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So vast and unknown
Terrifying, yet beautiful
My greatest fear,
Yet my favorite thing in the world
I wish to get to know you better;
If only I could
Your sounds lull me to sleep;
Soft and gentle
The sight of you scares me to death;
The crashes,
The darkness underneath
I tried to conquer you,
Time and time again
But I can't
I'll just admire you from a distance
I loved you
You were my world
My everything
But now you're gone
Now I can see
You blinded me
You made me think
The world was good
The prime thing I noticed
You blinded me from you
You lied
You cheated
You made me think
We were okay
Happy even
You silently worked
Tearing me
But I didn't know
You ruined me
I don't know anything
How to trust
How to love
I loved you
You are the sunset on the most beautiful beach
I am the sunrise on a slow Monday morning

You are a flower bursting through the concrete
I am a **** in your grandmother's garden

You are the iconic lights in Paris
I am the sewage drains in Chicago

You are a poet's work of art
I am just another mark on the page

You have the beauty.
The perfection.
The smile
And the laugh.

But me?
I will stay here.
Lost in your shadows.
I feel more alone when surrounded by people
The movements of a crowd
The chatter of the voices
The thousands of sounds
Bursting through my ears
When it is only me
I have someone
The words
They are always there
Never failing
They listen
They help
Without them, I'm better off dead.
I can't change who I am
I can't change my disorders
I am me and I can't change that
I have become my disorder
It is all I have left
Just an empty feeling
Lost. Alone.
The anxiety follows everywhere.
The only thing that helps is letting the words out
But there is no one left to listen
They got tired of my problems
They made the feelings reality
I need to change
I need a way out
But I just can't....
Let me out
I'm trapped behind your words
Your lies
They take over everything around me
Is there a way out?
Will you always be there?
Let me out
There's just something about you
I don't know what it is
Maybe it's your smile
Or the way you do your hair (or don't)
The way you don't care about anything happening around you
You walk through, no matter what
I admire that

There's just something about you
It makes me want to be strong
You're one of the strongest out there
The things you do **** me; in the best possible way
You make me happy, no matter what
I love that

There's just something about you
It makes me fall in love
And over again
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