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Obadiah Grey Dec 2013
Sphincter factor nine approaches
food for the fish n roaches
methinks its time for me perhaps
to open up the rearward *****.

AAChoo !!

Oh, liddle sister, Josephine,
you sure don't keep your
nose real clean.
got stalactites
o' pure pea green
my infectious sibling
snot machine.
I thought that I might shoot the breeze
with God or Mephistopheles
and ask them please to ease my wheeze
of my bad back and dodgy knees
Croak with the raven
bluff with the crow
the urchin
the field mouse
beneath the hedgerow
in a flurry they scurry
away away go.
Yelp with the *****
howl with the hound
and bay at the moon
till the sun comes around.
Gino's bar and grill.

Away, away afore Bacchus
doles out befuddlement
and Morpheus has his way,
lest I awake to find myself
in the company of
sodamistic bedfellows
with buggery in mind.
Harry Potter has grown a beard
he lives alone and turned out weird.
Dumbledore, Albus, no more
turned his toes and 'ad a snore,
Voldemort, who's *** is taut
has no nose with which to snort.

Ahem !!

Behind two Lilies- sits Rose,
then Daisies
for two and a bit rows.
with Poppy, and *****
Petunia, Primrose.
and Bryony - who gets up
- my nose.
God bless the Cows - for beef burgers.
God bless the Pig - for their bacon.
God bless the wife n her sharp knife
for the slice of their **** she's taken.

We can, no more fetter the sea to the shore
nor the clouds to the sky
or tether the glint
in a lovers eye,
As sure as the shore loves the sea
so shall I love thee, together,
together for eternity,


It bends for thee
sweet chevin,
the cane thats cleaved
by three,
wilt thou now
sweet chevin
yield, my friend ,
for me.
There's Marmalade then Marmite
and Jams thats jammed between
the buttered bread of bard-dom
a poets sweet cuisine.
I took up campanology
and fired up my ****.
I rang that bell
to ******* hell
till the busies
came along.
so, I've been whittling away
at a buoyant ****-
fashioned something approximating
a poo canoe-
in it, I intend to
surf the **** tsunami of old age
to-- death;
I have named it Public - Service - Pension.


A surreptitious delightful tryst,
with my honey, my sebaceous cyst.
she's my pimple, my wart,
my gumboil consort.
she's the zip, in which
my *******, got caught.
Frayed at the bottoms
ripped at the knee.
baggy and saggy
big enough for three.
faded and jaded
and stained with ***
but I'm due for a new pair--


Ther­e's Cockerel in my ear
and he bills and coo's for you
whenever you are near
goes - **** a doodle doo !!!!!,,,,,,,,


Oh,­ for the snap shut skin
in the blue twang of youth
and to un-crack the spine
on the book of love.
now the gulping years
have flown away
we take sips of the night
and are spoon fed the day.


Zeus made the Moose to be somewhat obtuse,
a big deer- rather queer- I fear.
then God gave him the nod to look funny and odd
the spitting image of you - my dear !!!


Knobbly Nobby.

Nobby has a great big nose
a great big nose has he,
and nobby knows
that his big nose,
is big, as big can be,
nobby has two knobbly knees
two knobbly knees has he,
his knobbly knees,
are as knobely
as knobbly knees can be,
don’t pity dear old nobby
for soon it’s plain to see,
that nobby has a great big ****
as big, as big as three !
now nobbys **** is knobly,
as knobly as a **** can be,
so nose and knee and ****
make three,
and we - are ****- ely.


The Woman that wouldn't eat meat,
had reeaally, reeaally big feet,
her **** was as big as an hermaphrodite brig
and her **** were as hard as concrete….


Hearken the clarion call of the crows
afore the snow-
they caw,
hey, get your **** into gear lads-
we gotta feckin go !!!


Gods pad

I took a peek within
your house
wherein on pew, I spied
a mouse,
and in his hand,
a Bible clasped,
and out his mouth,
a parable rasped,


I'd say she had
a pigeon loft in
her eyes and
bluebells up
her nose.

But then again
I wear a flat cap

and stroll through meadows.


Would you care to buy our house?
It's minus Mouse n devoid o' Louse,!
Spiders, Roaches, Bugs or other,
have all been eaten by my brother,
snaffled up n swallowed down
then jus' crapped out a - yellowish brown.
so would you care to buy our house?
from an oddly pair -- devoid of nous


Though the Crows got her eyes
and the Worms got her gut.
comes as no surprise
death can't keep her mouth shut.


Bevelled slick edges
and reeaal eeaasy slopes.
Chilli dip wedges
with fresh artichokes.
Wanton loose wenches
and swivel hipped ******
Daft dawgs and dentures
and granddad - who snores.


Been whittling away at a buoyant ****
and fashioned something approximating a canoe,
in it, I intend to surf the **** tsunami of old age;
I named it, "Public service pension"


     I could wax on the wings of a butterfly
but, I ain't that kind o' guy.
rather kick the nuts off ******* squirrels
pluck the wings off - blue assed fly.
I'm the stuff that flops off dog chops
when he's up for it and high.
an infection in your sphincter,
a well
that's jus' run dry.


befeathered­ and bright scarlet
is my ladies bonnet,
jauntily askew and -
lilting on a paramours

"- Gladlaughffi -"

I'm reliably informed that dear ol' Muma
sported a goatee around his **** sphincter,
now, whilst this is merely educated speculation
from my esteemed friend his "groom of the stool" ! 
who was in fact required to wear a mask,
ear muffs and a blindfold whilst he went about his business,
He did possess reeaaally sensitive fingertips
somewhat akin to a blind man reading brail,,
and, swore blind that said "**** sphincter' spoke him in Arabic
and asked him for a quick trim, (short back and sides)
I myself being a practising proctologist of some repute
am inclined to believe my friend the "groom of the stool"
as I've come recognise -- Arsolian when I hear it !!!!!!!!

In a Belfast sink by the plughole
where hair and gum gunk meet
'erman the germ-man  and toe jam
bop the bacillus beat.


Doctor this I know as fact
that I have a blocked digestive tract,
I'm all bunged up and cannot go
my trump and pump is - somewhat slow.
I need unction jollop for junction wallop
some sorta lotion to give me motion.
If you could please just ease my wheeze
then I needn't grunt and push and squeeze.


They are breaking out the thwacking sticks
and sparking Godly clogs
pulling tongues through narrowed lips
at the infidel yankee dogs.


As a paid up member of the
lumpen bourgeoisie poetry appreciation society
I can confirm without fear of contradiction
that poetry is indeed baggy underwear
with ample ball room, voluminous in the extreme
and takes into account
the need for the free flow of flatulent gassiness
that is the want of a ****** up poet.


She's a rough hewn Trapezoidal gal
a gongoozler o' the ol' canal.
She's copper bottomed n fly boat Sal.

I'll have thee know that
that there hat
is a magic hat,
it renders me invisible
to the arty intelligentsia
and roots me firmly
in the lumpen proletariat .
Said the sneaky Scotsman, Jim Blaik.
if the pension, you wish to partake,
bend over my son, lets get this thing done
and cop for this thick trouser snake !!

I met my uncle Albert,
down at Asda, in aisle three;
he got there in a Mazda,
jus' a smidgen after me,
said he'd traversed Sainsburys,
Tesco Liddle n the Spar,
but not one o' them flogged Caviar
Truffles or Foie gras.

He sidled past the pork pies
streaky bacon turkey thighs
a headin for the french fries
n forsaken knock down buys,
shimmied 'round the ankle biters;
expectant mums to be,
popin pills for bloated ills
in the haberdashery.

Fandango'd o'er the cornflakes
and the spillage in isle four


I'm linier and analogue,
a ribbon microphone man
mired in the dust of the monochromatic,
the basement, the attic.


Simple simon met miss Tymon going to the fair,
said simple simon to miss Tymon - "pfhwarr what a luverly pair"
of silken thighs and big brown eyes and scrumptious wobbly bits,
Said simple Simon to miss Tymon---------- shame about you **** !!!

