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As we climb great heights
we forget the grounds below.

Much like mountainclimbers,
people earning more money
than their friends tend to be
greedier, selfish, ignorant and egotistical.

CEOs, for example,
tend to forget those on foodstamps.
In fact, their salaries are 484 times that
of the average worker.
Helloooo 20 vacation homes!

Inequality is rising in this country
at an alarming rate.

The top 1% owns about 80%
of the wealth in our country.

What can I say?
Those few mountainclimbers
can't even look past their noses.
Anggun Russell May 2018
It is not the world that is unfair,
but the people are.
The more power they gain,
the greedier they become.
Justice, seems to be just a word.
If only this life were a movie where the heroes would win and the villains would lose within 2 hours.
Luca Molnar Apr 2013
You're ******* on oysters
I guess I've been opening them for you for a long while now
But you're getting greedier and greedier
You're not waiting for my cold white hands
To crack open the oyster shells

So you leave me there
With aching and bleeding hands
And you crawl deeper and deeper into the ocean
Until you disappear from my eyes
And it's not you who's eating the oysters

It's the ocean that ferociously swallows you
Perplexed and troubled at his bad success
The Tempter stood, nor had what to reply,
Discovered in his fraud, thrown from his hope
So oft, and the persuasive rhetoric
That sleeked his tongue, and won so much on Eve,
So little here, nay lost.  But Eve was Eve;
This far his over-match, who, self-deceived
And rash, beforehand had no better weighed
The strength he was to cope with, or his own.
But—as a man who had been matchless held
In cunning, over-reached where least he thought,
To salve his credit, and for very spite,
Still will be tempting him who foils him still,
And never cease, though to his shame the more;
Or as a swarm of flies in vintage-time,
About the wine-press where sweet must is poured,
Beat off, returns as oft with humming sound;
Or surging waves against a solid rock,
Though all to shivers dashed, the assault renew,
(Vain battery!) and in froth or bubbles end—
So Satan, whom repulse upon repulse
Met ever, and to shameful silence brought,
Yet gives not o’er, though desperate of success,
And his vain importunity pursues.
He brought our Saviour to the western side
Of that high mountain, whence he might behold
Another plain, long, but in breadth not wide,
Washed by the southern sea, and on the north
To equal length backed with a ridge of hills
That screened the fruits of the earth and seats of men
From cold Septentrion blasts; thence in the midst
Divided by a river, off whose banks
On each side an Imperial City stood,
With towers and temples proudly elevate
On seven small hills, with palaces adorned,
Porches and theatres, baths, aqueducts,
Statues and trophies, and triumphal arcs,
Gardens and groves, presented to his eyes
Above the highth of mountains interposed—
By what strange parallax, or optic skill
Of vision, multiplied through air, or glass
Of telescope, were curious to enquire.
And now the Tempter thus his silence broke:—
  “The city which thou seest no other deem
Than great and glorious Rome, Queen of the Earth
So far renowned, and with the spoils enriched
Of nations.  There the Capitol thou seest,
Above the rest lifting his stately head
On the Tarpeian rock, her citadel
Impregnable; and there Mount Palatine,
The imperial palace, compass huge, and high
The structure, skill of noblest architects,
With gilded battlements, conspicuous far,
Turrets, and terraces, and glittering spires.
Many a fair edifice besides, more like
Houses of gods—so well I have disposed
My aerie microscope—thou may’st behold,
Outside and inside both, pillars and roofs
Carved work, the hand of famed artificers
In cedar, marble, ivory, or gold.
Thence to the gates cast round thine eye, and see
What conflux issuing forth, or entering in:
Praetors, proconsuls to their provinces
Hasting, or on return, in robes of state;
Lictors and rods, the ensigns of their power;
Legions and cohorts, turms of horse and wings;
Or embassies from regions far remote,
In various habits, on the Appian road,
Or on the AEmilian—some from farthest south,
Syene, and where the shadow both way falls,
Meroe, Nilotic isle, and, more to west,
The realm of Bocchus to the Blackmoor sea;
From the Asian kings (and Parthian among these),
From India and the Golden Chersoness,
And utmost Indian isle Taprobane,
Dusk faces with white silken turbants wreathed;
From Gallia, Gades, and the British west;
Germans, and Scythians, and Sarmatians north
Beyond Danubius to the Tauric pool.
All nations now to Rome obedience pay—
To Rome’s great Emperor, whose wide domain,
In ample territory, wealth and power,
Civility of manners, arts and arms,
And long renown, thou justly may’st prefer
Before the Parthian.  These two thrones except,
The rest are barbarous, and scarce worth the sight,
Shared among petty kings too far removed;
These having shewn thee, I have shewn thee all
The kingdoms of the world, and all their glory.
This Emperor hath no son, and now is old,
Old and lascivious, and from Rome retired
To Capreae, an island small but strong
On the Campanian shore, with purpose there
His horrid lusts in private to enjoy;
Committing to a wicked favourite
All public cares, and yet of him suspicious;
Hated of all, and hating.  With what ease,
Endued with regal virtues as thou art,
Appearing, and beginning noble deeds,
Might’st thou expel this monster from his throne,
Now made a sty, and, in his place ascending,
A victor-people free from servile yoke!
And with my help thou may’st; to me the power
Is given, and by that right I give it thee.
Aim, therefore, at no less than all the world;
Aim at the highest; without the highest attained,
Will be for thee no sitting, or not long,
On David’s throne, be prophesied what will.”
  To whom the Son of God, unmoved, replied:—
“Nor doth this grandeur and majestic shew
