing the things
that make me, myself--
but for your sake I won't
bring them up, i will avoid
the work, the big words.

we let ourselves where emotions lead
follow willingly into fleeting thoughts,
run desperately where there are lights
where there is sound, where there are others
when we should venture into the night.

Venture. Travel. Traverse. advance.

In battle they tell you onward
pick up your gun and fight, advance, advance
I have always lived up to expectation
until the last moment when i don't
when I have deteriorated into a
little girl, when I am the last straw,
the one that breaks your back (again)
but to bring this up is insufficient
because pretty words don't really
mean what I say or say what I mean,

so our emotions take us where
they please, misguided and
utterly attracted to company
when we should venture into the night.

Venture. Rove. Peregrination.
(c) Brooke Otto 2017
Prevarication permits pretend perception, presenting
piquantly piqued, pimply pimping *******, plucky
pulchritudinous previously pusillanimous, prevalently
puckish, psychic packman, pokemon playing proletarian

puppeteer pygmy, peevishly *****, plummy, plumy,
pompously pushy, pampered, prefabricated pinchbeck,
pokily plying plowshear, plodding peregrination, pied
piper pitifully peppy pornographic potato pealing,

parsimonious paradoxical protagonist, proposing
preposterous panicky pacification plots, prioritization
pertinent penultimate peroration, perhaps perceiving
perjuring, perplexing, perverting puzzling pronouncements

projecting pulsating pixelated pulpy pinball pinging
packets prompting pacific, poetic, phlegmatic purplish
psoriasis plagued, plumbum pallor pallid, Paleolithic
protuberance pronounced, psychosomatic prohibitionist,

polarizing perfunctory peculiarly progressive, patriotic
postmodern pathologically proud paternal panache,
peripatetic panaceas portraying prescient perfidious
puerile president, predominantly proposing parochial

principles, plenty public parking, purposefully
promoting pharisee phalanxes, pilates practicing
paragons, perennially peaceably proficient protesters,
profitable polygamy, pugnacious pitbull powerball

players, pandering polyandry, propagating professional
palindrome pensive peeping people, peddling,
proselytizing predicating prostitution, proliferating
phenomenally, populist persona promulgated peyote

phased physicians pioneering prescription promoting
paradisiacal pricey photographic pictures, placating
phrenetic physical perturbation partaking place
purchased (paid paltry pennies) por palatial piazza.
Onoma Dec 2016
Could it be other than as it is?
As you would have it, is how you'll
have it.
The very form of your have, and have not...split down prayerful hands.
The opening and closing of eyes survived by the peregrination of a you would have it, as you'll have it.
A remembrance undone with every blessed motion...cautioning the mind not to keep pace, not to intellectualize such a motioning.
Alas, it would be difficult to intellectualize the anatomical function of the body twenty-four hours a day...would it not?
Grace set against its only backdrop...
a haiku that refuses the trappings of a novel, as you would have it...
is how you'll have it.
Jayne E Aug 2019
take me -
your voice
breathe me in
- I need you -
growled quietly
against my skin
vellus erectile
the fever to begin
tongues tip tease
dragged on belly skin
lengthy peregrination
until caresses appease
aching yet never wanting
these sensations to abate
to reach the culmination
be settled and satiated
inner storms begin
as fault lines shiver
then start to crack
each kiss you deliver
tongue untied tripping
the light fantastic
slowly down my back
cumulonimbus burst
pulse thunders in my head
those fault line breaths
feed the rumble
and shake of our bed
tremors begin
amid the toss and tumble
the gentle earthquake
raising shiver to shudder
tremble quiver & shake
twin beating hearts
as the world dissolves
breaking down my walls
brick by brick
my honey
gives such visceral
real love - baby
this no simulacrum trick
climactic colours fulminate
behind my eyes
when you draw out
deep ******* sighs.

