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Hadrian Veska Aug 2016
The stars were in her eyes
But behind them
Was something far deeper
An infinite black
Sparsely populated
By ageless phenomenon

I witnessed love and hate
Fear and loss
Happiness, joy
And a plethora of emotions
That I could not describe

I saw in her what it truely means
To be a flawed human being
And I could not help
But love her
pcbzzzt Oct 2010
In the first two watches

of dark Gethsemane

while Y'shua prayed for us

His lamps went out

and so He roused them

Encouraged vigilance

Again they succumbed

On the third watch

He just let them sleep

and see them slumber still

snoring through the final watch...

the watch whose number

calls forth Meshiakh

Those who've come to take Him away

are at the gate

yet still the mammon mesmer

blisses on
Drifton A Way Mar 2014
I knew, that you, were different too, right from the very start
In awe, time stopped, my jaw dropped, as I gazed on live art
If you, were on the menu as a dish, I'd order you a la carte
So if I was granted one last wish, before we are forced to part...

It would be for one last kiss, just place your perfect lips upon mine
Our atoms simply cannot resist, as our bodies embrace and intertwine
For a moment, I know true bliss, as shivers race up and down my spine
I'm blessed to have you to miss, an angel's intervention from the divine

Under her glance, I don't even stand a chance
As I'm hypnotized by her Mesmer eyes
thoughts enhance as my mind begins to dance
And to no surprise, I am Tranquil-Eyezed
Joseph Yzrael Dec 2011
A tattered soul journeys.
Awaken the sleeping gods.
Jaded fragments of the whole.

Moonlight trickles down.
Smell of burning amber.
The night deflowered.

A fluorescent bolt.
The dismal void crackles.
Lightning brands the sky.

Supine on porcelain.
In a mesmer of cold.
Sensations surge.

Blankly whispering eyes.
Tracing the cracks.
A starless ceiling.

Music snakes about.
A dreary tangle.
Rhyme and melody.

Sober thoughts clamour.
Awash with miasma .
Sordid with memories.

Slivers of imagination.
Mares in the shadow.
My dire soul slumbers.

Emotions at the gallows.
Staircase spirit dialogues.
Coffee cup delusions.

Jaded fragments of the whole.
Awaken the sleeping gods.
A tattered soul journeys.
Cody Edwards Apr 2010
Skeletons of shadow teach me anatomy from inside the ark.
Quiet. Old women at the double doors. So dark, the sanctum.
Heaven is stained glass. Fold your paper hands, your husband
Mumbles under the preacher's emphysema. On the mic,
Occasional screams of raspy black-and-white noise. Screams.
How He screams. Red-faced Church-parent. Little Easter bows,
The snarling bouquets who sting and follow the grass-green Moon.
Of the ten mounted fans, only one stays awake enough to listen,
Awake enough to hope to catch every particle of sleeping dust.
We were made from dust. The mountains too. I can't see.
The concrete days. Cinders and spiders and cracking tile.
Roaring, wailing, proliferating my thick umbra in the mesmer flask.

When the door opens, how will I feel? Glass and sandstone.
Will I have my face or someone else's? Eight faces by four.
How will I taste? Cinnamon and lapis.
Will I have angles or planes? Metric and function.

Little, silver words trail fingers through me, trace me, and cement me.
I glisten once and then am spent.
© Cody Edwards 2010
Joseph Yzrael Dec 2011
I dreamed a dream of you
In countless grains of sand
Along forgotten shores
And distant memories

I watched the ocean
In its infinite mesmer
Under a blanket of stars
That never blinked

The storm clouds brewed
Rolled out like the truth
Cold lightning frolicked
And silent thunder rang

I watched the ocean again
As it crashed upon the coast
I knew even in my dreams
We stood on distant shores

The sun has long since set
The night, too, has died
Daybreak will come soon
Over cracked horizons
Maple Mathers Jan 2016
Your fingers of mesmer
Trace patterns on me,
Your words are the pavement;
Your eyes are the sea

Treading in words
That flood to the brink;
Your presence, my muse
Your essence, my ink.
(The unwavering time/When you hold my gaze/Keeps minutes, sublime -/Internal caches).

