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'Of all the stories you have ever written,
       how many have you forgotten?'

They asked.

And suddenly I remembered you.
We are not feminists because we want to win,
We are feminists because we have been losing.
The brave at heart, deal with their brains before other's bullets
It is such an amazing thing to see children grow and learn, but growing up is hard to watch, yet satisfying at the same time...
you never apologized
for hurting me
but i apologized a million times
for being upset about it.
You are not a fault.
is that really so hard?
all i asked for
was a fake grin
and to feel like a queen for the day.

my mouth is sore
from whispering
the words i wanted to hear from you

The nights i prayed
for the letter today
because the few people I wanted to be happy for me
are the only people who

I guess good things can't go on forever
Today was supposed to be my day.
I had my first good sleep last night
without my own thoughts suffocating me
pulling me into the darkness
and leaving me breathless from anxiety
at 2 a.m.

I dreamed
that my uncle turned against me
and the night before,
a murderer was on the loose

But I can confidently wake up and say
I had a good sleep
ignoring my subconsciousness
and the vivid deaths my brain spurred

So I smiled to the snow
and to the frigid cold
that was slowly creeping back
into my fears
my dreams are being very weird
This is one interesting day
when my father gifts makeup kits and concealers
to my mother

To hide the slap marks gifted to her a day ago.
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