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Brandon Walus Oct 2011
He’s a ***** of in-
tellectual acumen. A real conveyor of post-modern acuity.
What he has to say doesn’t make sense to me.
No one understands his esoteric complexity.
He speaks of Aristotelian “virtues”, Platonic Forms, and other
“practical” participation by the particularities.
Part of all that not even he fully understands.

Juxtaposing Quniean “webs of Knowledge” with Davidson Coherantism
He is challenged by McDowells 2nd nature Bildung.
His conventional English is thus un-sung, while meta-physical abstractions are then hung
Out to dry, in the abstract realm sky. What color is that sky?
“Unfair Question” he cries.

“Tell me about God” I ask, “very well” he replies.
My brain is numb after one question, and a few words.
He continues, “Do the God(s) agree upon what is good?”
Yes is my reply. “If so, do they love what is good?” Again yes.
“Then, is the Good whatever the God(s) love, or do the God(s) love what is Good?”
He must be on drugs.

A little philosophy makes a man an atheist.
A lot makes him a believer,
just not in God. He praises Reason, his room is a shrine.
Within four walls one will not find, no not any sign
Of conviction.

What? All this time thinking, reflecting, meditating, abstracting, observing, weaving grand tapestries of thought and still he does not find a foot hold in reality?
What the hell were you thinking about?
He responds.

A stream of consciousness is all that is,
past is a referent future is a predicate.
I am not the “me” I refer to when I say “my book.”
No sir, I have never spoken to you any knowledge of me.
For that I have none of, but knowledge I am not without.
If it is one thing I know, it is that I know nothing.

I tell him certainly my English teacher would know something to defeat him,
I am soon disenchanted, for he has ammunition for her.
“Ask her”, he says “to ascertain the truth value to this grammatically perfect declarative Sentence.”  
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
Lisa Rickman Feb 2010
i'm losing to the raging inside me
it's crawling up my abdomen
creeping up my chest
clouding my head
and seeping out through my pores
causing steam to rise from my skin
goosebumps chase behind as i imagine
your fingertips grazing my arm, my neck
Quentin Briscoe Nov 2011
Jumps start the on the run.. but thats just my mind...body laggin behind..But im feelin entergetic so Im Just freestyling lines...leaned against the pines...Running these powderd lines...parked in a fire lane collecting fines..Exhilarated heart beats turn into mental for my body it just starts to feel weak...points of mind blowing utopia..erupt body pausing phobias...and when this brain begins to die down and stop...well the body compulses, foams, and rocks
Eric Clark Sep 2011
Guida & Me drove up to the ***** D
In my whip there was co-pilot Bryx and Captain Sleezy E
We rolled up to my yerp bro Brad D's
Next were greeted by Dino whos drinking a 40
Labatt Blue bonging and ponging like were competing for beer drinking glory
Then its onto asweome fries, saganaki, and telling funny stories
That night was crazy and a definite blast
Woke up the next day to see Dino's Dad's spot and gasp!
Walk into the kitchen to see Grandma Rontondo cooking homemade marinara
Smelling fresher than the lobby inside of a Panera
Next it's downstaris to the "Thunderdome," mindblow is all I can tell ya!
The food was amazing with Uncle D on the grill
Sammy the Bull said "Plastic Cups!" so that was the deal
Party was wild, popping bottles in other words unreal
Zoo was great, conductor swag was for real
Tigers beat the Twins, and that night it was freestyling, speeches, and Labatts on chill
Like the words of Willie Nelson the ***** D stays on my mind
I'll never forget that trip like my brain is a VCR and has the element of rewind!
This is a poem about visiting my friend Dino in Detroit. I never been and had an epic time. It's more of a personal poem but one that I think tells a story about an amazing weekend!
Micah G Nov 2018
I carry the weight of my sin
I feel no worth within
Is all I see at times
Self-righteousness make me blind
It’s hard to see
Anything but
With all this anger in me
Just leave me be
Or I’ll snap and you may be
I’ve done it before
And I’ll do it again
I’ll leave not only your heart but your body sore
I’m sorry bro
Freestyled in 1 min 24 sec. what do you guys think?
Claire Waters Nov 2013
finally started the novel he told me to write 3 years ago that i never wrote because i was too busy being depressed and wasting my potential over him which he would’ve never wanted. for maza, for you, sincerely liv tyler and lacey chabert’s love child


right now, we’re floating in space, and i can’t think of anything. no that’s a lie, i conjugate things in negative too much. we’re floating in space, and i can think of everything, our bodies are pulling us like taffy in a loop-de-loop like kansas tornadoes and like cotton candy makers and wheels spinning across invisible pavement.

