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Nat Lipstadt Dec 2013
where to begin?

let us acknowledge
the responsibility of our actions,
and the titles and duties,
and the unexpected,

I was a son, till this year,
still, of sorts, but no longer,
traded it in for

are you still a child,
when you have no parents?
are you still a parent,
when a child lost?

I am a father, and grandfather.
this definition of me,
extant, future seeded,
perhaps permanent,
perhaps not.

the product of
actions more than
thirty years ago,
and events yet-to-be thirty years

titles claimed and granted,
partial, not finite,
not definitive, nor infinite.
partial, but part and parcel,
these titles, of you,
they are not the totality, of you,
but very much part of you,
for you possess precious,
The Imprint - The Gift.

the child lost,
the parent found,
the newest coming,
the oldest gone,
all imprinted on your hands,
just look at them!

there are lines on your palms
you do not know the meaning of,
you do not yet know the ending,
they are in your cells,
as you are and were in theirs.

The Imprint
is The Gift
that is
non returnable,
non refundable,
nor is it
diminished by
any stone marker, measurement
of a day, an uncertain,
certain moment.

Look in the mirror.
see them in you,
as they saw themselves in your

ah, reflect.
acknowledge that the
absence is pain,
but look at those hands,
that face, your face,
see the
The Imprint - The Gift
permit yourself an easement,
for it the season of

ah, re-collect, recollect.
let the story.
continue, by the retelling.
find that palm line,
find that psalm song,
where the babe lost,
the mother lost
is the babe reborn,
in new faces, forever contained in
The Imprint.

we all ken loss,
we all keen know anguish,
different kinds for different folks.
do we not all have blood?
but are there different types,
and yet,
all still blood related.

prepare yourself
for more sad to come,
and some to never,

but do not forget,
nay, you cannot,
for seared it is,
this imprint,
a two sided copy
of a single document,
you on them,
them on you.
an eyelash falls
upon the poem.

a decorative reminder,
a stop sign,
a decorative remainder,
that it is time,
to recall,
to be unafraid.
now, now, right now,
is the time to remember,
that very eyelash,
the cells that are
the eyes that it has protected,
saw, know, well recall, gave,
gave part of you

and smile,
yes, smile,
for in them,
in the lines around your eyes,
the crisscrossed cell map upon thy hands
is the
The Imprint,
The Gift.

where to end?

This imprint upon your body exterior,
part mark, part stain,
part badge, part medal,
part cain,
part ribbon black pinned.

it is twinned,
for the match, the mate,
of this gift I printed,
is still in your living cells,
and thus knowing
the imprint is yours forever,
they are not lost,
you are not lost,
for Their Imprint
is a gift that
never ending
shall eternal be a salve this
happy, sad, melancholy,
morn, day, season.
For you,
for all of us...written in the sky above the Eastern Seaboard on Dec. 24th, 2013
The child is the father, the mother, to the man (BS&Tears;)
Ottar Jul 2013
Does the night appeal or is it day,
Does staying close or going far away,
taste better, take your time to digest,
oh this isn't a poll.
just let the answers roll
from the tip of your nib
to the lined paper,
what causes you to fear and what, feels safe,
which is worse homeless man or war-torn waif?
do you prefer white or red,
beer in a bottle or in a glass,
milk chocolate or dark (only 5.7 grams per day)
are you a survivalist or an escapist,
do you drink too much water or not enough,
I can ask a million questions,
okay I exaggerate this stuff.

think for the moment if each choice was only between two,
would there be a pattern, or would you be able to undo,
decisions made that let your cards show before they
were played?

My life keeps me humble,
                        as I jumble,
through my day
                     and mumble,
to myself,
not in jest,
not in play,
I am not certain,
who I am, who am I?
                         I bumble
about the place
as busy as a bee,
do not stop to
look in a mirror
       at my face.

There is a chance I won't recognize me.
I walk quickly so as
to appear not to stumble,
      my stomach rumbles,
and squeals at
different pitches,
bring on the whale
song, sing along
if you know the

This what the pace of life does
leaves me jumbled, I dabble in
dark chocolate, too many times
a day, I love the taste of red,
just a glass or it may go to
                                my head,
I get my heart
pounding in my chest,
wish it was from
working out and not
be stressed.

Enough of me and how are you?
You look good, time pays you
a compliment, love what you
have done with your hair, excuse
me for a moment incoming jumble.