So sad sweet Shirl thought she'd give a whirl to clubbercise n pound

Squat, slightly,
tilt head 45°
and squint.
See the shimmering blurry
dot in the distance?
That, timorous ****,
is ME !
Fast twitching my
narrow white ****
to the pub.

There was a young lady named Sue.
whose ***** and **** was askew,
whilst taking a ****
she'd aim it and miss
and she lifted 'er hat when she blew.

Oh Mon Dieu !!

Styles Jan 2015
**** this civilized **** I am set, like an object. So don't object. My eyes on the prize like my future subjects. All these haters is suspect, I pay them no respect. That's how a King treats his subjects. I blow minds like lare jets-- then take marks and get set. It could be the bad or the ugly, l'm as good as it gets. I'm raising the bar like I'm working my pecs, working hard, baring arms like I'm funk master flex. I'm laughing so hard it's hurting my chest. instead of getting money I'm enjoying my wealth,  weight a couple rounds, then rise up in belts. My Dawgs underdogs, like we training vets. I weigh the pros agasint cons, then Shakakon like I'm K. West. Extend my arm and drop a bomb when this mic turn on. My future brighter than prospects, standing on Prospect while the Sunset waiting to get it on
Francie Lynch Jun 2015
When you speak
I break the conversation contract.
I hear nails on chalkboards,
Babies crying,
Or a mosquito in my darkened room.
Anyways is not Anyway;
Quote is not Quotation;
Anythink is not Anything;
Who is not Whom;
Whom is not Who.
It's hard to listen,
And I don't apologize.
English has gone to the dawgs.
Perhaps I need to accept the evolution of the language.
Lexander J Jun 2017
Sunday hung-over mornings and golden glares
avoiding the dumb-hound dogs and their disapproving stares,
a bedside table lined with more coke than wood
a night-time of regrets, of differences of whether you would or should -

beware the dumb-hound dawgs
chewing upon fingernails rotten and curled
exhaling noxious fumes and Badrock
making everything see sense in a senseless world

they stole your pitiful cranium and filled it full of idolisation
jackhammering from high to low, like station to ******* station -
yes it was good, full of *** and blissful ignorance
but the harsh light of day brings addictions ruthless persistence

not in the full throes of its torrid grasp
yet you look at the half empty packets and ask
should you carry on clean even though it stings
or should you strangle your strength and clip it's wings?

For drugs don't love you, it's a one way relationship that spits
they'll leave you emaciated, broken, just like your mind that splits and fits -

those pesky dumb-hound dogs you loved oh so much last night

in a few broken years time you'll wish you'd never ever set sight.
Thirsty bunch of dogs
baying at the stars,
Let loose and Come Find Yourself
down by the reservoir.

Shadows Of Ourselves
been walking insofar.
Heaven's Gonna Burn Your Eyes
down by the reservoir.

You know what they say,
Every dawg has its day
so we'll Smoke 'Em
down by the reservoir.
Lexander J May 2015
Chewing upon fingers rotten and curled
knowing everything makes sense in a senseless world
inglorious, bedridden, they hide behind trees -

serving up genocide, well-spoken and civilised

clawing at the insides of our sordid society
wearing TNT like it's the latest fashion
they smile politely and walk upon our streets -

brainwashed and stupefied, Dumb-hounds corrupted and paralysed

crawling down the path of a religion
birthed from self-righteousness and bomb-smoke
upon their jealousy, their juvenile blinding faith
we suffocate, gag and choke

visualising the world from eyes
of despotic marauders
selfish needs defeats the objective
desensitised clones bound to extremist orders

innocence green-eyed and bastardised
reciting prayers bound together with cyanide
they call upon a Lord that no longer cares
alas the tendril of insanity catches them unawares

for 'tis within the womb of bloated belief
that martyrs are bred,

sanity unreeling, dangerously unfeeling,
and willing to allow our streets run red.
Inspired by David Bowie, your thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated
Noel Irion Nov 2011
poems are like the seasons,
constantly changing yet always beautiful in their own way--
ironic, tragic, sadistic, blasphemous.
i can smell the sweet scent of the crescent moon
as it's cold white rays dance across my eyes,
around my head, in one ear and out the other
so quickly that a whistling whisper reverberates inside my dome,
yet unknown to me was the feeling of fleeing--
running away to a land of John and Jane Doe's,
nobodies to me, though somebodies to themselves, I suppose.
here we would sit, regressing our last lines,
of crescent moons, yet now the sun shines.
how can it be?
such a social tragedy, to escape and relate
life as it was to the life chosen to take.
no more "dudes", "dawgs", crude words or flaws--
just life as we know it, no need for applause.
the dying days of life astray have taught us and led us on our way
to the tundra of thunder, it crashes down and haunts us,
once cold, no light, now steaming and much too bright.
go ahead, raise me to the Heavens,
i dread the day my angels no longer beckon,
"His path is now set, we can intervene no longer."
demons will rise in rupturing riptides
as Hell freezes over, yet flames override.
Carpe Diem, Carpe Nox,
i've seized the seasons squealed the silver fox.
the crescent moon looked down that day,
upon us all, upon the choices we made.
result of a 10 minute exercise in class
Obadiah Grey Jul 2011
Daves squeeze.

Waayyy below Mozart
n closer to a doggy ****;
she's in painted toe nails
of poodle dawgs;
in colonic irrigation
of a plastic tummy tucked clone,
she's contemporaneous
with minuscule ****
has extraneous fat Dyson'd
cyclonic Mike Tyson'd
and a crows foot is botoxed
- to *** **** ******* death.....death.

so am I wrong to like James Blunt.
am I wrong to like James Blunt.

she's cut n paste n drug n dropped
last seasons face has up n flopped
am I - am I - am I wrong;
--- to like James Blunt.

she sings sour songs in
cavernous bathrooms
with a badly strung violin voice
but smiles the smile of the fuckyoualls

Am I
Don't suppose you'll get this but hey ** here we go.
Obadiah Grey Oct 2013
Bevelled slick edges,
and reeaal eeaasy slopes.
Chilli dip wedges
with fresh artichokes.
Wanton loose wenches
and swivel hipped ******
Daft dawgs and dentures
and granddad - who snores.
Obadiah Grey Feb 2015
I quite like plastic sandals,
**** shaped candles,
and big assed women in my bed,
I like artistic folks and ***** jokes
and piccalilli on rye bread,
I like big gay men and Tony Benn,
loud mouthed scousers and Steven Fry,
I like The small faces whisky chasers
and come home Lassie - made me cry.
I like the upturned curl
of ******* dog lip
the hurl and swirl
of big girl hip.
I like Bevelled slick edges
and reeaal eeaasy slopes.
chilli dip wedges
with fresh artichokes.
wanton loose wenches
and swivel hipped ******
daft dawgs and dentures
and granddad - who snores.
I can feel me
******* breaking under gray skies
As I dream of red eyes
And green grass
CPT Slime and Rasta's daft laughs
And the taste of tobacco on your tongue
While I wash up in SlimeyG's kitchen

Good God, if I wasn't there, that infamous week would've been filthy!

We can feel
The bass ******* it through the sideboard
SlmieyG's lounge walls are shaking hard
And we cackle bare
When Big Gay tumbles grinning downstairs
So I stick the kettle on

Good God, we caned a litre of milk in one round of teas!

I can hear
Those slimey green dawgs singing loud
When we bring Tom's cake out
And his face is a chuffin' picture
At the realisation of the six-layers' topper
So throw him a Clipper

Good God - eighteen, eighteen, EIGHTEEN tokes to clear it!

