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Miss Clofullia Jan 2016
the dream ain't over 'till the dreamer's awake.
and your sleep will keep the dream going, on and on,
in a silence made of rear view windows.

Ryan O'Leary Oct 2018
For Jamel Khashoggi
   The Eye of Allah.

                 (  *

Crescent moon asterisk
    at Saudi Consulate
       (convex retina)
Alan McClure Apr 2011
Someone has defaced my library book.
Gone to the trouble of reading, pencil in hand,
ready should the opportunity arise again.
The graffiti is hilariously specific:
at every mention the author makes of England,
my fellow reader has added angry punctuation -
question marks, exclamation marks or,
at moments of presumed frustration,
simply scored the word through.
The book is by Kurt Vonnegut,
an American humanist
who would doubtless have sought to avoid such deep offense
but who would have had no earthly reason for imagining
that a Scot somewhere, years after his death,
would ignore the story,
the tragedy, the humour and the beauty in the prose
so fired up was he by his conviction
that Kurt should have written 'Britain' instead of 'England'.

You see,
proud Scots are often peeved
when the rest of the world pays as little attention to them
as they pay to the rest of the world.
So it goes.
Donald Guy Nov 2012
Drinking a Guinness Extra, an empty gesture,
Beset truly by the words of Joyce,
I am sick of the turning from text
To annotation. I wish only to read
A text as it was meant,
With the knowledge not aside
But present already in my blasted skull

It's like the modern appreciation of Shakespeare
—At best an approximation. The words that were
Common, fallen out of usage.
The words then invented, now commonplace.

Thither and hither again I will look
Tracking the details
Researching the clever allusion
Trying not to miss & missing anon
what's right in front of me

                            D.B. Guy
November 2011. William Corbett's 21W.756 Writing and Reading Poems. Frank O'Hara.
OnlyEggy Jun 2011
In this modern world of seldom proper and overused punctuation
the smallest of them all seems to leave the biggest connotation
the dot, or period, as some would say under the proper observation
has given text-ers and type-ers of this technology driven generation
and easy way to send a message in a short-hand communication
One dot can signify the end of the certain conversation
and three dots can lead one to believe that there will be continuation
Five dots can relay the writer's growing frustration
as he believes the recipient might not've read his brief annotation
and with growing anger at the recepients subtle procrastination
he can send the word 'hello...' as a sign of quizzical agitation
Three dots can be used to signal a reader to use insinuation
as in 'They went into the bedroom and then...(use your imagination)
Professionals use the multiple dots when invoking exaggeration
by skipping parts in a speech to warp the innocent quotation
such as 'The senator voted against the new... school legislation'
We know that dots after every letter are a definite implication
that the word is an acronym, and there's one for every situation
for example P.O.R.N.O. People Often Require Numerous Osculations
Yes, the period can be used so freely, with such adaptation
depending on the context, it can symbolize a sigh of exasperation
It is a punctuation so versatile, it has almost no limitation
and more than one of its forms can be found in every publication
I don't hesitate, as you can see, to submit this postulation
flexibility will always be in the period's reputation...
(Another Insomniac Poem)
Death devours all lovely things;
  Lesbia with her sparrow
Shares the darkness,—presently
  Every bed is narrow.

Unremembered as old rain
  Dries the sheer libation,
And the little petulant hand
  Is an annotation.

After all, my erstwhile dear,
  My no longer cherished,
Need we say it was not love,
  Now that love is perished?
MC Hammered Feb 2013
I was never

in finding the

The definition of

isn't the words that

an exact

its the feeling of

that is

upon the

of something entirely, truly, and purely
Ariel Leigh Mar 2013
Though her eyes are jeweled crystals,
She is the annotation of a valid *****.
Asinine men still don't envision,
She is the offspring of Satan.

Women see her true form,
Underneath that pallid, limp skin.
With lipstick as red as strawberries,
The masquerade is precisely blood from the virtue.

