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"Take a break everyday,
Grieve what burdens you", they said
I chose my tea time
One hour in the evening, everyday
But I do not know why
It never seems to end
When one ends,
The other starts
The sun rises, the sun sets
Day ends, a new day starts
But I have a tea break
That just never ends
"I wonder", asked one
"Why do you wear that watch
The one that doesn't even run"
"Why not repair it?" wondered another
"I wonder,
Why even bother with an analog?", asked another
"I will do one better”, said another
Why wear one at all when you have a phone?"
They all wondered
And left

But here I am
I wonder too,
Why do I wear a mask outside?
Hiding the pain inside
Why can't I let go?
Even though I must
Why am I stuck in time, just as my watch?

I wonder too
The pain was brutal, unable to bear
She was gone forever,
Why wasn't I there for her?
While she prayed for me to stay with her?
Was I even a good lover?
But she was gone forever,
Never to say, "Only you and I, hereafter"

Closed my eyes to drown the regret,
But all the good memories with her
Were now nightmares, too much to bear,
But she was gone forever,
Never to make new ones, ever

The pain was brutal, why was she gone?
I looked at the mirror, saw a broken one
What made me lose her, my only one?
I will remove them, one by one!
And once I was done
I looked at the mirror, saw they were gone
The one left standing, the one she loved,
I smiled at myself, I sat down
It was quiet all around
Also, inside
I was free
Forever in peace

— The End —