Of luxury, though called magnificence,
More than of arms before, allure mine eye,
Much less my mind; though thou should’st add to tell
Their sumptuous gluttonies, and gorgeous feasts
On citron tables or Atlantic stone
(For I have also heard, perhaps have read),
Their wines of Setia, Cales, and Falerne,
Chios and Crete, and how they quaff in gold,
Crystal, and myrrhine cups, imbossed with gems
And studs of pearl—to me should’st tell, who thirst
And hunger still.  Then embassies thou shew’st
From nations far and nigh!  What honour that,
But tedious waste of time, to sit and hear
So many hollow compliments and lies,
Outlandish flatteries?  Then proceed’st to talk
Of the Emperor, how easily subdued,
How gloriously.  I shall, thou say’st, expel
A brutish monster: what if I withal
Expel a Devil who first made him such?
Let his tormentor, Conscience, find him out;
For him I was not sent, nor yet to free
That people, victor once, now vile and base,
Deservedly made vassal—who, once just,
Frugal, and mild, and temperate, conquered well,
But govern ill the nations under yoke,
Peeling their provinces, exhausted all
By lust and rapine; first ambitious grown
Of triumph, that insulting vanity;
Then cruel, by their sports to blood inured
Of fighting beasts, and men to beasts exposed;
Luxurious by their wealth, and greedier still,
And from the daily Scene effeminate.
What wise and valiant man would seek to free
These, thus degenerate, by themselves enslaved,
Or could of inward slaves make outward free?
Know, therefore, when my season comes to sit
On David’s throne, it shall be like a tree
Spreading and overshadowing all the earth,
Or as a stone that shall to pieces dash
All monarchies besides throughout the world;
And of my Kingdom there shall be no end.
Means there shall be to this; but what the means
Is not for thee to know, nor me to tell.”
  To whom the Tempter, impudent, replied:—
“I see all offers made by me how slight
Thou valuest, because offered, and reject’st.
Nothing will please the difficult and nice,
Or nothing more than still to contradict.
On the other side know also thou that I
On what I offer set as high esteem,
Nor what I part with mean to give for naught,
All these, which in a moment thou behold’st,
The kingdoms of the world, to thee I give
(For, given to me, I give to whom I please),
No trifle; yet with this reserve, not else—
On this condition, if thou wilt fall down,
And worship me as thy superior Lord
(Easily done), and hold them all of me;
For what can less so great a gift deserve?”
  Whom thus our Saviour answered with disdain:—
“I never liked thy talk, thy offers less;
Now both abhor, since thou hast dared to utter
The abominable terms, impious condition.
But I endure the time, till which expired
Thou hast permission on me.  It is written,
The first of all commandments, ‘Thou shalt worship
The Lord thy God, and only Him shalt serve.’
And dar’st thou to the Son of God propound
To worship thee, accursed? now more accursed
For this attempt, bolder than that on Eve,
And more blasphemous; which expect to rue.
The kingdoms of the world to thee were given!
Permitted rather, and by thee usurped;
Other donation none thou canst produce.
If given, by whom but by the King of kings,
God over all supreme?  If given to thee,
By thee how fairly is the Giver now
Repaid!  But gratitude in thee is lost
Long since.  Wert thou so void of fear or shame
As offer them to me, the Son of God—
To me my own, on such abhorred pact,
That I fall down and worship thee as God?
Get thee behind me!  Plain thou now appear’st
That Evil One, Satan for ever ******.”
  To whom the Fiend, with fear abashed, replied:—
“Be not so sore offended, Son of God—
Though Sons of God both Angels are and Men—
If I, to try whether in higher sort
Than these thou bear’st that title, have proposed
What both from Men and Angels I receive,
Tetrarchs of Fire, Air, Flood, and on the Earth
Nations besides from all the quartered winds—
God of this World invoked, and World beneath.
Who then thou art, whose coming is foretold
To me most fatal, me it most concerns.
The trial hath indamaged thee no way,
Rather more honour left and more esteem;
Me naught advantaged, missing what I aimed.
Therefore let pass, as they are transitory,
The kingdoms of this world; I shall no more
Advise thee; gain them as thou canst, or not.
And thou thyself seem’st otherwise inclined
Than to a worldly crown, addicted more
To contemplation and profound dispute;
As by that early action may be judged,
When, slipping from thy mother’s eye, thou went’st
Alone into the Temple, there wast found
Among the gravest Rabbies, disputant
On points and questions fitting Moses’ chair,
Teaching, not taught.  The childhood shews the man,
As morning shews the day.  Be famous, then,
By wisdom; as thy empire must extend,
So let extend thy mind o’er all the world
In knowledge; all things in it comprehend.
All knowledge is not couched in Moses’ law,
The Pentateuch, or what the Prophets wrote;
The Gentiles also know, and write, and teach
To admiration, led by Nature’s light;
And with the Gentiles much thou must converse,
Ruling them by persuasion, as thou mean’st.
Without their learning, how wilt thou with them,
Or they with thee, hold conversation meet?
How wilt thou reason with them, how refute
Their idolisms, traditions, paradoxes?
Error by his own arms is best evinced.
Look once more, ere we leave this specular mount,
Westward, much nearer by south-west; behold
Where on the AEgean shore a city stands,
Built nobly, pure the air and light the soil—
Athens, the eye of Greece, mother of arts
And Eloquence, native to famous wits
Or hospitable, in her sweet recess,
City or suburban, studious walks and shades.
See there the olive-grove of Academe,
Plato’s retirement, where the Attic bird
Trills her thick-warbled notes the summer long;
There, flowery hill, Hymettus, with the sound
Of bees’ industrious murmur, oft invites
To studious musing; there Ilissus rowls
His whispering stream.  Within the walls then view
