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PrttyBrd May 2014
for if I remain here without you, surely the weight of my heart will drown me.
A Thomas Hawkins Oct 2010
This soul of mine lies bleeding
scorched beneath the sun
Found lacking and unworthy
its journey now is done

No salvation lies ahead for me
just a ****** trail behind
My best I guess not good enough
demanded strength I could not find

My battered carcase dragged along
hand over bleeding hand
As desperately I sought to find
acceptance in loves promised land

As hope and faith they ebb away
my dreams exsanguinate
I cast myself into oblivion
before this pain turns into hate
Jaymisun Kearney Oct 2013
With my eyes shut relaxed
Radicolous teeth reach from the unconscious crevasse
Gnawing commences slowly, the sound saporine
The taste of its meal much too weak
Is this how I taste?

Of the abyss you see,
Nothing enters anymore and nothing ever leaves
Reception long gone and only recept remains
Would you watch the gaps in the brain,
Or would you drop down?

What's worse is the waking life abstracted even in want
(Would you want?)
Falling apart forever down climbing vines covered in barbs
(Would you, would you?)
Exsanguinate when caught

I'd lend you lungs and saliva
But we can't breathe in here
We can't share in here
So imprecate with me

Eyes in the stark dark stare from Hell so hot you have no chance with the safety top
Before the plastic melts
Never recalesce
Michael Stefan May 2020
I leave trails with tracks
Of ruby and slick
No way to go back
Across rivers of Styx

My mark being left
Through pine forest dale
Each lost drop of blood
With skin growing pale

Your words are like ticks
Your frowns become leeches
Each weakening pulse
On sangria beaches

The needles you carry
Take their own little *****
You've drained all my blood
And left me anemic
Hi everyone!  Sorry I've been out of the loop for the past two weeks.  I have been working on tests and dealing with a lot of family/virus related issues.  But I'm back and plan to keep the ink flowing.  Sorry to come back with some sad poems, but that's how I usually make my entrance, unfortunately.  Cheers, fellow poets!
Step up on stage
And undress for a second
As I exsanguinate your flesh
Just to let you know that you're rejected
Then I'll bend you over
Slit you open
And let your entrails leave
Like a funfetti stream
That you try to chase
But just can't reach

The only problem that I've got with you
Is that you're not dead
When I've beaten the side
Of your head with this hammer
Until it turned red (you know)
From all the bloodshed

Shattered your skull to open a hole
So wide you could reach inside
With chopsticks like a ramen bowl
Removed all the lies like Pinnochio's nose Then I got my real vice
You could call it the main course

As you slumped over
And heard my footsteps retreating
I'd be more focused on checking
If your heart's still beating
It's not deceiving
That you were begging for your life
But you knew I had a surprise in store
When you opted for the knife
Inspired by Necro and all death rap. A freestyle I wrote and only edited slightly
Gregory Dun Aer May 2017
Twisted times we live in, it is sad really;
people aspire to be just alike models
some get to live the dream and others
fall in gravestones of eating disorders.
New health crazes don't burn the hunger,
they set alight igniting the soul till nothing left
but broken bones, ashes scattered
across seas as pink as blood.
I watch the passerbys sip on poisons
contained in a bottle with promises
that this will bring in the gold,
bring in the women, bring in the fame,
but never discerning the devil
is on his stride, taking his jog just as
passerbys do. It is sad really,
to watch bones and dressed up animate
corpses walk across a stage filled with
estranged eyes. It is sad really,
so I try to spread my happiness as ashes in the wind and tell them they look good.
I don't know if I'm feeding their death
or savouring on their happiness, but
they grin back with gratitude and I
feel none the less grateful. Have I become their poison? I watch with careful eyes, and tell another;
you don't have to change the way you look,
but my words fall on deaf ears as they say, it's my choice.
Do I give them a path to walk,
or do I choose their path?
Who am I to dictate what they should do?
So I sit idle by in a little corner,
drinking my coffee, reading my book and
watching people exsanguinate themselves.
I sip on coffee and pass out happiness
where I can, and where I may not,
I sit idle by drinking coffee, reading books and watching people die.
Phosphorimental Sep 2014
This love is going to **** me,
Each remembered kiss, a slice
to my heart, drawing rivers of words,
to exsanguinate on pages upon pages
of never-ending, ending.
Love bleeds like a sorrowful spring
and yet I keep defending, defending.