but i wonder if it is pavement? eventually there must be pavement. that makes sense, right? when you’re falling, eventually, you’ll hit the ground, right? that’s life. that’s reality. i say these things to you so much. and you look at me with that face. you don’t have to say anything. your slightly open mouth is reality. your lip biting is reality. your hands, so i hold on to them and pretend we’re padlocked together and nothing could ever break our hands from one another because you’re all i know right now. you’re all that’s real. i’m so scared of what reality will be when you’re not here. what is any of this, without your hands?

and now, we’re just freestyling in nothing, an out of control merry-go-round accident machine malfunction explosion fwoosh. i’m dead and i’m still waiting to gag on cold metal splitting bone. reality. reality, right? suddenly the hard seering pain seems so appealing. i turn my head to look at you and it feels slow motion executed too quickly, snapped neck swung sideways like a dog desperately shaking off it’s fleas, i know your eyes are on the other side of this so i keep pushing for seconds and hours to turn against gravity and look at you.

except your hands, i don’t know where they went. i thought they were there a minute ago, in mine. i saw them. i swear, they were warm like beds. i lay my palms in them and you held on so tightly that i’m sure you weren’t part of the decision making process in this ‘letting go’ thing. letting go, did you let go? did you free your hands from me? did i hold on too tight? was our velocity not enough? my weight was so feeble i couldn’t manage to hold you down from being ****** into the void?

my brain is still trying to put the calculations together. when did you let go? where did you go? i try to imagine you spinning besides me still but everything is empty. we have no momentum. the darkness is arid, quiet. i feel like a shell. i wish there was a shore for me to break against. i want to call your name but i know it’ll be crushed out of my mouth if i try to speak, so i clamp my teeth together and grab my body, and spin, spin, spin. alone. i can’t cry. the tears would creep into my eyelashes and float into the sky. is there any sky? is there anything at all?

i keep denying. i argue with the world, stiff bodied and silent. everything seems like so much for one person to take on. i’m not good at remembering i am being, i am a being. as in i am being right here, right now. everything. nothing. where did your hands go? reality: the wind whapping the screen windows, hissing in the drain pipe. reality. cold, i say. too cold, my body says. cold like a brain freeze. no, it’s not too cold, i insist again. it’s crackly and comes in bursts of shivering down your spine. that’s what it is. yes. just a slight shivering. no, my mind says, chilling. and i tell myself, it would be the wrong thing to do, to embrace that darkness, right? right? and no one will answer me.

i try to scream and my lungs are filled with the yawning roiling nothing, like salt water washing into my mouth. i choke on the feeling and remember telling you that story about sounding like a strangled chicken when i try to roll my r’s in spanish class. you laugh somewhere and i scream again. it feels good, choking. choking yourself to…nothing. there’s so much everything pent up in that sound forcing itself out of my windpipes. and the earth does not rumble beneath; the silence says you belong to me. humming it over and over, pulling. you belong to nothing. you belong with nothing you belong as nothing. i can’t fathom this kind of anti-gravity. i thought we had everything. was i wrong? i don’t feel like everything, right now. i don’t feel anything.

so, i ask the darkness, this is it? the echo is swallowed. i can’t even hear my own voice. is this it? is this everything? i clamp onto my upper arms, squeezing the muscles tense. keep spinning. keep spinning. don’t speak or it will swallow you. keep spinning. there is no meaning. i don’t know why you let go. does it matter now? spinning. real. what is that? spinning.
new chapters will come, i'm working on it. this writing is a pure investment of untapped emotions, and that's all i want it to be for now, so i'm not going to pressure myself to go chapter by chapter, i'll just write it and hopefully you'll enjoy haha.
Pea Jul 2014
You will never be free
from me

You will live forever
in me

You will be dead but
I will maintain your corpse
so well, with super great care
while waiting for Isa to
come back --

Well, the truth is
you have died
(too many times)
but you resurrect
again and again and
I don't mind you
tearing off the butterflies' wings
because they still can
and tickle this fatty stomach

Whatever it is!
Even when you find hate in whatever
Do not worry, for you are Jesus
The Savior
You are God

You are Jesus!
You are God!