The schools of ancient sages—his who bred
Great Alexander to subdue the world,
Lyceum there; and painted Stoa next.
There thou shalt hear and learn the secret power
Of harmony, in tones and numbers hit
By voice or hand, and various-measured verse,
AEolian charms and Dorian lyric odes,
And his who gave them breath, but higher sung,
Blind Melesigenes, thence Homer called,
Whose poem Phoebus challenged for his own.
Thence what the lofty grave Tragedians taught
In chorus or iambic, teachers best
Of moral prudence, with delight received
In brief sententious precepts, while they treat
Of fate, and chance, and change in human life,
High actions and high passions best describing.
Thence to the famous Orators repair,
Those ancient whose resistless eloquence
Wielded at will that fierce democraty,
Shook the Arsenal, and fulmined over Greece
To Macedon and Artaxerxes’ throne.
To sage Philosophy next lend thine ear,
From heaven descended to the low-roofed house
Of Socrates—see there his tenement—
Whom, well inspired, the Oracle pronounced
Wisest of men; from whose mouth issued forth
Mellifluous streams, that watered all the schools
Of Academics old and new, with those
Surnamed Peripatetics, and the sect
Epicurean, and the Stoic severe.
These here revolve, or, as thou likest, at home,
Till time mature thee to a kingdom’s weight;
These rules will render thee a king complete
Within thyself, much more with empire joined.”
  To whom our Saviour sagely thus replied:—
“Think not but that I know these things; or, think
I know them not, not therefore am I short
Of knowing what I ought.  He who receives
Light from above, from the Fountain of Light,
No other doctrine needs, though granted true;
But these are false, or little else but dreams,
Conjectures, fancies, built on nothing firm.
The first and wisest of them all professed
To know this only, that he nothing knew;
The next to fabling fell and smooth conceits;
A third sort doubted all things, though plain sense;
Others in virtue placed felicity,
But virtue joined with riches and long life;
In corporal pleasure he, and careless ease;
The Stoic last in philosophic pride,
By him called virtue, and his virtuous man,
Wise, perfect in himself, and all possessing,
Equal to God, oft shames not to prefer,
As fearing God nor man, contemning all
Wealth, pleasure, pain or torment, death and life—
Which, when he lists, he leaves, or boasts he can;
For all his tedious talk is but vain boast,
Or subtle shifts conviction to evade.
Alas! what can they teach, and not mislead,
Ignorant of themselves, of God much more,
And how the World began, and how Man fell,
Degraded by himself, on grace depending?
Much of the Soul they talk, but all awry;
And in themselves seek virtue; and to themselves
All glory arrogate, to God give none;
Rather accuse him under usual names,
Fortune and Fate, as one regardless quite
Of mortal things.  Who, therefore, seeks in these
True wisdom finds her not, or, by delusion
Far worse, her false resemblance only meets,
An empty cloud.  However, many books,
Wise men have said, are wearisome; who reads
Incessantly, and to his reading brings not
A spirit and judgment equal or superior,
(And what he brings what needs he elsewhere seek?)
Uncertain and unsettled still remains,
Deep-versed in books and shallow in himself,
Crude or intoxicate, collecting toys
And trifles for choice matters, worth a sponge,
As children gathering pebbles on the shore.
Or, if I would delight my private hours
With music or with poem, where so soon
As in our native language can I find
That solace?  All our Law and Story strewed
With hymns, our Psalms with artful terms inscribed,
Our Hebrew songs and harps, in Babylon
That pleased so well our victor’s ear, declare
That rather Greece from us these arts derived—
Ill imitated while they loudest sing
The vices of their deities, and their own,
In fable, hymn, or song, so personating
Their gods ridiculous, and themselves past shame.
Remove their swelling epithetes, thick-laid
As varnish on a harlot’s cheek, the rest,
Thin-sown with aught of profit or delight,
Will far be found unworthy to compare
With Sion’s songs, to all true tastes excelling,
Where God is praised aright and godlike men,
The Holiest of Holies and his Saints
(Such are from God inspired, not such from thee);
Unless where moral virtue is expressed
By light of Nature, not in all quite lost.
Their orators thou then extoll’st as those
The top of eloquence—statists indeed,
And lovers of their country, as may seem;
But herein to our Prophets far beneath,
As men divinely taught, and better teaching
The solid rules of civil government,
In their majestic, unaffected style,
Than all the oratory of Greece and Rome.
In them is plainest taught, and easiest learnt,
What makes a nation happy, and keeps it so,
What ruins kingdoms, and lays cities flat;
These only, with our Law, best form a king.”
  So spake the Son of God; but Satan, now
Quite at a loss (for all his darts were spent),
Thus to our Saviour, with stern brow, replied:—
  “Since neither wealth nor honour, arms nor arts,
Kingdom nor empire, pleases thee, nor aught
By me proposed in life contemplative
Or active, tended on by glory or fame,
What dost thou in this world?  The Wilderness
For thee is fittest place: I found thee there,
And thither will return thee.  Yet remember
What I foretell t
Rickie Louis Jul 2011
I am greedy,
Greedier than greed,
Motive lies,
Behind each deed,
All I do,
That motivation,
Is to,
One thing,
It's behind,
My being,
My smile,
My hello,
All my well wishes,
It's all that I know,
It's my worth,
To me,
It's first,
More than gold,
It cannot be,
Or sold,
It is very rarely,
As it seems,
And when it's not,
It plagues me,
It's my own,
Heart disease,
I do not disagree,
I deserve this,
With all my greed.
kirk Nov 2018
I knew they'd be more sightings, it looks like I was right
The day has arrived once again, where things have come to light
Shinning armour is absent, and there is no gallant knight
Oh Annette, there's only Den, and your chastity's not tight