Animals snarl at her without awe,
Yet she's the carnivore.
Her black crinkling hair covers her coyness,
Only to ****** the prey in the hotel room at dusk.
Application of misinformation
Falsify a failed nation,
Eradication of all creation
Of representation
Deny the station
Granted by occupation
And the inhalation
Of justification
No prerequisite information
Just accumulation
No moderation,
Their determination
Through stimulation
Cultural *******
Communal degradation
Societal desecration,
Dehumanizing revocation,
Worldly humiliation,
Mortal sterilization
Never achieving mobilization
Lack of communication
Excelling in vile persuasion,
Proponents of procreation
Birthing digitization,
Destroy civilization,
Indications of adoration
Isolation in delineation,
Irrational indexation,
Fluctuating indignation,
No innovation,
False ovation,
Lacking limitations,
Contextual intonation,
Divine fabrication,
Private publication,
Evolving fornication,
Give me extermination,
Notwithstanding annexation
Of dismaying oxidation,
Of valued perpetuation,
Global mass-castration,
Redundant rhetoric, dictation,
A donation, a dilation, a fixation,
An annotation of fibrillation,
We are personification
Of Contamination
Through globalization
Praising idolization
And finalization
Through *******,
No pragmatic exoneration,
In all frustration
We see not utilization
Nor stabilization,
Fearful implications
Of wayward stations,
Surplus mutilations,
Seeking militarization
Of worthless nations,
No conservation,
Just excavation
Of the population
******* on education,
Spitting on graduation,
No validation of aspiration,
Indoctrination of baptization
Mitigating litigation,
murdering habitation,
Quelling all vegetation
We will end in radiation
Through faulty navigation,
Abdication and abnegation,
All worldly agitation
Leads us to expiration,
Self-made annihilation.
There was never an end in sight,
We’re lost, and hope is a lie.
My patience is exasperated
So negative connotations
Are analytical advice, on a diagram of ******
for life as AnNotation

Used as emphatic confirmation
That my formations deformed,
so be warned, you won't be warmed
by hearing I've conformed

To be socially reborn or Reformed
no Solubility just scorn
Death of Altruism not reborn
My attempt to succeed is Forlorn

****** without pleasure like ****
With an actress who's *****
Unable to reject the amorous nature
Of the advancement taking place

Only to try to post placate
But u can't humorously play hate
That's like calling *******
a play date, and tho karma may take

Action a day late
It'll subtract your pay rate
And I try to listen when they say wait
Otherwise I Trade faith

For fortune so pray fate
Has Infallibility and acts
With revenge and intends to ignore
Its Sanctification on your behalf

But without assured Omniscience
Or Predestination I'm left
Wit bitter taste from various Mongrels
so nefarious I wish for death

Developing an Aversion to breath
A Discrepancy now remains
Some say lifes a gift and it contradicts
when I say it's inhumane

A reality based on haste purgatory
Where narcissists splurge on glory
And act like a real life purging story
living to fill their urge for gory

Temptations and never hoarding
Desires to control with moderations
like earths resource no Conservation
But this is just my Observation

Or maybe there's no correlation
and I just **** a curation
Maybe my pessimisms Pervasion
Has damaged me for the duration

Of life never to vacation
From my imprisoned state
So internally conflicted I'm eternally
Restricted to unsolicited hate
ChinHooi Ng Oct 2014
Sunset covered faces,
hearts dissolved into the color orange,
outside the window,
an eyeful of violet haze,
the gentian blue leaves crawling,
up the rhombic wind,
The evening sky was a book,
the clouds were the contents,
the wind a flowing annotation,
and the flying birds,
were mobile illustrations.
exasperated, emasculated,
So the negative connotations
From life's ******, molestation,
**** from this Annotation

emphatic, tragic confirmation
That my formations deformed,
so be warned, u won't be warmed                                                           ­                                                                by hearing I've conformed

To be socially Reformed
Reborn, no Solubility of scorn
No Altruism, so Imprisoned                                                       ­                                
is peace's vision, Forlorn

******, but pleasure like ****,
Isn't a focus, so like ****
I'm Unable to reject the amorous nature                                           
Of what will take place

But I fail as I try to placate
Or humorously play hate
But that's like calling *******
just an innocent play date

when we're ****** for pay day
Catching Freedom in an Infallible trap
Leaving memories, both enemies, and remedies,                                                        ­                                                     when flashing back

But without Omniscience, it seems
Only Predestination Is left
Wit bitter taste of self hate,accepting fate,                           
 now only death

can stop the new Aversion to breath
Causing a Discrepancy to remain
Some say lifes a gift to contradict
all i insist is inhumane

A reality based on haste, hate,
A purgatory Where narcissists
Prove that ignorance is bliss,
cuz happy Usually r ignorant as ****

Or maybe there's no correlation
and I just **** at curation
Maybe pessimisms Pervasion
Has damaged me for the duration

Of life never to vacation
From rigid Dichotomies like
Believing in prophets or profits
Or what's legal and wuts right
The Mellon Sep 2016
My world is a fire of ash and iron
Burning desire and ashen wishes
My ears bleed with the warning siren
As if a hammers kisses'

Punch me in the chest
Breaking threw my sternum
All my verses for her are my best
But the blazing hammer demands I burn them

Charcoal confetti showers us
More than rice ever will
Brand me with our plea of trust
Then to our trust must we ****

Let us vanquish this blaze
Douse our fire under water
Let's think of the many ways
Let it graduate us as its alma mater