The Unnamed Woman's perfume
still lingers on your feet
I believe in you

I believe in you

"... Blessed are those who believe
without seeing me.
" (John 20:29)

even when I see contradictions
and injustices
even when you, when I, be
the contradictions and
the injustices --

You will never be free
from me
You will live forever
in me
Mark Toney Oct 2019
As she walked down the aisle I was smiling
My blushing young bride was beguiling
After kissing, do tell
I re-lowered the veil
My excuse was "our wedding's freestyling."
7/14/2018 - Poetry form: Limerick - That's exactly what I did at our wedding.  After kissing my beautiful, blushing bride I re-lowered the veil. The immediate explosion of laughter left me blushing. Yes, I was smart enough to lift it before the recessional :) - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2018
AW Aug 2018
The sun is shining, we poets are rhyming.
Others might be out to bathe, but we fill our sheets with creative parts.
This is a thirty second writing, as I am freestyling the way I am diving.
Had an Idea of 'freestyle writing' within 30 seconds, that's the result.
Ann Witt Aug 2014
I'm freestyling with my words,
remembering daydreams, sounds I've heard.

Hope rises from deep inside my soul
enabling me to release the stories I hold.

There beyond my wildest imagination
I can see it's possible to meet my expectation.

Notes are playing, power is flowing.
All around me the darkness is glowing.

Stardust is falling from above
gift wrapping me in a sea of  love.

What an awesome sight to behold
watching my expressions formulate in gold.
Geno Cattouse May 2013
This thing has no rhyme or reason
Just random thumb typing to connect the dots.
Realy freestyling. A goof.

At the end,will there be reaason?
Chicken or egg.
Omlett or leg.

Spare parts laying on the floor
Stitched together for effect.
An abstraction in action.
A work in progress

To be continued.....
Travis Green Jun 2019
I stand on the corner of your alley
hypnotized by your history,
sippin’ interchangeable, infinite
equations from your soul, punctuatin’
reflected rhymes inside my head,
consecutive clauses, the type of ****
that suffocates your subconscious.
There’s no repentance from your existence,
no self-absorbed lines that echo
through my ears, just metaphoric tunes
spinning without reason, and without
reason, mystical flames create earthquakes
across my plantation, and I know I’m
conceited, but I’d rather mix patterns
that blend in Saturn, in fact, mix drums
that fade worlds, mix drums that questions
minds, mix drums that spin sea waves.
Meanwhile, ****** knock me down cuz
I’m floating off orbit, cuz I’m spring
on your ****** Opia, cuz your cosmic
plane controls my veins, freestyling
gibberish, soulless lyrics, aimin’ to cause
confusion, and through confusion,
contradiction, and through contradiction,
annihilation of my mind.  **** them!
Ignorance is no more than expressions,
no more than a candle without a burning
flame, sinkin’, imprisoned, revolving
around a moonlight planet.  Besides,
who gives a **** what they say!
All I want to do is slow crawl
in your powdered nectar, get high
off mary jane, while my brain raps
and taps in city streets, and the inhalin’
and exhalin’ of your culture cancellin
out my fact and fiction.
Matt Jun 2016
The pang of nervousness hit,
struck and left to fend;
like a fish on a hook.

His mind paced with thoughts,
a train, they roared
here and there,
with no destination in sight.

In this guy's imagination,
he could bear it all.
A conjuring of answers,
to questions never sought.

In the flash of the moment,
he let fear take hold.
The worry of messing up;
of not knowing what to say.