I walk my dog, or does the dog walk me,
fix a leaky hose or just turn off the tap,
the roof creaks over head, are there
rodents in the attic, even in this heat?
The clouds that hang in the sky tonight,
will bring rain to jack up the humidity,
some one some where in their stupidity,
will be flying a kite, Ben Franklin style.
I hope he does not suffer for his enlightenment

So down the Hydro easement in a "house known
to police" something exploded and burns of the
second degree caused trauma and the air ambulance
came in low over our kitchen, shaking the walls
and dog, both have recovered nicely thanks

So they took the burn victim to the hospital
to get fixed up, wherein I ask is there a cure for
humidity, getting in my head,
if I did not have a portable AC
by my bed, not very green of me, eh?
Ooops now you know I am Canadian,
sorry, confirmed, I will just jumble my way
off to bed, I will let you get back to more
important stuff instead...

Martin Narrod Apr 2014
Kiss me in hallways and backyards,
in barrooms, and back rooms and in basements,
enslaved with the treatment and easement of lips
twisted which time ceases to be with
and be of, to believe of lease treats of the Grand Paradis,
trysting bright lights of the night.

Give me a center to move around,
a dance to take my hands into, a wall
to build a fortress on, a body to move
motionless inside a shadow upon, fending off tides,
embodied in touching, this turnstile of heavy whetted emotions churns a fuse,
burns loose the moment that time has lead us to produce.

So cute. Impeccable,
irrevocably festive with all of the pyres night's desires
iron onto our wrists, lifting up each other's shirts,
flirting with our fine twilight dessert.
Sewn by such estranged Earth's involvement, our arms
wrapped, chests spasming with deep breaths and ripe
peddling. Pampering first chaste grace of the soul, whether
our bodies entwine or fast in the hours of this world.

How conceived of delight, the moments effervescent reproach,
like Apollo's gold wing's flying from his chariot's coach. The mien
of publicly idling in two, what seemed like an hour happened
in only sixty seconds times two. A year passes, entranced with
shining infinite lust, with a cornucopia of different kisses that
began with just us.
Bellis Tart Nov 2010
I awoke
from sleep
nightmares, enforced by you
I turn over and try to fall
fall back
an impossibility, a futile attempt
there's a full dining room's worth
spinning plates, in my head
they never stop, always spinning
till one wobbles, balance falters,
and just as you'd expect they fall
after another
but there's always one
one left,
still spinning, shakily
waiting for the mess to be cleaned up
where'd that little fairy go?
the one who used to follow you around..
who is gonna clean up this mess
No, I cleaned up after you long enough!
even a maid receives a paycheck, compensation
I was just a slave
a slave to you, a slave to my mind
the trickery and contortion, you'd think I was a gymnast,
of Olympic Gold proportions!
I was a lap dog, following you around,
eating what ever you gave me,
begging for more
please sir, more?
more abuse,
more deception,
more than just friends
more than just a use,
for a good time
for who?
I worked so hard at trying
trying to make you love me
trying to make you see
obvious oblivion,
I get it!
You're blind!
you must be,
Have you even seen some of these women?
those one night roll arounds
you're just so polite
waiting till the morning to push them out
out the door,
and you will, oh how they know you will,
but still you'll call them
those disposable women
you'll call because you know it's free
because you know they want you to
if only you were good enough to have one for every day
of the week -
you know, those ones
the ones you equated me too!
a friend of mine you'll always be
so long as it pays off for you
a few amazing hours
together, alone
a drinking buddy when the regulars are out of town
a gram here, a joint there
an easement of your guilt
for allowing yourself to lie
right through your teeth
to the face of an adoring fan
to use, abuse and get what you can
from your supposed life long friend!
you should have been more careful though
for you smell nothing like a rose
you wreak
your stench so vile
you slop your sludge of a personality
right across my face
before twisting the knife in my back
then pretend like none of it exists
though that would imply that it once existed
which you've stated
for certain
it does
(c) 20/11/10
Anna Skinner Apr 2015
I am desperate –  
     for all the effortless things

just so my blood has a chance to
     sing for something

but out of all the open air that
     has kissed my skin
          and all the people who
                were lucky to love me

the only easement I knew
     was you
           and before, during, after

     I was never enough for myself –
          not once, not ever

so I find myself
     aching for the effortlessness
          but not aching for you in the way
       I used to

