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Chloe Mar 2020
People can be surprising
Even the ones you know best
For a boy I thought I knew pretty well
Turned out to partake in theft
I’ll admit I saw it coming
But I couldn’t stop it if I tried
You see, he stole my heart
And in turn I told a lie
I couldn’t come up with a good title for this one :/
Has anyone stolen your heart?
Chloe Mar 2020
The butterflies started
And I couldn’t stop them
Suddenly all the love songs were about you
And I don’t know what to do
Do I confess?
I’m afraid it will all just turn into a big mess
Chloe Mar 2020
This dance is confusing
I wish it was easy
I wish you would tell me
How you are feeling
I guess it's fair
I try to make myself look like I don't care
When in reality
I want to know everything
I suppose I should come clean
And say what's in my heart
I know you won't be mean
But I don't know what you'll say
And that really scares me
Chloe May 2020
She spent her time daydreaming
Of who she thought he was
Wishing she could be wrapped up in his arms
Safe and secure
She thought his sugar-coated words were for her
But in the end she was wrong
So she keeps up a front
And tells herself she's OK
But she cries when she's alone in the car
Because she didn't know how to make him stay
Something I love about poetry (and songs) is that they tell little snippets of stories. It kind of makes me want to write a whole book.
Chloe Apr 2020
Steady, ready, full steam ahead
I may be scared
But I can just turn around if I hit a dead end
My life is beginning
And every single day
I have the chance to change my life
It might seem small
Or insignificant
But every minute detail has some sentiment
And I may think that life will always be the same
But even a week from now
I’ll look back and say
Look at me! I’ve come a ways!
I stumbled there
And I messed up here
But I carried on and I wiped my tears
Ok maybe I’m getting over this block...
Chloe Jan 2021
I opened up my journal
And at the top I wrote “What I’m Feeling Right Now”
Because I don’t know what choice to make
I’m worried I’ll do something I hate
For the world I live in to change
That my children will grow up in a place
Where they and their freedoms aren’t safe
Because I drank 2 cups of coffee with dinner
And now the chances of me sleeping tonight are wearing much thinner
To talk to them
To that person who claimed they were my friend
But I haven’t heard from since I don’t know when
Because I moved away
From all the things I knew and loved
Because of everything going on in the world right now
Unsure, overwhelmed, anxious, and unloved
I don’t know what’s wrong with me
My life is pretty great
I’m in one of those slumps
Where nothing feels ok
I miss them, I miss him, I miss being a kid
I wish things made sense again
I wish these weren’t the feelings I was feeling right now
But I can’t change that, now can I?
Anybody else not feel OK right now?
Chloe Mar 2020
The world is so vast
I want to explore it all
With someone I love
Chloe Mar 2020
HE died for me
Upon a tree
I don't deserve it
No one can earn it
So now I live my life
To serve the one who set me free
Who cut the ties that bound me
Sin was my anchor
And I was drowning
But HE rescued me
Chloe May 2020
I’m genuinely confused
I don’t know what to do
I’ve got everything to lose
And I can’t forget about you
Chloe Apr 2020
Ugh! I cannot write!
Concepts floating in my head
But can’t find the words
I want to write poems about so many things, and yet every time I try to write, it doesn’t sound quite right.
Chloe Apr 2020
Such an ironic thing
To be a hopeless romantic
But scared of relationships
I mean, come on, isn’t that just cruel
I just want to love and be loved
But I’m scared to act a fool
I do my best
To keep my head on straight
And yet at the thought of falling in love
I hyperventilate
And when I finally get over it
And take a leap of faith
Just to put my feelings out there
My hope gets snatched away
I’m not asking for much, I swear
Just late nights
And date nights
With someone loving
Who really cares
And yet when that person comes along
I chicken out and run away
And when the next one comes, and I think I’m ok
They don’t feel the same way
So I’ve decided to stay true to myself
I’ll know it when the right one comes along
And with prayer I’ll make sure it’s not wrong
And when I do
I can promise you
I’ll love fully and endlessly
Beautifully and selflessly
Hopelessly but not blindly
It is what it is...
Love is scary, but worth it from what I can see
I’m just waiting for the right one for me
Chloe Jan 2021
L-O-N-E-L-Y is a 6 letter word
Lonely is what I feel
F-R-I-E-N-D is another 6 letter word
And I miss mine
It’s supposed to be winter
Yet it’s 70 degrees outside
I wish it was cold outside
Just like my heart feels cold
I’m stranded in a strange place
Hoping for a familiar face
And yet I hope in vain
And wish for rain
Stuck here
Feeling lonely
I want to go home.
