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Charlie Mar 2016
The devil howls at the winter moon
Screams with ecstasy at the hunt
His shrill cry piercing those around
His hoofs shake the ground.

The devil sees all around him
Profiles all upon the earth
His gaze hypnotises everyone
Will never retire until his evil work is done.
Xander B Dec 2013
As I lay here with you
I can't help but stare.
Your beauty hypnotises me.
This feeling I get isn't fair.

You drive me crazy
With your royal SUV, have Mercy.
You're a badass with your shades on,
Making me think, what do you see in me?

All I want is to have you in my arms.
Cuddling under the covers, happy and warm.
To look into your sparkling blue eyes.
My butterflies have formed a swarm.

Sometimes I dream,
About you and me.
To wake up next to you daily.
I dream of how happy we would be.

But this is reality.
Not everything is how you want it to be.
Even with your shades on,
Baby, you are all I can see.
You are beautiful and I will tell you that every day I have a chance to.  You mean more to me than you will even know <3
Ishita Mar 2015
Evenly blue is the sky as my dream
Its vibrant colour the indigo seem
Vividly spreading its divine beauty
I beam over to watch it soulfully

When I look at the sky
Glancing birds flying faraway
I smile with the thought how beautiful life is
Freedom has reached its new horizon

To the heavenly gods I pray
For creating such a masterpiece
When the soft soothing colours
Are so hard to depict delicately

The more and more it hypnotises me
The proximity increases so unsteadily
For once I can't drift my eyes over
While my heart says to adore it forever

It gives me hope
My dreams,my thoughts
My desires and everything
And that's why I love
To admire the endless sky.
Paris Raine May 2015
Awoken; the rain shattering the window,
Spoken; the wind howls through cracks and panes,
Shaken; the night's air slips past the seal and lingers,
Taken; the moon spills over the sky light and hypnotises my sight.

I awake from dreams of bitter content,
I catch your scent against my skin,
I loose all sense startled by lament
I turn to my side and hear wind cry.

Faint echoes across the land of vices
from the darklands,
Rapping and tapping,
Trying to break-in,
calling for the chief sin.

Fastened I'll fail it to give show,
to cloud the images of our time in glow,
Dreams weave whilst eyes flutter,
When I wake your name I utter.
Poetic T Apr 2014
Apple hanging there, do I dare
Take a bite, as the black branch
that you hang off, warped that
is the off spring of this bark black
as dark as night. This trunk of corruption
that has spawned this apple I now
do see within my sight.

You hang there dark shine, velvet
red, do you hide deceit under your
skin, are you rotten from the middle,
infested with that which circulates with
in this midnight black tree.

My fingers reach out to touch, would
but a feel be wrong, not plucked just
caressed still it would hang from this
tree never picked.

It hypnotises my senses to taste its flesh,
to pierce it would I suffer the fate of those
that littler the ground, the dead fertilised
this earth, is the tree a manifestation of
there hate, this apple not like a heart that
brings life to this darkness, if eaten will it eat
away at me, consumed by the dead that
have groomed this tree, a single apple waiting
To be ate..
andrew juma Aug 2016
Somewhere in the town I heard a strange humming lullaby
That I've never heard before
As my heart beat It made a match to her humming lullaby
Her presence was unexpected
Now I feel protected
Just by having her warmth

She is the only one that understands my story
My worries and my sorrows
She gives me a feeling that no one else can

Her touch is so, magical
And the beat of her gentle touch is so classical
While she places some kisses on my lips I'm so,
gentle to her because her fragile touch reminds me that she is the only one

Possesing every inch of me
She modifies my disposition with her magical hands
So I hit play and wind her back

When my world seems gloomy
She arrives with the sun
And slowly she tosses the sun rays Reminding me that every is alright
I lay back and give her control

She beats the pain out of me
When i turn on my speakers
Her carresing hands so sensitive begin to touch

Exitement and anticipation builds
I hold her tenderly in my arms
And sink slowly away in her lyrical pureness
On our ecstatic trip to paradise