So, will you?
Can we all get together? We'll feel alright
For just one more warm hazy night
And when we sing these songs
Of freedom, we'll laugh in peace together. So long
To misery, my brothers
Sam Temple Apr 2016
yo, dawg
I remember this one time
we was straight chillin
I fell out and was sleepin hard, dawg
my homeboys was actin the fool
smoking that tea
wildin out
like they was straight mad
party was of the hiz-ook
then this little blond ***** rolled in
takin bout whitey
o’ some ****
I was tore up, dawg
sleepin in a muthafukkin teapot
this ** flappin her gums
bout this and that
like we give two *****
homeboy, we was jess lookin to rip it up
out of the blue this trick
says ‘cat’
dawg, I jumped up
running across the table
moving furniture
up in this here muthafukka
my homeboys lit out after me
hollerin like big dawgs
one a’ those fools
we like to call the Hatter
went to rubbin a bit o’ jam on my nose
a little on the gums
you how we do
that **** did the trick
and I fell out
hard like a muthafukka
passed. the ****. out.
hit the bricks and skid my chin
you feel me?
bout that time this little trip rolls in
talking about being late n’ ****
that Hatter straight destroyed his rolex
send homeboy to cryin like *****
dawg, that **** was the craziest party
we still talk about the madass ****
…..never knew what happened to the blond
chick was a trip ---
poetry month prompt 21
Lexander J Dec 2015
He took her mascara cast songs
turned them into something beautiful,
taking her pale shaking hands,
down the dark lonely streets he guided her through

hiding tears beneath foundation,
bruises under long sleeve shirts,
she'd downed shot after shot
but still the bitter pain hurt

flaunting powdered flesh beneath stage lights
eyes prying through the thick smoky haze,
weeping as she performed to hundreds
whilst all the perverted sickos gazed

[twerking to a cathartic post-punk sound
stale beer sticking her heels to the ground]

loving her flesh and all that can be seen
fully awake in drunken stupor they dream
drooling at the mouth, pants bulging at the seams
her stomach turns as she silently screams

[Mysterious stranger in the corner
why do you watch with somber eyes]

[ - why do you lurk within the shadows
wrapping yourself up in my pitiful lies?]

and that was when she saw him, at the back of the room,
not grinning like all the other dawgs but crying -
she flashed him a quick smile
her blue contradictory eyes telling him she was lying

4 hours later, he was nowhere to be seen -
throwing up she orders another tequila
stumbles all the way to her dressing room

and there he stood nervously to meet her

"W-what ... do you want?"

he wasn't there for the strippers

or the ***** -

or the *** -


he was there for his daughter

His heart breaking as she gripped him tight, "Come on love, let's get you a glass of water."
Devon Brock Sep 2019
We got 6 bars and 6 churches,
each with similar congregations.
You might say we got that perfect
balance between grace and humiliation.

It doesn't end there, though.
We're run by a council of six,
if you include the mayor, Orin,
who lost the state election
because he couldn't represent
a cow if he had
crayons and construction paper.
He's got some creds,
if you take into account
he built a tractor museum
in a train depot
moved a half mile down
a minimum maintenance,
travel at your own risk road,
frequented by the hormonal.

But I digress. Oh yes,
we have a council of six,
each from one of the six
similar congregations,
each from one of the six
houses of libations.

However, every first Saturday,
they meet, informally so to speak,
under the torn tarp at Ernie's,
next to the beach volleyball pit
nobody uses, between the dumpsters
and the railroad tracks,
to discuss matters too urgent
for the formal published minutes.

They crinkle their Grain Bin cans
like phrenologists picking
out small crimes that paint
this town true, rural,
downwardly mobile,
cordoned off at the rim.

Few years back, they annexed
Bob Olson's back forty
for one helluva football complex
for our losing team. GO DRAGONS!
But we gotta have it.
Pay itself off in five years they said.
Rentals, events and all that claptrap.
Gloria walks her dogs on the track
everyday. Return on investment.
R O I.
At least she picks up the ****.

Third and Main got ripped up
a year ago last April.
Ain't been paved yet.
I suppose we're waiting
for those more appropriate
appropriations to accrue.

But that's alright,
we saved a fortune firing
our Andy and Barney PD
while Andy was in Afghanistan.
Don't know how they got away with it.
We get two hours of laws a day,
Deputy Dawgs, and meanwhile,
somebody's siphoning gas.
Pretty much sure it's that Keiser kid,
can't hold a job anyway.

I thought better of mowing the lawn today.
I looked at it a bit. Betty, across the street,
is giving me the side-eye as she sweeps
harvest dust from her shingles.
Well Bets, you fussbudget,
I'm working two jobs,
six days a week,
to live in this runt of a town,
so back the hell down.
You may be eighty and spry,
but you got five, count 'em five
courters with John Deere riders tending.

You see, here in the heartland,
where politic is a game played
with cheap beer and hard glances,
where the clapboard houses lose their paint,
where the new, polished surrounds
of seamless siding dictate appearance,
priority and expenditure,
where the churches and bars conspire
to define reputation and aspiration,
the manure-booted men
are denied the dignity of manure
for a sham - for a show
that barely covers the crust and wrinkles
of a town dying slow.
Christian zeal Jan 2014
With these I wept bitterly
See the sea knows me we flow the same never aimlessly.

Intercede for a better me
Deep to deep I lay down on this cold floor.

What's the code for?
There smiles will rot when the secrets hit there ear drums.

What music do u here?
The song of worthless shots as they die to play beer pong.

My love..
My love has been swept under the rug like vicious dawgs who tug and tug and finds out they smeared the blood of another living animal.

It's the light my eyes love with the right I write more bugs that crawls and feeds off the savior  love.

I need trust even if I don't trust myself or nuns who told me when I was a kid Mary is better then Jesus.

Count lies like the teacher already know who it was,
It was me ...
The lover, the lethal the one who has the brown eyes.

See the sea I weep bitterly,
Intercede for a better me that I won't go walk around in love aimlessly
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2019
.if you had any, you'd also know, that the act of urinating, while standing up, is equivalent to a video of a woman ******* in the shower... although... in this scenario: water isn't coming in, it's coming out. ****! i hate being lectured by circumcised men that aren't rabbis!

