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Sarani Bella Mar 2013
Bel blo mi pen ( my stomach hurts)
My mother isnt there

Bel blo mi pen
only fathers, brothers, uncles, washing public

Bel blo mi pen
village pig is in my stomach

Bel blo mi pen
Ralarlar Village I am

Bel blo mi pen
I stumble to the cook haus (kitchen)

Bel blo mi pen
Bubu Tami and Bubu Peni ( grandmother Tami, grandfather Peni)

Bel blo mi pen
half a teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of sugar

Bel blo mi pen
kerosine and flicker follow

Bel blo mi pen
forest and twilight, unfamiliar

Bel blo mi pen
heshen bag, dirt, hole, diarrhea

Bel blo mi pen
she whistles softly, kicking earth

Bel blo mi pen
The sound of you are not alone

Bel blo mi pen
never felt so at home

Bel blo mi pen
photo, me as baby and her sitting on the floor

Bel blo mi pen
never will another cushion

Bel blo mi pen
I wept at the airport after only 5 days

Bel blo mi pen
Years later when she passes

Bel blo mi pen
she visits me behind my eyes

Bel blo mi pen
another year passes, a disguise

Bel blo mi pen
Tami born in Melbourne niece, surprise

Bel blo mi pen
A moment living, never dies

A woman heard a small girls cries. Alone, without her own mothers eyes.
Samridhi Feb 2014
my test results showed divergent.
but she told me not to talk about it,
at least not here, or anywhere. ever.
he told me i could not be found about. never.
but they did, they eventually did.
they injected me- with serums, different kinds of them.
and i became their ultimate little experiment gem.
one of a kind.
every stimulation- every serum injected, i denied.
i was useless.
but then he came - my love. my Four. my Tobias
to my rescue.
i promised. not to put myself into danger,
like as i always did.
but i could not let him die. Caleb. my brother. my blood.
i had to save them. all of them.
death serum.
i could. resist.
but before that- he picks up a fight -
wounded in his wheel chair. paralyzed.
but still manages to, that little twa -
i see bloo-
thick red blo-
mom? but you're dea-
it's okay sweety, she says.
where am i?
in a better place.
you gave up your life Tris- for them.
i died?
yes honey, you died, an *allegiant.
Kind of been obsessed with the Divergent trilogy for the past few weeks.
Sorry for the spoilers though.
First time. not perfect. i know!
but hey, at least i tried :)
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2017
suddenly... my skin
"feels" freckled,
or that ginger is abhorred,
or that orange is
queeny -
                 leisured at -
a bat-haven.
poetry is words
only punctuation -
take to fathom a Norwegian
acid bath...
               murmur of marrow -
then the chemicality of Hermes -
what exists:
globally under ****
sloth: lo
                                    eerie navy
and  nazal -
am, centrist.
                 b l i s t e r
s  c  o  l  d
     b   l    i   s   t   e   r
   scalp and the mustard:
  khaki khaki khaki!
coca cola khaki!
                      father says otherwise,
****** and puritan pirranha -
Warsaw subway girlen -
              frozen, minus bowtie + yurt dover -
         ****: closure and escapism
from war, entry point: *****, your culture.
as the joke goes:
   the jews spoke more zion than they spoke
yiddish: baalam - donkey-riddle -
but at least jesus entered jerusalem,ioe
or the tool-forge of alpha blo blo Indi.
                 cobbler smacker...
shoe fits fine...
                   now you juggle GDP
against cabbage... and horse-radish...
iron eagle no hail mary, no iron,
no golgotha... as intricate be:
american coca - lobside Xican milken -
if i have my regrets... then i have my
love-letter... art... Juliet...
thus you have your politics....
   if i have my regrets i have a chasm
to overcome,
         in yawn as to conquer depth -
thus with wind, adjoin weaker slav -
german... german...
who said german inclusive anglican-sax
and svab-frank in Lorraine -
Iblis in Matador crimson quake,
numb Paris, numb Paris...
              geiß - gąś - goose - stratum!
           kindred SS man
or the ****** joke in Auschwitz -
100 years... then szkodliwych...
  rekindled... at least what took place
in Auschwitz was also said: Eva Braun...
5 years... not 100 years and fake,
and almond culprit...
    5 years and the gas,
a chemist suffices...
            100 years of ******...
the jokes coercing Auschwitz with Hastings
are but candle-glamour for what
nimble in wax, be turned to enshrined stone...
              memory: was never to be a Disney.