Tonight is a night to embrace the lover
to rattle our shells from our ocean's echo
and stir like soul winds wound
in contrapposto... An inhale cedes
In a sigh sweet staccato.

Within the offset sheets of folded rose skin
cured as parchment, pages to be opened
A torch cast shadows on the hearts wall
The rose is illuminated by and all
born from the light of creation.

Impregnated by dew, grape swells to a drop
to burst and roll down the blade
of the vintner's sword into the goblet
O tiny red ocean, O fermentation
release me now, the ransom is paid.

He said I've plucked many roses
from countless bushes
Placed them in fine crystal vases.
But you are a garden
and I, to die,
have been placed within you,
In placeless places.

This one catches flight on another's breeze
so many cross winds to the sea
This one leather, that one caramel
to be brindle, to be softened
Kun faya koon, kun faya koon
Be, so it is to be.

Oh God, I hate this distance,
that keeps my mouth watering.
Watering for Thee.
JB Claywell Oct 2017
there are monsters
at the end of our
most scenic streets.

still, we must travel
them and see those monsters,
shining our light in their

some of us may exsanguinate,
or be gruesomely crushed by
uncaring or misguided jaws.

yet, we must remain steadfast
in showing ourselves to be,
each one, a phoenix,
a thunderbird.

We must rise above such
simple and foolish a
construct as hatred.

We must show those monsters,
at the end of those streets,
in those dark corners,
that we do not fear them,
that we will overpower them,
rising above them,
meter by meter,
stanza by stanza.

We must be the embodiment
of what we do,
we must be poetry.

we must bring our
light into all
those dark places,
we must never, ever



© P&ZPublications
nihiliti Jun 2018
exsanguinate the surrogate
splinter the soul-bones
and work with it
needle-nosedive into fretful
twitching and switching severance
for fours in swords inverted
serving the Devil with the words
required to birth dark squirms
burrowed in womb-pores

pours out like death-herds
dread sires and banshee curs
cutting the air with knives
meant for draining knaves
walking through the woods
in waking nightmares untouched
by skies and sun and fires burn
in furnaces composed of sores

scores of men and their biological processes
spill terror into the streets of dawn
ringing the bell with the hammer
spreading the cure with corpse dust
carried in coffins made of stone
engraved with chasm-rune ruination incantations
deeply echoing with horror and doom
but they press on through the throng and windows

organize the organisms in your mind
then let them slip through the gray matter columns
slick with poison thoughts and psyche slough
muggy and mushy and oh so ugly it hurts
making morose musically intoned implorations
temptation is drinkable brain dew
that's best sweetened with salt from the womb

life from that tomb reduces all in its path
relaxing the children into wrath-ringed halo teeth-
chattering torture boxes maintained by the state
of uncertainty we knew and do in the dark
behind closed doors to knock out the cork in the floor
and drain down the rumors of war
and the failed diplomatic drug legislation
instigated by poor boy and girl peoples

this physical form cannot keep concluding
the world inside is made of door-wood forests
where the corners contain everything imagined
and the scene is imagic and spelled
u c now how it works here?
because I don't

cannot identify my identity
cannot conform to society-symmetry
try as I might I cannot die on three
or four swords inverted by
the Devil's hands of cards
holding the keys to card-house horrors
locked in the tomb of the womb
where demons assemble more
and hell breeds its herd
so we all can converge in bloodbath...

Babel-rapped righteous words worked into hurting ourselves
The Devil draws four unholy swords in the tower, raising hell.
Why write about love when you are still
Healing from
It’s attrocities
Why write about love when you are still
Hurting from the abuse
Why write about love when you are still
For romantic love makes
Our heart exsanguinate*

* it a medical team for bleed out
Tanishka M Sep 2020
i refuse to let go of this sadness/ that wraps me up in the dead of the night/ because my calloused fingers have crushed too many shards of happiness/ only to exsanguinate poetry/ out of the blood cells/ that the doctors claim have enough haemoglobin/ despite the scars that stink on my wrists/ covered with the holy threads/ my mother asks me to wear/ so her gods protect me/ but they fail to shun the devil/ dangling on my left shoulder/ that loathes me/ yet continues to be the parasite/ that the host of my body thrives on/ because it has never known/ any other way of tenancy/ except in the house of insecurity/ that has decayed/ into blooming flowers of hatred for myself/ full of poison/ that is enough to weave a string of thoughts/ detrimental to a sense of peace/ i have never been a consumer of/ for i have only eaten from the leftovers of sanity/ that the artists before me could not afford/ and i am the flesh and bones of their temerarious ghosts/ roaming graveyards/ of miserable mortality/
Ellis Reyes Mar 2020
My heart is empty and cold
Its warmth drained one note at a time
By the music that has haunted me
Since…. that day.