i always wondered whether
   richard brautigan
was right about laughing
in bed, with one of his girlfriends,
giggling at the work
  of richard von krafft-ebing
when it came to the act
of a man, *******...
peculiar case: after that shot
of lead went into his head...
  not that i'm laughing...
perverse ****** acts...
      i should be inclined,
   as the passive recipient
      of the homosexual amour...
impotent masturbators...
        as one deviant said
to the other:
               just give me the 2D
framework of a *******...
the other scenario?
  of a 3D woman...
  oh... you mean the type that...
    "suddenly" become pregnant,
akin to the "******" mary?
funny story, that,
it's been going on for well
over 2000 years...
   i mean, the simple bias
for curiosity just, gripped me...
then i started thinking...
but was richard von krafft-ebing
was he exposed to a strobe-light
effect of flesh,
just... *****-nilly... parading?
did i ever think about *** like
that before i heard of whittle richie
prior to being "indocrinated"
to the freudian cluster- / mind-****?
it (or he, i.e. me)
   can get an *******
with a *******...
but with a woman, say,
    a nurse, or a, whatever...
he's got a limp ****
     for some time,
   before the arousal kicks in...
and hey presto! little jimmy
  has a birthday cake
and a hogmanay bonanza of:
metaphors, fireworks, metaphors,
- i'm that sometimes has
a melancholic "******"
when listening to templar chants...
like... i'm giving birth...
through my head,
   to a foetus, that's actually
a vacuum...
but it feels so good...
it's like: you weep for the pleasure,
and you know you're
enjoying the lament...
because, right at the end,
when you stop...
  you leave a sadistic signature
of a quivering giggle...
point being... over-exposure...
which began, in my life...
around aged 7...
started jerking-off aged 7...
after having found
a *****-mag. in the catacombs
of a church that was being
     but it never became
a scented candle moment...
it never became a web-cam.
*****, live streaming,
earning money moment:
    which some girls frequent...
  it was straight on
the ******* (throne of thrones),
done the no. 1,
done the no. 2 (sort of)
doing the no. 3
   (dilation) -
      done the no. 2:
useful, really useful,
    this, god the ****,
  son the phallus...
   and a holy ghost of *****...
next up: every time i *******
i begin to wonder:
that butterfly effect, "thing"...
you know... a butterfly *****
its wings in one place,
and a tornado happens
to take place in another...
so... basically only women
shooting blanks (****)
  get to enjoy the standard
deviant act of ***...
     i'm starting to suspect
that... having a *******
is a bit like donning a habit...
what the monks wear...
now i'm guessing that
pearl jam (that grunge band)
released their album
vitology when reading,
if not the work,
  something akin
   to von krafft-ebing's
psychopathia sexualis...
i'm guessing:
naughty boy touched
his fiddly bit...
   yeah: as "naughty boy"
always does when he's
standing at the ******
aiming for that: 100% accuracy
of a welsh longbowman
in the 100 year war
against the french...
look... they even paint
bullseye in some urinals...
gotta aim: j-        -ust
   about right... squint the eyes...
but would circumcision
make men more...
degenerate, over time?
if there were no jewish
rubric involved:
  it's like a... "treat":
that "extra" skin can come off:
snippy snippy...
but you have to follow
these rules...
   what happens when
those rules are no imposed?
hey... i'm starting to stare
into blank, which i once called:
the feeding abyss
         sure, the added
     to... search for the supposedly
"lost", "extra" weight
of the body...
  a soul "apparently" weighs
21grams... what's a *******?
i'm seriously going to start
calling it a habit...
          (NO EXTRA B FOR
was shouted over the megaphone).
homosexual feeling as an acquired
manifestation in both sexes
p. 188 of the psychopathia sexualis...
love those words
mentioned - parathesia
  & hyperaesthesia...
or... sometime -esque of what
a man feels, within "god's gratitude"
of owning a habit...
you cut that **** off...
well... what are the chances
of aggression being, triplet?
****... the arabian girls were so
*****... they first had
to snip-off parts of their genitals,
and then made them
      put on a niqab...
             ***** as... well: ****!
all of them could be
the equivalent of a genghis
khan in terms of:
    in the *****,
of the Mecca Surrogacy club...
as i suspected:
surrogacy: the elevated form
of prostitution...
but at least now two
gay-lords (meet the parents
ref.) are *******
     and incubating...
me? as free and as brisk as
a ******* sparrow at this point...
i just want to see
how far relegated i will become
when more, and more
human freedoms are unearthed
and applied to: zee vill
               aus zee wolk.
   so that's all good;
    it's already one thing
to have anaesthetic type of ***
with prostitutes, once a year,
or perhaps two...
   it's another to be told:
you ******* because
you're having gender disphoria
or... you're the *****
in a homosexual relationship...
funny that...
   maybe the whole
  "erectile dysfunction"
is related to mingling in a society
of circumcised males...
who subsequently have
no religiosity,
  no moral authority
ascribed to them,
  as related to the orthodox hebrews?
you know...
i'm starting to think...
i could probably find
a common parlance
with an orthodox jew...
given: he's circumcised,
          and i'm not.
- because that's what
this: extra bit of "flab" is...
   you don't feel a need
to explore: "further" territory...
you're not strapped
to a ******* *****-machine
conjuring up new ways
to fill up that absence...
    the ******* van gogh /
st. peter's sentiment
of the ages...
       my bet... in the furore
of the events...
   jesus wasn't circumcised...
i gamble... but not on horses,
or dawgs (as...
   ***** ****** would
                          put it:
                  yeah... i like dogs).
so yeah...
not many jokes about
    circumcision, of males...
  and... not many uncircumcised
males... making jokes
about habit comparisons
and: the exponential rise
of ****** deviation
  of circumcised males...
being *******...
   that... the one ****** "deviance"
they could have been allowed,
of sitting down,
taking a ****,
taking a ****,
and bashing one to the grave
of: "imagining" genocide
was stripped from their,
should they ever encounter it,
state of rejection...
   **** me, shylock asked
for a pound of flesh...
   i'm asking for what's...
****... dunno...
  how much does ******* weigh?
yeah... 21 grams?
the same as the superstition
of the soul when it leaves
the body?
                 that's not much...
- so my sole ****** deviation
is to do the nos. uno, dos, tres...
but ***** over there
was a web-cam,
scented candles...
    and... what appears to be...
something more than
  the missing *******...
            i look down:
oh... right...
              so i keep the *****...
for all their use...
  i'll be excluded from
the castrato choir of the vatican:
i'll just ghost-**** my way
                 out of this scenario.
- so what wouldn't be
a problem with circumcised men...
their hindered libido...
their subsequent
                      rebellion against
their hindered libido...
no religious structure...
the woman no being in the mood...
and the subsequent
possibility of outlet
   of a simple: uno, duo, tres?
****... i guess i'll never know.
Robert G Page Mar 2014
little furry yappers and big lumbering well winter rested dawgs spring is here, spring is here went to the dog park today, so many smells and owner's yells at their hairy kids at play. they don't care, it's fun in the sun as off they run and find new friends today. when they get home they'll sleep and dream of their magical time in a distant place, 'cause spring is here hooray...
Switch up the samples,
Giving spoonful, howling wolf yes indeed,
I make the tracks bleed, once the vinyl, gets a touch of the need,
Placed at a steady speed,
See my heart,
Similiar to Apollo Creed, try to live sin free, so i dont curse my own seed,
But it seems since im always in a need,
Theres always room for greed,
But if i stay in the light,
The darkness, will be back to bite,
A tip of my consciousness, to slowly digest,
Whats happening in reality, and in reaity,
Real men dont get they credibility,
Only fakers worshipped, fowl praises to the higher bees,
Its all written in prophecy,
Whats a fool to gain his soul,
Only to lose it all, in a fold,
Never seen a brinks truck, following a casket to graved,
Many more souls need to be saved,
Sometimes i slip off, only to put it back off,
Evil vs good, and vice versa,we just playing the same circa,
Revert back to 1923, now we strugglin' still in 2023,
Peep the presence, i lay my royal presence, heavenly worth,
Extended the scrolls growth,
Now they wanna silence, me cuz they scared of the rebirth,
just moments ago, a dawning realization
     arose within this sol son begat
from ma late mother
     and octogenarian widower father, nothing cat

tuss strophic, boot merely the revelation,
     how fist bumping dee clocks hour hand ahead
     remembered by dat
dog gone refrain spring ahead, and fall back,

     this unemployed chap doth down play eclat
attests that his quotidian schedule minimally effected
     holed up here in Highland Manor named flat
roomy enough for thyself, the Missus,

     and buzzfeed ding fruit flies
     each approximately the size of a gnat
a minor nuisance, though tolerable
     within this appealing habitat

where minor inconvenience experienced
     by this Schwenksville, Pennsylvania resident
cuz as a recipient of social security disability
     (social anxiety) this psyche didst get rent

which fixed (unearned) income budgeted
     and predominantly costs of living money spent
hence no need to arise bright tailed and bushy eyed,
     a freedom akin to folks camped out in a tent,

which exemption immunizes
     this doodle ling middle aged
     muddle brained chap subject ranting
     early morning drivers,

     who angrily rant and vent  
thus, the tendency, piquancy, and lunacy
     to twitter (for the Yardbirds),
     and keep company with night owls, who went

a hooting for all the world wide web
     to hear, whence dawgs Bach
the exact number of hours, yer oblivious
     to the tight rigorous mortised schedule
     manned by Mister Clock,

essentially foisting on Bread Winners,
     an abstract artificial construct spurring
     madcap commuters to scurry in the rat race,
     lest tardiness could cost

     more than paycheck
     (to ap pier with permanent dock
hue ment aye shun),
     an unwonted blot add hoc
king worry about getting canned -

     i.e. on permanent furlough,
     perhaps forced into a life of crime, yet if caught...
wasting away in a jail cell
     as warden turns the lock

one redeeming factor,
     would offer opportunity to mock
management, and more pertinently
     mandate to rock
and roll to the incessant muted,
     yet devastatingly loud tick tock.
Shaggy wah gwan is a sick ******* album yo. This **** is seriously boombastic.
I'm losing my ******* mind. Really wish I could smoke **** with out tripping out so hard.
I'd be lighting one up for you right nah shaggy
**** shaggy yeahmon
Creepstar May 2016
Don't go across the street
But go down it
When you rip the meat
You can't clown it