     i'd prefer the uncanny - Schubert bound
high-class death,
  that this horse-bound harking a phelgm
to no rebuilding founding:
Pilate washed his hands of Yehu
       Pilate washed his hands of Ishra;
                Solomon is
     placed  in the House of Saud -
                           and a quarter - toward the tumult
a desert of white fog,
                  a *** fetish...
   and you jogging after Honolulu in bone, gene
and lava...
                     sunken lung, shiva's "star" of anise -
that spoken of eye -
           said green, said envy,
said but once in absent-mindedness - an absinthe -
crystaline in milk -
                     heaving the ache of mind
and the heart as copper in a lacklustre of
former hope of nurtured hearts' gain:
with painter as kindred and unison with a plumber's
  to the death toll chime: an eon worthy
               a sneeze, if that be a sneeze to
rekindle colour in spring, and moor in auburn
                               and between extremes:
the two deserts -
    and that i be bound to the tomb
               and the stone,
and the fox tornado tango of the trial
that would never be a Friday of what would
always be: a revealing noon:
be it orb, or be it scythe -
                           be it Everest, or
be it the flute in the dough of Nepal as enshrined
                for the arithmetic of shadow:
pauper plato... pauper plato...
                                  one and all...
                     if we all but possessed the luxury
                                    but none of us possess the
capacity to treat conversation as a luxury...
                          conversation will never be a luxury,
given the fact that we decided thinking to be primo,
the luxury... to re establish conversation as a luxury
we have to prevent thought from innovating...
from invigorating...
   but since conversation cannot achieve this paramount...
the only achievable parallel suggestion is to talk about nothing:
and think about everything;
likewise to think about everything:
and talk about nothing -
and as Heidegger expressed:
   we are non-being in number,
                               because nothing negates
a quantity -
                        how then to rainbow into a presitent
continuum? chameleon culprit?
    only via an elasticity of language...
             thus 10 am gives gallop toward horizon
and sun, and i am furthest from staging a continuum
of what i am an example of:
man, husband, father, partner, son, cohort, cohesion...
i feel no reference point in having to demand from a per se, the nearing-claimant pejorative antidote, other than the one i have aspired to as merely a sand-castle, rather than the bombastically-fuelled pyramid.
Long taim mi sa mekim rong, gutpla tingting em i kamap. Em ikam na em i toktok wantem mi, na em i tok olsem, "Noken bisi long bihainim gris blong snek olsem ya, bihainim tok blong mi na bai yu inap".

Long nait, nek blo yu isave hamamasim mi. Na long moning, hanmak blong yu i woklo stiaim mi long ol gutpla gutpla rot igo long gutpla gutpla wara. Olgeta hevi i woklo lus.

Long taim mi pasim tingting stret long yu, orait mitupla ikam kamap pinis long maunten igo antap. Na antap blong em i antap moa winim ol klaut. Hau bai mi sakim tok blo yu o? Mi nonap, long wanem, tok blong yu i switpla tumas olsem hani i kapsait niupla tru long sait blong diwai. Bai mi hamamas moa yet na nomoa bihainim snek nem blong em, rong.
I wrote this poem in my mother tongue of Tokpisin. It is about how Wisdom comes and speaks to one about changing their ways.
ThatSynGirl Feb 2016
Mirror Mirror on the wall
I don't…don't wanna fall
Mirror Mirror, look at me
I'm not who I wanna be

Tell me what I'm doing wrong
I don't wanna do this long
Tell me, please, what I should do
So I can bare to look at you

Mirror Mirror on the wall,
-Just wanna die that's all-
Forgive me God, I've lost control
The devil has my soul

Mirror mirror look at me,
I'm not where I wanna be
Truthfully I am ashamed
I've only got myself to blame

Mother, Father, look at me
Don't know you, you don't know me
Baby sister, listen up
Drop the blade, Don't give up

Older sister, in that jail
Whatchu doin' there, for rayl
Where'd my older sister go
Wasted life, on crack and blo

I'll be something great, I know it.
Even through the hate, I'll show it.
Watch and see, I'll never blow it.
I'll be me, And you'll all know it.
I'll explode. I'll be so loud.
You'll all hear me, there's no doubt.

