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Aaron LaLux Aug 2017
One of her earliest memories,
was that of being *****,
that’s right no foreplay in this poem,
right into it like what happened to her when she was torn open,

one of her earliest memories,
was not of flowers or ice cream or curious cats,
just that which was her grandfathers curious fingers,
***** by the very ones who were supposed to protect her,

painful facts of heinous acts do we have to let that linger,
can’t we just get it out into the open I mean it’s even happened to the famous,
just ask The Cranberries’ Dolores O’Riordan,
or Amy Shumer or Lady Gaga or Gabrielle Union or Madonna or Tori Amos,

or Teri Hatcher Kelly McGillis or Queen Latifah or Pamela Anderson,
or Oprah Winfrey or Fran Drescher, or Mo’Nique, AnnaLynne McCord,
or of course Kesha, Jane Fonda or Ashley Graham ****,
and these are just a fraction of the victims because most women don’t even file reports,

but it’s not just women that get ***** it happens to men too,
Tim Roth Scott Weiland R Kelly Billy Holiday to name a few,
also include Cory Feldman of course and DMX Santana & Tyler Perry too,
I mean to be honest I’ve also been touched inappropriately how about you?

Let’s bring our skeletons out of the closet so we can stop the nonsense of these monster’s abuse.

How is **** so common and constant yet the subject completely oppressed,
I guess it’s kinda exactly like what happens to those that are molested and those that ******,
young girls staying silent while screaming inside and taken advantage of by a member of their tribe,,
as the same man that married the woman that breastfed her mom touches her breast,

in other words,
the man who birthed the woman that birthed her is the one that hurts her,
her grandfather’s curious fingers find his granddaughters innocence,
and she’s not sleeping but still she’s squeezing,
her eyes closed like if she tries hard enough he’ll just disappear and evaporate,

as he fulfills his sickening sense by finding her emptiness in the losing of her innocence…

Why do those closest to us cause us the most harm,
why was this girl more comfortable telling me what had happened to her,
than telling her own family about what had happened,
maybe because the trust was gone and the love was lost because they’d betrayed her,

why does the American Dream,
sometimes feel more like a terrible nightmare,

one where you’re dreaming that you’re being attacked,
but you’re paralyzed by fear so as much as you try you can’t scream,
silenced by the violence that’s personally occurring to you,
and you’re trying to pretend you’re asleep but really all you want to do is awake from this dream…

I guess in a way we all feel sick,
because we all have things we still have to admit,
like how suicide is something a lot of us have tried to commit,
how we all feel sick of it all & don’t know the point was to any of this,

see sometimes,
when you’ve been wronged your whole life you lose sight of what right is,
and honestly I feel exactly the same way sometimes,
which is exactly the reason why I took the time to write this,

just to let you know,
that I love you,
and that I hope,
one day you'll escape all abuse,

when we are pure enough to see clearly,
when we’ve redeemed ourselves enough to earn our halos,
when we finally reach the Heavens,
someday sometime someplace somewhere over the rainbow….

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆

author of multiple best selling poetry books
L** oves to play on the computer

A lways humorous

U nique in every way

R unning, jumping, tumbling at gym

E xceptionally bright

L earner
In Acrostic poems, the first letters of each line are aligned vertically to form a word. The word often is the subject of the poem.

Note: This is not my own poem, this is just an example i got from this cool website.
Ayelle Garcia May 2015
If there is any way words can make me fly,
Let my ode venture me to somewhere great;
Or maybe build a celestial bridge to get by,
Vega and Altair be my ship mate.

Everytime I hear of their story,
Yondering am I if it were like of mine;
Oblivious enough, until I found my glory,
Unique however, it's all just fine.

Vega, tell me how you did it,
Entail me to find a way;
Ready to take risks more than bit,
Yet I've to see all reasons to stay.

Make me closer to the doves and stars,
Uniquely be these my blocks to connect;
Chains of flight shall not fail like farce,
Have your way to connect me to my Altair to not expect.