All poems original Copyright of Eva Denali Will © 2015, 2016.
some gone girl is speaking when next to my bed
whispered linnet murmurs preying online thru perilous sheds
blue under trees under the moon to leave shadows in your head
god is unloving and fabled in redress
i am a tomb i came too soon i am the tomb to live too sssoon
with lead palms crawling out of skin molds to scratch at the moon
fingers left crinkled and shriveled under what is new
uncluttered archers in stone slit platoons
letting them go letting them go letting it go letting them go
im staring down sideways to watch it unfold
everyone can smile and everyone can glow
but it takes a special evil to hide it from all
limbic numeracy is past reaching goals
it spreads and descends upon the lives it unfolds
its holding a Mesmer that cloves what hasn't sold
then spreads it like skelter across the crust of the world
god god god god how the **** are u where have u been
i need u we needed u like now its like
i ******* never want to see u again
like here is the palm in the eye of the world next to a
doctor boring gold mines into the veins of the scourge
riding checkered pale hearses across blank frail reading boards
educating all our current lovers on eternity and remorse
ur lacking the emotion to understand why it hurts
ur lacking the heart to feel when it ******* burns
your understanding is nothing to the weight of my birth
u live like a vulture failed in naming her worth
i dont give a **** what u take into your remission
the reaper undevils me u know im lacking ambition
the burning in my throat is the lane of my life
empty bottles living rags eating forbidden apples like its nothing
screaming and unbelieving and inhaling the rest at night
bareskin is deadskin thats the only way she could like
its unburdened there where the aqua violet struts and stares
im terminally confused and in unending repair
thats the only way i can survive it not that i like it
just the only way to survive in it and its ******* nothing how i like it
it just reminds me of this and i want to burn in hell again
i need it to continue ill burn in hell again
**** u for thinking you owned anything
im alone in this no one is watching and touching m y shoulder
when im writing this i am alone in this i already disclosed it
i am emulsified in it the world that is forever unopened
and i never even learned how to calm down
and breathe in
this is all that its worth and u arnt enough human to unveil how it hurts
He is above understanding altogether.He is the greatest mesmer. Always. Ever. A mystery. Above rationality by countless staircases. Square on the ground but floating and flying. In front of me. Behind me. Adjacent and in between. In places that don't even exist.  A single thing. Higher and greater than the highest and greatest. He made himself lowest for the low and the nameless. Making many a face for many a faceless man. Changing the unchangeable by changing into human skin. His name is Jesus. He is the illuminating dark.He is praised by songs that don't even come from lips. He speaks the language of the universe.After all the universe is language. Likely in verses. "Let there be light" he spoke the words and they were. The universe is language and it's speaking simultaneously. I am drowning in him, not even wanting to breathe, sliding fluidly through a 3D crystal sea that seems to breathe. Surrounded as far as the eye can see, farther than the edge of my dreams. It is kissing me awake and madly maddening me to sleep. He is looking at me lovingly. They are romancing me.  A sea of black boxes. Black boxes the colors of rainbows. Thick and smoothe like molten marshmallow, flowing overhead and underfoot, i am begging to be ambushed by their undertow. Square and solid black boxes that flow,like two  synchronized streams, in velvet synchronicity, a marriage of both extremes, This is paradox in reality. I am pleading to be painted oblivious but i don't know, maybe i am jaded by invisible star-songs, not even knowing I've spent my life humming along. I'm lost in the knowledge that i do not know. Letting my spirit marvel breathlessly at the breathtaking beauty of my soul. This is the universe. Un-understood and undeniable.
goal:to express and achieve the surreal feeling of paradox in reality, to boggle, to baffle, to induce thinking, to describe beautifully that which cannot be explained, to accept that in all the sense things make, they don't always make sense.
Ignatius Hosiana Aug 2016
Maybe I'll find you somewhere along this road
fatigued, exhausted yet still going the Toad
Like I do in sleeplessness while counting sheep
and in my freaking dreams soon as I slip into sleep
Maybe I'll find you sky high Soaring like the eagles
under the hit of excess Hennessey or wine
with a symptomatic drinking rash worse than Measles
trying to find that illusive equilibrium many call fine
starting fights and breaking bottles in bars
within and without bearing untold pain from wounds and scars
battling to dissuade desolation by pushing
out with the very rich fat bellied man driving posh cars
wearing a gorgeous mask of a smile, exasperated by whatever he does...
Maybe I'll find you locked up in a library with a pile of novels
trying to evade the absurd sting of reality, a big pile, bibles
maybe I'll find you on a boulevard lost in the labyrinth of your psyche
or scrolling through your Facebook account for stuff you like
and you'll coincidentally collide with me and ignite the spark
like it happens in the movies, or maybe we'll meet in the park
when you are out with your girlfriends for little leisure
and in that instant I'll know you're the long time coveted treasure
maybe I'll find you in the night along a strategic point
watching the twinkle of stars and glowing mesmer of the moon
or maybe we'll shelter at the same shed evading April showers
and sprout will, your smile with the aura of the red rose flowers
or maybe we'll find us at my birthday party sometime in June
who's to tell, maybe we'll meet battling devils in the same Hell
or just trail the mucus of mutuality,snails of a shell
birds of a feather, maybe that's how plots of our stories come together
to start the long tiring Great Trek to that place they call Forever
or maybe we'll meet at the beach whilst we're exploring deep ends
or just at the neighbourhood right where the Tarmac bends
it might even be on twitter while tracking numerous trends
and from a heated argument end up being close friends
it may probably result from dialing wrong numbers
or back at the countryside tending to adjacent shambas
it could be in a night club grooving to new hits
lusting for intimidating yet amorous thighs exposed underneath your long slits
maybe I'll find you at my workplace, holding the latch
or on that Sunday I'll rejuvenate my spirit for prayers and church
I can't really tell where, or when... but I know you're out there
waiting, hoping, praying... anxious to an extent of doubting God's care
but I'll find you in one corner of this massive small earth
I'll find you and we'll consequently find us...
Aidan A Apr 2017
The oblivious avian
Has yet to comprehend
The existence ****** upon him.