All I want
Is what's for the best
Got nowt to flwant
It just a test

I'm out this life
I'm out for gawd
Thank creator for my wife
And my dawgs

And everyone of is my mans
But I won't won't hang around
Unless you show a ****

** goodbye
A Lone Oct 2017
I want you to fly but you've been stuck in the ground/you looked for dawgs but you couldn't find luck in the pound/so you adapted a style that left you ducking the hounds/you delved inwards when people came you shutting em out/the black sheep to be sheared the ugly duckling that drowned/you gave em your pitches just to get shoved off the mound/we all wanna be, but you looked away from buzzes they found you never wanted the cardio they got from all they running around/I want you to fly and you don't have to be a person of wealth/I want you to love you so bad you start nursing your health/this anger and resentment has only worsened yourself/the cause of holding your demons close and cursing your help/they ain't sitting in class still your senses are taut/yet beyond it all you still wanna give glimpses of thoughts/you paid attention and could do feats with the inches you bought/you can lose your vision but ain't that when lenses are sought?/

so whatever your dream is you wanna call the sky/I may not show it well but I know we all can fly/even me
Butch Decatoria Feb 2020
Homeboys and OG’s
foaming at the mouth, biting
the hand that feeds them.
Butch Decatoria May 2020
4:56 p.m./ Tuesday Afternoon at the super pet supply shoppe.
In the city its already summertime, the scorching heat stays just  beyond the sliding doors, and inside the air is cool. Not crowded by any means, but this is considered busy for pandemic times. Only some wear masks and latex, what’s truly worn are only long faces of oh my lord—where’s the love?

    A single check out cashier, a mid thirties brunette, and coworker assistant manager slash younger awkward late twenties Wanna be friend. The two women volley their conversation, keeping alert at work yet having witty banter, and under face mask subdued laughter. It’s their picture of professional. (No schisms).

There’s a short line of three customers at the only counter and cashier, a young Asian man who stays silent except his dark brows and wide almond eyes behave way too loud and anxious. He quickly exits soon enough, with dog treats and receipt—gone, left behind no remark or clue of the presence of himself. who what now? Xexei. It was nothing who?

After him on the blue spot that’s six feet apart exactly, a kind golden girl—black grandma, carrying herself assuredly and queenlike proud and strong. She has had a lifetime to know better how not to show expressions out in a world full of fear and angry hate and judgemental folks concealing their guns. Only when she speaks will others know the emotional landscape on her color, purple dark like a bruise, they are all earth Tone and pale flesh, they all knew hate somehow, somewhere. But this simple moment outside homes of box, apartment  cage, incarcerated times (more or less an animal) here, there’s no danger. Not eminent or otherwise, not from what she could tell. She relaxes shoulders a tiny bit, sighs at the clarity of time’s aging wisdom. Congenial, since there was no recourse or fight ergo no recoil of folks from keeping it real with each other. Yeah, she nods to herself, there no danger ‘round here, though with covid 19, most stress biting the fear.

A dark skinned couple enter, a bull size of a man leading the way for her to follow. He had that look about him —a Mad dog glaring at those he sees, reading their faces, smelling the air, ready to stomp on anyone that would make a racist comment with their ****** que’s. He seemed as if he were looking for an enemy the way his furrow swept the room. His ***** follows behind, and she’s embarrassing enough, he tells himself, she’s a giant babae’s kid; ***** broccoli Brillo hair, unruly growth with twigs and leaves and twine. she is taller than him, bringing herself more attention, but her blank face and fat lips pursed, her eyes rolling— not with attitude but lack of aptitude most women her age possess. He seems to be thinking let’s see which one these ******* gonna say somethin’. At least that’s what his face said...

    “So yeah, like I was saying,” says the younger assistant manager with her pigtails trying too hard, while she folds boxes and wipes baskets and disinfects shopping carts. “Since we work with pets, I think we begin to treat our men like so…”

As a young man in a white tank checks out and exits the store, the cashier remarks under her breath, completely distracted, it was louder than under, the breath that everyone heard. Her coworker catches the last view before the doors slide closed, she nods, her pigtails still trying too **** hard.

    “I don’t mind THAT kind of stray coming home with me,” brunette cashier says, then  both women chuckle, one howling like a wolf,”ah wooo!”
    “But he’s not ***** trained” someone says.
    “He’s old enough honey, he’ll know what he’s doing and getting.” Checker gal continued with a hint of doubt.
    “I would rather have a well trained lap dog who’s house broken.” the older lady in line says then,”if you going to have to, yknow get yourself a dawg, then it better be well trained by none other than you yourself sister child” she begins to smile wildly and giggles at the thoughts she thought.
    “You can take the stray home for a night or two,sure. But mmm child, if it’s longer, they literally will stay without havin’ given your verbal command,” the women are laughing together now, and pause their work since she was the only customer at the check out anyhow. “It gets ugly tho’— when you try to oust a pit bull out cha house. No Siree I’d rather have my baby boo who’ve I trained to come and lay his face on my lap—“ more gaffaws at this. “And who fetches what ever it is i need. And most times it’s just sit and give mamma kisses, hehehe…”

“Amen to that sister!” The blonde girl folding boxes suddenly grabbed her own mouth slapping herself with the reaction she got, their audible inhaled breath and wide eyed glances shot in her direction. *** she mouthed was that racist?  “I’m so sorry. Oh my god oh my god oh my god … I swear I’m not racist, ma’am. I mean I know I’m not cuz I want a black man for a boyfriend, I’ve always wanted one…get married to one—” her last remark set the strong older lady into a fit of laughter, which infected those around them.

Embarrassment turned into acceptance, feeling accepted, that human connection covid19 couldn’t **** or take from us.

After some time, wiping tears of laughter from their eyes, and work had carried on in the interim, the hilarity lessened as the older lady paid with her debit card. Her final remark as she gathered her shopping bags,”becareful nowadays with the brothers, yknow if you bumpin uglies, cuz most now are just ruthless dawgs. Tearing your life and home apart. **** ruthless dawgs.”

‘I wonder who’s at fault’, they all coincidentally thought.

* * *
Tiana Reese Jun 2017
Him: So you expect me to believe that you're just dawgs for certain. Those "X"s in his text are what? Harmless flirting? He's calling to hear your voice like there times a day, but you don't realize what he's trying to say, is that what you're trying to tell me?  

Her: You're trying to tell me that "X"s in a text can be the reason why you'll becomes an ex, and the next man could call me like 12 times a day, but that wouldn't take what we've got away. You see it's easy to say when you're looking from the outside and it's his choice to remain an onlooker in the outline;  that's him green with envy staying in the clean and friendly sidelines.

Him: Lines were crossed when we got so heated we'd break up via text and you'd open up to the next man. See the reason I felt burned to the third degree is to me you were closed off like a ****** scene, and he got to see emotions that were blurred to me. Now, personally, I'm not trying to see you caged up or cuffed like a prison sentence, I just can't be sure of his intentions. And the way that he reacts when my name is mentioned, gives me reason to believe, maintaining this friendship ain't as easy as it seems.

Her: As it seems you're seeing someone solely and sincerely as a friend with no second thoughts, as to something that I'm trying to sell, but I never would've bought. You see at first it was a problem with us, but like a game we'd play when we're child, I'm beginning to think and it's beginning to sink in that it's a problem with trust, but of course...