She meets all of my needs
So i ****** to the beat,move every part of me
Moment of total bliss
As I explore every inch of her curves

With her its a perfect world
With smooth lines she serenades
Chanting sweetly about my prowess
Twirling and jingling with fondness

Falling for her allures
I perform the hardest contortions
Marinade myself in her positive vibes
My hands tight around her

Rhythm changes,
We go high ,we go low
then higher like shooting stars
Breathlessly till we ******
And start on the free fall

She is my shoulder to cry on
My molly to feel mellow
Her love spell is so powerful
She does all that I please

She hypnotises me with intense lyrics
Reminds me of lost passion
Future love and magic
As we move along in slow steps

A love song
She is there whenever I desire her
She is forever youthful and beautiful
Her tune is full of promises

She lights up my blues
Laughs with me and cries with me
Till the beats fade away
Carrying with them my pensive moods

When the sun kisses the sky for good night
She makes sure that tonight the sky is full of star's and with the moon

Laying in my bed room before I sleep
She wraps her arms around me
Till we fall asleep

All I need in this world is her glitter touch of her soul
And her glitter soul
Forever in my world

DET & Andrew Juma ©2016
In love with a lovesong. magical collaboration. pleasure working with you DET!
JC Dec 2015
Small islands of joy in a sea of frustration and disappointment.

Sometimes I feel peace, when I can see the next destination in the distance, nearing me on the horizon and filling me with what I might call hope....

But rarely, too rarely, the journey takes me past a beautiful place, seemingly untouched in its perfection.

It is wrong to blame the fascination a place like this exerts on me, on something as clichéd as siren voices;
          there are no sirens here, no tricks, no subterfuge... rather, the clear blue sky, the pure white sand, the azure water hypnotises me with its promise, while terrifying me with its remoteness.

Do I make a decision to land? Can something so perfect continue to exist if it is disturbed, even by just one touch, one footprint?

One kiss?

I know I need to discover... But I fear... I fear myself.

*She closed her diary. "Not bad" she thought. "Might have been the sort of ******* JC would have written".

And, as she sipped her cocktail and took in the tropical view, beneath the shade of her favourite palm, she watched a small boat put-put-put away from the jetty...

And she admitted to herself:

occasionally she missed the crazy old *******.
Of course you are here, where else would you be, between the elements
Absorbing the breezes and ripples, over watching the little creatures
The dappled shade the perfect balance of light and dark
Blair is here.
I can see him now, bent over, his brown almost black back to the sun
stick in one hand, eyes and mind intent on some natural phenomena
absorbed by the soil, its family, what goes on here?
The gentle burbling soothes and hypnotises time till it seems to stand still
Just me, Blair, the sun, the world - so intimate yet silent.
I don't know if he's being cruel to some little critter, perhaps sometimes
But normally it looks like some deep worship
Absorbed by the enormity of the minutia beneath his feet
Silently absorbed, lonely yet fulfilled
He joins us briefly, and talks normal human stuff awkwardly
The mumble so well known by ants and bugs
does not always translate so well
Perhaps we will light a fire later
Just a small one, he will **** and manoeuvre
till it's dark and we must go home
I might go get the things for tea
camping tea is great - Blair loves it
Yes tea is required by young men after such arduous Attenboroughing
One small step, perhaps looking at the clouds, or seeing where the sun is
One miss step, not looking down for once
One small hard little rock on the river bank
Just one minute to get tea things
I'm so sorry Blair I wasn't there
How come you are still here under this tree?
Written for my sister's writing challenge (shes a writing coach amoungst other things - check out Jane Cornes/Juice creative writing)
Aslam M Apr 2018
Is it the sadness which attracts me.
Or is it the  deafening silence.

Is it the perpetual soft words which mesmerises me.
Or that rare smile you give occasionally.

