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Hoy como ayer, mañana como hoy,
        ¡y siempre igual!
Un cielo gris, un horizonte eterno
        y andar... andar.

Moviéndose a compás, como una estúpida
        máquina, el corazón.
La torpe inteligencia del cerebro,
        dormida en un rincón.

El alma, que ambiciona un paraíso,
        buscándole sin fe,
fatiga sin objeto, ola que rueda
        ignorando por qué.

Voz que, incesante, con el mismo tono,
        canta el mismo cantar,
gota de agua monótona que cae
        y cae, sin cesar.

Así van deslizándose los días,
        unos de otros en pos;
hoy lo mismo que ayer...; y todos ellos,
        sin gozo ni dolor.

¡Ay, a veces me acuerdo suspirando
        del antiguo sufrir!
Amargo es el dolor, ¡pero siquiera
        padecer es vivir!
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
i dont have words
i only have pain
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
he couldn't see how she clenched her jaw to swallow her mothers servility;
and he would certainly never
why she did not want to be torn apart
by the looks of virile men
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
you wanted perfection,
but I am only a woman
you wanted me to love you
when you knew that I couldn’t

I’m no longer your darling
because I refused a ring
I was your angel,
but you clipped my wings
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
Bus Poet Stop
entering arms entwined
a state of grace

offer you body warmth
to burn us together for always

tongue licks your love
the buds of taste blossom yet again

chest beating thrum
celebrates your continued existence

fingers tease you at the junctures
that pleasure reveals the magi's adoration


I love you best with
the love of words,
for this is the poet's way,
touch sight sounds smell sensual
into what words he can give that

cost so much, held so dear,

that it is the

Oct 24, 2015
7:48 am
deep within
making love with no love
(kissed her with his freedom)


a new person in an overnight stay in a strange,
aptly named,
bed and breakfast


you do all the same things that just feel good, careless loving
that comes from practiced renewable remembering,
kiss her neck for hours, drink in her crescendoing cooing

rename her Appalachia, bemused, wondering why,
she gasp-asks, when your tongue traces her odyssey body
from her Georgia to her Maine, then no need to explain

it all feels familiarly strange, imbalanced, shaky, loving the thrill
of your first solo bike ride, an invisible hand letting go,
the wow of walking the line of new freedom and
old responsibility that you have walked on both coasts

carry on, love is coming to us all lyric, enacted-recalled,
loving yet another
long cool woman in a black dress with unquestioning

how to explain to her, how to yourself, loving with no loving,
and the best you can stammer is it is like writing a poem
with too many commas or none at all

she laughs you up with one mouth lingering,
then one amazing kiss on your heart
and nose,
grabs a piece of toast and gone girl,
then you are returned to alone, to the dreams that
may or may not have occurred and two hands overflowing with
too many commas
and none to keep

11-18–17 2:54am, somewhere
“kissed her with his freedom”
Cactus Tree by J. Mitchell
11/18/17 2:54am
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
Ripe Pear
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
Enjoy the fruits of your labor,
or the fruits shall become labor.
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
Bus Poet Stop
eye sometimes go to bed wearing an old hoody. It has a metal zipper  to close the front and the zipper is always cold, unpleasantly so, on my bare skin.  After awhile though, my body temperature warms the metal just enough, that it is no longer a cause of discomfort though the metal still remains inherently cool to the touch

While science can easily explain this I guess, I felt this to be a major miracle.  That flesh pliable and heart-heated to 98 degrees could conquer the molecules of metal that were made in China struck me as extra ordinary (always two words, please!) and nothing short of a personal intervention by a personal deity

When I put the hoodie on at first I would think
******* (that's cold)
When I awoke, cosy and warm, I would think
******* (that's so cool)

having studied philosophy in Cleveland,
I knew that the logic of the situation,
what I had experienced was not an
interregnum, but the invisible intervening handiwork of god, who, also knocked my glasses from the nightable to the floor,
just cause she/ he was in a bad mood, on account of having to come such a long way, just,
to reheat me
one more time.
In terre gnum - freedom from the terror of chewing gum discard actions and a phobia of gnus
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
Mystic Ink Plus
When a poet has
Writer's block
He will
Embrace the sky
Get lost in the oblivion
Adore the magic of
The moon
Feel the warmth

And words have a way
In words
He writes
Hello there!

If I could
I would
As it is

Thanks for the memory
Genre: Observational
Theme: Quiet Moments
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
Salmabanu Hatim
When your enemy comes
To help you in your dire need.
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