It seems Miss Tidy has returned, she's covered a long span
**** escapades displayed again, written by a big **** fan
***** heifers filled Cow Pies, diving in like Desperate Dan
I wouldn't mind a go myself, because I am a man

Bus stops and phone boxes, seem to be your mainstream media
Your depicted as a ****, and your appetite gets greedier
Every time that you appear, your antics are more seedier
Be careful of your infamy, you'll end up on Wikipedia

What the hell is going on, you've resurfaced once again
There's no accounting for good taste, with ******* different men
I don't know if it's better ***, than your getting from old Den
Oh Annette if you get judged, it'll be a Ten from ***

Bus shelters are the place, to read about your ***
Showing intimate parts of your life, like the local multiplex
Written words like **** and ****, are nothing to perplex
It's obvious what's going on, its hardly that complex

If **** *** is preferable, if it's not just a passing whim
You can lick my exposed ****, and I'll give yours a rim
A tight *** is just as good, as a nice warm ****
Oh Annette untidy your legs, and we'll go out on a limb

**** *** excites me, but there's just one small detail
Is your *** completely free, or is your **** for sale
If you use lubrication, then it never will get stale
Naked flesh I really like, that's probably cos I'm male

If telephone boxes we're obsolete, if bus stops did not exist
Where would Annette's news be then, from the *** obsessed artist
Would he try a public lavatory, would he have a different twist
Oh Annette If writings ceased, *** stories would be missed

George Formby leaned on lampposts, but I'm not sure I'm a strummer
Unless you count a *******, and you are a heavy ******
I'll wait until you come by, for one hell of a good ******
Outside in the night light, so much better in the summer

Could you be a lovely girl, or are you an ugly *****
**** ***** and ***** *****, are just the local lingo
Oh Annette if you want ***, don't wait too long in limbo
I can do it on all fours, as well as legs akimbo

Softer holes are better wet, **** positions don't much matter
Whether it is *******, or laying a bit flatter
Certain parties can be fun, if your naked on a platter
A very happy unbirthday treat, I'd share with the Mad Hatter

Do you bite as well as ****, be rough and rarely gentle
let passion take control of you, cos I'm not temperamental
You seem to be the kind of girl, to be experimental
It makes no difference if your a ****, it isn't accidental

There's nothing wrong with ***** *****, if they are never shut
Open all hours is quite fun, when you're an **** ****
I hope you have "**** Handles", that are looming round your ****
So Annette relight my fire, I don't want my long wick cut

Come on now be daring, because you seem like an old friend
I hope your ****** preferences, are not just a passing trend
So much is known about you, with all that has been penned
If your into *** ***, then give your **** a lend

Just how many blokes you've had, well I don't have a clue
There's Den of course but now and then, you try someone new
It doesn't really bother me, if you've had quite a few
You could be in fetish films, if your backdoor is blue

Perhaps I have misjudged you, and you are a teachers pet
And everything that has been said, is something you regret
But If the rumours are all true, then I would not forget
To stuff my ***** up your ****, and I'd say oh Annette !
What can I say about Annette Tidy, as you may or may not know, I discovered writings concerning Miss Tidy's shall we say carnal activities in February 2016, there we're further details of her misdemeanours 2 years later. Both sightings inspired me to write a poem the first of which is titled " Oh Annette Tidy" .
After the second sighting I then wrote " Oh Annette Tidy's Back Again " I thought I was done with our Annette until I began writing this new poem, so you might say the Annette Tidy saga has now become a trilogy of **** escapades, I hope you enjoy it and I wonder if this will be the last we will hear from Annette Tidy ?
fm Jul 2021
your greedy hands are no greedier than mine,
as your fingers travel past my waistline,
thinking that i’m about to waste my time
on a man like you,
“too good to be true,”
kinda borrowed, about to be blue.
my greedy hands will clench,
as i lean closer on that bench,
ignoring your disgusting cigarette stench.
“i’ll break your ******* jawline
if your hands don’t leave my waistline,”
and you didn’t waste time

running away.
it’s 2:37am and i went to a bar for the second time in my life on my own volition, and a guy grabbed my ***.
LDuler Dec 2012
My dear, it rained last night
And I remember
The alleviated rise into
Lush sobs and lavish emotions
The way your dilatation relieves
Every worry and anxiety
But sometimes when we speak
A violent lie radiates
And last night you were naught
But an alienated virile sot
A view unholy I omit
I remember the tin roses on the tiles
Devastated, shattered.