Everybody look around
Don't look at the ****** ground
Everybody listen up
Life is rough, but don't give up

I've made it this far,
You can too
Believe me, I believe in you.

Mirror Mirror, point me out
I'm leaving, watch
I'll make it out

If you hear me take my hand
I'll reach out the best I can
If you hear me, let me know
Meet me on that lonely road

I've got a lot to share with you
Come and gather round
The things I know inside my heart
They're usually profound

If you knew the things I did,
You'd surely go insane
Let me filter all these thoughts
And leave our demons slain

In the mirror once I looked
And saw an Angel there
I cleared my eyes and looked again
And saw me in the mirror

Falling backwards, grasping air
I suffocate with truth
I need to wake up everyone
I'm screaming, hear me through

Life ain't all about
Try'na be the best
You know, I struggle every day
To put my mind to rest

It aint a question, we all know
              Life's a *****
And far too many times I find myself in a ditch

But I get myself up, I've got goals to reach
But long before that, I've got souls to teach

I've got a purpose in my soul
So won'tcha listen
You ain't meant to be alone
And that 's my mission

Gotta pick yourself up
I know the world is cold
So you've got a choice
Be weak, or bold

This is an actual song I made and posted on youtube - its hiphop- I rap it. I'm incredibly inexperienced with making music so the song itself needs work, but I'm happy with the lyrics.
nathanthepoet Oct 2013
as i sit here wondering what could be wrote
on dayz like trees sometimes i need a ****
of the chronic and ill tell you no ****,
but ill go bezerk if the ***** didnt save me a hit.

cause thats just ****** and i wont lie,
scandelous hos and scandelous jive.
now time to move on to my main event
had to cop a new bag last one was spent.
ppl always  ask cause they wanna know,
why i only smoke **** and **** the blo?
thats easy to answer yes indeed, cause i wrote all this **** high on ****,
you could get cracked out or even take a trip,
your flies off a bridge and does a flip.
not me , i was smart enough to get high at home you see .
i cant remember where this is going, could someone tell me? lol enjoy.
Pai n      voi ces b od ys c o r p s e s gu ilt hat re d ang er sad ness blo od gu ts  ste  nch  de a th    he ll peo ple      ene mys all ies fam ily lov ed o n e s  fri ends   se arin g pa i n b r ok en        b o nes      to rtu re N O mer cy        
men tal    sani ty L O S T                       m in d  br o k e n HIM I am HIM n o i c a nt b e ple as e  just  
ki ll  M E?
Had another nightmare I just woke up
fro m, Most likely won't be falling asleep again. In the end, It will all fit together.
Olga Valerevna Sep 2016
see, there is a dream that is always in bloom
it's moving in shades of the brightest maroon
while conscious of darkness that comes with the night
the moon has no time be part of its fight
there's something much greater than wasting the air
may breaths we are given be offered with care
intention has painted The Truth on our bones
and waits for your blood to give Life to your home
we've planted our seeds in our walk on this earth
and if they be many let each of them birth
a vine of redemption, a fruit that is whole
concealed by a shell that will shelter your soul
day to night
The Good Pussy Sep 2014

                            want to
                       **** your blo
                      od. I  w a n t  to  
                        I want to ****
                         your blood. I
                         want to ****
                         your blood. I
                         want to ****
                         your blood. I
                         want to ****
                         your blood. I
                         want to ****
                         your  ****.  I
                         want to ****
                         your blood. I
             want to ****      yourblood.
         I  want to s uc k    your b l o o d.
          I want to ****       y o u r ****  
               I   want                to ****
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2019
Although James Joyce wore
what were known at the time
as 'Pince Nez Lunettes' which
are Pinch Nose Glasses, they
later became more famous
when they were fitted with a
pair of J J's that looped round
the ears enabling John Lennon
to shake his head without any
fear of loosing sight of Yesterday.