Atop his perch,
Peering through the gilded bars
Of his confinement -
He awaits the feeder to be stocked
And chirps
At the idea of assured sustenance,
At the thought that this space,
This place, is his own
Through this glass house he peers -
The cage became a home
And over time hes grown
To accept that life is as it is, but

The life he lived
Was not his,
This collective of feathers
Has failed to see, that
He can live a life,
He can simply be
Devoid of pain and sorrow
But at the cost of not understanding
The use of 'tomorrow'
Or to feel progression
For time has no place
For our fair feathered bird
Whose captivity grasps
Further than he can retrace.

Currency is of no use to him
And time is a human construct
A lack of philosophical conduct
Would argue there is no price
To the life he lives...

His wings are not bound, yet
He is bound from flight
The room is warm at night,
Yet never feels quite right
The songs he sings are
Only replied with echoes
Of what could've been...

As he watches the fireplace nearby -
A mesmer of light
The glimmer in his eyes
Gets just a little less bright.

The epiphanised avian
Has just begun to comprehend
That redemption is ****** upon him.
This is not about a bird. Then again, it is. Thanks for reading!
Ignatius Hosiana Apr 2016
While you paint I hope you remember that you're more beautiful than art
for the bitter sweet truth that streams from your heart
few have laid eyes upon your heavenly beauty
and I strongly believe finding you was my earthly duty

you speak and leave me in labyrinthine mesmer
and I think your scent must be sweeter than any freshner
you're a treasured secret hidden behind closed doors
that's returned me to God, desperately begging to be yours

never knew finding such obsessive passion,
just needed an encounter with the right person
I've never wanted to hop onto the next flight
never felt stuck in darkness,yet a minute away from light

*my only consolation is our existence under the same sky
it's my hope and breath of patience each day that goes by
Venusoul7 Apr 2014
"What's in the basket?", I asked her...
...she laughed nervously ~ slipped her head to the side. Her eyes looked up, ~ that's when I saw the moon.
I swear I saw the moon,
I pierced through to the moon to see more of the moon.
...oh How am I wondering Where I can to Find that something...
and just as I thought I was  then I saw a star behind the moon.
I didn't know there was a star behind the moon?
I thought she must know... she has too, right?
Her giggling, widening eyes, coy suggestion, I might be right.
"Why do you always ask me those silly questions we both already know, anyways, Goof,".......she touched my arm as if for stability.  Tentatively, gazed up at me with a sideways look.
" I guess I always enjoy a quick trip to your outer space, I always seem to find something New."
", anyways, What's in the basket?"