Like good students let's learn our lesson
So we don't have to bring eachother pain
Let us look at eachother and count it a blessin
Leave behind our crimson stain

But sooner or later one of us will fall off the deep end
So if not bit by fire
To the deepest depths we descend
Stabbed by our beloved Rose's briar

Into the depths of accusations
We arrive at the same vocation
Needing proper annotation
For a change in our relation
Tune us to a different station
So we can leave this filthy crustacean
Let be heard the deceleration
I'm moving to a different nation
Call it a love vacation
I'm leaving this deformation
This demoralization
This incarnation
But wait

What about desperation
For jubilation
And my reclamation
Of a chance for replication
With Reformation
Maybe a salvation
For our situation
Maybe threw communication
We can fix this obliteration
Of our love
Rea Dec 2021
it's been one year of loving a girl who
has fallen on her knees for me and
who has raged like an electrical fire.
a girl who sits in the car alone and
sings for her own ears.
a girl who has been torn apart more times
than i've ever been kissed.
from the outside, it looks like loneliness;
just one girl in a coffee shop corner
who takes up one side of the bed.
but it's been a year of writing over
every annotation you left on the margins of my pages.
now i've finally gotten to the part where the slate is clean.
the part where i let you go with concrete certainty.
i can hear the shackles clattering to the floor.
that sound means i have made it without you,
that you were not the end of me.
and i've changed so much this year,
would you even recognize me?
it feels like i was put back into direct sunlight after
feeling the radiation only through your glass window pane.
i wear skin you have never touched.
i live on a college campus you've never been to.
i've listened to new music that you haven't heard of.
instead of loving you, i love the things that are just mine, just me.
she's an acquired taste, she is work to love.
but i do.
i love who i am without you.
VioletNova Jan 2013
A leafless tree
Arms folded, at waistside
naked eyes hidden beneath
the shade of a plastic lens.

Breathing life in open air,
Lost and found
isn't discovered in a box

Sometimes, those moments
bruise us. My hand, torn
shoe string of tattered fever
which holds intent like
an infant, cradled.

You never told me it would
last this long.
Penetrating vice of verbage
that hold lips in
backward content.

Annotation: Faded Tattoo

We can't always connect
cities, streets or names.
And this bloodshed inside your
journal can move quickly.

Born again into city streets
At night, when the world is still
the mirror of ashes consist
of watching this dawn
until our fingers sing
the silence of things.

Laid out like soldiers
under dim lights,
what happens if a car comes?
We dream this in lilting laughter.

If I had a lotus flower,
if only.. I had.

Hanging on ivy vines.
Your taste is, impeccable darling.
Anthony Pierre Sep 2020
LXI abrogari passuros aiebant articulum (Repeal article 61)
                 John was here, 1215
Oh Magna Carta, oh Magna Carta, what hast thou taketh unto thyself, unjustly?
Eriko Mar 2016
my head has gone dizzy
remarkable flashes of serenity
drenched with the slightest shift
in my trade of comprehending
the slightest smirk hinted at the lips
blue eyes, whirlpools and tides
the drizzle of laughter and words
which spill and fly,
floating around in the atmosphere
three dimension folded and cut so smooth
not the slightest gap, complexion so simple
just to hear your thoughts ringing in the air
a pleasant annotation to the brightening horizon
a singing wind chime, strung with sea shells
that’s all I will let myself do,
to listen to the luminous chime
Satsih Verma Mar 2021
Blazing in my blood,
you were coming down, yellow moon.
No, not you were my enemy.

With you gone, I was
living in marrow-bone to shut my
door of love, to hurt myself.

My encounters with words
were failing. I see your unkissed
lips losing their pink colors.
Derekis Jul 2015
Pondering my soul over old sores,
hours pass by like an illusion.
Travelling through a dozen doors,
lost inside a hazy confusion.

Seeking an acceptable solution,
for heart's ache to subside,
turning empathy into a revolution
of jointed words with rhyme applied.

Defining decisive and hasty action,
a plan created from simple abstraction,
to create an appealing attraction,
a world created in tantalizing fiction,
that will surely lead to our satisfaction.

Weaving words, a spider dances.
Hands construct life's imagination,
wisdom's truth buried within lines,
a dreamer's philosophy in annotation.

Time passes by, the work is finished.
a mind cage, emotions trapped inside,
a blissful peace that pride can provide,
my dark emotions have now diminished.

Experienced pain, a mind fraught,
stranded below this lake of thought,
within a prism, shining with resentment,
made out of fear and disappointment..
The glass cracks with new contentment.