Both: I could never tell him/her

Him: So we usually just dance around the topic of her "best friend"

Her: Why do you always have to say best friend like that? You need to explain what your beef is. You seem to hate on him religiously, but afraid for having a reason like you know him, know he's decent, never need drama, know he's peaceful, know his people. Know that our friendship will never descend. Know that it ends as just friends, HE KNOWS IM WITH YOU. In fact no one is as sure as he is. And this, this is becoming tedious. You're becoming hard to please because of a problem I'm assuming is routed deeply in your insecurities.

Him: Insecurities aren't something I suffer from. To you it seems as I'm fretting and focusing on the worst case possible, but did you forget how we started off in the first place? It's only a matter of time before one of you cross the lines and that comment isn't a statement on his appeal. You're beautiful in every sense and I'm sure he's noticed. Do you really think that in your mind that he'd turn you down if you put it on him? For real? You'll invite him over one day "just to chill" because you broke up with your man and want to heal. You'll want to heal with him why, because his arms are comforting? Still, one thing can lead to the next and you'll really think he'll run towards the hills? If he tried I know you'll say no, but you're only friends until you say so. That's why my vexation is saturated on my face, I mean you're best friends with a man who's trying to take MY PLACE.

Her: Your place? Seriously?

Him: Yes.

Her: Your faith in us seems to turn into fear in us. Now you've  made it clear that the trust you claim to have in me isn't in me nor is it near me. Yet you "trust me" to believe you trust me enough to be around him .

Him: I can't believe you're going to act like you don't see where I'm coming from and blame me for this problem. Why are you coming at me? That's brazen. You must've forgotten we started out as friends then that changed drastically; the concept of your friendship with him is exactly the same.

Her: You use this same argument every time and I tell you every time you're not right for that.

Him: How am I not right? Tell me! Ha, you remember that one time you went over his house?

Her: Yes, to chill.

Him: Probably to tell him everything you're mad about.

Her: Him who?

Him: Don't play. Everything you told him I've never heard before come out your mouth not even once.

Her: Oh really?

Him: With me all you ever seem to do is scream and shout then you'll go to him and express yourself.

Her: Is that not the definition of a friend?

Him: What? A friend you stay on the phone with until 3 in the morning?

Her: To discuss things that at that time I didn't know how to get to you.

Him: Well you should've made it known you felt that way. Bet you'll still plan on talking to him every day thus forward about us.

Her: There's noting that I wouldn't say when I'm around you.

Him: I'm not finished talking... why is he the one you always turn to? Huh? Why does he have information on everything that concerns you? Huh? Though we fuss and fight and I'm the one who burns, you seem to fail that this should be sorted out externally not internally. Instead of talking we just seem to scream and shout every time. You'll cut me off to call him to open and and shut me out. How do you expect me to be cool with that?

Her: Cool with what? Open your eyes and take a look around your the one who's making this hard yo. Taking lies and turning them into lines to block your eyes believing them. When we leave, we leave as friends, and friends is where it ends and nothing more.

Him: Don't give me that.

Her: Okay so yes we laugh, and yes we joke, but you get annoyed at every little thing we do. We're just like shoe strings from the same shoe that form a tight knot.

Him: Ha a tight knot?

Her: You're my everything he's not and more. And right now, right now you're tripping. This is nothing, but a friendship to me and it's fun. How can you get on me because I enjoy my best friends company? He understands me like a best friend should. He listens to me like a best friend should. You're literally tripping this is an innocent friendship.

Him: How is this any different from the way we started?

Her: The difference is HE ISN'T YOU...


Her: DON'T...

Him: This isn't going anywhere so let's just drop it before we both say things we'll both end up regret.
How do they know
That you’re not real
When all they see
Is a low-level thee

And how will they know
That you’re a master of the ink and
You’re a great thinker
Who doesn’t get sink by
They eye of those I call blinkers

And how do they know
When they only see a side of you
When they don’t believe you could
When they even reject you
Your hard work bloom

And how do they think they knew
How to make you feel blue
Is it by the criticizes they do
Oops; that doesn’t seem to move
Do they think they’ve broken you
I really don't know
Can someone give me a clue

And how do they (ladies) know
When a man got the cash
I guess they're sniffer dogs
In a field full of hash

And why don't they (ladies) know
When a man is a dog
Can't they tell by his breath
When they're having a snog

And why don’t they (ladies) know
That men who could give everything he gets
To get their dress flinged at the leg of the bed
Only wants to ***
Then, the next is
Go to hell’ *****

And why don't we (guys) know
Which woman to love
Because some of them uhn;
Don't fit like a glove

And why don't we (guys) know
When a woman looks great
It's highly unlikely that
She wants a soulmate

And why don't we (guys) know
That a woman who shows
Too much of her body
Is simply a ‘**’e

And why don't they know
That years down the line
Most men want a woman
Whose body's still fine

And how do they know
When you're looking at them
It's them that you're after
Not one of their friends

And what makes them think
That when you've had a drink
It's okay for them
To tease you with a wink  
And what makes them feel
If their man's not obsessive
The love he proclaims
Just cannot be real

And why can't they see
That their love for money
Will never allow their soul to be free

And why do they try
To always imply
That relationships fail because of the guy

And who is the fool
That said it was cool
To trust everything you’re taught in your school
Or those counselling messages shared in them WhatsApp groups
Or quotes wrote by that psychological dudes
Or some videos you came across on YouTube

And why is it
That after things go wrong in a relationship
That’s when she suddenly develops hips like a ship
Uhn, I got that drip
Thumbs up! b*tch
But not everyone could get ****
By your seductive tricks

And what's with these kids
Who games like PS3
Or some kind of YouTube skit
Is more real
To them than reality is

And why do I feel
Like these questions I’m asking
Can't possibly stop
Young people from blasting gun
Or sniffing puff
And those hacking-thugs
From throwing cyber punch
To innocent head; home and abroad
And them all-night mistress
Whose goods for business
Is kept under their less-rag dress
And them young hood girls
From walking the street with naked ***
Or hanging out with top-labelled dawgs

So what's in a lie
Why not tell the truth
Why do people cry
Why do people do
Things that makes me feel confuse
Why do people die
And when all's said and done
What's up with my mind
Why do I consistently ask why
And oh!
What's with this prose
Called what do we know
My developments of course
have come
From a lot of stuff
From the family feud
To them hustling hood
+ been lonely too
And the number two
Has been some dude
Who doesn't run from truth
And number three
Has being all the things I've seen
From being a teen
With Basketballing dream
And being in teams
Seen on TV screens
And number four
Is all those dawgs
Who still show me love
Even knowing I'm not enough
I had many dreams
That doesn't make the scene
But such dreams went
As I became a gent
Who find solace in writing poems
Ben Franklin didnt make ABC 123
But E = MC2 Perfectly
You cant make this up
We were placed here
Its a paradox
But we read
Add subtract
An in then end its down to decimal
Not a penny short
But when 3 men pay for a 30$ bar tab
Whos gonna tip or accept the missing bill
Sounds like a gradual paragraph
Talk about alien
Release the dawgs
Breakfast lunch dinner
You need help
1 store cant feed you
Wish you would know
Goes to show
Are you woke?
I think youre kinda blind personally
Goes to show
Delton Peele Feb 2021
A tenement full of unintelligent
On the cusp of
Random with anything in common is coincidentally dismissed .
This is a basic definition of .....what is
Named   ( the 12 )  The Jury.
Great ...!
Twelve people .....
People who it appears,
have seen a comfortable life which has held a consistently more pleasant theme than mine....... And it appears,
most have  enjoyed.....
a slightly better decision making process ,
And possibly had more of a chance to understand the difference between responding and reacting.....
Never the less I digress
And will say none of these people ....
Would look my way more than once........out of fear ......
They may  make eye contact
And I may consider this a challenge
Or opportunity....
And although my current seat is slightly higher   it's obvious they won't see me if not looking down.....
Because we walk on two different sides of the tracks.  
Knowing not one person not even one who knows me ......all they see is what they see of me....
Having no clue of my character.  
Only rumours offered up as facts
Not to mention are more occupied
With there own things .......
Some are just trying to hurry it up .....
Plus they weren't there.......
And really do you care?

