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lei Dec 2016
people don't settle for the physical.
they want your heart,
your soul,
your energy,
your time.

people don't settle for what's underneath your skin.
they want your words,
your touch,
your eyes on them only.

people don't settle for what's real.
they want angels,
super humans.
the ones who don't have limits.
the ones you can never fathom.
we all want something more, even if they are impossible.
lei Nov 2016
it's hard for you, i know it is,
but the only thing i can say is that
i love you, and i will tomorrow, too.

even if i forget your name, your face,
when we first met, when we first kissed,
i love you, and i will tomorrow, too.

i hope that, even after the ten thousandth song,
you'd still have the courage, the desire to say
"i love you, and i will tomorrow, too."
inspired by the movie "50 first dates". adam ******* and drew barrymore's characters always leave me at a state of awe because they show how love only gets stronger through time.
lei Nov 2016
i want to wave a hand,
but i can't.
i want to say hello,
but my throat stays tight.
it's hard for me
to do something i really want to.
looks and sounds incomplete but i can't bring myself to add because all i have to say is in every letter there.
lei Nov 2016
the curves of your neck, your eyelashes that flutter.
the brown in your eyes, the barely there pink of your chapped lips.
the bumps on your cheeks, the smoothness of your hands.
the width of your shoulders, the space between your eyebrows.
the way your shadow looks as the spotlight's on you.

van gogh, da vinci, munch, and michelangelo,
they'd all be ashamed,
for they could never make art in the form of you.
for these are all the elements that make up the masterpiece that is you.
lei Nov 2016
the world may not have given me the chance
to love you as you walk by my side,
but the world did give me the privilege
to love you so deeply.

maybe that's why we can't be together.
because the world knows that when my eyes,
that have always been searching for yours,
meets your gaze,
my world would be different.
for my world would become you.
because the world knows you'd take up the space in my heart.
lei Nov 2016
do you want to know a secret?
when you smile
the stars glow brighter
because they want to prove that they could be brighter than you.
when you walk
the flowers that watch you get jealous
because how could the amount of beauty you hold outnumber the amount of petals they have?

do you want to know a secret?
when you look my way
my heart aches
because i can't believe you are close enough for me to grab,
close enough for me to tell you
i love you
and no star or flower can ever beat the love i have reserved for you.
  Nov 2016 lei
You will only realize
That the moon shines
At its brightest
In the darkest of times
You will only know
That the moon falls everyday
To rise at its peak every night
That's the beauty of every downfall. You will rise.
Today, i had my thesis endorsement. I wasn't endorsed, and that means i won't be able to go for thesis defense/deliberation, or even graduate on time, but what matters is, i learned from this entire thesis experience. And glad to say that i am not at all fazed by what people may say, because i know i have done my best, but i know that God has something better for me and i will do better.

People, never give up. And never be scared of disappointments. They teach you to toughen up for the real world, for life. As for my endorsed classmates, i hope they pass defense and make it to graduation day! Overall, i am very, very happy and thankful that i have made it this far. And i will make it farther next time.
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