A lettered legacy was conceived here.
Pride in the forefront of work well done.
Even though, my words, in time might disappear,
I hope they were enough for inspiration to be born.
Luna Dec 2014
i try to reach the depths
to venture down the darkness
that can only stretch as far as one's mind can comprehend
i cower to hide behind the annotation of words
but i find myself pushing up for air

i lack oxygen
my words lack cadence and cohesion
and whatever i can conjure up
to excuse my incompetence

i walk on the shoreline
and feel the sand between my toes
with my shallow eyes
i see the sunlight
ciannie Sep 2015
I want to get lost
where the world is yours
where the skies reflect your innermost thoughts
and the clouds are your ideas
and the rain they wring is your desires
which flood the sahara of your hopes
to watch them trickle through the cracks,
your doubts,and come to feed,
to nurture your needs
till trunks of talent grow,
and twist, and expand
and, like the traits of your hands
reach up to the sky to touch your ideas
take their nectar, patiently blossom
while uncertainty floats about as flotsam
to see the universe as your playground
the stars as you picture them
unearthed and unfeatured, and then
explode into the atmosphere
with heavy annotation
extraordinary reworking of ordinary constellations
the noxious gas of your speech
choked full of that which I cant understand
but for which I yearn to know, as a human, as a man

if I could choose where to get lost
a place to throw myself in
the point where I stand my ground
and forget all sense of skin

where I am only eyes
like plunging, wide-stared
underwater, secluded
and breath ill-prepared

it would be in your eyes-
then your mind, then your stare
then your soul, then your damages
everything there
Kapil Dutta Sep 2018
Sitting in my room alone,
voluntary isolation.
Listening to Bach’s sonnet,
trying to discover the right annotation

For this tragedy that I’m living,
Boy prodigy is lost in the
absence of his life’s meaning

Eyes unfocused,
Forging his dead identity.
Locked inside his
own mind’s cage

The walls are
dark in here,
they were painted
with his own fear

Feeling intimidated
by the presence of this devil,
who’s older than half my age

We both grew up together.
He is the Master,
I’m his Slave

Every once in a while,
I like to ask him
how my insecurities taste

He has been
feeding on them
for aeons,
since I’ve been
seeding my ideas
with crayons

What’s that, are you feeling sad?
Let us hop onto Instagram.
Let us binge through stories
and vicariously drink the joy
other people like to brag

Have you received a DM yet?
In the last five mins?
Let’s go back and check.
After all, isn’t your self-worth
a puppet to the notifications you get?

Trying to use my smartphone
as a prosthetic to support my
handicapped happiness,
because I cannot for the life of me
find it inside my mortal existence

Sorry Complex,
but can we take a recess?
Could I borrow your
mental health issues?
I would like to use them
as tools to build
my own little Universe
for the World’s muse

“Dude, you are so smart”
Thanks, I appreciate that.
But what’s my intelligence
gonna be worth,
when I suffocate out of my breath?
Choked by this sociopath
named Loneliness,
he likes to **** people in a slow death

He has a gang of thugs,
Anxiety is his cousin,
Depression, their Godfather
Insecurities, the Uncle who has been
molesting me since my childhood

They sneaked up on me in the alley,
while I was hopelessly looking
for love and acceptance.
They kidnapped me from my family,
and took away my ability to make friends

Now I can’t find a single person
who understands me,
Or even genuinely cares
No one from my past
who wants to make amends

Should I OD?
Shoot myself in the head
or jump off the edge?

Don’t worry, innocent bystander,
these are only metaphors.
I’m not actually trying to **** myself

Sorry to disturb
your browsing session,
please continue writing
your Instagram caption,
I was only crying for help
Or attention,
whatever fits your worldview.
You can call me the crying wolf

Don’t you get it Complex,
the world doesn’t have the capacity
to bare your illness

Can you be stable
for a ******* minute,
you narcissistic *****?
Do you have problems or not?
Can you stop fluctuating
for your friends sake?

Sure, let me just tune my mind
to a different frequency.
Wait, that’s strange,
the radio seems broken.
Are you having the same
problem as me?

It’s been a couple of years,
since I discovered
that my birth was an error
in human reproduction

I looked under the microscope,
my DNA strands are coded in
A, D, H and D
I cannot afford to pay the shrinks fee,
so I’m trying to find my own solution

I’m glad that you
looked it up
on the Internet,
But I’m sorry, you don’t really
get what’s it’s like carrying
this weight 24 / Seven

When you want to fly,
as if you are superman,
around the planet,
7 times in a Second

The mass collapsing
under its own weight,  
you forgot to equate for
e = m c squared

Why are you carrying
all this dead weight?
Complex, let go of your history

I’m trying to! Don’t you see?
Those beasts just keep chasing after me

— The End —