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 Jun 2022 Bebe
 Jun 2022 Bebe
Like a candle,
She burns herself just to give light to others
Like a star,
Long dead, she brightens the dark sky

She cuts her wings,
to let others fly
She even takes a bullet,
to save someone's life

She is a keeper, selfless
She gives her hand to the unfortunate
without anything in exchange
She's willing to give her all

She gives her mind, heart and soul
But there is a part of her, she doesn't show
She is lost in her little universe
And every night she shivers

No one would know,
No one notices, the tears she holds
Yes, she is selfless
But no one dares, to look back at her
Taken for granted. Yes that was me. This is life.
 Feb 2022 Bebe
I am a pencil in the hand of a writing God
I am the paint with which he colors the world
I am the voice he uses to sing his song
Praise and thanksgiving in daily living
Prayer to the God of this whole universe
He is the author creator healer
The spirit is moving can you feel her?
Composing a beautiful melody
When we come together it's plain to see
The one who created the heavens and earth
Gave up his life to show us our worth
The same one who made the mountains and seas
Lives in the hearts of you and me
He loves us so much calls us each by name
God first loved us so we might do the same
Build up the Kingdom of God and let his will be done
We are all his adopted children let your lives shine like the sun
 Dec 2021 Bebe
Payton Hayes
 Dec 2021 Bebe
Payton Hayes
I do not need alcohol to have
I do not need cigarettes to be
I do not need dope to be
I need to feel you in my
I need to breathe you in with every
And even if you’re just a high,
I want to never come
I do need you.
Thank you to everyone commenting, reacting to, and liking my poem! If you enjoyed this poem and want to see more of my writing, follow me or check out my website,! Also, my poetry book will be out on the site and on Amazon, April 16th!!
 Sep 2021 Bebe
Dear God
 Sep 2021 Bebe
let me be your dear.
and I  shall have no fear.
allow acceleration from God's Gear.

Dear God,
I'm lost and looking for directions.
I'm blind and willing to see.
send your healing miracles,

I'm one of your creation,
living in your created nation.
and living with your created nature.
guide us as our lecture.

With the power of your name,
Please full-fill my life with prosper.
and shall I prospect forever,
and ever, Amen
Helps on seeking strength from God.
 Sep 2021 Bebe
wendy maqwazima
This isn't the freedom I want to call freedom...
because this freedom isn't the freedom our great freedom fighters died for in the Years of apartheid.
This freedom is not the same freedom the generation of 1985 wished for and and dreamed of...

freedom died along with our long gone heroes,Nelson Mandela, Walter susilu and died with our young brothers and sisters in sharpville!

it isn't freedom if we are still afraid to walk out of our houses at 6am
it is not freedom if we can't let go of what the white men did to our black men and woman

this freedom isn't the freedom defined in Oxford dictionaries....
children are free to smoke
men are free to ****
woman are free sell their bodies
and we yet we are free?

this freedom isn't free!

we are not free because we are racist
we are selfish
we are foolish
we lack knowledge and we are full of ignorance!

we are not free,this isn't the time to celebrate freedom but to fight for the freedom we've lost.
 Aug 2021 Bebe
Olivia Kent
 Aug 2021 Bebe
Olivia Kent

If I could fit in a bottle.
Change my form entirely.
I'd change myself to whisky.
So you could consume me
Your only love in her entirety.
Then I could be of use to you.
As your body you abuse.
Brain filled with mad poets power.
Poetry profound.
Fueled by whisky's breath.
Every waking hour.
By ladylivvi1

© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
Not saying I wish to be used or abused! OK....Just a silly piece of writing! Livvi x
 Aug 2021 Bebe
 Aug 2021 Bebe
Yesterday I went to sleep
Dreaming of all the things I could write

And now the pen is in my hand.

But why do my thoughts
refuse to budge

From you

Maybe it is too late
Maybe I'm not cut out to be yours
But I can write
and I can feel
and isn't that important?
 Jul 2021 Bebe
“No” does not exist
“No” has been replaced with “yes”
So, every time I say “no,”
it means “yes”
This is what he told me.

I am not allowed to say “stop”
In our relationship,
“Stop” is not part of my vocabulary
This is what he told me.

“Take off your clothes”
“What did we talk about?”
“I said No”
He pushes me on the bed
and unbuckles his belt
I try to get up
but he pushes me down again
He grabs my legs
pulling me towards him
“Please stop” I whisper,
He puts his hands around my throat
I can’t breathe
“If you say the word ‘stop’ again,
I will **** you.”
I close my eyes
because I knew he wouldn’t stop.
Not until he was finished.
I lay in silence,
tears running down my face.
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