Freestyling in his head,
he gave direction to his mind.
A statement of results
of work and hard luck.

in a union of one.
As the sun still shines
behind the clouds,
so too,
does this light still shine on.
liz Apr 2018
versione inglese

Dear Italy

I smoke, I go in, I change my face
We already know how it ends
I have to be careful, ****!
If I knock her up then my mother...
Because I am still a child
A bit Italian and a bit Tunisian
She's from Puerto Rico, if that happens it's a disaster to Trump
But what "politics" is this?
What's the difference between left and right wing?
Ministers change but not the broth
The ******* is here to the left, the toilet is down there on the right
Straight towards my own path
Better than nothing, more than anything
Anyway, just wait outside
If mom doesn't like you, I don't like you neither
You tell me: "I knew it" but I don't fall for that
It's not like I'm a fool
There's always someone who is close-minded and is staying back in time
Like in the Middle Ages
Newspapers over do it, they talk about the foreigners as if they're aliens
With no passport, looking for money

I feel lucky
at the end of the day,
When I'm lucky
it's so great
I'm a crazy person who reads, a crazy outlaw
A maverick, who writes: "Whoever reads this is stupid"

Oh eh oh, when duty calls
Oh eh oh, I answer: "I'm here"
Oh eh oh, you tell me: "Listen to your mother"
Oh eh oh, one, two, three: I'm already there
Oh eh oh, when they tell me: "Go back home!"
Oh eh oh, I reply: "I'm already here"
Oh eh oh, I.L.Y. dear Italy
Oh eh oh, you're my better half

Wait, I hear my ears ringing
Suspense, a moment before the sequel
Appearance fee doesn't include money
Crash Bandicoot, harvest the apples
Nice faces in my group
Like a ni* on his way to Benin City
I don't waste words, I don't talk to Siri
I'm happy to make music for kids
Before leaving a comment, think
Before peeing upwind, steer
Before frittering the salary away, wait
I go back to Baggio, or I won't feel up to anything without it
Shake it!
Your phone maybe doesn't get a signal in the hinterland
We end up freestyling on a raft in Darsena
My WhatsApp chat looks like the Instagram one
Love and ambition already are in my starter pack
Azkaban prisoners escaped from Alcatraz
We did our homeworks just to get it by

I feel lucky
at the end of the day,
When I'm lucky
it's so great
I'm a crazy person who reads, a crazy outlaw
A maverick, who writes: "Whoever reads this is stupid"

