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"They only burn themselves to reach Paradise"
                                       - Mne. Nhu

original courage is good,
motivation be ******,
and if you say they are trained
to feel no pain,
are they
guarenteed this?
is it still not possible
to die for somebody else?

you sophisticates
who lay back and
make statements of explanation,
I have seen the red rose burning
and this means more.
Melideth Jun 2010
good intentions never guarenteed good results.
good intentions never guarenteed good
good intentions never guarunteed ****

it's what you say during an apology.
it's what you tell yourself so you can lessen guilt.

I singled you out
under the guise of a friend.
I let you trust me
because we all want to believe.
I let you love me
because I needed the raise in self esteem.

I stayed at your house cause I hate sleeping alone.
I went to dinner because I couldn't afford food.

You started to trust me
and I felt ashamed

You said I was beautiful
I felt ugly

You said you knew me
and I felt like a liar.

You said I was acting strange
and I called you crazy

You said I was pushing away
I told you "so what?"

You wondered what happened...
I felt disgust.

In a moment of guilt I told you it was me,
I told you I was crazy.
I admited I was playing head games with the weak minded
and like a fool you
accepted my apologies.
welcome to the rollercoaster merry go round
shes guarenteed to please
your head will be spinning in the clouds
you wont know which way is up and which way is down
and then you get to go again the other way around
unknown poet Feb 2015
I'm happy for you
I'm so happy that you let go
In a day
I'm happy for you
I'm so happy that you lied to me
So you could get her to stay.
Before I could warn her
So here's to his brand new lover
Good luck
I'm happy for you
I'm so happy that you can be crushed over and over again,
That you can be drown in lies
And I'm especially happy to see you slowly break down
So that you can come back and ask me for advice, because I'd gone through it for years.
Well darling
All I can do is laugh at you
Its a guilty pleasure.
Seeing someone so hurt, by the one I had been by.
Making their way to where I am
I'm so happy for you.
And I've got one thing to tell you
From the bottom of my soul
Good luck
I couldn't tell you if you're strong enough.
Its a living hell
As cruel as it sounds,
I'm happy for you.
Aa Harvey Mar 2019
MP3 guaranteed

I tore a hole into the darkness,
Found the presents, gonna regret this.
No surprises, faking selfies,
Happy families, searching memories.

Painting photo’s in the cosmos,
Letting go of red balloons.
Coming soon to your television room,
3D TV, dumb-watches, MP3 and digital zoom.

Whatever you tweet is not my concern.
Forward in time, mobile internet burns.
One last threshold ready to cross,
Sign your name on the dot, dot, dot.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Black Apr 2013
Trial say hello to error.
Destiny plays it's part.
Together they make music, no art.
Apart, separated, alone. 
All of which remain synonyms for the Impossible. 
Success is never guarenteed, the percentage is unknown.
Failure is to common, the ying improbable.
Everything shrouded in black. Nothing. Question. 
Effort never put to waste,
At least if you learn a lesson.
I don't need a doctor to tell me I'm apart
I just need a paradox to help me find my heart
and I don't need a dog to show me what to see
I just need my hands to feel around the dark
and touch what is unseen

I don't need a critic to tell me what is good
I don't need society to tell me what I should
I don't need you to tell what I know
But sometimes I would like you to remind me if you would
Because there are so many things I can't but I wish I could.

And I don't need a ribbon to tell me that I've won
because I know I can't improve if I won the first one
I don't need an apology to know that you are sorry
I just need you to feel it when you watch my back as I run
because I will feel it with every setting sun

But what I need can't be guarenteed
and what I know can't escape my greed
So I can be sad as I watch them go away
and when I'm done, I can take the lead.
and cut this necklace and drop the beads.
Brett Palmero Nov 2016
The skin I have is dark
And that's all most see
I walk around with a mark
That says I can never just be
I feel like a different breed
My freedom never guaranteed