I can’t find it – my effortlessness –
     without you
          because I believe they
               are one in the same

so I wander –
     a drifting soul –
          from progression to progression


you seem so happy

I am so proud

all these tangible things –
     they will never bring me the
          easement I knew from only you
Your everything to me
Your smile cradles my aching heart
And all I wish for is your everlasting presence
I need your comforting hugs
And your sweet soothing kisses
Our passion that makes us wild
Can only be soothed
By our harmonious love making
Oh how sweet and tender your touch is
Yet so rough and precise
Knowing my body's every weakness
And when we're done we have each
A sweet sense of easement in our lives
As though entwining bodies
Makes life a little easier to live
You give me faith in life
Every bit of strength I find
Is found in my happiness of being yours
You are the goodness in all this chaos
And I awake each morning
Only to get closer to the day we can be reunited
Oh my sweet lover I miss you
For you are my everything
Even when it seems like I have nothing.

*I love you
Pisceanesque Jul 2015
concrete emotion
part water, part sand,
stiff and retrodden
imprinted by hand

unbroken dazing
obsessive addiction
weathered disfigurement
stolen ambition

frozen with purpose
externally veined
denied all surrender
exhausted terrain

captured in burden
expressionless pain
mindless estrangement
decisively plain

distantly suffering
obsessive beliefs
helpless remorse
escaping relief

painful receding
numbless appeasement
gone now, the bleeding
here, quiet, the easement
© Tamara Natividad
Written 3 May, 2014
Edgar Gordon Jul 2016
Dear mother,
I love you,
but I don't,
don't know what to do.

I've not felt right,
for so long,
I don't know what's left,
I feel so wrong.

I've walked a lonely road,
leading away from society,
been drinking too much,
and long for sobriety.

It's why I look so sad,
even though I say I'm okay,
It's why I have so much fun,
but come home with bloodied fists
at the end of each day.

I can put on that smile,
wear it with bright eyes,
but as soon as I'm alone,
the light dies.

I'm not sure what to do now,
so I write to you mother,
I know you have been through this,
we are a lot alike each other.

I hope you understand,
why I've hid this from you,
because I don't want to worry about me,
or what I might do.

I don't like pills,
or men in white,
so I've made my own therapy,
and I've learned to write.

I am painting this dark picture,
so you know how bad I can feel,
but I end on hope,
that maybe I can heal.

It certainly ain't a cure,
I don't think there is one,
but there is easement,
and I'm certainly not done.

So for now I write this letter,
and head off to bed.

Yours Lovingly,

Nat Lipstadt Jul 2013
Sad Girl, Write Till You Are Righted

Awake to an inbox not overflowing,
But drowned
In sadness.

A close second.

Tho oft I rise to/o that awoken-swollen-emaciated river,
Somehow your ache, worse than mine.

I figured out why.

If we write of it,
It some degree lessened.
So when I gift you my words,
It gifts me easement some in return.

But reading thy cries, an exercise,
Teeth-gnashing frustration.
It brings no relief.

So sad girl,
Write till you are righted,
May be it will snow on July 4th,
And tho unnatural,
So is thy grief.

Nonetheless, write me write me all about it,
Right us,
For tho snow falls, its loveliness,
Makes the heart rise up in gladness!
For thee I write...
home with
a stitch
and whereabouts
to absorb
law with
an easement
drawn for
the dawn
that capital
in Gibraltar
  is accretion 
to bed
like talbots
and within
town on
a street
of gold
a way fot accreditation
Marshal Gebbie Nov 2015
Words you uttered, by me float
On spectral feet of misted prose,
To render now this leaden way
Unburdened quite, as scented rose.
Unburdened as thy uttered terms
Relieved within, a turgid band
Of rectitude, entangled in,
Malevolence of sordid hand.
Ah! the free untrammelled way
Of easement from the dark within,
So easily you spoke to
comprehensively, dispel the grim.
Serenely so, create my smile
To warm this heart, to clear the eye,
You, henceforth friend, shall be to me
As blue-ness in this wondrous sky.