Oh eh oh, when duty calls
Oh eh oh, I answer: "I'm here"
Oh eh oh, you tell me: "Listen to your mother"
Oh eh oh, one, two, three: I'm already there
Oh eh oh, when they tell me: "Go back home!"
Oh eh oh, I reply: "I'm already here"
Oh eh oh, I.L.Y. dear Italy
Oh eh oh, you're my better half
Oh eh oh
Oh eh oh
Oh eh oh
Oh eh oh
Oh eh oh, when duty calls
Oh eh oh, I answer: "I'm here"
Oh eh oh, you tell me: "Listen to your mother"
Oh eh oh, one, two, three: I'm already there
Oh eh oh, when they tell me: "Go back home!"
Oh eh oh, I reply: "I'm already here"
Oh eh oh, I.L.Y. dear Italy
Oh eh oh, you're my better half
Ghali is my favorite Italian rapper :)
Lowkie Nov 2020
I'll be freestyling on these verses
And they will flow like I'm writing in cursive
Thanks to the voices in my head
They are a blessing and a curse
Everybody has their own free will
But I love it when you're being submissive
Tonight we are young, wild and free
With the spotlight
Of the moonlight
And the morning sunlight
Lights upon us while we dance
Grab your partner
There is more people jumping over the fence
Men in blue comes in two
Red and blue lights mistaken as party lights
But we have our hands in the air
So we just don't care
Put the guns down, seize fire
Don't spoil the fun, this is a peaceful fight
We're just trying to make it through the night
Lowkie ®
Let's take it from the top, naw I can't stop, once my ears, catch the beat drop,
Alright, time to throw in my props, like Kevin Lee, still a ***** chasing the bees,
Wait I'm looking for the honey's, never wasted money, in **** I don't trust,
All feelings in a touch, my performance is clutch, like to do *** in the form of Dutch,
Freaky is I so why lie, but back to the mic, I hold it right, cup it like a baby iight,
Fools love to find they way, twisted in the words of my say, well make my day,
You'll be chilling at the dock of the bay, with ya body exposed over the ocean ways,
We undercover mobsters, similiar to Tony Soprano, they say hell's no,
I say hello, from the sneaks of the barrel, double holes, that's how it goes,
Fools can't keep up with the flow, I got a million more, straight up *******,
From the slums of Houston, you can tell I'm a rocket, by how I'm boosting,
Yo we have a problem, but it ain't nothing that a fist, or iron can't resolve em,
Spin like a I revolve em, I'm so cold you see the phlegm, over the world,
My third eye could even blind the Messiah eye, put in front of you, like a sty,
Why ask why, im just freestyling, the art is, I do it for the craft, putting marks to this,
I'm so ludicrous, flippers of the game, get lousy to this, ain't really saying much,
That's why I put my, platinum to golden touch, see the plats don't lie,
Vocals can't even be heard from the skies, yo got girls that blow, like Mahalia Jackson, I gets mad satisfaction, no subtraction,
We only speak addition, to a new edition, so many keys I put to an ignition,
To the rhymes, in the back of my mind, see god and devil's, gave me the design,
So ya can't hold me, flex over the game, the Black Ginolbi, or better yet Kobe,
Smokes high rising, cuz just blaze, did another igniting, ain't no disguising,
The real over the fakes, we throw ****** letters, and Berettas, at the jakes,
Even shoot up the wake, while everybody else is a wake, nah it's never too late,
To show up at the party, hardy hardy, who can see death apart from tragedy,
Ya noble majesty, somebody blast me, so I can show em who is G - O -D,
Yosef ain't never gone drop, even when I'm six feet in my coffin propped,
My eyes closed, but still hear the fear in those, speaking dirt on my name,
Ride back out of the grave, like thriller mayne, that boy is so insane,
Engrained my presence in ya soul, you can't escape the weighing heavy vessel,
And I got the biggest muscles, flex it from Houston all the way to Brussels,
Feel me though, shot out to the real, if you feel, grab a hold of your steel,

"Can't break the unbreakable, shake the unshakeable,
**** the ungrateful, Yosef merciful and invincible,
It's Yosef baby, it's Yosef baby,
And it's all gravy"
JC Jul 2020
Well here's a freestyle
Let me rap a mile
As I put on a smile
And think of tiny tiles
Like stepping stones
Or skeleton bones
To make words flow
Off the top of my head and
In yo girls bed
Yeah I'm freestyling
I'm straight up wildin'
I've got the mileage
For proverbial cartilage
Calcium, muscle, all the organs are here
For an MC that everyone fears
Let me take a breath
And wallow in death
From the mic massacre
You feeling the burn?
Yeah, get lost, ****
I love poetry.
Yenson Jun 2023
Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha
hoping bunnies
hyperventilating hypersensitive
so hypervigilant
ghosts jiving at *****'s concert
freestyling turds
conjuring meaningless dramas
deep Jungle fever
psychosis in dweep momentum
on errands of fools
feverishly consumed by doubts
will he or won't he?
Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha
better to keep them
in constant agitation and twitchy
truth means zilch
for they know not who is haunting who
in calmness we know
its ghosts haunting ghosts in ghost's fables
Hahaha hahaha ha
Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahahaha
Urban Dictionary
An idiot , Someone who lacks critical thinking, has outsourced decision making to the most popular crowd and bandwagon. Hey Chavs, don't be  dweeps, But then again, better continue to be dweeps, that's how your leaders control and manipulate you to keep you all staying in the lower ranks and being of subservient services to your masters...
Travis Green Sep 2022
Hypnotic headstrong hot shot
I want to bounce to every ounce
Of your fiery freestyling game
Feel your unquantifiable flaming thunder
In my stunningly sun-kissed tunnel
Put in a thousand wild trances
Hold me vigorously
Make me shine like a wicked wine car

Drink me down like a bottle
Of dark cocoa coffee liquor
Taste your magical passionate lips
The pleasing sweetness of your breath
Upon my hard pebbled peaks
Massage my wonderfully unstoppable rocket launchers
Make me gasp and grab
Your potent long arms
Cause my lustfully lascivious construction convulse