Sometimes you hum
Your hands delicately miming secret memos
And I can see it in your eyes
Irises shining like teal devils
And the music carries you
White with adrenaline, pupils likes violists
Headwaiters lie, strumming tin violins
Their  alienated visions wilted with passion

I see the way she cleverly conceals
Lies as vows to you
A veil called "us" she puts on "me"
And I call for mutiny
But youth is vim, vim is now, and now is lies
Every hug from you is just a violet whim
In noisy rooms
My vision is misty
My aura dies little,

Oh if only you could realize your reign
You’re the master, the ringleader
But you’re lazy; you work without zeal, you’re idle and lazy
Eyes glazed, agile hands getting greedier

Have you ever seen
A dearer lion?
He roared, the lonesome rider
Alone, an alien.
Well sometimes you lie
And I dare to become
An oral denier
My radar detects one lie,
Then two...
You become red
Redder than a ****** lion's ear

Adieu, you say, with a gently undefined lilt
My tears speak more reality than your words
brandon nagley Sep 2015
To planet earth;
Abode of the free willed
Of men whom ****, land of the cursed.

From planet technology;
Wherein mankind's forgotten themselves
They loveth ******, horror, dreary scene's, noone else.

A message to anyone who seeith;
A concoction of disaster, nuclear bomb's;
Gang's, mob's, political master's.

Cometh on in, greedy men
Get greedier;
Ninety-nine percent, just one left to plot and grin.

Don't forget to view ourn land;
Stolen, controlled, ruined, hellion in Armani suit's;
Turneth river's into poison, mountain's into sand.

No need to rescue us
No time left, were doomed with demonic consent
This purgatory long ago, left God in the dust.

Art thou ready for the end soon;
As angel's of wrath art to release the bowl's
Of prediction's long ago, oh head filled up to much? No room.


©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
All the beginning of the lines mean hello in different language's. Enjoy.
Mitchell Jul 2012
The time just before

The setting sun

The wavering wind

The families all
Bundling up
To escape the madmen
Of the streets
And the alley-ways

Whenever there was
They were there

Whenever there was
They were there too

Crimson clad captains
Of the criminally insane
Free as the forest and
All of its mysterious ways

The nights
Are worse

The sun has gone
The sounds have changed
The people grimmer
Greedier and

My kind of

The way we walk
Like we own the world
And everything in it

Clinking glasses and
Smoke filled barrooms

Wearing our loneliness
Like a badge of honor

Throwing our weight around
Like we've been eating and
Drinking all day

To press matters further
We burn the postal service
And contemplate the brink
Of natural disasters, all over
Salted peanuts and stale
Glasses of tap water, the television
On full blast to drown out the
Half-drunken chatter of teens with
Fake-id's and half a pair of *****

The way I keep it together
Is to inhale and exhale, or breathe

Sometimes that doesn't work

So I think of Freud and how
Much I haven't read of him but
How right I think he is about
Anxiety and how it runs the show

Afraid of our failures
Before even an attempt
Is made

And the schoolchildren are
Let out early because of rain
And all the friends that were there
Are now gone or have changed

Their eyes
Look different

Their smells
Not the same

Their attitudes more
Reserved and adult
And mature and collected

Discussing the
Future of the American Dream
And how we - the freedom negotiating youth -
Hold on to our morals until
A paycheck big enough comes
Our way

How expensive is happiness?
How much money does it take
To **** the virus of loneliness and sloth?
How much does unrequited love
Truly cost?

"In answers, "wept the preacher, "We will
Find the truth of the lord, but, to seek truth
We must first ask the questions the Lord
Wishes us to ask. Think and ye' shall be
Given questions to find His truth."

Winged beast of mythical lore
Your credit here is no longer good
Please, tip the bouncer
On the way out

And you know that it is true
The way the wind blows through
The opened window, a view
Looking down and out toward the street

Fear has her fingers
Wrapped around your throat
The de-anxietized man is
Just out of reach as

The clouds burn to black
And the rain begins to fall
And the last rays of the sun
Can just be seen with the
Flooding of the sky

Blank cards to be dealt
Everyone is all in
The money is on the table
Transfer's on the cable

We are quite alone now
Aren't we?

You and I

When the ***** naked ******
Make their rounds
Searching for coin or purse
Or wallet

We will be watching
We will be seeing
The worst that man
Has to offer

When was it
When life turned
So sour?

So processed?

What was the turning point?

When the dust finally settled
And all that was left
Were the debts and
The massacres and the
Racism and the end
Of any kind of genuine
Human kindness and
The death of music, poetry,
And literature?

When did the last page
Turn to only show there
Were no more books left
Because we burned them all?