Uhhh EHHHM......
Supper whispery
"Ok at this point my client requests a minute to confer with the reader ."
On what grounds ......?
"Excuse me your honor one second......
( Uh huh ummm. ***)
Your honor my client says .....
Two things
No 1
He wishes to express to the future reader what he's ......
(Sawwwalllow) ummm
What he is  ""feeling"" right now !."
And the second !??!
Iiiiiiiii uhhhm will telllllll you after hes finished?
I object you
I WILL SAY THIS .........
Yes sir
"MY client has convinced me .
It will be"
Ok son the floors your's.....
For a  minute.
Ok here we go.......
This really doesn't do justice
Yet I feel this analogy will leave you with sorta bland essence of .....
My current situation.....
So have you ever traversed a glacier?
And  stopped for a quick bite .....
And you spilled like three cans of sardines in your lap .......
Picked em up ate them anyway .
And quickly headed back on your way......far ahead you see what looks like polar bear ...
And thought well this was a nice hike .....think I'll head back to the truck.    Do da Doo don want to overdue it......and I'm feeling like
I need a good burn ....heck with walkin.    
Started to run and then between you and your truck. A pack of ........
just then you fall down a crevasse
And when you wake
Wedged left to front a cave and behind the same .......
With one big difference....
In the front really very pretty wth all the light play and ice and everything...except for Alpha male hungry wolf .....
With his pack pushing him so he's growling.
And since his muzzle is pressed tightly with a slight upward turn under your " decision maker"
You can really feel the meaning .....
Back off me , were gonna eat.
But this smell of fishiness and fear is just .....intoxicating  .........
STFup............and behind like I said the same except .......for ....... instead of the dawgs.    A polar bear pushing his nose in. My be.......
Since my pants ripped ......  
Feels like he is trying to smell the front side.............then one of them takes a lick ......
Ok so you've never experienced that ?
I find that a little odd but .....
Use. Your imagination...k.....
Let's just say that faintly ..
An epiphany starts to emerge
And then you say ....
I get it ..
Fight or flight .....
Huh! So that's what that means....
Well today right now I'm felling that
Only intensified......
Usually for me
Individual voices blend untill eventually become clamor.
This was the opposite .
And slowly feeling ....
as if....
with the temperature rising.
..blood vessels contracting ...

Skin tightening.....
Pupils dilating.  Heart racing...
Gravity and fear of physical harm
Dissipating.........along with every thought in the world save one
Escaping ... running naked wild And free........ scenarios with quantum variations in rapid succession .
As they each reach an undesirable end...
My  brilliant psyche calculating and piecing  plausible fragment from each one ......
They play through again
I'm beginning to see............
Oh F..k what!!      

I said answer the question or I'll hold you in contempt!
The attention
Turning towards me.
Thoughts racing ,distant
Catatonic glazed over gaze as I'm flipping files
My head snaps to exactly horizontal my lower jaw left behind is catching up at a snails pace ......
As I suddenly realize ....
I'm no longer 100 %
I don't "want to say anything till
to figure out what anyone could have known  of  something Ive done....
And profusely sweating  
And a forceful lucidity peaks like an acid bath
The whole room is looking at me....this is eyes crossed for a second I felt really weak and queasy ..
The question hung like a frozen specter in front of me..
And just then
The viiiiicooodiin
Kicked iiiiyyiiinnmmmm
An Iiiiik aaaaaalmost

Top of the world baby .
Looked at the courtroom and the balif
And said STFKUP!
And we all burst into laughter.
Lawyer said" 2nd thing "
Judge said
A ......
your free from all charges .
Grabbed his hockey sticks and yelled
Hey you know what?
I agree with Matt Perry.!!!!!!!
He said it should be illegal to make a drug that makes you feel that good.
Big Virge Oct 2020
You See... MANY Have Tried … !!!
And MANY Have LIED … !!!
And MANY By My Pen …
Are … Lyrically FRIED... !!!!

Burned To... ASHES … !!!
Grabbed And SMASHED KID … !!!

Cos’ My Lyrical Hand Scripts …
Flows Like … RAPIDS …
Fluid And RAMPANT …

Causing Pure HAVOC... !!!
... TITANICALLY Tragic... !!!!!

Cos' These Kids Be Pulling Tricks …
That Keep Proving They’re FOOLISH... !!!

But Yet They Seem To THINK …
That They’re Claiming BIG WINS …
Deserving Reigns Like KINGS... ?!?

Well Big Virge Reins Them IN … !!!
Cos’ What They Try Is SINking … !!!
Because of Thought Waves Linking …
Themselves To YES POOR Thinking … !!!!!

They Try To CLAIM The Lyrics …
They Spit To Be The Business … !!!!!

Well IN TRUTH That’s What THEY ARE … !!!
UP … Business Peoples’ CLAAT … !!!

Because Wordplay They CHART …

of Bringing What Is REAL …. !!!
That Comes Straight From The Heart …

NOT Something That They STEAL …
Like Lyrics of … PURE FARCE … !!!!!
That They Then Try To Pass …
As Some … AUTHENTIC ART... !!!!!!!!!!!

….. “ AUTHENTIC “ ….. !?!
Yeah ….. MY **** ….. !!!!!!

They TRY Playing They’re SMART …. !!!
When Truthfully THEY KNOW ….
That They Just AREN’T As SHARP …
As Lyrical Darts My Mental IMPARTS …
That Are Detrimental To Punks Acting DAFT … !!!

This Here Is MY CRAFT … !!!!!
RUGGED Like A Raft …
That Cruises Past SHARKS … !!!
And These Human... " DAWGS' “ … !!!

Who TRY Through Their BARK … !!!
To Prove They Are HARD … !!!!

When REALLY They’re CLEARLY … !!!
WEAK Like … Pussyclaat' … !!!!!!!!!!!!!

... “ Ja’ Faican’ “ … !!!!!!

Well... Dem’ Rass …
Do Try But Make FALSE Starts … !!!
Because They’re Cars...
Just Like Their TRICKS …

Due To Them Making Calls …
That Lead To Their DOWNFALL … !!!

But I’m Used To Them Now … !!!!!
These Cats Who Act... FOUL … ?!?

In FACT TRUTH Be Told … !!!
I’ve … Written It Down … !!!!!

Because Time Has SHOWN …

“ They TRY “... NO...
... ARE CLOWNS... !!!!!!!!!

Who … Constantly Send …
My Mind Through Poems …
Ways To YES … VENT …
And TURN Down The Stress … !!!
They Try To Bring Heads …

Because of THE PAIN … !!!
That Runs Through THEIR VEINS … !!!

They TRY But LACK Brains …
That Most Call... INSANE … !?!

Because What They TRY …

They’re WAY BEYOND Blind … !?!
And A BLIGHT On Mankind … !!!!!!!!

They TRY But CAN’T FIND … ?!?
These Here Types of Rhymes … !!!

Because of THE FRIGHT … !!!
of Searching Their Mind … !!!

They TRY But DON’T SHINE … !!!!!
Because Their Minds Vibe …
Is … DARKER Than Night … !!!

DARKER Than Mine … ?
Well Maybe That’s FINE … !?!

My Mind’s DARK Enough... !!!
To Write This GOOD Stuff … !!!

They TRY But Just … “ Bluff ” …
With NUFF' … HUFF And PUFF … !!!

They TRY Yes THEY TRY … !!!!!

Find Their Family Ties …


To PROVE They’re Inclined …
To Write For THE PEOPLE …
And Yet EMBRACE EVIL … ?!!!?

THEY... FULFIL That Line … !!!

What I Try … Is FINE …
While What They Try LIES … !!!

The Concept of RIGHT … !!!
And Therefore … THE TRUTH … !!!!!