Put in extra work, charismatic, powerful, and untouchable Papi
Ravish my femininity
Make me beg for your domineering mind-blowing flex
Lapse in your assertiveness
Embrace your sagaciousness
Encase me in your hellacious salacious captivation
Devour me deeply and passionately
Finesse my backdoor entrance
Let your beastly manly nature dominate me

Take me into the unknown
Where you envelop my heart and soul
Arouse my curiosity
Monopolize my thoughts and feelings
Give me a hard-on
Turn my head
Flirt with my inner world
Peer at my incomparable and alluring body
With your unbelievably vivid blue eyes
Give pleasure to my gayness
Make me athirst for your firmness

Feel your slick chubby third leg push deep
In my delicate pool of moistness
Take me downtown to your county jail
And give the most cutthroat pounding ever
Splinterize my dimension
Make my heart beat faster
Make my nerve endings cling to yours
Feel your steamy, sinful masculinity all around me

Stay inside my sensual sweet candy store
Shock my lovestruck guts
Be my city-bred love drug
Give me a hit of your quick fix
Press your magic grabbers
On my awesome arched back
Nibble on my earlobe
Clasp my sumptuous satin shoulders

Let your mean glistening bean pods
Bounce against my passionate perspiring flesh
Render me powerless
So increasingly high on your enticingness
You break me down
Whisper rude words in my ear
Tell me that I am yours
Explore my elemental feminine tendencies
The leaky dreamy depths of me

Let your thrilling ******* of perfection
Crash wildly into my body
Hear my deep, agonizing breaths
Rejoicing in your glory
How you express your erotically
Emotion-charged story to my heart
Spread my plump, substantial thighs apart
Let your unconquerableness rule my heartland
Make my golden rainbow soul rock
To the heart-pumping rhythm of your blisteringly spicy sauce
As you squirt stupendous streams of splendor in my gaping portal
Travis Green Jan 2022
You are chilling and dripping
You are freestyling slick *** rhymes
Like Notorious B.I.G.
Sitting on top of the world like Brandy
Your flex game is solid
It’s untameable
I’m so addlebrained
Your swagger gives me a blissful high
The way you level up

You got that topflight hustle
You rock the boulevard
Lyrical dream soul
Supreme clean king
Hypnotic heavy hitter
Flossing your gloss
You steal my heart
I can’t depart from your charm
Your gorgeous grandeur

You got me on a trip
Breezing in dreamworlds
Musing on beguiling beauty
You keep calling me in my mind
Confusing my thoughts
Making me cruise off course
So far off from the freeway
Wrapped up in your **** love
Calling you my boss

I’m hopped up again
You amaze and blaze me
****** my soul lethally
I have tested positive for catching feelings
You are jeopardizing my world
I’m thinking more of you than my dreams
You come through like a moonlighter in the night
Put it down tight
Make it nice and right

Run game on me more
Expose me to everything that I’m blind to
The way I peep your presence
Got me speeding on the highway to ecstasy
Masculineness, that **** is spectacularness
You put my heart in park and started your charm on me more
Spark me in the dark
Got me hot like an electric oven heater

My emotions are so ecstatic and sporadic
They are on blast like a radio
I’m shimmering like a chromed-out Charger
My adrenaline is pumping
Drunk on your funk
You are a straight-up hunk
The sunshine in my paradise
I’m gliding and wilding out in the clouds

I taste your thugness in my mouth
Shirtless and thirsty for your superbness
I sneeze and freeze in the breeze
And it’s in those moments
I’m even more stranded in your streetness
I can’t step back ‘cause too far in
Too stuck on a hot boy like you
Travis Green Jul 2022
Your *** appeal sends chills up and down my spine
Your machoness blows my mind
Makes my head spin all night long
You melt me in your loving thundering hunkiness
Dreamy seamless instrument
Resplendent with enchantingly dancing wonderment
So rich, ripped and riveting you are
Harmonious hypnotic heart throb

You permeate my dreams with vivid visions
Of immaculate thugtastic loveliness
Your beardability, your delectability, your untouchability
It all gets me carried away
My addictedness to your exquisiteness
Leans me deeper into your flaming freestyling delight
Bright g-stylin diamond, all magically muscled and unutterable
You wreck my mindset