May my magic work right this time
And make me fulfill what I must do,
Rob my soul as I'm at a distance as your rhyme;
K**eep my hopes up cause I love you.
another of my acrostics for a certain person, inspired by a legend. <3
Gaby Comprés Jul 2014
your worth is something no
one can't take from you. You are
unique and special and only Christ defines you

and he says you are
redeemed and
enough and

whole and
out of the ordinary and
royalty and
truly loved and
his child and
y**ou are worthy.
marriegegirl Jun 2014
Avec l'été juste autour du suis toujours dans l'ambiance pour une lumière et cocktail rafraîchissant .Cette baie triple cocktail fait tout le tour!Il est parfait pour un pique-nique d'été avec un être cher.ou une fin de nuit se réunissent - ainsi que tous vos amis seront impressionnés par les couleurs Ombre !Assurez-vous que vous vous dirigez sur plus de mariages à voir ce cocktail dans l'action !xo .Lisa\u003cp\u003eLisa DolanTriple Berry Ombre CocktailThe parfait cocktailprep time2 été Minute / Scook time2 timetotal Minute / sServes 0IngredientsBerry ***** (nous avons utilisé la framboise .mais toute la saveur ferons ! )\rChampagne\rLe jus de canneberge\rMûres robe courte devant longue derriere ( pour la robe ceremonie fille décoration robe ceremonie fille ) InstructionsPour 3 oz ***** aromatisée dans un verre de vin ou un cocktail\rVerser dans deux onces Champagne\rVerser

2 oz de jus de canneberge\rHaut avec une brochette de mûres ou de framboises et boire !\rNOTE : Ce cocktail est super simple - vous avez juste à faire tout afin d'obtenir la couleur Ombre .Vous pouvez ajuster le taux d'alcool de jus à votre goût - n'oubliez pas de garder les choses en ordre Photographie
: Lisa Dolan Photographie | Design de l'événement: Mint Space Design | Styling : Lisa Dolan Photographie
Gaby Comprés May 2014
you are
outstanding and
unique, a work of

art. You are as
radiant as the sun, your beauty is
enchanting, and you are

lovelier than any
orchid or lily or tulip or rose or
violet, and
even though you might not see yourself as such, you are a
d**iamond, you are beautiful, and you are loved.
For all of you.
Lua Byer Jul 2013
Mystical kisses
A** perfect pair of hazel eyes
Never fails to make me smile
Unique combination of love and lust
Electric touch
Loving him is so sweet, so deep.
Someone May 2015
(A) gloomy night with the rain falling on my
(B)ack, yet you're not here, you're never here. Please, just get in your
(C)ar. Come to my place, meet me at the
(D)iner where we first met. Turns out, it's
(E)xactly how we left it. And that's not even
(F)air, because we aren't how we used to be when we first
(G)ot here. We're different now, we drifted and you no longer love me and it feels like
(H)ell. Because I still love you. I always loved you. You were always my one and
(I) loved you. But that's the past, and now I'm
(J)ust a figment of your imagination- who the hell have I been
(K)idding? I was just a passing thought, the
(L)ittle rain droplet on the window that you follow, but,
(N)ever remember.
(O)h lover, come to my place. I can make you your favorite kind of
(P)ancakes. I still remember how you
(Q)uestioned if I was ever really alive. I suppose you have your answer now.
(R)un, run far away because you're over me, but I still remember your middle name.
(T)ucker, your middle name was tucker and your first name was as
(U)nique and beautiful as you are. Do you remember how I would kiss your freckles? You'd get embarrassed, but that was my favorite kind of
(V)ernacular. Your cute, embarrassed language was so enticing, and I longed to hear you speak. The rain is falling on my back, and you're not here. That's probably a good thing. The rain is falling and its
(W)ashing away what remains of you from my
(X)enophobic skin. You're washing away and I'm so glad it finally happened.
(Y)ou're gone, you're ******* gone. You've been gone for a while now, you left a while ago, but it was me, who refused to let go of something so disgusting and yet somehow still amazing. You're gone now. You're gone, and I finally feel completely,
D Feb 2014
Love is










* *

Love is beautiful
marina b Mar 2013
Saturday night I dreamed.
I was roaming in my Nana's house
My fingers tracing the walls filled with
Hundred of photographs, each in a
I stopped at one of my mother
Standing at a beach.
Skeletal; she was gone. Skin drawn tight over ribs, tibiae, humeri.