Is the the blinking of those beautiful eyes which hypnotises me.  
Or maybe its that loud sweet aroma of yours which tranquillises me.
nivek Apr 2017
I sit and the sea hypnotises my history
a perch by a window
to be enchanted away
like the children off to the secret door in the mountain
led away by the Pied Piper
I go, willingly, everyday.
Lily Priest Nov 2020
When the storm abates
Not a single trace
Remains of its lashing
Upon the senses,
Or the dredged up drowned
Tatters of a conscience
That was peppered
By the relentless sting of doubt.

The calm peaks through the gloom
Into the unassuming eye
And hypnotises.
Wiped clear are thunderous
Clouds, all grey with self loathing,
Deprecating droves of icy
Words that circled tornado-like
In the torrential downpour of your world
As it crashed round your feet
Its smytherins the pieces
You used to open old wounds
And soothe the ache within.
Gone are those tell-tale tracks
Upon the arm, upon the heart
The route to all your evils.

Because the sun is out
And clear skies mark the mind
In shades of sweetest blue
All calm and cool in the aftermath
Where nothing is all that bad,
And you cant be sure
There ever was a storm.
Expecting it as and when
because closing my eyes
and counting up to ten
has no effect.

the lay of the land
or is it the lie of the land?

I expect it's one or the other
and actually it doesn't matter
if it's the lay or the lie
we're all goung to die
I'm expecting it as and when.

Friday is nearly upon me
which almost surprises me
and always hypnotises me
into surrendering to the
stranger Aug 2021
I see faces in the tuberoses dying in my vase.
Are they really counting my days?
The faces wince in pain as they watch me every evening.
Tonight the faces contorted, dodging concern and flowing straight into judgement.
They hear the dogs howling and the mosquitos buzzing all trapped in this little silver box by my bed
So they focus on me instead
I know they've  been checking to see if I'm dead.
And every time I breathe again they let their fragrance haunt and mend.
The flowers are dying I tell myself, they have been for days, scent less by now I must imagine things.
My little silver box clings and the wood enclosing my room cracks and all I do is listen
Sirens, screams, rings and all sorts of disturbances.
Why can't I go to sleep and just forget about the tuberoses?
Why do I have to live in the flickers of light and notice their grimaces?
I've had enough tasteless nightmares this dead flora can't stand the comparison.
And yet their image burns and their scent hypnotises,
The door handle turns and what's hollow crystallises
My pride is hurt and the spiders in the house begin to thread.
I must be hallucinating about love again.
they're still here
stranger Jan 2022
Make sure the doors are open!
So I can stumble in and out with no problem
So you can hear the trample and the bust
Of the bathroom floors as I spill my guts
To love and to decay,
Too pretty to abandon what a frivolous display.
Somehow I know what will make me ache even in the smallest of doses.
My body hates me but my mind hypnotises,
The 7 seconds of drunkeness spilled in euphoric dancing I will pay forever
A 3 day lasting hangover for a fever.
For a few moments when all I feel is beautiful.
Worth the world ringing in my ears, the shame rumbling in my stomach, the haze of it all.
I now no longer feel you, just the world breaking underneath me
For Nina's Baltimore to play and my chest to burn I'm free.
This pain must be reality.
Bent over I'm walking so much farther than I expected,
So fragile, so puny, so ashamed in this shamelessness.
May the day rule and the night linger less,
My mistakes ready to undress for some peace,
Of mind because body will be restless.
Where have you gotten yourself this time spider lilly,
This pit of petals none of them perfuming,
Your dying breath this lifeless body.
Know that you will be the one dying.
Cruz Jan 2020
When you ask what I want
Not the girl next door, or debutante
What my heart desires
A woman eyes full of fire

Kisses that evoke my passion
Makes me abandon all rations
A walk that hypnotises
Cravings makes my bloodrise

A body that fills my thoughts
Her touch is constantly sought
Breast that are heavenly orbs
Shivers from her touch i absorb

Want to pull, slap and ****
To have her all mine what luck
give her softness she craves
To die in ******* waves

— The End —