Instant Time Travel
Discovery is Internal, Eternal, Together, Reflected......
Venusoul7 Sep 2014
I walk upon the patchwork shadows of the forest floor. My eyes are hypnotized. My stride falls in time with the rhythm of a fickle nature. An open clearing comes across my field of vision, my Mesmer broken by sprawling lawns of soft down green. Like a gleeful child, I run the perimeter of the vast expanse. With eyes skyward I spin around till treetops and sky become one. Loose footing breaks a dizzy tumble to the forest floor. A light head and light mind have I to close my eyes, drift peaceful sleep in heavens bed.
This is a journey of distraction and focus~ finding rewarding pleasure in a playful retreat.
Donc, vieux passé plaintif, toujours tu reviendras
Nous criant : - Pourquoi donc est-on si **** ? Ingrats !
Qu'êtes-vous devenus ? Dites, avec l'abîme
Quel pacte avez-vous fait ? Quel attentat ? Quel crime ? -
Nous questionnant, sombre et de rage écumant,
Nous avons marché, tout bonnement.
Qui marche t'assassine, ô bon vieux passé blême.
Mais que veux-tu ? Je suis de mon siècle, et je l'aime !
Je te l'ai déjà dit. Non, ce n'est plus du tout
L'époque où la nature était de mauvais goût,
Où Bouhours, vieux jésuite, et le Batteux, vieux cancre,
Lunette au nez et plume au poing, barbouillaient d'encre
Le cygne au bec doré, le bois vert, le ciel bleu ;
Où l'homme corrigeait le manuscrit de Dieu.
Non, ce n'est plus le temps où Lenôtre à Versailles
Raturait le buisson, la ronce, la broussaille ;
Siècle où l'on ne voyait dans les champs éperdus
Que des hommes poudrés sous des arbres tondus.
Tout est en liberté maintenant. Sur sa nuque
L'arbre a plus de cheveux, l'homme a moins de perruque.
La vieille idée est morte avec le vieux cerveau.
La révolution est un monde nouveau.
Notre oreille en changeant a changé la musique.
Lorsque Fernand Cortez arriva du Mexique,
Il revint la main pleine, et, du jeune univers,
Il rapporta de l'or ; nous rapportons des vers.
Nous rapportons des chants mystérieux. Nous sommes
D'autres yeux, d'autres fronts, d'autres cœurs, d'autres hommes.

Braves pédants, calmez votre bon vieux courroux.
Nous arrachons de l'âme humaine les verrous.
Tous frères, et mêlés dans les monts, dans les plaines,
Nous laissons librement s'en aller nos haleines
À travers les grands bois et les bleus firmaments.
Nous avons démoli les vieux compartiments.

Non, nous ne sommes plus ni paysan, ni noble,
Ni lourdaud dans son pré, ni rustre en son vignoble,
Ni baron dans sa tour, ni reître à ses canons ;
Nous brisons cette écorce, et nous redevenons
L'homme ; l'homme enfin hors des temps crépusculaires ;
L'homme égal à lui-même en tous ses exemplaires ;
Ni tyran, ni forçat, ni maître, ni valet ;
L'humanité se montre enfin telle qu'elle est,
Chaque matin plus libre et chaque soir plus sage ;
Et le vieux masque usé laisse voir le visage.

