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Although it seems ancient now,
and although it may mean nothing to you,
with the changing season,
and the cold settling in,
I am reminded heavily
of you
and the time that
we never spent together
and how my porch remains as empty
as it ever was,
even though it sure felt like
it was all reality.
I hope life is treating you well.
Even if I'm nothing; you often cross my mind.
Lo! Such is bright the moon along night sky
Distant was evenings Christmas light
I wondered o’er winter’s vista
Perplexed, standing peering on frozen pond

Beneath frozen birch trees
I watched silent and dreary
Alabaster ornaments stretched a far
No longer a poet gay

Pensive perched on a chilly hill
Breathing frills spiralled through the air
My heart, red holly berries bore winters green spikes
Winter Raven danced fancy nearby, thoughtful was I

Gentle hearts greatest treasurer no more
What wasted power in loves sweet spent flowers
How rich was the whither?
Of pride forfeited such a sad creature my comfortless well

Oh, are weight winter’s shadows clad in his stars
Silently watching meteors dance on skies as night clouds pass by
A face robs now still eye, a breath, a beat in lover’s glare
A soul set sail, passage a moon, a star sparkled a future pair

Only winter sleeps in silent mists, a winter’s breath
Until summer comes near

── my darling dear.......

©  Arnay Rumens AN 2014
You are the sun
And I am the moon.
I will chase you around this world for eternity-
*But you will never be caught
My love for you was once like the ocean

Seemingly endless and deep
During full moons
When the tide was high
It felt like I could drown in sheer pleasure
Sometimes waves would come
Dragging me to the shore
Scrapping me along the sand
I would just get back up
Running to the Ocean

And then one day it stopped
You told me I meant nothing

That day what I once thought was endless sea
Dried up completely
Leaving behind a barren wasteland

Some days it would rain
Bringing hope that the sea would return
But then came the sun
Beating down on the ground
Taking away any chance for water to collect
Reminding me that the ocean was gone
Along with my love

Dried up like a desert
No more tree,
No more lights,
Don’t you agree?
We miss the nights.

The house is empty,
No more embellished,
Everything was hefty,
Still smell the meat was relished.

Can’t hear the bells,
Neither the music,
Nothing else dwells.

An empty dwelling,
That’s all the remains,
There’s no foretelling,
What where the gains.

Two sizes more,
Feel like a boar,
My **** is sore,
Need to run for.
Everyone on HP

Because we all have our stories
For the world to be told
Even when times are tough
We do not fold

We have our own kinks and quirks
Which make us our own
For we are all different
All unique, and all bands together this is home

This is why we are all awesome
Some stand out as figure heads
But don't let that put you down
For all your works are awesome and need to be read
Behold her eyes burning with tears.
In place of him is now his gun.
Her heart sinks whatever comes near,
for she has lost her son.
Along she works for everyone,
who’s fatherless like her grandson.
She takes nothing but gives and gives.
And cares for everything that’s his.

No wonder none’s as proud as she.
But also bears the ache in heart.
It’s almost  fine but it’s no glee.
She is wrecked from the start.
The battlefield that snatched her son.
Remembers every scar and burn.
Smiles when the son of her son asks
to give up his life with no masks.

She lets him go, lets him go too.
She stares at his back as he leaves.
Falls with weakness, everything’s blue.
Lost everything but grieves.
Her hair goes gray, the tale gets old.
Grandson’s gone too, that’s left is cold.
She thinks back to the choice she made.
She’d thought wrong of it being an aid.

But life goes on and then death comes.
The peaceful sleep goes on and on.
No hurt, no pain, no thunder drums.
Every lament is gone.
She’s in the grave and so the men.
She’s proud of them and smiles again.
A soldier son is no regret.
She’s a proud mother with no’one left.
The truth is-
    she really hates men
    wearing shiny glasses
    and boots
    riding on their big bikes
    like Kings of the Road

But everything changed
when she met at an old park,
someone who writes in simple paper
simple words of encouragement
and lessons based on his life

He was wearing shiny glasses
    and boots
    and black hat
    but never rode on a big bike

She loves his works so much-
   simple but elegant
   sometimes hot, sometimes not
   some are with silly things,
   but most are inspiring

His words feed her soul a lot

So if ever he forgets the way
back to that old park
she will search for him
or wait and pray

Only his words feed her soul a lot...
Memoirs of 2013:
An avid reader and her favorite poet
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