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Jade Feb 2018
I. The Fireflies

There was once

a time when the fireflies

had made a home out of me.

One evening,

long after the sun

had surrendered itself

to the hazed horizon

and the pregnant moon,

they had come to my window,

golden freckles of light

twinkling playfully

in the dimness.

What exactly

prompted their gravitation

towards me,

I will never be entirely certain of,

though I have my theories.

Maybe it was the

warm glass of milk

sitting on my bedside table.

Or maybe

they had simply mistaken

the peppers of stardust

laced atop my eyelashes

for their own kin.

Or perhaps–

and most likely–

it had been

the murmur of poetry

on my lips:

…watch how they dart about the trees

in whimsical harmony,

how they rise up towards the dark sky

in the hopes that, someday,

they too will become one with

the constellations that blink

so brilliantly in the blackness.


Perhaps this what had captivated them so–

a homage to the fireflies themselves.

Perhaps this is

why they had drifted towards me,

as if in some fanciful trance,

weightless as paper lanterns.

And how sweet they were

as they twirled about the ringlets

in my hair and

nuzzled their small frames

against my cheek

and fingertips.

How sweet they were–

that is,

until the bees came.

II. The Bees

They made lightning bugs

of my fireflies,

whose soft luminescence was replaced

with a violent stream of sparks,

one resembling something close

to the bursting of a fluorescent bulb

And so came the lightning,

the firefly’s only defence against

the approaching swarm,

their only ammunition

in the impending battle:

fireflies versus


both in want

of my nectared


But the lightning

was no reasonable match

for the bees,

with their

large, gelatinous figures

and the persistence

of their stabbings;

annihilated were the fireflies,

carcasses crumbling to soot,

their innards,

still glowing,

smeared across my collarbone

like war paint.

Victorious and

humming menacingly,

the bees then crawled

into my ears

and my mouth

where they proceeded

to feast on their spoils and plunders:

the honey,

that they so cruelly

stole from me.

And once the honey was gone,

so were the bees,

bellies full,

antennae sticky,

their use for me

fulfilled and therefore


III. The Spiders

The final hosts

were drawn to

what the bees had left behind:

the inconsolable emptiness

of my being,

They marked their territory

with cobwebs–

spun carelessly

into my arteries

and windpipe.

Breath dwindling and

heartbeat diminishing

I tried to remember the fireflies–

the light–

as the arachnophobia

threatened to devour me.
Janette Jul 2012
I walk, between the rush of  breeze covering
The fields of wheat, green, tall, willowy
And the crush of ache resting,
Inside my heart,
Caressed sighs blown from phantom lips
Raise me, wistfully, to
Linger, in the whispered maybe of tomorrow,
Hushed in my crimson dreams
Within his arms
Once more

My languid eyes swim his ocean
To far horizons
Laying across his shore
Painted in the colours of precious ache
I mingle moonlight,to blend ******
Patterns resting upon his tongue follows a
Tattoed kiss traversing his lean torso
Searing iced breath beneath my moan...
Groaning in his open mouth
My famished breath feeds hungrily...

Spin drifting,
In faded denim...he peels
My curves soft,
Wears me in heavy sighsssssssss
Exquisite sensations,
Splay me open to
Lay in wicked warmth upon his quiver dampened mouth
Sailing in fevered delerium, upon 'desire's' crest
When he pierces the nuance of my crave
My intake of breath his reward
Nectared wetness dripppppppssssss across his lips...

Naked flesh
Sinking deeper into darkened silk, my
Spine arched in invitation, a slide against
The drop of hips, night stained
Beckoning tempest's intoxication, in
The primal ****** of quickening
Where he wraps me
Molten, voracious and demanding, driving me
Again and again, breathless whispers
Against torched flesh
Make me his...
Maggie Emmett Feb 2015
Tis pleasure sweet to think of tasting you.
to kiss your honeyed lips a tender treat,
to savour with my tongue your velvet heat,
to suckle deep that nectared heady brew.
Downy peach skin I long to stroke anew,
whipped creamy smooth and chocolate bittersweet.
Your luscious mango juice I ache to eat,
drown in your silky softness I once knew.

