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 Dec 2015 Will
Keah Jones
You asked me to write a love poem to you
But I don't know what to say to a whole heart
Being broken is more familiar

My heart was Pandora's Box
that someone else had pried open letting out the seven deadly sins
and you were the one to come and lock hope back in

And now I claw for you in the night until you pull me close
whispering to me words that the lonely long for
telling me that the demons of the day are locked away

You have become the master of my mood swings
breaking the chain before I get too high
coaxing me out of the hungry darkness on my bad days

But now it is time for you to lay your heavy head on my lap
allow the Sandman to take you to places unimagined
let me hold your hope
 Dec 2015 Will
Keah Jones
slow down
everything is moving at a mind numbing pace
I can't tell where I am anymore

this body feels like a vice
growing tighter and tighter
the madness is coming back
my brain is swelling and my skull has no give

all I can feel is my body shaking willow branch in the wind
I can't type fast enough to get the smatter of chaos out of my head
this isn't a poem
this is a frantic plea of distraction

I just need the pill
it's sliding down my throat
ten minutes is a life time when you are counting the milliseconds

here it comes
the swelling is reducing
the wind is dying down
everything is coming into focus
 Nov 2015 Will
Breanna Stockham
I may not be noticed,
seen or searched for.
I am overlooked
but no less valuable.
People walk all over the ground
without realizing
diamonds are right under their feet.
 Nov 2015 Will
Breanna Stockham
Thoughts race inside
My unstoppable mind
As I lie, still as ever
In this bed of mine

Not moving, won't stop,
Can't grab them or drop
them on the floor under my feet
where they belong, I can't compete

I'd love to think of rivers
Or calming peaceful streams
Oh what I'd give to think of flowers
Or the buzzing sound of bees

Inside is a hurricane
Outside is a drizzle
I can't control my hurried mind
But at least it's working well

Oh I shouldn't complain,
Yes my thoughts run all day
Each one deeper than the last
And although I'm led astray
My thoughts tell me more
Than your words ever could
Because I've had a hundred
More thoughts than I should

Oh the thoughts race inside
My unstoppable mind
As I lie, still as ever
In this bed of mine
 Nov 2015 Will
Breanna Stockham
Since when is good enough,
Good enough?
Minimum, easiest,
Thoughtless and rushed.

We're giving pennies
Wanting dollars in return
We expect the gold medal
Without effort, it's not earned

Giving enough
to get by, and no more
Yet expecting the best
From the rest of the world

Too focused on taking
To ever give
But a one-sided life
Is no way to live

Good enough is not good enough
Half effort won't yield a full life.
If you feel like you deserve all the best
You've got to give what you'd like.
 Nov 2015 Will
Breanna Stockham
I’ve mastered independence strength and might
I’ve mastered pushing everyone away
With standards high, I’ve mastered loneliness
No tears are shed when someone goes astray

I’ll admit, it’s working out quite nicely
Heartbreak in my future, I don’t see
Heartbreak comes from closeness turned to distance
But distance comes so naturally to me

Flooded with feelings when they are close by
Flooded with feelings when they’re far away
They drown in feelings, I’m completely dry
Won’t dip my toe, scared I’ll get swept away

I’ve mastered this dry land, my own safety
Mastered feeling content walking on land
But one thing I cannot seem to master
Is my strange desire to go and swim

Flooded with feelings or choking on air
I simply can’t decide which one is worse
At least the water makes you feel something
My dry land leaves me numb with quite a thirst

Staying on the surface can’t satisfy
My deep desire for something much more
Better to feel too much than not at all
Goodbye safety, it’s time to leave the shore
 Nov 2015 Will
What is it?
 Nov 2015 Will
I thought about it, a lot
But I never did it.
 Nov 2015 Will
Alvira Perdita
i've never felt
more alone
than when
you leave
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