Your sexiness thrills through me
Enthuses and confuses me
Suffuses me with your soothing cool
Rocks me with your rude fluid groove
Ultimate plush coup in jumping Jupiter
You cocoon me in your festooned, fresh-smelling heavenliness
Your funkadelic psychedelic finesse
Impresses and mesmerizes me
Ships me on a thrilling mad lit trip
To perpetually electric ecstasy
The day slopes slowly into the rising night,
it's still light though so I think I'll go down to the stream where I can dunk my toes in and dream of those liquid delights,
I'm not thinking of alcohol, that solves no problems that I know of,
I'm thinking of a saturated universe full of prose and freestyling artists and what if so what?
it's my dream and it goes where it will,
and it's still light,
I'm going
Travis Green Aug 2022
His sultry, mysterious pulchritude is intoxicating and stupefying
Intensely luminous and mountainous ingeniousness
Radiant, regal, and smooth charmer
He transports me to an endless glorious euphoria
I want to kiss his sensual expressive lips

Lock my hands on his thick and silky beard
Taste his bare boncer neck
Caress his long and lush arms
As he etches heavenly suggestive impressiveness
On my top-heavy delectable milk shakes

Let his fingertips skate around my turgescent tips
Immerse his hotness in my homosexualness
Enmesh me in his flexing, freestyling fineness
Hold my intellectually poetic vessel spellbound
With his magical metallic flesh pressed to mine
Travis Green Jul 2019
Slick yellow-***** boys flexing,
stunting on their shiny wheels,
hip-hopping spins and grooves,
dizzy frames surrounding the rings
of illuminating Saturn.  Eastern vibes
rising in paradise, lyrical horizons,
exciting discoveries, glamorous
bodies super amped, breathtaking,
dazzling definition.  Freestyling soul
flowing so smoothly in the downtown
city streets where upbeat scenery shines
like sparkling sapphires.  Ghetto thugs
decked in dope swag, representing
for their hood, rocking to the soundtracks
of bumping beats.  Got to love their gleam,
the fine pages of their craft a maze of intoxicating
waves, mega dumb drums rumbling
within their kingdom, so saucy and hard
wheeling, a true boss balling and show-stopping,
stepping into the landscape in supreme shine.
Street brothers filled with hipped hooks
and smoking funk, booming bridges,
blazing blunts, gyrating in crazy formations
in various nightclubs with a lady or two,
sipping on gin and juice, more like Hennessy
and Ciroc, hanging out with their homies,
inhaling the wild conversations and laughs,
embracing the good life.
Qualyxian Quest Jan 2021
Ireland was grey
A little like Seattle

Marriage: I can't say
Endless, endless battle

Bus to Malahide
Quaint and quiet and charming

One night in Belfast
Still a bit alarming

One year in Chicago
Irish eyes were smiling

Good Will Hunting
Not Harvard; just freestyling.
Travis Green Apr 2022
The way he smokes and rocks his hot black bandana
Got a flamboyant gay man like me intoxicated
Spitting fire spinning sensual slang that grabs
And enraptures my mind, that flames my design
I crave to inhale his slick, ripping thugness
Sweet luscious astonishingness, a hot, bright spark

A distinctive, prominent feature, a danceable, enchanting sensation
Hypnotic box-office success, a remarkable star attraction
A glowing dope supernova, how I desire an overdose
Of his show-stopping smoke, more than a chart-topper
A flawless unchartable wonder, a shining divine icon
His power is creative, vivacious, and large-scale

He is where I long to sail, to savor his sublime
Freestyling rhymes, his perpetual, celestial enchantment
I am so hung up about cruising the world with him
He can be my long-lasting, mind-numbing drug
Let me be so endlessly addicted to his exquisite street flex
Hold me in his treasure trove, provide me
With all his exhilarating and tasteful entertainment

He is so smooth and cool, a matchless action-packed black swan
A delectable thick bearded legend, I will travel first-class
With him anywhere just to feel how real he is in my system
To overfill my body up with his contagious outrageous thugness
Lay back and luxuriate in his greatness, in the way
His sexiness rolls off my tongue, such a wild hot hunk