Many banquets were eaten in our bed,
each tasty morsel set the craving trap.
Imagine feasting on a love now past.
The apple-of-my-eye that cuts me dead
and tosses me a final candied scrap.
Lovelorn and syrup-sick I needs must fast.
Sonnet form

come to me
like winged dryads
and lift my prostrate soul
to heights untrodden

adrift with clouds
     of unstarry skies
                         windblown to rainbows
                            without pots of gold

the uncheckered intermission
of shade and light
come to me


to elysian fields he roams
gazing at the threshold of beauty
basking at the fountainhead of truth
nutritious viands that feed the soul

empyreal heights                      
laurel wreaths                  
meridian sunshine  
       of nectared sweets
               witchery of words
                     full blaze of glory
                                               poesy's gorgeous kubla khan

then all vanishes
like dreams
like streaks of shooting stars
like enchanted fairyland
. . . he is a poet
Josh keller Feb 2019
Words are not inherently ugly
Humans attach their grotesque behavior to the malleable medium
And money education trains
The youth about the importance of the unimportant potion
Sprinkled like lemons and grapefruit across the forest
Most and all were not tall enough to reach the nectared fruit
Textured bumpy and satisfactory and fed through factories
To make the educated money wrapped back in the loop
Scoop some Kafka soup, and chew the beetles
Bumbling and fumbling through your cheeks
Pinching beaks and streaks of lightning and thundered blood ran trickled and thud
Upon your open front steps; accepting misfits and **** and other assorted
Atrocities and monstrosities of destroying human beauty for feud and smoky wealth like stealth
In the middle of the night. Sky and pry your eyes to see the mind behind the eye you pried and spied on your inner mind that spine that ran down the central line to the bony roots and sooty
Footprints you stint and punt skunks across gardens spread with gold leaf and fake teeth that
Fed on the gold leaves and healthy sleeves of fruit ribbon sliding down their throats and training
The train that sped and fled to the brain where its caboose took refuge in the huge open space
The wasteland and sandy shores that sat on the crevice of the nestled edges across the peaks of the brain membrane that weaved and waned throughout the outer rims of the end of the circles through which you see to see.
On these slippery banks, words and earthly things are mixed by the human
Nature in a saturated and man made ugliness.
Paige Anderson Nov 2011
One day, we will live in a little house.
                                 The color of buttermilk.
                      And we will plant a tree in our yard.

           There we will savor summer
               Sipping sugary lemonade
With our pinkies up, pretending we’re British.

                                                               Gram will visit in the fall          
                                                To can peaches and make homemade jam    
                                                         I’ve always had homemade jam        
                                          “You spoiled thing,” you'll say.  I know, I know.
                                          She will fill our tiny kitchen with nectared steam.

There we will shape snowmen with kinked carrot noses
                 Until our noses are nipped.
                   We’ll warm each other up.

                       There we will delight in spring and urge the buds to bloom.
                                        “Grow, little guy,” we will whisper.
                                                       There, the tree will grow

                                                             *And so will we.
Cori MacNaughton Sep 2015
Upon a tree I chanced to see
a travel weary bumblebee
frustrated in his search for nectared flower
Upon a flower he did light
and died upon that second night
though I would sooner stay that fateful hour

A lesson learned by such as I
who from afar must feel you die
and dying too myself in tiny leaps
But you are gone and I am here
my soul is numb, my mind unclear
my vision so contracts to He who sleeps
A poem I had forgotten about, written for a close friend a few months after learning of his death, during a period of abject grief.
Written 28 December 2002.
betterdays May 2014
there is, a swarm of
bumble bees
making, a hive of
lucsious, loveliness
in my  honeycombed
they bring, with them,
golden pollens and
nectared ambrosia.
from many places,
exotic and plain
and this,
these, very words.
are the sweet honey,
they produce.
Jade Sep 2018
At thirteen years old,
I learn that
not all mermaids are like Ariel--
some mermaids are sirens,
femme fatales of the seven sea
who lure sailors to their drownings
with sweet, nectared voices.

Still, I wish to don the life of a siren,  
whose danger appears
dizzyingly seductive to me.
I have become fascinated
with the dark and the peculiar,
you know,
and, as a result, I too
have undergone a dark, peculiar
and, as literature has dictated,
such a character as myself
is to be scrutinized
under an omniscient perspective:

She wears thick, purple eyeliner
and dresses only in
heavy blacks and deep blues,
an abrupt transition
from her previous adoration for
pastels and ruffled sleeves.
But it is not only her countenance
that is indicative of this disturbed youth--
there are the books she reads,
tales of death, gore, and
other macabre eccentricities.
Her favourite titles
are those by Edgar Allan Poe.

How suiting then,
that she should be an
Anabel Lee in the making--
"her highborn kinsmen came
  And bore her away...
To shut her up in a sepulchre
  In this kingdom by the sea.-- "
she just doesn't realize it  yet--
that she is a drowning girl impending,
that she was never to be the siren, after all,
but the poor fool
who succumbed to the siren's
dreadful tides.
Don't be a stranger--check out my blog!