So much has come to pass
So much that many thought
Would be eternal and last

Is re-born

Everything turns
To dust to feed the
Ground for the new

We are the changing
Wind within the
Crevices of the highest mountains

The leaking water
Chilled from the night
Echoing within the fountain

The ink that dries
Has dried before
And will continue to do so

In truth we will see
Answers we wish
Not to believe

Steps will be taken
Backward, forward,
Left and right and
Backward again

To wait
For the forward

To strive
For the forward

To believe
In moving forward

Is our key
Lover of Words Nov 2012
Looking at my nation makes me wanna cry,
Whatever happened to so called freedom and independence you guys?
But citizens are getting greedier and demanding,
Expected to be handed money just cause of circumstances they can't control,
If I sat in my house all day,
Nothing would get done at all,
And just cause you don't have a job doesn't mean the government should reach into my pockets and
That isn't their job! But you expect it to be,
So you'll vote and vote and vote,
For Robin Hoods and supposed heroes that don't get much done,
But spend and spend and spend,
Because we all deserve equalness…
But don't you get it,
We are never equal,
God didn't make us equal and for life to be fair,
And no,
I didn't say a flaming big explosion created us all to evolve,
Please, lets stop that hopeless dream,
Like, I'm the minority for sure without a voice,
But back in 1958 it wouldn't have been my choice to remove my child from my womb,
Yet it's a sad, sad, sad world, getting worse every day,
I'm tired of not being heard my words and being called ignorant,
For I'm a well informed voter, shouting off some concerns of my own,
Don't I have the **** right as everyone else to be heard?
But there's no point if I'm not listened to, right?
If this type is never read,
Then my thoughts forever are dead,
Please don't take away my rights, to believe what I've always believed.
Mark Redguard Nov 2018
Secrets and lies, ruining our lives
Piercing the spirit like daggers and knives.
Secrecies applied, the darkness they hide
Mouthpiece the media
They’re getting greedier they’re getting greedier.
Feed them some fear, they’ll feel unsafe
Carefully planned leave nothing to waste.
The secret plan Of terroism  is working.
They’re heavy, confused, their spirits are hurting.
A drop in their food, a drop in their drink.
Then put on the news, tell them what to think.
We’re reaching our goal controlling the blind.
Destroying their souls, controlling their mind
Louise Ruen Jan 2019
I’m lying awake
In my thoughts contractions
You are the weapon
That will eventually slaughter me
Because you’re stronger than I
Yeah, you’re the only one
Who can nail me to my bed
Without using any nails
And even though I’m greedier than you
You’re still my Judas
When you whisper in my ear
Your yellow pupils radiating heat like the sun
Threatening to turn me into ashes before I die
My mother always said one could turn blind by staring into the sun
Is it the truth?
I defy her advice
For a moment the sun in your eyes belong with the ocean in mine
You gave me an answer to my question
Let me turn the water in your body into wine
I am thirsty
Let me enjoy one last supper
Surrounded by white sheets covering just as much as a loincloth would
Let me show you that Paradise is real
And take you there
Let me enjoy one last sin
Before I sacrifice myself on my oakwood bed
Your hands make me feel resurrected
Let me hope for salvation
Our love is a lie. And so it begins. Foolishly laying our hearts on the table, stumbelin' in.
Happy New Year's
It's a bit like slamming on the brakes when all you have is what life takes and the winding down begins.  

These are the stakes and the fixed odds chance so you dance off down the road to dreams that fall at the final jump and you pump yourself back up and get back down to it.  

Easier to slit your throat or cut your wrists than scroll down all the losers, winners that you missed, the list is long, your time is short, getting caught out, being bought and sold out to the highest bidder who only ever wants to get rid of and you who should have known the breakdown was on the way say nothing when you could have rattled off some encyclopaedia. Spilled the beans on social media but you were always greedier than Bunter and now the hunter is the hunted, slammed the brakes on, shunted from behind to find that life is and can be that unkind.  

Its a never mind and I don't care, never wanted to be here and never ever there but it stares me in the face when I look at these things, place your bets and let's get real we've set the wheels in motion now they'll spin we'll win or lose and then somehow we'll come into our own, become the happiness in the happy home or slam the brakes on when this life's gone and that takes no time at all.
david mungoshi Dec 2015
well hello hello big man
you're looking quite suave i must say
your almost palpable gloss is off the fat of the land
i suppose you could say you're the leader of the band
but you choose not to; you're far too smart for obvious moves
understandably, it's been goodbye to all that stuff from years ago
they suffer densely and in perpetuity who wait for providence
is your guiding principle; so the quicker, the greedier, the better!
this poem is now probably in its final-version form
It’s not enough to make believe
And after all is really frustrating
Not feeling the way I do
But here we go:
I never felt no trace of pity when she died
No hate no nothing for this sad news from a stranger

All I remember is that I was unemployed
Not able to find a **** job for a long time
So she offered me a place to sleep
And the daily bred as a reward for my hand labor
Carried out all day long near his house

It was the kind of slavery of which
The most stupid animals can be horrified

But I did it
Yes sir
I did it out of pity for her solitude sickness and despair
After a while I even hated her hobby to collect nothing but things
This car this house this garden of paranoid miracles

All sold in loss after her burial to some gipsy lover
Who was actually greedier than she ever dreamed

I also remember she cursed me when I left her place
”You *******” she said
”You will never be able to find a home of your own”
”You may rot in hell working for strangers!”

”It’s ok” I said
”You never felt anything more delusional of me”
”But if strangers would feel that way” I said
”At least they will pay me big time for my trouble”

So I was far away in the land of Nowhere when she died
And I knew that for me she was gone long time before
When I didn’t felt no pity no hate no trace of any sadness

When I decided to leave the house of my sister
Which was not my home anymore
When I felt my real sister was gone far away
And anywhere else in the world
James Tyler Jul 2013
I wish I could behave more so as trees do;
or for that matter, as a tree does.