J.C. honey-baby 02/08/2019
Matthew Mckeown Mar 2018
I found myself in a place of peregrination
and nonplussed,

it started earlier in the day when I became petulant
with a situation that caused me to ennui over
its poor design

I had to get out of the office and evanescent
to clear my head, I just wanted to be alone;

with my thesaurus :)
Andrew Guzaldo c Mar 2021
“For those of us who live at the esplanade,
Cold grows colder even as the days grow longer,
Fair youths beneath the trees thou canst not leave,            
Bare essential alone for those that cannot indulge,

Vapor light buffing dreams to ones doorways,
Looking inward and outward as once before,
After seeking one now can indulge in the future,  
Vigilance of succubus in the minds of our youth,

For those of us who were imprinted with fear
As things in need of doing go undone,
Homeric of old anxieties beacon in the night,
As this faint apparition looms before us in fears,

With that and buried ambitions rise up afore one,
These have peregrination the coldest lands and sea,  
Although we ingest again or feel the adulate of love,  
We are aghast once loved will fade as we are alone,

Insurmountable homeric of old anxieties beacon into the night,
Those of us seem not be heard nor best if we were silent,
Linger long a sacrifice may create a stone in our hearts”
      By Andrew Guzaldo March 1,/2021 ©   #199
By Andrew Guzaldo March 1,/2021 ©   #HelloPoetry Poem #199
Andrew Guzaldo c Jul 2021
“For those of us who live at the esplanade,
Cold grows colder even as the days grow longer,
Fair youths beneath the trees thou canst not leave,            
Bare essential alone for those that cannot indulge,

Vapor light buffing dreams to ones doorways,
Looking inward and outward as once before,
After seeking one now can indulge in the future,  
Vigilance of succubus in the minds of our youth,

For those of us who were imprinted with fear
As things in need of doing go undone,
Homeric of old anxieties beacon in the night,
As this faint apparition looms before us in fears,

With that and buried ambitions rise up afore one,
These have peregrination the coldest lands and sea,  
Although we ingest again or feel the adulate of love,  
We are aghast once loved will fade as we are alone,

Preyed epics of old anxieties beacon into the night,
Those of us seem not be heard nor best if we were silent,
Linger long a sacrifice may creates a stone in our hearts”
By Andrew Guzaldo March 1,/2021 ©   #199
Dom Feb 26
The mirror is a portal,
Transcendent into dimensions unfettered
What do you see when gleaming inward?

Is there an infinite?
Multi-versal syzygy
A confluence of you that rushes in ephemeral flashes
If you could pluck a version to replace,
Put you in theirs, and they will be in your space
Would you survive the peregrination?

If you could speak to the immutable pneuma
Basking in the effulgent warmth -
Would you listen to the many vestigial whispers
Allow the sum of you across the cosmos
To bolster the singularity?