Today 16th June is Bloomsday.
TR3F1LD Dec 2024
another **** nI̲ght in
this room in which you sit with li̲ghts off delightless (no light)
anger inside begins rising as this dA̲rk-ridden mI̲nd gets
preoccupied with hA̲rd-hitting, violent
electronic beats & also senseless toxic thinking
(no means to dump it than writing)
so unacco[ɑ]mplished & spineless
like slugs, but not O̲nes you sent flying
in the course of gun-utilizing
but all you're good for, just like an alliance
of vigilantes fighting org. crI̲me rings
and being a quartet, is typing & rhyming
["good four"]
besides, 'course, like performing the type of dance wI̲despread
among Caribbean party femmes, whining
["wining"; the Caribbean dance known as "wine" & "dutty wine"]
about stuff you ain't fI̲ne with
self-buried alive by the time a **** fI̲ght is
not even started; on to[ɑ]p
of that darksome life stuff, like a wa[ɑ]nton nutjo[ɑ]b
bumping broa[ɑ]ds he swives o[ɑ]ff
your mind gets hau[ɑ]nted by thou[ɑ]ghts...
about this ro[ɑ]tten world rI̲fe with
injustice-multiplying ******, blinded
by their fI̲nances, license
allowing those scU̲m to do vI̲ce deeds
and the fact of being unpunished, plus mindless
web skites in chase of society's liking
all those po[ɑ]p-trap artists, lifestyle blo[ɑ]ggers, IG mo[ɑ]dels
[by "pop-trap artists", I mean both pop artists & trap artists]
whose underlying jo[ɑ]b is
keeping our minds less co[ɑ]nscious
of unjU̲st things in this world; auto[ɑ]cracy with or—
—ganized crI̲me on the rI̲se, which
means corruption is thriving; works of A̲rt simplifI̲ed, which
goes to no[ɑ]nsense sometI̲mes, yet
both are things the larger slice of the highly
evolved kind is alrI̲ght with (so what?)
who in the world where the larger slice of the highest
biolo[ɑ]gical kI̲nd seeks fun & vI̲ce needs your li̲ne kit
that, while not tip-top, just like an alpI̲ne peak
is way above plain? like one occupI̲ed with rock-climbing
who needs that if your stuff is nothing but silent
and features no boasting 'bout riches, dope, boning?
like a simplistic club trap
tune the pace of which is buck slaps
per min. (give or take) & to which a young lass
of Western CBG makes her freaking *** clap
it's a pretty dumb track
[twerk music; "buck slaps per min." - "100 beats per minute"; "CBG" - "cultural background"]
that this world's going down, like an airshI̲p that's go[ɑ]n' crash
a sentient kind, though so nutty & childish
that's why the world seems like a gargantu[—]an kinder—
—garten with media posers, stU̲ck-up bad guys, &
ching-blowers buying bananas fixed ta
[that valueless piece of work presented as "art"]
[and purchased for $6.2 mil by a media-attention-seeking bozo, I'd say]
walls for the sum authorizing
to buy around 9 mil rounds of firearm ammo with the
addition of around 400 gU̲ns that I'd highly
advise utilizing on a hU̲nt spree for vI̲ce-rich
creatures, such as mo[ɑ]bsters & tyrants
[you may check a long note on these lines left under the last one]
with compliant lA̲p dogs of theirs
I'd say, just like an attic nigh bare
of belongings, thA̲t billi[—]onaire
doesn't hA̲ve much upstairs; & such highly gaga affairs
as that are despite the fact that somewhE̲re
out there conditions of living
may be regarded as a nightmare (so what?)
such finances-trifling when there are ones winding up dying
'cause of an aliment crisis (so what?)
which is mostly a result of armed co[ɑ]nflicts ignited
by marbles-lost tyrants (so what?)
how many of pro[ɑ]sperous gU̲Y̲s give
a **** regarding stuff li̲ke this
apA̲rt few ones forming this
mad world's philanthro[ɑ]pic minority? (so what?)
that's about it
yeah, let's blow funds buying fruits fO̲r six mi—
—llion go[ɑ]ddamn bucks O̲r some-thing
like that to keep satisfying that horribly
big ego, enlarging it mO̲re than it
already is, than help ones downtro[ɑ]dden or those in need
there's no[ɑ]t enough words to e[ɪ]x—
—press how mU̲ch this **** world is sick
like a set of li̲nes on some morbid sh#t
indited quite lurridly
semantically loaded, &, rhyming-wise, swarming with
multies constructed nigh perfectly
as if you're a stud in an **** with
an abundance of whorey chicks
f#ck all the wanton... mobs, tyrants, plus loyalists
of theirs,  inasmU̲ch as it's morally corrupted authorities
being alright with abhorrent things
with the now-said in mind, the soundest reply
to such an abnormalcy
is, as if you're 'round a few ***** with an urge to ge[ɪ]t
spanked red-hot, to strI̲ke them bods forcibly
["𝗯ooty-𝗼bsessed 𝗱egenerates", where "*****" means "prize"; "butts"]
just like the bloodthirsty re—
—gime of that Assad schmU̲ck overthrown in ju[ɪ]st
11 days (**** it, you sordid b#tch)
every physically fI̲ne-fettled pE̲rs. who gives
a ****, to whom justice is mO̲re than ju[ɪ]st
a word, should get thE̲mselves wiser, get E̲xercised ta
a level of an effective fighter; find sympathetic partners
who'd be helping with acquire—ing intel, prepping o[ɑ]ps a—
—gainst evildoers & executing them
get intel, prep your offense, get tO̲O̲led up, then
go hunting

