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marvin m brato Oct 2018
Better Philippines.. Go Federalism Now!

R oad to a new Republic of the Philippines
o nward to the era of Federalism government
d ays are gone when power is handled by the few
r ich pen become richer and the poor even poorer
i t's time our country will be run by a man with a vision
g overn the Philippines according to the will of the majority
on the basis of basic rights and privileges as local citizens.

R eal leader is someone who stands for the people
o n the realization of their basic needs and ambitions
and who leads by example and can implement the laws.

D uterte is the man of the hour
u nder Federalism form of government
t he local government can obtain bigger budget
e xtracted from its own income and tax collection
r ealistic projects of the LGU can be materialized
t hen better and faster urbanization will implemented
end the corruption and criminality, support the President!
Toni Sep 2014
.                  Beautiful
   ­               iDeal

            ­      fAir
Paul Hardwick Feb 2016
The stange thing is
my left arm is always right
****** my right arm off, for he feels
he is king, as he types most things
and if i have a stroke the left arm goes
true and surreal.
BOO!   P@ul love.
Ellyl Oct 2014
P- op

O- utstanding

P-  ops in your mouth

C- covered in salt

O-  usome

R- eal good

N- ice and tasty
Rachael Judd Apr 2015
Hell isn't as bad as it seems
Our only **E
scape is a dream
Love was never A permanent solution
We thought it was Real
Time took away all our smiles
Breathing isn't an option
You were Ruthless for another word
But my days were slowly Ending
And you couldn't bear the pain
So you Killed my heart by not speaking
Àŧùl Jul 2017
The most gorgeous girl in the world,
I* remember *Pragya by her anonym,
Now all I have are her memories,
Yes they are sweet and delicious.

Real life angel she was my friend,
Each day in her company was good,
Memories of us smiling together,
Early riser she so inspired me,
Maybe she does not have time,
Busy she is too much for memories,
Regal used to be her elegant smiles,
Again I hope that I come across her,
No one is immortal but memories are,
Centuries ago maybe I had known her,
Every memory I can recollect sharply.
Pragya also had her surname as Mehra but she's unrelated to anyone here.

I miss her and the days spent with her.

Her sunsign is Sagittarius and she chose Zephyr as a suitable nickname for herself.

My HP Poem #1645
©Atul Kaushal
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
m aking ends meet
e nding
d reams
i n pools
o f money and
c urtaining off
r eal
i n-depth
t ruths about
y ourself

i nsert
s adness

t aking
h old of
e cstasy and

m artyring it
a way, bartering it and bashing it
d own into
n othing, letting its
e nergy
s eep,
s lowly trickle to a
Poetic T Jun 2016
Did you pen this in a depleted moment
Indiscriminate to your heart waning desire.
Everything I did was for you, our life was
To be a unity of majestic significance.
Over again did I think about those syllables
Greeting my mind in a confused state.
Either I was yours or no one else's,
The tears that fell, like fake snow meaningless
Hearing you understand what we had to do
Every occasion we shared culminated in this
R**eal declaration of love, two shots and our hearts stopped.
Some time love consumes to a form of confused love even if it has faded in the other person
Prathipa Nair Aug 2016
Finding you
In a crowd
Ending in a
Never ending
Deal of
Sharing the
Interact of a
P*rofound relationship
Dorothy Quinn May 2014
(I) promised you I'd stop chasing thi(n)gs -
chasing ***** with ***
and chasing boys who'd n(e)ver satisfy.
I guess I kept chasing to see if you'd care,
how far you'd stretch, to se(e)
if you'd come back after you'd left.

It's my sixth shot tonight
and I can't be your friend.
I'm not sure how to (d)eal with missing you so much
that my brain's too foggy to make my morning tea.
Sometimes I stand in the kitchen and I cook breakfast for two
but I throw it all away because I don't know
what the hell I'm supposed to do in this God-forsaken house
without (y)ou.
So I keep kissing boys and
I keep writing with *** in my veins
instead of blood.
It's my eight sh(o)t tonight,
and I don't know how many boys I'll kiss before I forget the way
you said my name.
I don't want yo(u) anymore.
Bret Desrochers May 2011
I* shall never forget

Where you came from
All the Way back
Never will I let you go
Together is where we belong

Under the night sky we lay
Stars shining oh so bright

This is what I need
On this night, here with you

Be careful my mind said
Even though my heart disagreed

Forget the past
Only remember the future
Real is finally what we are
Even all the **** we went through
Vividly play in my mind
Everything got us here
Remember forever that I love you
Copyright Bret Desrocher, 2010
Nina McNally Oct 2010
Underneath the cork tree. Are you
Ready to fight
In the middle of the night?
Everyday I
Deal with being buried

Alive by all the money I owe. I just
Live each day for what
It's worth and take it with a grain of salt.
Very much so and with
E**verything else going on it's very tiring, but that's life!

