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Hey, I guess it's been a while

But thats good

At least for me

I mean, I've been happy

I've been absolutely amazing

But then that changed

Even if it was for a second

And now I realize your still here

You didn't leave you,  just locked yourself in a room waiting to come out

I don't know, I just thought

Well who cares what I thought

Because your back

Now things are starting to pile

Even the small things stack

Well , its finished I feel at peace once more

So I guess its time to shut this door

Well, it was nice talking

Goodbye sadness

the exits that way

Hello happiness come right in
i was kinda sad but happy . also thx for the feedback i'm only 13 but i love writing
When you asked me if we could be Friends
An amount of rage and sadness Overpowered me
Tears started pouring out from my Eyes
I felt like an old toy being Dispossed
I felt like the family member that is Put on a home and forgotten
In complete solitude
Even though I was surrounded by The presence of many
None of them was you
I closed my eyes hoping you Would appear
My dear
You made me feel like a princess
You stole my breath with every Kiss
When you caressed my skin
I felt I was being touched by an Angel
I didn't see evil within you
Yes, I saw fear, but not malice
I don't really understand
All the situations you have been Through
Or all the insecurities within you
But I need you
Becasuse you are the book I always Wanted to read
But couldn't get my hands on
Either because it was too expensive
Or it was out of stock
Anyone would give up anything
Just to read the pages that you let Me read
How fortunate would I be
To stumble upon such a Masterpiece again
I have come to accept
No matter how good a person's Intentions are
It might just not be the right Moment
But if you wait for the right time
You might wait for the rest of your Existence
I wish you'd be in my shoes for Some moments
Just so you could see
Just so you could feel
Just so you could hear
The magic that you are
If you were an ocean
I'd drown myself in you
Just to see what's at the bottom
I can't be your friend
Because at the end of the night
I want to be in your bed
Not for what yo're thinking
But because the night makes us More sincere
Your story
With all the hurt
The happy
The mad
Is my favorite of them all
I hope none reads you
The way I was able to
But now that I've read you
Or at least now that I read parts of You
I have questions
And know that answers won't Come
So I'll leave a review
On my personal thoughts
That my answer is NO
But I'll say Yes
Don't go!
 May 2018 CoolGuy2804
The poet lives two lives.
One on the outside,
And one in their mind.

When you look in their eyes
You could see an abyss.

If you looked long enough
You could sink into it.

But most people don’t see it.

Take the time to read the words, though,
And you would know for sure.

The poet lives in two different worlds.
A little escape from the madness.
Or maybe, into.
Her favorite color was yellow,
She said it was perfectly mellow,
When we went to the meadow,
She picked them and put them in her hair, streaming out the window.

My favorite color is red.
It burns with a ferocity that fills my head.
It buzzes in my mind, even when I lay down in bed.
It puts a pop anywhere, even in the mead.

Together we made orange, vibrant as the sunset.
We held our hands to the sky our eyes gleaming and wet.
Because we knew all good things come to an end.
We memorized each other because we didn't want to reach a bend,

Where we would part forever.
I stare at the sunset over the river,
We used to love with fervor,
But now my arm feels emptier,

Not holding you beside me.
I stare at the sunset, feeling bleak.
I think of when I had you by me.
I miss you so much it drowns me like the sea.

I take a deep breath and let go.
I can't hold onto your yellow.
I let it flow into the air, it turns my mood even more mellow.
I kiss the daisy in my hand goodbye and let you go.
 May 2018 CoolGuy2804
it all feels like disease and i want to strip my bones raw; manic
(sugar rush deity)

what am i to you… what are you to me, aside from endearing silhouettes; pixie
(mumbling shy songs)

in an ocean of violents in bloom we speak artificial prayer; dream
(cloaked in starry-eyed acapella—thats what they think, no?)

i surrender to your clarity and intensity and charm and beauty that my hands are too numb and dull to touch; girl

and then comes wrath: a dewy vileness teetering on the brink of your 9th life
now hell has harnessed my chest, for it is with deep regret and shaky sobs that every opening and crack in my body emits rotten remains of our silent war…

but there are still heartfelts i never mustered up the courage to let go of:

thank you for tip-toeing around broken strings to reach out once more, twice more
thank you for enduring my futile voyages through resentment
thank you for soaking all my insanity in like sunlight and excreting back out a gentle rainfall
 May 2018 CoolGuy2804
she reads books and she plays music
the cute, innocent
clumsy girl
with freckles on her cheeks

you like to read and listen to music
the cool, handsome
sweet-talking man
who likes freckles on her cheeks

[ or at least you said you did ]

she rolls her eyes at your compliments
the cautious, bright
guarded girl
with curiosity in her eyes

you lay them on thick
the certain, sharp
imprudent man
with hidden agendas on your lips

she lingers a little longer
in hopes of crossing your path throughout the day

she laughs at your jokes
and you know they're not funny

she sings for you in the car because
you like her voice

[ or at least you said you did ]

she's become good at excuses
the hopeful, naive
kind-hearted girl
with sureness in her words

you soak them up
the stark, ill-intentioned
vacant boy
with uncertainty in your voice

she gave all she had to care for you,
the smooth, clever
self-serving boy

you convinced her that you loved her

[ or at least you said you did ]
sweet nothings are just sweet nothings
Sometimes you smile at the universe
Offer love, sweetness
Pure energy

Sometimes life smiles back,
Sometimes not

You still keep smiling
In the knowing
That the flower in your heart
Smiles with you

The river of love
from deep within
bubbles with joy
to join
The unending ocean
Of truth, purity and stillness
Eternal silence
In love
In smiles
In sweet gratitude
 May 2018 CoolGuy2804
Black Leaf
I'm tired.
Tired of everything.
I just want to sleep,
And never wake up again.

No, I'm not lazy,
I'm not running away from life.
I'm just tired of the world and myself,
And too tired to change anything.
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