28 November 2015
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
A collection,
A statement.
Voiced principles of another mind,
Carefully picked words for an even cautious sentence.
They pull punches or arrive as a cheerleader,
Screaming with intent of being known.
Or bring forth easement for another day,
Words and their power.
Hidden or clear is yet to be known,
For not all words are clear and concise.
Nor are they always cryptic and wordy,
My power is in my words.
Whether to hurt or heal,
They are the pinpoint boundaries in which I dictate the say.
I wield them,
Though as a child.
I still wield them with ferocity,
And you can be sure that by brutal or enlightened pursuit.
Either depend on me,
And only me.
Loss lingers in the souls of the living
Sorrow's travails endless and unceasing
The sad anguished heart needing easement
From the pain that is so unkind of feel  
Time's hand of comforting shall start to heal
Our beloved quickly taken away
In our worlds they leave the dimmest of ray
Their existence lies in our bereavement
Yet they'd wish for us to not keep stinging  
So we'll recover from our suffering
Cherished memories of them shall stay
As we look to the heavens up above
They'll be smiling down upon us with love
Though our hearts will be adrift in the grey
Grasping for a thread back to normal mode
Yesterday's trauma struck and did implode
The mind lies in state of befuddlement
Everything is changed it isn't the same
Regaining past composure no easy frame
Reflections of loss bring a blurred haze
It takes time to walk out of the maze
Comfort is found in friend's kind easement
Our souls and hearts are feeling all adrift
We question why do the sands always shift
When the departed leave our loving care
There is a desolate space left behind
Which confuses and injures the mind
Seasons of solace shall grant us repair
When, like a ticking chance, lust tracks one down,
Even My cheap seduction is to die for, mourn to.  
Would we focus better on the after ride
when guilt and unquestioned answers are homeless
Love in her gear is slowly roaming through the house,
Her face naked next to my chase,
A pent in a piece of chess,
Crowned to the dome, Hello
She then Comes, like a razor talking,
cut the tie between stunning and grinding,
Deliver me who bless in my tribe,
Of lust am brighter than Qonga's trap
The tap of the Escorting charming tongue,
her rooted shape Of the bone inch
Heat drawn from a glimpse of cold
All naked under her fitted clothes

O! Deliver me, my Sotho masters,
head and heart, hardly Proud
The heart of a Champ baked thin,
When blood, *****-shaded, and the logic tribe
Drives a gift up like bruises to the thumb,
From maid and head, From Beard and Gloss
For, Saturday faced, with culture on my rhythm,
Sweat in my palm ,A gun on my mouth
Shooting Blanks with my speech
I am the man with a sensual eye,
I, those time's ***** or the Boat of a die
May fail to bore a ****** event eventually
not Even In the straight shave,
I shall not invite my Dominance for a Grade

Struggled through beauty's scent on my wrist,
Small brain masters to dust when a touch blows
despite of the Fore faith in the play's stunt,
I Kissed oxytocin and it began telling tales,
The narration of how tall is lust
She failed to understand, it’s a body language,
made of a series of alphabets before
the letter ‘A’.
I understand, She could not stand that
breathing silently, shaking readily,
Heart beating loudly, sight shining blurry
pleasured in ways she cannot sell or share
So she chew before she took a bite
Imagination is a not a foolish fantasy,
swimming under the face of Earth, before I could feel it
and the *** stain On my gear and face and she said
Yes, yes, you lover chauffeur, Take me to your darkest hour
Steering Ascends downhill, That costs a day ride,
New tires, With a Firm grip I took an honor.
down facing safe danger in the hangar
tied tight, Held close, A journey made of trips
I drew a handful song on a summer dust
She Painted bridges with an eraser, unsafe functions of Algebra,
Every city tar on my crib begin to scratch the duty and order

Humming with her eyes through my neck.
Singing wet tour composed by the absence of lies
She lied and laid weakened on her knees like a maid
Fitted Bars of shades on her routine,
The body language ,She heard the bold poke for attention
The dust is faster than the speed,
I watered fire in a catalytic script,
For Every twist between the easement and the creation
I stole her scent, studied her smile
and dominated the source of pride
Everything ends, But the town’s suffice for two among us,
Had her with the seventh gear of a lead,
the leaning scene of a spear and a shield
I had a silent fling with warm and pointy
******* stable as a pillow,
I Give, I summon, I have the power to taze the lioness
gaze her *** shaking her calm
uncontrollably like a cemented skin,
A bridge crossed and we hunt scenes,.
All, the bumpy curves, the whole slit
roaring turns coughing contagiously,
cliffs are loading zones fuelled with tricks,
exploring the forbidden side,
That’s when she burbs thanks.
As a new chapter, A call to re-open terms.
Negotiating for a stay, she can’t quickly beg for more.
I give her all, That’s all.
Loss lingers in the souls of the living
Sorrow's travails endless and unceasing
The sad anguished heart needing easement
From the pain that is so unkind of feel  
Time's hand of comforting shall start to heal
Our beloved quickly taken away
In our worlds they leave the dimmest of ray
Their existence lies in our bereavement
Yet they'd wish for us to not keep stinging  
So we'll recover from our suffering
Cherished memories of them shall stay
As we look to the heavens up above
They'll be smiling down upon us with love
Though our thoughts will be adrift in the grey
brian mclaughlin Mar 2016
life will not wait
not for my decision
what it brings me
will be what it is