Chloe May 2020
The mad man sat in a tower
Wishing for power
Instead he was chained
And slowly went more and more insane
As he wished for revenge
Chloe May 2020
I guess when you kissed me under the moonlight
I thought that we would be alright
My mind began spinning
With so many plans
Of a future full of loving
And holding hands
But instead of taking me away
And showing me love to make me stay
You were just confusing
And threw mixed signals
I know I should forget
But my heart doesn’t want to quit
Chloe Jan 2021
The thing I want most in life
Isn’t going to happen for a long time
But to anyone who will listen
I’ll tell you what it is
My dream over all
Is to be a mom
To create life and nurture it
It’s the thing I want most
And I can’t wait to boast
About my wonderful child
And all they’ve accomplished
To have a tiny little hand reach around my finger
And love me simply because I’m his mother
To experience everything through tiny little eyes
And watch their first steps
And first words
And every single little first you could imagine
To be tired and worn at the end of the day
But be grateful for the tiny little one who’s stolen my heart away
To hold them close when they get scared
And teach them what it means to care
I can’t wait to pick them up from school
And hear them cry, “Mommy!”
As they run to hug me
My dream is simple
I know it’s not grand
But I can’t wait to hold my baby
And be able to say I’ve got the whole world in my hands
Chloe Mar 2021
Someone who means a great deal to me once said that you can’t find love. You can’t go searching for it, it finds you. It finds you out of nowhere and once it’s there you can’t ignore it. I thought that was a cute way of putting things and continued on with life, waiting for love to find me. But then I got impatient and tried to find it on my own, but it never happened. I was terrified of relationships for some unknown reason or past trauma, and I never found it. Until it found me.
It steamrolled me completely out of nowhere and I didn’t see it coming. It was the worst and best thing that ever happened to me because it was beautiful to feel so deeply for someone and not feel any fear to let myself fall. For my best friend, someone I could spend hours talking to.
Only you didn’t feel it too. Apparently you can ignore it, or maybe fate is sick and twisted and Cupid only hit me.
So I love you. I love you and I can’t stop and it absolutely ***** because you don’t feel the same way for me. I know even if you did we’d never work out and yet if you sat me down and tried to convince me of all the reasons we would always be wrong for each other and never right, I wouldn’t be able to stop.
Trust me, I wish I could. I wish I hated you instead, or just didn’t care at all.
But I can’t stop. You could break my heart ten times over and I wouldn’t be able to stop. I don’t understand why but it’s just a fact.
I’ll always wonder why I’m not good enough or if maybe you’ll ever change your mind.
Maybe one day I’ll stop, finally get over it, but for now I’m stuck here never being able to get over you. I can’t move on, I can’t stop hurting, I can’t stop loving you. I don’t know that I’ll ever feel this way about someone again, or if I manage to get over you if I even want to, because I don’t ever want to be crushed like this again.
Because I love you. And you don’t love me.
Just me imaging I’m the lead in a Hallmark movie and this is the ******. 😅 it would **** to love someone who didn’t love me back though, unrequited love is so tragic. So are the run on sentences in this. At least I’m only suffering from run on sentences 😂
Chloe Apr 2020
I never was a morning person
I despised being up before eight
Getting up for school was torture
And hearing my alarm clock go off filled me with hate
Not only do I like sleeping in
I’m a night owl as well
I work best late at night
And if you look at when I publish, you can probably tell
It wasn’t until I stayed up all night
And saw the sun come up behind the trees
I watched the world come alive
And the morning became beautiful to me
I opened my window
And felt the rising sun kiss my face
I listened as a breeze was blowing
And heard the birds chirp as they broke out of a sleepy haze
It was in that moment that I knew
No matter how much I loved my sleep
Mornings were beautiful too
I’ll always be a night owl and I’ll always love my sleep, but the mornings are something special I’m thankful to wake up for.
Chloe May 2020
I hear one thing
And then another
My mind can’t be made up
And I’m stuck with an empty cup
I wish to be free
Of the chain’s shackling me
I know what I have to do
But do I really want to
I pace and I pace
It’s like some silly race
And then there’s you
Always confusing, always captivating
The largest enigma I have yet to come across
So between working and wondering
I try to solve the puzzle that is you
And while getting my stuff together
That is all I can do
Chloe Jan 2021
My favorite flavor is your lips against mine
When the world fades away
And I lose track of time
My favorite feeling is when you grab my waist
And pull me in close
As if you’re scared I’ll run away
My favorite thing is that look in your eyes
When you tell me you love me
More than the amount of stars in the sky
You’re my favorite, plain and simple
I especially love when you smile
And how on the right you have a dimple
There’s something about you
I’m not even sure what it is
You came into my life
And took me by surprise
I never thought I’d get so lucky
As to call you mine
Chloe Apr 2020
Blood is red
Bruises are blue
My wisdom teeth just got pulled
But only two
Well I got my wisdom teeth pulled today and ouch, it hurts
Chloe May 2020
I’ve had black eyes and bruises
Broken bones and ****** noses
I’ve dealt with pain
I’ve fallen and been sprained
I’ve had needles ***** my skin
And cut my fingers on jagged rims
But none of those compare
To falling into someone’s snare
And hoping you’ll be loved
Only to find
You were wasting your time
Sticks and stones can break my bones, but only words can truly hurt me. This was fun to write. I’m typically a pretty upbeat person so sadder poetry is usually not my chosen topic of writing.