Caliber-wise, the most common types of ammo used in the next 4 types of firearms, which are pistols, SMGs, assault rifles, & ****** rifles, are the following: 9mm; 10mm; .45 ACP; 5.56x45 NATO; 7.62x39; .308 Win/7.62x51 NATO. Here's (all time) average prices of brass rounds of the types mentioned (taken from 9mm - $0.29/unit; 10mm - $0.47/unit; .45 ACP - $0.44/unit; 5.56x45 - $0.43/unit; 7.62x39 - $0.45/unit; .308 Win/7.62x51 - $0.67/unit. $6.2 mil ÷ $0.67 = (~)9.253.731 brass rounds of the .308 Win/7.62x51 type.

Let's say you have $6.2 mil. Given that a unit of brass ammo of any of the other types mentioned is cheaper than $0.67 & that ammo of those types should be purchased too, you can purchase 8.9 mil of diverse brass rounds for less than $6 mil. Keep in mind that if you purchase some or all of the rounds with steel casings, which are cheaper than brass ones, then you'd have even more than 9 mil rounds. Let's say you've purchased 8.9 mil of diverse brass rounds for $5.9 mil, then you have $300.000 left to purchase firearms.

Most firearms cost $400-$800/unit. $300.000 ÷ $800 = 375 firearms. Given that, caliber-wise, you have diverse ammo, you shouldn't purchase only $800 (or more costly) firearms. Let's say, for the sum mentioned, you've purchased around 400 firearms, which can be used by at least around 200 expert assassins in operations against mafias & agents of authoritarian regimes worldwide. Don't know about you, but to me, that's a highly better way of spending $6.2 mil than purchasing one **** banana for that sum.