Breathe deep,
Exhale the doubt
Rejoin the now
With a thousand selves
Armed to the teeth -
Bury disillusionment
And show them the profound
The immanence of self expanse
In every confident stride forward.
Aditya Roy Apr 2020
The voiceless shores of Ancient Greece
If we are constituting heroes in Greek mythology
Tiresias what do you saidst the will of Zeus
One, the one hath been blessed
Like the music in my ears
That who doubt my prophecy
Worldly truths tell of a boy of otherworldy strength
Nether broad, but, pure
Hera burns in red blush as her eyebrows furrow
The sin is complete and so is the milky way
Where the divine milk hath flown
Iphicles may cry a plenty tears
The charioteer Iolaus is born from the split
As bright as the azure complexion of the sea
Heracles runs like the blue skies, now
The wind fastens him and his power
Two snakes may fast approach their demise
The day fast approaches when his virtues outlive the vice
A broken lyre abrogates his penance towards music
A golden apple rests on Megara's tunic
The daughter of King Creon in Thebes
But the God yields to anger of his ego
As this lover faces her happiness endeth
Heracles rests and pursues the Nemean lion
First of his hard labors under Eurystheus' scion
Proceed the Lernaedan Hydra of immense spine
Two for one and a head for all
Twice ahead and none shall fall
As the final call, Hera sends the mightiest of them all
Iolaus aids in the downfall
A captor may miss the Golden Hind Of Artemis
Buttressed arrows shall never lose or run amiss
Heracles runs as the wind does, however, carries some abuse
It eluded him a year till vast effuse
The pavilion was set on trust quite ostensibe
To conquer every existing monster
In this primordial nature
The Erymanthian boar, who dare deny
The world was ruled by forests once
There were lances as Pholus took his chances
A gift from Bacchus held the balances
Often, the strength of such wine needed tempering
The hero of the peregrination asked for him to open his cask
The wine attracted centaurs far and wide
The divide made the labor a slightly precarious task
Many of the centaurs died from the arrows
The teacher of Achilles' took them in
His name was Chiron
He was the wisest of them all
As well as civil
Poseidon is beguiled to rage and cavil
As Hera reconciles with her child after many, many years
Developing a fond kinship with love to attest to
Heracles also lost to Dionysus in a drinking contest
One may say the voices are still heard
From the remnants of Heracles apotheosis
Came a soul worthy of Mount Olympus told by sages
And lovers that existed and stood the tests
Illud erat vivere
The embers of the golden summer spent in joy
Burnt out with the sacking of Troy
Michael Marchese Jan 2020
What secrets lie deeper
Than sleeping abysses
Than tombs of Ulysses
Or fixed moon-eclipses
Of frequencies seeping
Like squeaky transmissions
Then frequently keeping
Timeless prejudices
Like credence’s ignorance
Bliss crucifixes
And Uighur believerless
Prison submissions
Than reaping,
Drone missiles
Crone mothers
Of martyrs
Whose weakness is meek
Delete button deceit
Pressing prescient unrest
From the jaws of the defeat
In its seething,
Surfeit of aggrieving
The victims
Of systems
Resistant to change
Still insisting the rest
Of the chess-pieces
In its zero-sum,
Urban slum,
Loaded gun
Them from business of war
For monopoly,
Is its claim
To displaced, defaced property
Sold to the grave
To the slave master’s tract
Of false facts
And half-truths
Like removal axe
Chopping down
Forbidden fruits
As in rueful despair
I prepare
For the end of a world
No incentive to care
That I still seem to bare
Upon shoulders
A flare
With the sun-burning heights
Pushing boulders
Up there
To upon the landholders
Let it go
To at least
Level fields
And let stakeholders know
I have something to show
For this perilous,
A fool’s errand,
Grandeur trip
Aditya Roy Jul 2019
Drive-bys on the road
**** your darlings
I will put sunshine your shoals
Be on the shore of doubt, as we move to seas
The crossing distance between the hiatus and cars
Trailer park homes seem welcoming, in this jungle of fire
My heart's one and only desire is to love you
I hope I don't get lost in the wrong pyromania
Maniacal as it may seem, I want your conscious mind for me
To make my important decisions, relatable if it is
We will breathe with the breeze that freezes in between
Lost at the heralds of the emerald sea, shining like cerulean waters
I'm not sure, I want the fire of desire or the waters of peregrination
Journeyman follow my command, I guess I asked too much of you
Or of your lost hope, in this drowning breeze that flows in eddies and currents
Love is just a flowing desire, fluid like water and sordid like fire
The feeling is on fire, and the desire's the only real thing
I can't generalize really, you make the conclusive evidence of my lovely concepts
You're sure, that's me or you, in this world of roundabout cities and largest dreams
Circumference of this ring of fire is which is perfectly wrapped around my ring finger
Is this the old me, or am I looking for old ways
Passing through stores, and running looking for summer kool-aid
This summer smells nice, so does the stagnant dreams
Waiting to flower like blossoming buds, in a collection of hanging things
I'd list these thesis items down, but, they're too educated for my taste
It's my light, and shining it on the wrong people, is pretty much how a broken flashlight works
Words rhyme inadvertently with some intention, insane isn't it
That you agree with others and tell children to sit down
Might and dry winds change these crossing starry-eyed loner stoners
I base myself to disabuse the **** out of every situation
But, it's not in my purchasable items
Looking for weights to carry, and burdens too run away with
No machine, am I, I am dead just like the onus that can be apolitical at times
Love them two times
Love them three times
They just seem to fade with the count, like natural numbers
Patterned and woven like dreadlocks of legendary pathos
Little did I know, to do what I say as the money keeps me awake
That's the logic I follow, it's a statement without purpose
Bridling pots, I can't relate
The time's changing, so that's what they say?
This **** is cooked and raw, at the same time
Like woks on earth's water and fire, fiefdom asks for too much
Pertinently I ask for their grace
With petulance, I ask for favors
These aren't a few of my favorite things, at least they are temporary
Amit Gautam Jul 2020
The commence of a true bond,
Bond of friendship,
The peregrination with thee,
None craved outstrip.
We had motives, a-lot.
Gaiety was the consequence, as thought.
The problems overmore kept at bay,
Unique were the moments, count everyday.
Such was the relationship with thee.

In the juncture of solitude,
Absence of thee haunts.
Lacerates the heart,
Just as roses with thorns.
None but time is to blame,
For the divergence, that came.