So Those EARLIER Lines …
Have … Water-Tight PROOF … !!!

The Things That They TRY  …
That They MANAGE TO DO … !!!

Gives PROOF That Their Lives …
Smell WORSE THAN … Poo Poo... !!!!!

They TRY To Be … “ COOL “ …
With Lyrics They Use … !!!
While Mine Just Confuse … ?!?
Because They EXUDE …..
The DEEPEST of Dudes …
With The DARKEST of Moods …
That Somehow Stays TRUE ….

To... PEACE As The Tool …
To... EDUCATE Yutes …
That IT’S COOL NOT TO Shoot... !!!

... IGNORAMUSES Too … !!!!!!!

Who TRY To Pull Moves …
That DON’T HAVE Cool Grooves... !!!

I Guess This Is  WHY … ?
We Have CALMER Sides …
And …. POWER OF MIND …. !!!!!

So That We Can FLY HIGH … !!!!!

... “ They TRY “...
in Pennsylvania will begin at 2:00 AM
on Sunday, March twelfth
and moost likely will impact
min-née-ute effect on me
a run of the mill on the Floss
amazingly gracefully aging
long haired pencil necked geek,
who welcomes increased photons.

Just moments ago, a dawning realization
arose within this sol son begat
from ma late mother
and then (when following poem written)
octogenarian widower father,
(me papa passed away
since date this poem written) nothing cat
tuss strophic, boot merely the revelation,
how fist bumping
dee clocks hour hand ahead
remembered by dat

dog gone refrain
spring ahead, and fall back,
this unemployed chap
doth down play eclat
attests that his quotidian
schedule minimally affected
holed up here in Highland Manor named flat
roomy enough for thyself, the Missus,
and buzzfeed ding fruit flies
each fuzz beating insect
approximately the size of a gnat
a minor nuisance, though tolerable
within this appealing habitat

where minor inconvenience experienced
by this Schwenksville, Pennsylvania resident
cuz as a recipient
of social security disability
(social anxiety) this psyche didst get rent
which fixed (unearned) income budgeted
and predominantly costs
of living money spent
hence no need to arise
bright tailed and bushy eyed,
a freedom akin

to festive folks camped out in a tent,
which exemption immunizes
this doodle ling middle aged
muddle brained chap subject ranting
early morning drivers,
who angrily, frenetically,
and splenetically rant and vent
thus, the tendency, piquancy, and lunacy
to twitter (for the Yardbirds),
and keep company
with night owls, who went
a hooting for all the world wide web

to hear, whence straw dawgs Bach,
the exact number of hours, yer oblivious
to the tight rigorous mortised schedule
manned by Mister Clock,
essentially foisting on bread winners,
an abstract artificial construct spurring
madcap commuters to scurry in the rat race,
lest tardiness could cost
more than ham iz zone whole paycheck
(to ap pier with permanent dock
hue ment aye shun),
an unwonted blot add hock

king worry about getting canned -
i.e. on permanent furlough,
perhaps forced into a life of crime,
yet if caught...
courtesy strapping ****
wasting away in a jail cell
as warden turns the lock
one redeeming factor,
would offer opportunity to mock
management, and more pertinently
mandate to rock
and roll to the incessant muted,
yet devastatingly loud tick tock.
Cyclone Dec 2019
They said I was an old soul, sole on his own still swole off the sugarcoating rhymes???!! in these bittersweet times still spitting sweet nothings to these women throwing salt on his wound of love, wishing karma could show him love from showing him attention, this retention is detention for being a **** boy ***-hopping, he hopes it soon listens, and says, "I know you love to live, you just hate how you living, you're easily forgiven", paying his dues to choose life or death, he's left not knowing what is left in him..this lifestyle, reserved for the baller cats putting hits on his dawgs switching sides, we ride and celebrate on selling hate to street rats comfortable with purchasing our plan to take the streets, "Sit down or be shot down and never stand tall" was the battle cry so they come with support, recruits coming off the streets dying for this ****, that simping is a version of pimping that makes you broke, catch up to speed with the players that broke the law, but leading a nation to be the greatest one you saw.
Mr Xelle Feb 2021
Talks with my dad are still frozen,
Walked in the house like I’m nothing.
He thought this faze was a faze
Until someone’s son showed his face.

Losing my time from all this working,
Even my friends say you got to be joking..
Popping when nobody sees
Avoiding my house just to keep the peace
And yet I’m being tossed to the dawgs
Torn by piece by piece
But when I’m with you

With just your smile I feel at ease
By your side I stop to breath
And you hiding your phone is not scarying me
To be honest I’m use to being played like I’m dumb
But for you I will play stupid even when I can see
Cause soon enough someone will notice
I’m trying.
In 2024, daylight savings time will begin at two o'clock ante meridiem on Sunday, March tenth. That will mean losing an hour of precious sleep and moving the clocks (around your house, and sundry frequented places) forward one hour, though your cell phone, computer, and television plus other electronic devices will likely automatically adjust. The sun will appear to rise and set an hour later.

Father time evinces spectacular robustness despite weathering setback of countless finagling representation viz Chronos (/ˈkroʊnɒs, -oʊs/; Greek: Χρόνος, [kʰrónos], "time"), also spelled Khronos or Chronus, is a personification of time in pre-Socratic philosophy and later literature. Chronos. Personification of time. Time Clipping Cupid's Wings (1694), by Pierre Mignard. Symbol.

Though crafted a few years back
jet lag effect affects yours truly
twice each year when schedules
within body electric
such as circadian rhythm
dislocate psyche
analogous to seismic shift
NOT attributed to global warming,
nor aeronautically bound sky high,
but linkedin to hour hand
on analog clock
set ahead or behind one hour.

Just about a bajillion moments ago
(from date/time
I wrote these words),
a dawning realization
arose within this sol son begat
from ma late mother
and (initial commencement
of this poem) while
then octogenarian widower father,
lived at Normandy Farms
Senior Community

in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania
(he since passed away
October 7th, 2020)
oh... no nothing cat
tuss strophic, boot
merely the revelation,
how fist bumping dee clocks
an hour hand ahead
remembered by dat
dog gone refrain
spring ahead, and fall back,

this unemployed chap
doth down play eclat
attests that his quotidian rising
schedule minimally affected
holed up here
in Highland Manor named flat
roomy enough for thyself, the Missus,
and buzzfeed ding fruit flies
each approximately the size of a gnat
a minor nuisance, though tolerable
within this appealing habitat,

where minor inconvenience experienced
by this Schwenksville, Pennsylvania resident
cuz as a recipient
of social security disability
(social anxiety) this psyche didst get rent,
which fixed (unearned) income budgeted
and predominantly costs
of living money spent
hence no need to arise
bright tailed and bushy black eyed,
pea yon sought freedom akin

to folks camped out in a tent,
which exemption immunizes
this doodle ling middle aged
muddle brained chap subjected to ranting
courtesy early morning drivers,
who angrily, frenetically,
and splenetically rant and vent
thus, the tendency, piquancy, and lunacy
to twitter (for the Yardbirds),
and keep company
with night owls, who went

a hooting for all the world wide web
to hear, whence dawgs Bach
the exact number of hours, yet oblivious
to the tight rigorous
tenon mortised schedule
manned by Mister Clock,
essentially foisting on Bread Winners,
an abstract artificial construct spurring
madcap commuters
to scurry in the rat race,

lest tardiness could cost
more than paycheck
(to ap pier with permanent dock
hue ment aye shun),
an unwonted blot add hoc
king worry about getting canned -
i.e. on permanent furlough,
perhaps forced into a life of crime,
yet if caught...
wasting away in a jail cell

as warden turns the lock
one redeeming factor,
would offer opportunity to mock
management, and more pertinently
mandate to rock
and roll to the incessant muted,
rhyme without reasonable schlock
yet devastatingly loud tick tock
analogous to stir fries
noisily prepared in wok.

— The End —