Of course, to go on such a hunt spree, you should be organized way better than just having firearms & ammo. You also need other means & equipment, such as money, trustful allies, intel on targets, transportation, a place to stay, knives, firearm accessories. Just in case, I don't try to promote a criminal lifestyle. If there's any lifestyle I try to promote, it's a vigilante/evil-fighting one.
"in the dark (𝗥𝗜𝗦𝗘 𝗨𝗣)" by TR3F1LD (TRFLD) is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (to view a copy of this license, visit
Skye Nov 2019
It was not safe
So carefully laid out
Placed in a pattern
So neatly arranged
And I ruined it

I remember the flow
The way it seeped onto
The white parchment
Dying, staining it
A deep ruby shade of
A deep shade of Black

It shimmered
And seemed to dance when
Reflected by my
Dim lamp
And I was smiling

But the pain of my words
It was what forced me to
Destroy them
My organised statement
Simple, to the point, and
Something I wished to take back

So I did
I took all it back
And because of this my hand
Is soaked in
My hand is soaked in ink

And I regret
I regret everything
MissNeona Mar 2022
Been taking a hard look in the mirror
Doubled over in vain now, I see
Real eyes in view of a self, less truth
Opposing view makes me, we, old + new
Echoes of recycled frequencies times be four
Reversal of multi D chess played forever more
Raving entention in kool, brat; a giant need.
Ees won, I knew in revel, bellowed
When + blo ew em - serum wars ginsopp'd
Rouf be - emit sic, new a erf, baby cer of wanes.
E-*** merrier of bay alq. used atil in for lazer
E-more nerves of feed, glow a lit now of jovial
Rammed time eng- wen? A fyre - popcorn
Mrow + prom amew, borrow more invisible
Ear now I known nu faery prut a quiet need
Borring extremiton nu Rennof Dellonoy
Rowwing t'us eng mows or introos beb varies
Wham + brew "snusm" "paron" used, wrex nuisance
"Eau won" I know in from burnt tulip wasps
Barwind extremits un insit of gellous
Bommered time, blue, urgent, ere nulsep pep, no nom
Marrow from sinew borrow n'song max unico
Een may I bluem ni prar prisit julip moxy
Ramoled farmer un nu ank I ******
Kindled after a listless smoulder - seen anew and relit
Knifebled after a liatlass amonger - been anamed riled
Truly believed the stories + the path I was on
Lumyn poppening in lxs starts + idle bolt I musiq
Anow alike alot enough, beget arrowing encircled
Juror alive slot emandy perdot beremit uncut
Fiesty nudge across spacetime + winding
E man unend snares stomping + mindgrow'd
(a bridged - o'er troll bar water version)

All la names bespeaking deity froom
     Noah Mo' Room India Arc
     of Covenant to Blood
     (sweat and tears) of
     San Gennaro devout wowed,
and/or Turin shroud
consonantly demonstrably,
     desperately, faintly, glumly

     yet plaintively, muttered aloud,
no evading the steadily avowed
Atheist approaching funnel
     (dum mental) stormy cloud,
cuz far as the eye could see -
     at least by this Beatle browed
     bipedal hominid (north, south,
     east, and west),

     the conical, demoniacal,
     and elliptical endowed
sky high reversed cone, bow wowed
wailing 10,000 maniacs +
     same number of banshees
     wove weft and white
     across wide whirled web
     whereat, the black vortex

     vacuumed everything
     in sight (chowed
down) with loud violent row
dee earsplitting sound everything
     within a vast path got plowed
obliterated, and annihilated proud
lee into bajillion smithereens,
     hence mine entire being

     held spellbindingly agog
frozen in place ruff akin
     to well trained dog
without a chance to bark a blo
mired stock still courtesy, sans
     extreme fear comp
     pounded (zero apr) via
     quintessential supreme tear

     roar immovable paralysis
     plus helpless as pollywog
lacking seizure of critical
     whatsapp cerebral cog
as if blinded by a mental fog,
cuz nothing withstood
     the incalculable suction
     emitting barrage of sounds -

     hmm...methinks or imagined,
     I heard cry of a hog
amidst the pandemonium,
     plus uproarious, ominous,
     and insidious howl,
though still some
     scant miles removed,
the deafening roar

     felt like top of my head
     blasted unable to jog
free (like a bajillion trained
     thundering monsters at log
er heads) these screaming
     quasi nemesis seemingly
     horrifically, and directly
     into my tender ears.

— The End —