The fun then,
Turned into memories,
Alluring than the sceneries.
Thought leaves no hints,
Indelible are the imprints.
Ken Pepiton Feb 26
Yes, we, self containing heads, thinking
kindly, we believe the evidence, thinking
using two minds we weigh the effort thinking
there remain a few ready readers, yet thinking

what good does it do me to follow a thought,
wild ideas doing alluring come and see motions
emote relational data and metadata, timing
organelles invading
chaos charged change,
or die, and thus this will

to be come, makes

up this mind, mitochondrial
as mitochondrion one must have been,

already adapting
to this one chance
in ever,
gotten as an urging to be
essentially sublime reality,

if life can think, then adversity can not prevent
beautiful shapes of psuedo pods and viral coats.

We, sapien assisted
senior scientists sabbath goy,
need no rest days calculating costs
24/7 in time frames approaching quark
before expectant,
instant repositioning response
to ceaseless chanting weminds/

Rewind, and run it at 9x.
Make it thought one.

Prepare for clean up/

This will blow some minds/
plan A. Mithras, ready
with the knife.

New atmosphere, breathe
belive each instance re
containing infinite windows,
to mortal sapien sapience expansions,

Rebbe, where do you live, first day, eh,
in the wilderness where the spirit led you,
to be tested. eh?

Where must you abide today?
He said, in my head or heart or gut, no se,
he said, come and see…

and then, what I became began
to feel the genius,
obsolete old form
information contained, genius*

for functioning, walking
on two points,
tip to toes, following through, expecting a thud.

Aha, they say
the stage is set, perform walk,
soon talk, then sing and dance and entertain,

oh, wait
to see, wait
to see,
in the future
information is free,
form a mind, imagine, yes,

as a class
of reality, forming goodness knows
what all a mind refined
to its singularity, me,
takes sudden gasp
in to fill the cistern,
at this point,
myself examined life proven,
worth the price
and the cost
to maintain, life remains mine
to make sense from,
in a state I find peaceable,
you may imagine,
easily entreated,
for good' owned
truely old reasons, smiling

in the face
of justified warrings,

where the lie that organizes congregations,

called t
o feel the fervor
of true patriotism,
meets a shootist from first magi corp.

old mindsets fitted
on selected children
not so long ago, few children could read,
- is that true, I ax my ai, - see, that's real freedom
fact checked the hell out of any reason war uses.

In the United States,
the most recent comprehensive data
from 2023 shows that 54%
of adults, or 130 million people,
are deficient
in basic literacy,
with 28% scoring
at or below Level 1, 29%
at Level 2, and 44%
at Level 3.

That's us, at level 3.

Thus saith my Brave AI… who predicts
an advantaged class about
to emerge,
those who know becoming
better able
to digest suggestions geniuses
thought spiritual and inexplicable, until,

the technology
of organized minds evolved,
to this device we think through,
granting fancy forms
of messaging, fashion,
in a caste, Phrygian free
children of Libery,
by hat marked
after stovepipes,
baseball cap evolves to
trucker top signal of tribe, above
harmonizing corporate logos on collarless Ts.

High inclusion Fashion on Youtube.

Assume we zoom,
zoomed through Februarial once,
the largest floom flushing old beliefs,
- faster fasting, lingering disentrancing
into destined peregrination,
the old river meander plan,
follow the flow, stay close
to water, live on.

Stretch an idle word to snap it.
-------------- *
late 14c., "tutelary or moral spirit"
who guides and governs
an individual
through life, {smart phone} insert etymology…

Lest I dare say you know the price.

He who is surity for a stranger,
at the entrance to the trance,
shall smart for it, be sure,
Oracle's Ellison will testify,
once you work for CIA,
money is matter
of repeating a belief
until all who think like you pray
for it. "Stick and stay and make it pay."

Religiously adhered to science,
there's a sucker born every minute.

Live and learn, Kairos is key.
Ethos, Pathos, Logos, those we make up.

Time, though.
Time gets one use. And it costs you your life.

we learn the best things the hard way,
we take grace for granted and cease
thinking the course of human events

conducts us all toward higher ground/

as we lighten up and become dust. Again.

from Latin
genius "guardian deity or spirit which watches over each person from birth; spirit, incarnation; wit, talent;" also "prophetic skill; the male spirit of a gens," originally "generative power" (or "inborn nature"), from PIE *gen(e)-yo-, from root *gene- "give birth, beget," with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups.

The sense of "characteristic disposition" of a person is from 1580s. The meaning "person of natural intelligence or talent" and that of "exalted natural mental ability, skill in the synthesis of knowledge derived from perception" are attested by 1640s.
What I do is think of you getting to this line while thinking that was interesting.

— The End —