Be seen for my youth, before growing larger than life;
shading the proud while protecting the ones who cannot protect themselves from the elements.
See my leaves in all their beauty as they blow in the wind
See them change colors while everyone around admired their beauty
See them fall, and rejoice in how i remain without cover;
then when assumed dead, see them reborn again.

Repeating this process, I would, while remaining effortlessly still.
It would look as though I was doing nothing,
yet I would be providing everything.

Maybe I would bare fruit, or maybe I wouldn't.
To me it would never matter. Giving back would be enough.

And one day, when someone greedier than I
would take from me the things I love
they would count my rings and see the illustrious, long, life i had lived.

My remains would be turned into millions of sheets of paper,
and people would write beautiful poetry on me
expressing the inner workings of their souls.
brandon nagley Jun 2015
The rich get greedier
The poor ones expire
No more hopeless romantic poets
To maketh a muse of  his attire
For what's required?
To loose thy world
And gain thy truest love?
Thou must let go of pride
Be humbled
To mi amour mode!!!!!
Moon Nectar Nov 2018
Keep sipping your ginger tea
Stare me down
From the soft blue cushion
On your corner of the bed
On my soft naked skin
With your eyes
That appear a little darker these days
A little hungrier
Much like my thirst when I see you
With my back pressed into the cold brick wall
I speak softly
Telling you that I won't open
These parts for you anymore
Until my doors crack
Just slightly open
And you march in
Reach in
I dread your destructive ways
I crave them too
All while hoping
When you're finished demolishing my walls
You'll build a little home
Just big enough
Sweet enough
For the 2 of us
So again
And again
I allow myself to crumble
At your boots.
But last night
I wasn't just unsteady
You took my whole foundation away
Ripped it
Straight from under my feet
Before walking out
While I still had no legs
And I lay a mess on the floor
But don't worry,
It's okay
They grew back
And I built another home
While I slept
And dreamt of you
Bree Jan 2019
Through blurry tear-filled eyes
I watched hungry flames
devour your home
consuming what you once knew
growing larger and greedier with every gasping breath you took
I watched furious fumes fill the night sky
and angry black smoke pour out your now shattered windows
I watched red and blue lights surround the scene
hoses uncoiling
men in suits disappearing into the smoke
I watched in slow motion
as they carried your blackened body out
You remained limp and lifeless
under their desperate attempts to jumpstart your heart
Were you gone at that point?
Were you fighting inside?
I lost my breath watching them force air into your lungs
hoping maybe you’d take mine
hoping maybe you’d be fine
My hands shook, my heart raced
waiting for you to open your eyes
but they scurried you away to your last speedy ride
Standing in silence
listening to sirens fade away
I prayed to the Lord to keep you alive,
I prayed for your family, your friends, and your bride,
I prayed you’d find heaven
I prayed as I cried
knowing already that I’d watched you die
Big Virge Dec 2019
Do You Ever Wonder ?
Why So Many Men Hurt Their Human Brothers ... ?!?
Or As Time UNFURLS What's With These Girls ...    
Who Rush To Have Children They Don't Want To Mother ... !?!  
So Many Questions With Answers Uncovered ... ?!?  
Why Do People Plunder Don't YOU Ever Wonder ... ?!?  
Why Do People Do The Things That They Do ... ?  
ESPECIALLY Things That Lead To ABUSE ... ?!?  
Such Actions Bemuse And Leave Me Confused ... ???  
Some People Need Doctors Whose Surname Is ... " Who " ... !!!  
I Wonder Sometimes About Peoples' Minds ...  
Then Think of Those Smiling Who Have Little Food ... ?!?  
BELIEVE Me ... That's TRUE ... !!!!!  
It's Easy To Try And Avoid These Issues ...  
When Buying Your Car On Your NEW Platinum Card ...    
Whilst CLAIMING Your Life Is .... "EVER SO HARD !" ....  
From ...    
Bourgeoise Type Stars To Those Who CLAIM Class ... ?  
To Those Who Sit MOANING Whilst Drinking In Bars ... ?!?!?  
Who On Earth Do They Think They Are When People Still Starve ...  
Because of The GREED of These HUGE Companies ...  
Like Those Who **** Trees To Build Properties ... !?!  
I Wonder Sometimes When Writing My Rhymes ...  
What Concerns The Minds of ... GREED Driven Guys ...  
And Those Who Have GREEDIER Cash-Driven Wives ... !!?!!  
I Wonder Sometimes Will Poverty DIE ... ?  
And What's With The NEED For These Chemical Highs ... !?!  
Who Thought Up Designs To DESTROY Young Minds ...  
And Why Do We Comply With Those Who Feed LIES ... ?  
And Why Have We Always Let Truth Be DENIED ... !!!?!!!  
Why Walk Around Blind When You Have Good Sight ... !?!  
God Gave Us Two Eyes To See Through The L I E S ... !!!  
It Would Seem UNWISE To Choose To DENY ...  
Things That Might HELP Us To Live ... HAPPY Lives ... !!!  
I Wonder I Cry As Time Passes By .......  
Who Gave Me Insight To Write All These Rhymes ... !?!  
When SO MANY Think My Lyrical Twists ....  
Are NOT Fit To Give To Adults Or Kids ... !?!  
What Makes People Sink' To Doing These Things ... ?!?  
I Wonder Sometimes Will They Feel The STING ... !?!    
Many Are CALLED But Who Chooses Kings ... !?!  
Who'll Take The Fall ... ?  
And Who Will Be MAULED ... !!!  
I Wonder Sometimes Why Am I SO TALL ... !!!?!!!  
What Gives US THE RIGHT To Keep Animals Caged ...  
Spending Large Sums of Cash To Build Zoos And Act ...  
Like Putting These Animals On .... " Public View " ....  
Is The Right Thing To Do When People NEED FOOD ... !!!?!!!  
My Views Are UNCOOL To Those Who Now Choose ...  
To Buy Into Jewels And ... " DESIGNER Shoes " ...  
I Wonder About The MILLIONS of Pounds ... !!!!!  
Paid To TOP Top Sportsmen And Pop Singing Clowns ...  
Whose Songs Should Be ..... " DROWNED " ..... !!!!!!!!!!        
How Many of Them Think of What They Spend .... !!!!!!  
To Buy Themselves Homes In WELL SECURED Zones ...  
LOCKED IN Like A Crim' With Their TROPHY Women ... ?!?  
How Many I Wonder Ever Think About Others ...  
WORSE OFF Than Themselves When They Look At Their Wealth ...  
Then Think It's Their Duty To Give The Poor Help ... ?  
But Who Am I To Judge ... !!!?!!!  
They've EARNED All Their Stuff ... !!!!  
It's ALL Relative ...  
Well Sometimes I Wonder ...    
When I See How They Live ... !!!  
Should Anyone REALLY Live Life Like THIS ... ??!??  
When Poverty's Reaching SO MANY Young Kids ... !!!!!  
It's CLEAR That They DO So What of Their Roots .... ?  
How Many Conclude That What They've Been Through ...  
ENTITLES Them To ... Riches And Jewels ... ???  
How Many Are Fools Who Choose To ABUSE ...  
Values They've Infused When POOR In Their Youth ... ?!?  
Money CANNOT Make You Smile ...    
Or Give Happiness ... Or Fulfil Your Life ... !!!  
Because In The End It CAN'T Give You Children ...  
Or Buy You RESPECT Or Protect You From Death ... !!!!!!!!!!  
I Wonder Sometimes Why People LOVE PETS ... !?!  
But Then DISRESPECT Women and Men ... ????!????  
What On Earth Is Their Defence ... !!!?!!!  
For Treating PETS Like Their BEST Friend ...  
Whilst Showing Support ... For New Separatist Trends ... ?!?  
If I Got On ALL FOURS And Started To BARK ... !!!!!  
Would People LOVE Me ... With ALL of Their Heart ... ?!?  
It Seems They Would ... !?!  
Well They Can KISS MY **** ... !!!!!!  
And I REALLY DON'T CARE What Colour You Are ... !!!!!!  
Things Like THESE Are Leading Us UNDER ... !!!!!  
Feeding Pets and Vets ...    
While PEOPLE STARVE To DEATH ... ?!?!?!?!?!  
MANY Are Facing PERMANENT Slumber ...  
Because of NO FOOD To FEED Their HUNGER ... !!!    
How Many Die ... Who Knows The Number ... ???  
Who Cares To Question Well These Days I ...  
......... " Wonder ??? " ........
AN EPIC, However, there are quite a few EPIC Questions in it .........
Pyrrha Oct 2022
If only I knew what I know now back then
That one day I'd have to call you friend
Maybe I'd have held on a little tighter
Make my smiles just a little brighter
If only I knew how time ebbs and flows
How our garden became a place where no flower grows
Maybe I’d have been a little greedier
Called your name just a little sweeter