Avec Ézéchiel nous mêlons Spinosa.
La nature nous prend, la nature nous a ;
Dans son antre profond, douce, elle nous attire ;
Elle en chasse pour nous son antique satyre,
Et nous y montre un sphinx nouveau qui dit : pensez.
Pour nous les petits cris au fond des nids poussés,
Sont augustes ; pour nous toutes les monarchies
Que vous saluez, vous, de vos têtes blanchies,
Tous les fauteuils royaux aux dossiers empourprés,
Sont peu de chose auprès d'un liseron des prés.
Régner ! Cela vaut-il rêver sous un vieux aulne ?
Nous regardons passer Charles-Quint sur son trône,
Jules deux sous son dais, César dans les clairons,
Et nous avons pitié lorsque nous comparons
À l'aurore des cieux cette fausse dorure.
Lorsque nous contemplons, par une déchirure
Des nuages, l'oiseau volant dans sa fierté,
Nous sentons frissonner notre aile, ô liberté !
En fait d'or, à la cour nous préférons la gerbe.
La nature est pour nous l'unique et sacré verbe,
Et notre art poétique ignore Despréaux.
Nos rois très excellents, très puissants et très hauts,
C'est le roc dans les flots, c'est dans les bois le chêne.
Mai, qui brise l'hiver, c'est-à-dire la chaîne,
Nous plaît. Le vrai nous tient. Je suis parfois tenté
De dire au mont Blanc : - Sire ! Et : - Votre majesté
À la vierge qui passe et porte, agreste et belle,
Sa cruche sur son front et Dieu dans sa prunelle.
Pour nous, songeurs, bandits, romantiques, démons,
Bonnets rouges, les flots grondants, l'aigle, les monts,
La bise, quand le soir ouvre son noir portique,
La tempête effarant l'onde apocalyptique,
Dépassent en musique, en mystère, en effroi,
Les quatre violons de la chambre du roi.
Chaque siècle, il s'y faut résigner, suit sa route.
Les hommes d'autrefois ont été grands sans doute ;
Nous ne nous tournons plus vers les mêmes clartés.
Jadis, frisure au front, ayant à ses côtés
Un tas d'abbés sans bure et de femmes sans guimpes,
Parmi des princes dieux, sous des plafonds olympes,
Prêt dans son justaucorps à poser pour Audran,
La dentelle au cou, grave, et l'œil sur un cadran,
Dans le salon de Mars ou dans la galerie
D'apollon, submergé dans la grand'seigneurie,
Dans le flot des Rohan, des Sourdis, des Elbeuf,
Et des fiers habits d'or roulant vers l'Œil-de-Boeuf,
Le poète, fût-il Corneille, ou toi, Molière,
- Tandis qu'en la chapelle ou bien dans la volière,
Les chanteurs accordaient le théorbe et le luth,
Et que Lulli tremblant s'écriait : gare à l'ut ! -
Attendait qu'au milieu de la claire fanfare
Et des fronts inclinés apparût, comme un phare,
Le page, aux tonnelets de brocart d'argent fin,
Qui portait le bougeoir de monsieur le dauphin.
Aujourd'hui, pour Versaille et pour salon d'Hercule,
Ayant l'ombre et l'airain du rouge crépuscule,
Fauve, et peu coudoyé de Guiche ou de Brissac,
La face au vent, les poings dans un paletot sac,
Seul, dans l'immensité que l'ouragan secoue,
Il écoute le bruit que fait la sombre proue
De la terre, et pensif, sur le blême horizon,
À l'heure où, dans l'orchestre inquiet du buisson,
De l'arbre et de la source, un frémissement passe,
Où le chêne chuchote et prend sa contrebasse,
L'eau sa flûte et le vent son stradivarius,
Il regarde monter l'effrayant Sirius.

Pour la muse en paniers, par Dorat réchauffée,
C'est un orang-outang ; pour les bois, c'est Orphée.
La nature lui dit : mon fils. Ce malotru,
Ô grand siècle ! Écrit mieux qu'Ablancourt et Patru.
Est-il féroce ? Non. Ce troglodyte affable
À l'ormeau du chemin fait réciter sa fable ;
Il dit au doux chevreau : bien bêlé, mon enfant !
Quand la fleur, le matin, de perles se coiffant,
Se mire aux flots, coquette et mijaurée exquise,
Il passe et dit : Bonjour, madame la marquise.
Et puis il souffre, il pleure, il est homme ; le sort
En rayons douloureux de son front triste sort.
Car, ici-bas, si fort qu'on soit, si peu qu'on vaille,
Tous, qui que nous soyons, le destin nous travaille
Pour orner dans l'azur la tiare de Dieu.
Le même bras nous fait passer au même feu ;
Et, sur l'humanité, qu'il use de sa lime,
Essayant tous les cœurs à sa meule sublime,
Scrutant tous les défauts de l'homme transparent,
Sombre ouvrier du ciel, noir orfèvre, tirant
Du sage une étincelle et du juste une flamme,
Se penche le malheur, lapidaire de l'âme.

Oui, tel est le poète aujourd'hui. Grands, petits,
Tous dans Pan effaré nous sommes engloutis.
Et ces secrets surpris, ces splendeurs contemplées,
Ces pages de la nuit et du jour épelées,
Ce qu'affirme Newton, ce qu'aperçoit Mesmer,
La grande liberté des souffles sur la mer,
La forêt qui craint Dieu dans l'ombre et qui le nomme,
Les eaux, les fleurs, les champs, font naître en nous un homme
Mystérieux, semblable aux profondeurs qu'il voit.
La nature aux songeurs montre les cieux du doigt.
Le cèdre au torse énorme, athlète des tempêtes,
Sur le fauve Liban conseillait les prophètes,
Et ce fut son exemple austère qui poussa
Nahum contre Ninive, Amos contre Gaza.
Les sphères en roulant nous jettent la justice.
Oui, l'âme monte au bien comme l'astre au solstice ;
Et le monde équilibre a fait l'homme devoir.
Quand l'âme voit mal Dieu, l'aube le fait mieux voir.
La nuit, quand Aquilon sonne de la trompette,
Ce qu'il dit, notre cœur frémissant le répète.
Nous vivons libres, fiers, tressaillants, prosternés,
Éblouis du grand Dieu formidable ; et, tournés
Vers tous les idéals et vers tous les possibles,
Nous cueillons dans l'azur les roses invisibles.
L'ombre est notre palais. Nous sommes commensaux
De l'abeille, du jonc nourri par les ruisseaux,
Du papillon qui boit dans la fleur arrosée.
Nos âmes aux oiseaux disputent la rosée.
Laissant le passé mort dans les siècles défunts,
Nous vivons de rayons, de soupirs, de parfums,
Et nous nous abreuvons de l'immense ambroisie
Qu'Homère appelle amour et Platon poésie.
Sous les branchages noirs du destin, nous errons,
Purs et graves, avec les souffles sur nos fronts.