Its major chords
Its tender melodies
Its painful, infectious happiness
Exsanguinate me

People say time heals

It doesn’t completely

Because scars,
Still tender to the music’s touch,
Never stop bleeding
Some songs stab you in the heart
and keep stabbing....
Coire May 2020
Oh the sorrow that fills my heart
when morning sun finds us apart.
So strongly felt - it makes me wonder:
Is it absence makes the heart grow fonder?
Would satisfaction of this yearning
- truly - quench passion so fiercely burning?
Surely! flames of love burn strong and true -
When the fuel being used is “Essence of You.”
What remains to feed love’s consuming fire
once wild desire rips off what’s admired?
Will you still be there to stoke the flames
When life’s reality overtakes our games?
Poets have tried through man’s many years
to capture the infinities of heartfelt tears
shed lamenting loss of love’s bright light -
what naive refuge from eternal lonely Night.
Why do the poets not speak of chores?
Of daily tasks become mine and yours?
“Such flights of lust!” - but when lovers land
Will they still long to go hand in hand?
Our imperfections will be brought to bare -
My secret shame; your selfish glare...

What happens when the dreaming is done?
When daily routines replace what’s fun?
United as one -
Will we plant a seed?
Will our passionate love release its greed?
Will we write the book our children should read?
Lovers in lust! I warn you thus - take heed.
Reduce your speed.
Your whole lover - not simply the cover - read.
Exsanguinate your Need.
From your Anxiety - be freed.
Dom 4d
Tear it down like Babylon
Burn the bridges to a Nero song
If my veins erupt like Vesuvius
I’ll dance with you, in a sea of flame!

Discordant screams laquer the air
In hopes to break obsidian skies
But there’s no light to pierce a veil
Or love to save their failed
Veils that hide pale pallid frowns
As the black meets red, exsanguinate

We dance at the wrath of the ancients
Music in the maw of entropy
The sepulchral choir of immutable expanse
Into the end of all things
As the flames belie the pyres of the crucible of souls
We are burning to live one last breath

Obliterate the hopes for tomorrow
When the baleful bane of moonlight bleeds
And in the red cask of her eminent death
Sheds the resonance to a dim lit dominion
All that is ****** and cursed
Coil in serpentine swagger

As the walls of reality rend like marbled meat
Rotting on the spit,  can you taste oblivion?

Tear it down like Babylon
Burn the bridges to a Nero song
As the world conflagrates  in its timid spin
I’ll dance with you in a sea of flames!
went for like a deathcore/metalcore vibe here, just flexing some word usage for fun here, not meant to be a super complex piece.
Dom 4h
She clings to me,
With her claws dug in my back-
Pouring all my life
Onto pallid fingers

And she remains,
Lost within a daze-
Trembling below the waist
Her wound that never heals
Filled and stretched as she feels
Home within all the pain,
Painted in pleasurable rain
Showering down her frame,
She’s only alive when he reigns

Over her like an overture
As lungs deflate
And the sound matures
To the shrieks of her love
In the moans of her lust
Praising the gods, lost in the cusp
I’m caught up in her voluptuous hills
As my eager hands grab hold within the valleys
Hourglass cosplay in your alabaster silk
We can sing the psalms of my palms
As they crash upon your bountiful flesh
Flush with a blush for all that it gives
You love what you get when you make me sweat
And crave you like a ferocious lion
One more ****** and I’ll take you to Zion.

We twist and we twine into arcane shapes
And it’s written on her face-
The need she chases in desiderium day-dreams
Our scents collide ambrosial perfume
Intermixed with confessions consumed
As we collapse as fluids coalesce
Into a confluence of our love
Inexorable fleeting breaths
In perfect tandem breadth

She clings to me-
With her claws dug in
Exsanguinate me -
And paint me with your pallid fingertips
I want to wear your love.
for adults only!

— The End —