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split air to get to me
split hair to get to me
arrow hit me in the head
True story hence love is blind
Cupid was actually blind
hills of silent nodding flowers
stealing turpentine kisses under peach trees
pointed lips like butterfly wings
her quiet smile fluttered my heart
rippling rose petals upon clear wax waters
gently tangled together like knotted yellow string
ruffled clothing, hair, flora everywhere
her knowing eyes spoke poetry in my skin
it was then that i decided to live
There is something alluring to the way she hurts,
Familiarity to her pain,
Beauty to her ache.
Darling, you're poetic,
even while you break.
(your heartache looks just like mine,
but i am not half as beautiful)
I dreamed you kissed me
That you loved me enough
To break it
And kiss me.
What a selfish dream to have...
I swear I’m not “crazy”
My pain is real
Not in my head

I swear I’m not
Suffering from “anxiety”
As I’m laying in this hospital bed
The more you give me now
The more I’ll have to leave behind
The more you’re in my head
The less I have a peace of mind

You say you want to love me
But to love me you have to leave
You're so independent and strong
So why am I so weak and naive?
No matter if it’s daytime or nighttime
The light is always there
Either by the suns rays or the moons glare
An adjective which says it all
An expression in two form
A balance to the  noun
Known as a pair of the  negative and a positive

Everywhere I am found
Where hate is,
My name is love.
Where pain is,
My name is joy.
Where rain is,
My name is sunshine.
Where tear is,
My name is smile.
Where weakness is,
My name is strength.

Power was me
One failed to rule
It belong to a world of two
Where there's black and white

Every story has an intro and a conclusion
Concluding my story
Good is in every bad
Moods control
Sometimes I am best
Sometimes I am worst
I reigned in everything
It made me realise the power that two things or people have over a thing and also that life has balance because of the goodbad in everyone
They referred to me as trash
I was b             r
                  o             k      
       e                 n                pieces
The world tried to put me back together into one piece
but the cracks were still visible
They meant nothing to life.
I was treasure by then
The environment, ready to accept me

I was one of the dynamite that will enlighten the journey of the BROKEN
"I did not break you to destroy you but I broke so you can toughen up and help the broken heal."said Life
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