a day of joy
bright and cheery
a day of sorrow
dark and dreary

I have no choice
no control

those of joy
when they come
they're wonderful
I feel all is well
I see myself
on top of the world

those of sorrow
as if from nowhere
they appear
leaving me sad
feeling buried
beneath my troubles
no way to rise
not from the spiritual grave
that they dig for me

where is the escape
promised from my youth

where I wonder
is that silver lining
that easement
that is supposed to come
with the storms

my search only leaves darkness
the deep grey of a clouded heart
while the comfort is there
being hidden by my expectations
rather than received through acceptance
Jake B Rydell Feb 2020
Mine was a hate full of furious anger
But still, my love broke through
A look of brimstone on a velveteen throne
When she lived with that heart of mine too

But my woes were unending
And my suffering, ceaseless

For days I would wait
When my own acts were treas’nous
But good I was not
And deserved I no easement


“But wait!” I exclaimed
For the tenth week of weeks
I had one thing to say
‘Fore I lost all my cheek

“I’ve not learned how to dance
So, if I may,
Please give me this dance
I’ll let you lead the way”

And we danced.
And we learned.

Time ages love like a wine in a cellar
But it locks it in chains so true.
She looked at me through the eyes of a stranger
So I looked right through her, too.
Robert Guerrero Nov 2020
I feel the early signs of death
The coldness in my limbs
The stillness of my blood
As my heart gives up
The pain falling numb
Darkness engulfing me
As deaths luxurious cloak
Cascades my soul
The easement of my worries
As no light received me
Knowing I did all that I could
To keep my head above the undertow
This time I won't fight the current
Let high tide take me
Far out to this oceanic depression
Let the world consume me
And so it begins
My descent into nothing
I fought for too long
Patrick Ramsey Nov 2020
truth found in those miracles
mysterious yet believable
subtle within a whisper

can you hear it?

it is there,
but can you see it?

For the wind speaks in many voices
and stands the test of time
staying sealed within this bottle
for some soul to find.

You know it's real.
but do you feel it?

A message in a bottle
the truth we read in red
unable to accept it,
so we toss it out instead.

When will the seal be broken?
Its message spilled over the sands.
The truth impossible to find
while mixed with tiny grains.
But that time has not come yet,
the message floats on.
Forgotten by those who read it.

I write my love in the sand
and wait for the sun
to make infinite bottles.

While digging through life's pretty
I see this crystal glass
And write a muse filled ditty
Remove the top that's brass

If wishes were mere treasures
With notes scribed in ink's flow
I wonder what right measures
Would spin the bottle so

If you should find this bottle
lying washed up by the sea
please give a thought to what'll
be happening to ME!!

Fluidicity was the redefined language
amongst translated lines;
sanctity lingered
upon rivulets of spinning,
wanting nothing
more than to be read with easement of self

A heavy heart,
a broken soul?
Their words stain the page.
A life forlorn;
then a second chance
Though they nearly lost their hold.

lost love I put in a scratch paper,
gently fold and inserted in my old bottle..
slowly it flows down the river,
smile because there's a consequences
and a happy riddle,
will it make it back to shore?
or simply drift into the unknown...?

Illusion spill like granules
of sparkling pyrite
chipped from the mind
instead of the heart

Drifting along on the river of Time
My bottled hopes sail away on the tide
Whilst my memory fades to a day long ago
When you promised to stay by my side

What does it all mean to me?
Something lost in the eyes of a mystery.
It asserts it all once existed.
It confirms that I may yet survive.

Now with patience as your virtue
and a heart so strong to guide
it will wash upon your own shore
with the message still inside

and reading what was placed into
this bottle in your hand
you'll take each step with courage
and spread peace throughout the land.
Dennis Willis Jul 2021
around me swirls nothing
of which I am certain

in me swirls everything
shaken and stirred
mr bond

maelstroms unite
get organized
blow harder
start blogs

pensive i am
'bout that

ache in my *******
as if they
an opinion
on this


this easement
of a wedge

of a sense
you can feel coming
something is

— The End —