Just to taste his sumptuous protein shake, to let him replenish
My existence with his immeasurable treasurable wonders
Stroke the poetry that runs all over my body
Let every word he peers at enter the entrance of his handsomeness
Peruse my smooth curves, discover my rare natural craft
Give me all that he holds inside, allow our continents to link

To escape into the dreamy breeze of his sensual lovingness
Where his vividly bright and illuminating sunshine lights up
My gayness, covers my surpassingly graceful architecture
Emblazoned with unfathomable creativeness
Sheer seasoned dreams marinated with sauciness

He liberates me, breaks me free from the inner chains
Of normalized guidelines, gives rise to an enlightened
And profound mind, transcending internal and external perimeters
With an insurmountable legacy, glowing with mental acquisitiveness
Travis Green Aug 2019
The next time I see you
again, I want to tell you
all the things I never got
to say, how I was falling
deeply in love with your ebony
essence, how your crystal brown
eyes lingered inside my mind,
your thugging vibes and freestyling
flow, jamming spins, irreversible
rhythms, your styling soul capturing
my body, taking me away into your
labyrinth of lurid majesties.
Travis Green Sep 2021
I want to be with you
Draw in your enthralling existence
Your hotalicious diction
Your liquid sweetness
Your dope swag
How you all about
Stacking your bag
Got me spazzing
How you hackin’ packs
Flexing and freestyling
Prime rhymes
How you got me
Swerved up
Trapped in your
Epic sauce
Sizzling thugness
That I super love
Travis Green Jul 2022
When I peep his litty steezy heat
I seep deep into your seasoned breezy exquisiteness
I mantasize about crash-hot five-star design
How I pine to slide my fingers
Over your high-toned humming hotness
Absorb your crunkness, tune in to your consuming smoothness
Gorgeous groomed coup, such lucid lewd dreams
Rooming in my underconsciousness
The more my come-hither crystal eyes
Peruse your flagrant fragrant flesh

Your glistening brick-wall composition
Thick with radiant coolness
Hook me to your adrenalizing game
Your insane flaming untameableness
Such flawless flamboyant gorgeosity
I delight in your striking freestyling flex
Your perfectly poetic form
How your hard-hitting thugness
Makes my temperature upsurge

Swirl me in your crackingly capital trap
Strapped with immaculate jazzlike fieriness
Kiss your adventurous, slang-spitting lips
Stroke your bushy brill beard
How I revere your bountiful profound enticingness
You evoke the most growingly ****** emotions
In my inmost soul when I scope
The splashy surface of your incomparableness
Travis Green Jul 2022
The aftertaste of your brazen fragrant sensation
Prevails on every tantalizing trail of my creation
Your thugness touches my unutterably luscious lips
Bold poetic soul with a lyrically freestyling flow

You rivet my flowery rainbow dynasty
Make me get high on your indescribableness and stylishness
How you arouse the undoubtedly flaming
And striking fire in my unconscious mind

Your top-flight spellbinding delight
Thick on the ground with mad game-changing attraction
Makes my heartland run aground
Confined to your delightfully shining sublimeness
Travis Green Apr 2021
**** lady, you got my heartbeat escalating
I’m stuck in desperation
Waiting for the right time
To approach you and say how much I’m digging you
Oh, you’re so right
You’re talking so nice
Baby, your walk is such a delight to witness
Everything about your body is calling me
To come to your crib
And just vibe and drink wine

Girl, we can sit down
Let me introduce myself to you
Let me know what questions you wanna ask
I’ll tell you anything
I’m not about any games
I just wanna be straight with you
You’re so my type
Your eyes are so pretty to stare at
Your lips take me on endless journeys
That keeps me yearning for your touch

Hey lady, I’m in a zone
I’m freestyling flawless bars
Revolving around the home of Venus
Awestruck by your beauty like Athena
Feeling supreme like Apollo
Wallowing in your streaming memories
Hearing saxophones and trombones sounding off
So much power and desire
I’m flying farther into starry dreamlands
Steadily enchanted by your romantic presence

— The End —