(P.S. Use a computer for optimal experience)
Faizel Farzee Nov 2021
promised you the world and i failed
bless the fact you still here, together , still saying you love me forever, makes this world better
gave me the strength to fight, pulled me from the ashes phoenix  I'm your fighter

scaled, the weight I carry lighter
touched by the dark, still carry a torch
felt your fire, sizzling cinders fired awaking my slumber, wanting forever to defend your honor
untainted my eyes, a purifier, gave my confidence wings, we will soar higher

this our love this our fire this our love triggered by desire

liar, never you will call me, I mean it
my meaning not faulty by us meeting
the feeling  pouring out deeply that's guilt free
I foresee forever us be together until our souls get reaped

with faith i leap promise i keep

calm I sleep, feel the same
feelings equally deep
not leave a promise we keep, , visit each others dreams
dying promise
world bleeds, light you shine
Devine leads,  my guideline forever entwined
beauty defined, angels shrine forever mine

nectared wine, feeling sublime love defined
faith leaped devils weep our hearts need
all I see, all I feel, oxygen needed to breathe
song coming soon. please have a look at my other songs, link on my profile
jeffrey robin Jul 2014
//  \
/  ( • ) ( • ) \

( ah ! Sweet ! You appear)

Amongst the pregnant possibilities


And does the Seed  remain ?


The Original ?


The god the goddess the myth the hill

The pure water

The nectared breezes


It's YOU we need

In this the hangman day

Only a little  bit more will do

Will you give it ?

Who can say

You will or you won't

Then we'll know
jeffrey robin Jul 2015

                                                                  ( I'm ....... Deep !!!! )




Oh be YE angry        Love !

the weeping willow is undressed

Of its bright hued finery

Revealing that underneath all grace

Lurks a fiery DEATH


We walked tomorrow ( you and I )

You vowed FOREVER you'd remain

And be my LORD and SAVIOR

( But just like CHRIST

I was finally BETRAYED  ! )

Deep  ( so deep  ! )


you entered sweetly and ( for awhile ) stayed

But just like SATAN -- you changed

And turned into a SLIMY SNAKE !!


Here I sit by nectared streams

By emerald waters            but the tears I cry

turn all into an empty void

And kills even the sacred things




And now the EARTH must die !

And every human being !

oh know YE well oh foolish man


Faizel Farzee May 2020
Emotions asunder,
your deceit with its cloaked decay reached into my fragile soul and tore my happiness apart.
The residue of the last gleeful moment i hungrily taste as it slowly dissipate.  
a unfamiliar feeling of hopelessness leading me to all the broken shards of my heart, caged within a tortured mind.
your touch my skins thought still  hungrily craves.
vivid imagery of your perfect smile, conjured in all haunting reflections.

Will i ever escape this tragic fate. With every step i muster to take,
consumed by anger, my consiousness  decides resignedly to wed hate.

Thoughts of false feelings led by untruths start to resonate,
The love we shared was as if adorned by Angels
The stars envious to how bright our love once shined.
how could this perfect being, truths shed like a mendacious snake.

This is not a hurtfull mistake,
our future disentigrated before my eyes
with those words you uttered laced with heartache.

If you love them, let them go,
how dreary a notion, if you love someone wholeheartedly
together you would rather want to grow
is this not so?

I hate that your nectared scent still captures me
framed for eternity in a hollow existence of what may have been.
with the tears of torment flows to the rims of the pages..
like the river nile enraged it flows and carry's all the pieces of a broken soul unmendable
Slowly and indifferent my afflicted screams gets led saddened towards a waking nightmare.
hand in hand with despair, eternally lost.
with every grave you dig for a failed relationship
it's tough on the heart,
mended with lies, and a untruthful cast.
Only to be broken once more.
Faizel Farzee Feb 2020
I rest beside you,
breathing in sync, hearts beating as one
I get lost in the splendor that is you

Love surges in kaleidoscope of colors
we see them through wondered eyes
unspoken truths singed to our souls
this love eternal we freely share

I breathe in your essence
the life blood of my being
a nectared aroma
i inhale with every breath that i take

Your lips a cherrie wine
i willingly drink to a stupor
a senselessness ,
leaving me aching for your touch

you are the air that i breathe
my oxygen in a choking world
a promise adorned by Angels
a promise in this moment ,we will never leave.
There are magical moments
in this dying world , grab onto it tightly
even with words unspoken
it's a feeling that words can't describe
a moment to be enjoyed.
a feeling to be kept unbroken

— The End —