Bastet also called Bast,
Ancient Egyptian goddess,
worshiped in the form,
of a lioness,
and, later a cat,
which was the norm
The time of Pharaohs,
realm of Ancient Egypt thinks
Life saving companions,
they were drawn to worship them
Magical creatures they saw,
capable of bringing good luck,
to people who housed them,
and, more
You'd think from the name,
this was the fame,
that this is an ancient breed,
hailing from Egypt's seed,
and, the time,
of the Pharaohs indeed,
but they're not from this time shot
The breed's origins are actually,
from Canada's spot
In 1966, mutant hairless male kitten,
named Prune,
was born in February,
to the Amethyst birthstone bloom
However most Sphynx cats,
born in the present day Stats,
descended from three,
hairless kittens,
with Toronto mittens
They were 1978
Bambi, Punkie,
and, Paloma
Roaming the streets,
of Canada's biggest city
Lucky kitty
© 2021 Carol Natasha Diviney