But all my love I put in writing
All the time I wasted in hiding
All the words I left unsaid
Left our garden for dead
I am the keeper of these dried up leaves
I think of you and my heart heaves

If only I knew what I know now back then
That one day would mark our end
Maybe I wouldn’t have been so blind
Shown you how bright I thought you shined
If only I knew how time ebbs and flows
I would have shown you how this world glows
Maybe our garden would have become a flower grove
Our secret hidden treasure trove
Gods1son Jan 2020
Love is the way has become a cliché
But if we can't love others as ourself,
Then we don't truly know what love is
And that will continue to be our shortcoming.

A world lacking in kindness
is a world that easily creates chaos
The greedier the people,
the lesser their regard for humanity.
sparkjams Mar 2019
Covered mountain steam
elk hiding in maroon quilts
bleeding dry beetle cracking under foot
divining a hot spot

garden and its civilized sprouts
your name under a flower, warden
resisting like spoiling eggnog
greedier than a fry cook ******* in a fresh battery
you try too hard to fissure, earth!
go grill a mammoth instead, like you used to
spend a decade in winter
three quarters of the year frigid without warning
another half day closing in on dynamite explosions
move rock fast! It's all part of this historic reckoning
I bet I could sludge through vapor faster than this

coiling around necks with ****** grasshoppers
you wreck the vision
demolish truck and worker with seeping fruit
orange is argumentative and smirking
defiant without law
turning back clocks in order to assemble without itself
smoldering in flame
I beseech thee
return the dagger into my flesh
it belongs with me like a medium
walk with wind in tandem
spurned onward to self-agonize
perpetuate your distance
eventual despair
in times of grace

you crumble too readily
like sands
you itch too regularly
like hands
you weep too messily

like mortar and pestle.
like the order that you wrestle.

engaged and contented
blatantly worth my while
winning was never so pitiful... (and pitiless!)

— The End —