Chloe May 2020
You might be quite bored
But don’t make the same mistake
Do NOT dye your hair
I know everyone’s bored in quarantine but do not dye your hair.
Chloe Jan 2021
Can we be each other’s screensaver?
Because we just can’t get enough
So that every time I open up my phone
I get to see the face of my true love
Your picture is a reminder of so much love
When you hold me close
And kiss me hard
And tell me I’m more beautiful than all the stars
I love you now
I’ll love you then
So let’s be each other’s screensavers
And even when apart we can look at each other’s face often
Ok so I started writing this poem a while back but was conflicted because I realized it could go either way, so I wrote two versions. Part 2 will be up right after this one :)
Chloe Jan 2021
You’re still my screensaver
Even after all this time
I have to hide my screen from wandering eyes
I should know better than to keep your picture staring back at me
But what’s a girl to do
If I can’t get myself over you
I’ll keep this lie until the end
Tell ‘em all you’re just a friend
But you’re still my screen saver
So this was the sad version to this poem!
Chloe May 2020
Nothing satisfies
Like tucking shaved legs under
Soft, clean, silky sheets
Shaving my legs is a chore but a satisfying one.
Chloe Mar 2020
The sun set on that perfect summer’s day
When laughter was shared
And games were played
And memories were made
And though soon this group of bonded hearts
Would soon all be moving apart
They all knew
They would be together again soon
Chloe Jan 2021
I’ll wake up at 9 AM
Get ready while listenin’ to One Direction
I’ll wear something cute
Then be out the door
Because the world is so big
And there’s so much to explore
I’ll head down Ninth Avenue
To my favorite coffee shop
But once I’m done there I go to my next stop
Head to the beach
Catch some waves
Watch the tide
That’s my perfect day
I feel like this could be longer but eh lol
Chloe Apr 2020
Rain drops fall down
Bathing my skin
And covering the town
Quenching a thirsty earth
As the rain gives birth
To new life
And lulling me to sleep
As the drops pitter patter on my roof
Drowning out the nightmares
As my soul it soothes
I’ve begun to believe
Rain can heal most anything
For when I’ve had a bad day
And I say, “I’m done, I quit”
The rain washes down my face as if to say
“Just breathe, that’s it!”
The rain makes me shiver
Because it makes me wet and cold
But kissing in the rain brings other shivers entirely
But that’s a story I’ll leave untold
What do you love about the rain?
Chloe Mar 2020
I wish I knew how
To say the words in my heart
And how I wish we were never apart
At night I dream of your smile
And in the daytime
I think of the miles separating us
I don't know how to get through
Sometimes you have to fight for love
But it would all be worth it for you
Chloe Mar 2020
The depths of ocean surrounding me
Always put me in a state of serenity
Water flows with strength
Covering great lengths
It has the power to wash away
All dirt and all grime
We’re able to use it as a source of life
It flows out of us when we cry
I wish I could float in water all day
Like when I was a child and I pretended to be a mermaid
I’d like to go and live on a boat
Sailing the ocean with my beloved
The life of a sailor I do covet
I love the sea 🌊
Chloe Apr 2020
There are often words that I'm scared to say
And in truth I am not brave
So I practice these words when I am alone
In the shower
And saying them aloud reminds me that words have power
I practice them again
Over and over
As if I was reciting them to a lover
I'll probably never say them to anyone else
But at least I get them off my chest
Instead of leaving them in my head as a jumbled mess
I think that there are not many people who are unafraid to say exactly what they want to say to everyone in their life, but I find saying those things to no one in particular is somewhat therapeutic.
Chloe Mar 2020
Yellow is a beautiful color
As bright as the sun
And as warm as summer
It makes me feel brave and tall
Like the sunflowers that grow above all
Yellow is my favorite hue
It makes me happy
Just like you
What’s your favorite color?

— The End —