Enjoy this wild and crazy roller coaster ride.
Just Enjoy Life!
Love. Peace. Music.
NinaAbby; written because I wanted to say enjoy life!
Copyright; 2010
McNally, Inc.
-title and inspiration from Avenged Sevenfold-- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
Paul Hardwick Mar 2015
F          orever
R                eal
E  chos in my
life is     E                         lectric.
Thanks P@ul.
Eve Apr 2015
Hell isn't as bad as it seems

our only **E
scape is a dream
love was never A permanent solution
we thought it was Real
Time took away all our smiles
Breathing isn't an option
you were Ruthless for another word

but my days were slowly Ending

And you couldn't bear the pain
so you Killed my heart by not speaking
a M b 3 R Sep 2019
i just want to be friends,,
jUst fRiEndS
p l eE AassE e e
for once
listen to me
i beg you
just be m-Mm m Y yy
f r i e n d
i r eAl Ly misS yOu
don’t you see it
i really treasure you
please.. please—
come back,,
Ken Pepiton Sep 2019
Imagining ever being

Some thoughts are being thought oughts
to the profit of many

leavers of things being fine, so far
as some say

I, you, we, this being

smoothed, anointed with oil, lotion of leela,
game of spiritual beings, possibly,

rough edges, jagged, craggy edged peaks, proud
protrusions from the core
whence iron shall be pounded leaving
wasteland scars,
scabbed over magma squeezed
from the under

standing place. status quo. quo vadis

very true, new and improved, both, at once

incredible. Trials as acts accepted, allowed past

these are id-eal, id-e-al, ob
vious rightvious

trustworthy courteous and kind

knowing not one unknowable thing

then a new knowable
offer spirtual meeeeeemes remaining

Yester to Day, the one we aimed at for
next step into

Can you hear me now, this is whole,

touch me. is this gooder?

exceptions to the rule
inceptions from the tool

perception from the wise
deception through the lie

conception of love, too far bound to measure

my AI imagines I may, as in, my will is empowered
to touch a virtual button,
acting as a trigger

and fire a Julesvernian moonshot through reality

for a second

How many times can you imagine finding a magic word.

Uttering it is, possibly, what that crow is doing right now,
pulling, drawing my intention to mention

aitia as a big old idea some early author set in stone,

a point in time and space, and act acommpli

aitia accuse and cause, think think

we can
imagine anything we can imagine, we can realize
the happiest place on earth
we may say this here is that happiest place,
and next is even better,

smoother, slicker, less friction, more intentional
kind touches and sweet tastes and scents past words.
Once more a bit of something bigger rising up to smell the roses and look for lions.
Beth Decisions Apr 2015
E asy is nonexistent.
S orrow is upon us all.
C ant escape from reality.
A ll the pain is coming back.
P eople are surrounding me.
E veryone has left me though.

F reedom is all I want.
R eal freedom.
O f a different sort than the one I posse.
M ental turmoil is what I want to escape from.

R eality *****.
E scaping is all I want.
A lthough I'm scared of letting go.
L ove has a hold upon me.
I wish it wasn't there.
T hough I doubt you know.
Y ou are what I hold most dear.
Written: November 7, 2013
marvin m brato Jun 2015
May 12,2015

Dearest Miliza,

M any years now have already passed,
i n our hearts we are still much together.
l ove can never fade or die if it is genuine,
i adore you and all I wish is your happiness.
z est has become of my life when I see you,
a s always I wish you near me all the time.

P lease do not change my beloved,
i n every moment you are my inspiration.
z ealous as I am for loving you dearly,
a s you supplemented it with your love too.
r eal joy is what you meant to me my dear,
r est assured that such feeling will be forever.
o h, how lucky I am for having you as my wife!

B ut love like life is not perfect,
r easons are variable and endless
a s we had problems coping with it.
t hanks to God for forgiveness and mercy,
o n His guidance and love we bonded as ever.

Lovingly yours;
nivek Oct 2019
teenage idealism
is not just for kicks.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2020
Home is where the
HARP is, forget about
fireplaces and cardiacs.

It's a drink to be found
in an Irish pub, where
everyone is welcome.


H ave A R eal P int.


— The End —