I remembered Sunday morning when I washed out my cereal bowl in the sink.
Ceyhun Mahi Mar 2018
A ngel
U nique
D ainty
R ighteous
E legant
Y ears

H eroine
E loquent
P riceless
B eautiful
R ise
N oble
A tribute.
Behind you are only the lessons learned,
Here** in the now.
Idolize who You have Become.
Only you can be the Youniverse
you wish to be.

Be Younique be-You-tiful
and never let meaningles Theys
Dictate your days.
Jessie Bowman Jan 2014
Ray describes you perfectly.
Intense burst of light in the
Darkness of my life;
Illuminating the whole room.
Crazy and always completely
Unpredictable.  All the things I
Love about you. You
Open my eyes to new beauty.
Unique in every way possible, with a
S**mile incomparable to the Gods.
Gaby Comprés Jul 2014
y** ou are
o ne of a kind,
u nique,

a bright star in the night sky,
r oyalty, made
e specially for this very

s econd in time, you are
p recious and
e nchanting and you have a
c aptivating
i nner beauty
a nd
l ovely darling, you are special.
Samm Marie Jul 2016
Crazily, I fell heels over head for your
Unique state of mind, without knowing I'd
Never be able to cease loving you
T*o the ends of this hate filled world
Faeza Kazim Nov 2016
Made of imperceptible stars and glitter rose,
Offering love and care to everybody in the house,
There she is with a tender heart full of emotions,
Her dark circles and dry lips showed all the struggle she faced for us and still found joy in such affliction,
Early morning breakfasts to late night dinners,
Raising children from their first cry to make them real winners,
In spite of such excruciating life,
Laughing and crying with us all the time,
U**nique creation of almighty she is, who'll never leave you alone any time.❤
                      -Faeza Kazim
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
s  olo
o  nes'
u  nique
 l   ight
many times, in dreams (or what seems like dreams, structures of poems in different formats  float in my brain.  Sometimes I remember them, this is that one that I did remember.
Gods1son Mar 2019
There is a reason why
The word "Unique" starts with You
It could have been "Them-nique"
But we need You to be unique!
Eh quoi ! Dans cette ville d'eaux.

Trêve, repos, paix, intermède,

Encor toi de face et de dos,

Beau petit ami Ganymède,

L'aigle t'emporte, on dirait comme

Amoureux de parmi les fleurs.

Son aile, d'élans économe,

Semble le vouloir par ailleurs

Que chez ce Jupin tyrannique,

Comme qui dirait au Revard,

Et son œil qui nous fait la nique

Te coule un drôle de regard.

Bah ! reste avec nous, bon garçon,

Notre ennui, viens donc le distraire

Un peu de la bonne façon,

N'es-tu pas notre petit frère ?
Gods1son Mar 2020
If I was asked to say what I know about you,
here are a few things I'll say. You are –

Adorable, Brave, Charismatic, Dependable,
Exemplary, Friendly, Genuine, Hospitable,
Indomitable, Joyous, Knowledgeable,
Loving, Majestic, Noble, Observant, Peaceable,
Queenly (Kingly), Reasonable, Supersmart,
Tenacious, Upbeat, Victorious, Wonderful,
Xenial, "You-nique", Zestful.

Keep being you, my friend.
Do you see the best in your friends, love them for who they are. Share this with them.
Daisy Hemlock Mar 2018
S orry for never being able to find the right words to say
U nique. Often too much
S ometimes stupid
A ngry all too often
N ever having known what it is to love
N ever having known what it is to feel it
A lmost slipping into the abyss

                                                         * * *
S illy for thinking everything would stay like this forever
U nafraid of others' judgements
S marter now than she was before
A ll it needed was a night of sleep
N ot yet knowing what life has in store
N ot having looked at the bigger picture
A ble to continue on

— The End —