Notre adoration, notre autel, notre Louvre,
C'est la vertu qui saigne ou le matin qui s'ouvre ;
Les grands levers auxquels nous ne manquons jamais,
C'est Vénus des monts noirs blanchissant les sommets ;
C'est le lys fleurissant, chaste, charmant, sévère ;
C'est Jésus se dressant, pâle, sur le calvaire.

Le 22 novembre 1854.
NBNight Jul 2018
Dead beauty
Waiting for winds of change
Light of day
Comfort of tender rays

Fingers of fingers
Desperately grasping
Scratching at smothering grey
Beseeching fickle favour

Detritus, latent bounty
Seeping from soil
Leaves long lost spoil
Filling lungs, blood, mind

The wood snakes and writhes
Strangling and dividing
Bearing vivid green hue
Harbouring harsh truth

Morgue made art
Quater-circles, four deep
Enraptured by stone mesmer
Buried by rusted hedge

Scattered eyes of red
Unseen and unseeing
Forgotten by warmth
lost to being
some gone girl is speaking when next to my bed
whispered linnet murmurs preying online thru perilous sheds
blue under trees under the moon to leave shadows in your head
god is unloving and fabled in redress
i am a tomb i came too soon i am the tomb to live too sssoon
with lead palms crawling out of skin molds to scratch at the moon
fingers left crinkled and shriveled under what is new
uncluttered archers in stone slit platoons
letting them go letting them go letting it go letting them go
im staring down sideways to watch it unfold
everyone can smile and everyone can glow
but it takes a special evil to hide it from all
limbic numeracy is past reaching goals
it spreads and descends upon the lives it unfolds
its holding a Mesmer that cloves what hasn't sold
then spreads it like skelter across the crust of the world
god god god god how the **** are u where have u been
i need u we needed u like now its like
i ******* never want to see u again
like here is the palm in the eye of the world next to a
doctor boring gold mines into the veins of the scourge
riding checkered pale hearses across blank frail reading boards
educating all our current lovers on eternity and remorse
ur lacking the emotion to understand why it hurts
ur lacking the heart to feel when it ******* burns
your understanding is nothing to the weight of my birth
u live like a vulture failed in naming her worth
i dont give a **** what u take into your remission
the reaper undevils me u know im lacking ambition
the burning in my throat is the lane of my life
empty bottles living rags eating forbidden apples like its nothing
screaming and unbelieving and inhaling the rest at night
bareskin is deadskin thats the only way she could like
its unburdened there where the aqua violet struts and stares
im terminally confused and in unending repair
thats the only way i can survive it not that i like it
just the only way to survive in it and its ******* nothing how i like it
it just reminds me of this and i want to burn in hell again
i need it to continue ill burn in hell again
**** u for thinking you owned anything
im alone in this no one is watching and touching m y shoulder
when im writing this i am alone in this i already disclosed it
i am emulsified in it the world that is forever unopened
and i never even learned how to calm down
and breathe in
this is all that its worth and u arnt enough human to unveil how it hurts
Dennis Willis May 2019
In the absence of others
I talk to myself
I just need to hear
a voice

Assonance rules
my desire
to capitalize
on mesmer
and own you
with vibration

Knowing you are here
in bubbles
wishing to be owned
liked packaged sweets
unraveling and

a mere smear
liberal on dark matter
Jelly on ghost
between verse
and hurried

you waffle
and fake
this feels
you think

and knowing
fakes its death
you'll leave
a scentillion
a modicum
a smidgen

Of that mf'er

— The End —