People are born different
Their love may be unique
Sadly some aren't considerate
And treat them like a freak
They think they're some ****
My freedom never guaranteed

I started with nothing
Poverty knocking at my door
If I were to wish for something
It wouldn't be to have more
But to never have to need
My freedom never guarenteed

All of this makes me different
Yet it makes me who I am
I'd rather a societal aberrant
Than part of a program
To be free is to concede
So I'd rather be me than be freed
Tyree / Belle
I've only dealt with race discrimination. Poverty and ****** discrimination are beyond me, so I hope I accurately represented them.
Miley Cyrus Jul 2015
As i scrolled through these job questions...
...taken to an actual place in my mind where...i see
where a picture baffles me and is engraved into thee
....when i think of overcoming struggles
i think no more Michael, everything will be perfect, i will never be jealous again...
...i think of an actual if i'm the starring act of a play if i have already gathered up my script for the day
today...reading to children...hmmm i thought
...a fear faced...but with a thought..and a script
yea of done this before...thing is I havent matter how much you practice the math or study the text...
...what happens in the next few seconds isn't guarenteed...
...sometimes it is luck that we find our expectations to have been met
...but truly i think fate
...this goal is to move learn the art, to expand my mind, do new things
something holds me still...
girl you don't know what happens next please comprehend this
...the most useful bit of advise
expectation or may i say the vision....
how can you love or be passionate about something...if its planned
my thing is fear of being without the words...being hurt...misguided
I am vulnerable without the words...
the words bring comfort
...trying to make a platform out of thin air
Lydia Feb 2018
My father told my sister and I that if we jumped and missed the ground, we'd be flying
And God, I believed him
We spent hours on that trampoline
Wore ourselves silly,
Got jabs from all the pine needles lost to the mesh from acid rain
Not allowed to come into the house until we hosed our feet off

We upgraded our efforts
My father had a pickup truck that we loved,
And we had umbrellas for walking to school with
We tried every height we thought we could get away with no broken bones
And we came close, I landed on my neck once
Morphine in the hospital is sort of like flying
Best attempt we had at the time

When I turned 18, I bought a plane ticket
I had to apologize to my mother, because I never stopped running away
We lived in the valley, and I always saw the moutains which enclosed us as a challenge
But she built us a home, our imaginary flight a simple trick to keep us grounded
It worked for so long, and she held on to her family
So it's only fair. She's earned this apology-
But I've earned this air space
I worked for the money, and paid for this ticket,
A guarenteed four hours of nothing but simulated pressure and clouds obscuring city lines
A lot on my mind, a lot of regret, a lot of worry, fear towards leaving, hope, excitement. All of it. Please comment :)
insensivel Jul 2015
Is it selfish to want to **** myself?
it was a daily reminder I had to keep repeating
over and over
sometimes I would hug my mother because nothing
in life was guarenteed
not money
not youth
not happiness
and definetly not life
I would embrace my mother because I never knew
when I would **** myself
it could have been tomorrow
in a couple months or even in the year to come
nothing in life was permanent
except death
Mr Xelle Jan 2015
In the end we all die
And you tell me live it up but I was born to fly.
No metaphors no wings you were my smile and I was your dreams.
God placed people here.
you and me to make Us..together with different genes.
So when I point at you and say i want you to be with me.
That means what it means I'm no guarenteed, but your perfect to me still I run for the high calling.
maybe not that fast but I say this my Love I'm picking up speed !!
At the end I will be with you and you me.
Tintin Dec 2015
I hate giving pity
It never solved anything
Pity is another word
For looking down upon someone

You do not need pity
Nor do you need to heed
The expactations of society

Though the need to be accepted
Eats away at you
You didn't have to look far

A shadow is what you need
Someone who will be with you
And comfort you
Whenever life gets hard

A shadow shows no pity
Nor will it ever reject someone
A shadow happily follows
And is guarenteed to be there

Although it is hard
To be a perfect shadow
Can this person
In front of you
Be a shadow for you?

— The End —