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Flatfielder Nov 2020
It had to be
Seperation at last
Not death but choice
Many differences in the past
It was a nightmare
Love gave in
To differences unconquerable
Witnessed by the next of kin
A sad day
Relief and hope
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Futuristic thinking in a time compressed
Accelerated by technology
Will robots annihilate humans gist?
Rapid decline in cultures destinations
Mass bullying less debating
You are with us or you perish
Alarm bells are ringing
Who is ringing the Bells?
Wrote it last fall
On instagram mirakee as near_lane7
Flatfielder Mar 2018

My torment
My mind disables my speech
I am not who I am

Hot flashes red ears
The sign of submission
To confusion
To signals
I didnt mean to transmit

I lose eye contact
I stumble
I say what i dont mean

Yet in writing
I feel connect
So much i cant stop
Ideas are clear
Am on the top

Still do turn away
Still searching for balance
Some stability at best

Now if I could shake the fear
How would my life be then

I always question
Flatfielder Dec 2020
Populists gaining attraction
Throwing lies
As they were Molotov cocktails
Single words
Repeated in different colours
Crowds are on 🔥
ancient techniques
have resurfaced
Sidestepping humanities values
The heat is building
Reason lost
Scenery November 20
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Historical battles
In words and swords
Recognize and resemble
When you hear today's battles
Locally and on the world stage
Opposing groups deny the truth
Hired lawyers and dictators
Their combinations fool many
Question tactics and motives
When said forces
Actions of visible guilt
Written more than a year ago
Near_lane7 is flatfielder
Flatfielder Dec 2020
Nights are long
You fail to breathe
Stretching your arm
It hurts what's wrong
Must exercise in time
Muscles did dwindle
Lifting and bending
Do you have to.....
Of course
It's never too late
Be again strong
In the morning dew
A whistle a song
Just a self assessment
Flatfielder Feb 2021
Nights are long
You fail to breathe
Stretching your arm
It hurts what's wrong
Must exercise in time
Muscles did dwindle
Lifting and bending
Do you have to.....
Of course
It's never too late
Be again strong
In the morning dew
A whistle a song
Just a self assessment
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Demon's wage battles
In my dreams
I'm living
In the eye of a storm
Where winds bend tall trees
Where floods create mudplains
There is fear
There is grief
Out of control
Still I am dreaming
Yelling out
Flash awaken
To see darkness
Where there should be light
More on mirakee and instagram
Hit me there as well
Flatfielder Jan 2021
Grown up between the waters
Bridge to Scandinavia

Looked west over the dikes
The lost lands to the sea

Went East to the cliffs
The Russian winds do blow

Back to the middle
Where the gales
Sweep the dirts soul
Once home
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Where do they March
Symptoms of a time
Repeated in history
Collected discarded resurrected
Blunt statements of ideas
Based on good will
Distorted and fractioned
They divide become a bitter pill
Blunt statements of facts
Pushed aside
Blamed as treason
Applicable everywhere
Explore and discover Reasons
Flatfielder is near_lane7
Flatfielder Dec 2020
Break through my wall
My **** of distrust
Relieve me of anger
Show me a new pass
I beg you to lead me
Away from who I am
Into a new sharing place
An illusion just has been penned
Flatfielder writes under near_lane7
Also on mirakee and instagram
Flatfielder Jan 2021
Breathe in breathe out
Catch me if you can
Running towards the horizon
Where space meets our zen
The master came and spoke
Life changed
although we remained
In our world  of limitations
Felling dead but still kicking
Really not all that bad
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Not knowing who I am
Calling out
Do you feel me
You never heard my voices' sound
To whom do I put this forward
I really don't need to know
Fact is I feel and write
At this hour
I am literally alone
Just a scene late night
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Weigh the unconscious
Movements and touch
Put into hibernation
There is liberty
A state I found such
Never want to wake
Keep doing
You Angles of Dreams
Flatfielder Dec 2020
Walls surround me
I think I am trapped
Pressure is building
Where is my map
Misplaced with other things
Too focused I have been
On unimportant matters
Will I find the escape
To once more try again
But time is running short
Options No
Have arrived at the stormy cape
It's a dark and cloudy day
Flatfielder Feb 2021
A chance in a moment given
Time of utter importance
The guts to come forward
To grab the extended branch
A quick evaluation
Does mean it's right?

Step back and adjust posture
Deep breath before facts
Flood your thoughts
A river
Water flows faster than chance

To see it float away
Staying behind
A moment in decision making
A new chance will come this way
Flatfielder is near_lane7
Flatfielder Nov 2020
A chance in a moment given
Time of utter importance
The guts to come forward
To grab the extended branch
A quick evaluation
Does a chance mean it's right?

Step back and adjust posture
Deep breath before facts
Flood your thoughts
A river
Water flows faster than chance

To see it float away
Staying behind
A moment in decision making
A new chance will come this way
(c)near_lane 7
Some surrealism about chance
Flatfielder Dec 2020
Democracies yield
To capitalistic excesses
Then destructed by revolutions
Which end in chaos
Doomsday thoughts
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Feel free to enter
You may open this book
A moment in my time
It's not about the look
Where I dare to express
With professional photos and lines
To you and me
Let's discover the fines
There is me now
No excuses for a life
Supported and shaped
So wholeheartedly
By You not just my wife
Iittle embrace
Flatfielder Nov 2020
An organism is born
Out of laughter then envy then fear
A pattern easily followed
Mean deeds remain and tear
Truth not the subject
Imaginations have the reign
Battle is brewing
Yet there is the laughter
Of conspiracies' fame
A take from before
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Give me some answers
To questions I pose
Convince me of their merit
Be honest be bold
Let's start a debate
Research and find facts
Rather than fooling ourselves
By accepting unproven hacks
A straight line
Flatfielder Dec 2020
Immense beyond comprehension
Once you hit time changes within
A country a human being
Only the latter might commit sin
The sinner the lover
Who plays by the rules
Ever-changing measures
To be hot to be cool
Changes in temperatures
A degree up maybe down
Dynamics of a country
Causing floods same time drought
Our hemisphere be large within
Like the country or sphere
How far do we look
To value we are here
Flatfielder Jan 2021
Humans' brain the engine
Manipulated and thrown
Into a fake world vision
Where violence has been sown
Powerful mobs
You hear their screams
They frighten a world
Yet behind the scenes
The instigators
The cowards
One of the last sick hurrays
When thugs get cornered
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Sit still at this minute
Legs dangle in the wind
Feel like tall grass
In the open meadows maze
You climbed
The edge of this rock
Where mind and body unify
Sense of mild disclosure
Who are you
Where have you been
#abstractpoetry #surrealisticpoems #writersnetwork #mypoems
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Dark tree branches
Leafless peaceful
Contrast a morning light
Having woken
A dream's promised vision
It is time
A new day
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Ideas plummet into belief
Become convictions denials
any true facts
Caught in the eyes
Which close
To avoid *******
Conserve and intensify
Their own misconceptions
Some stiff maybe surreal
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Been deceived
Shiver down my spine
Been a sure crime
From a year ago
Flatfielder Jan 2021
A plague has invaded
Sense and minds
Dig deeper race in circles
Relish trouble it excites
Pleasureseeker egoistic
Be now first
That's all what counts
Desire did take notice
If only one would abide
Eliminate all other senses
Going deep
There is nothing alike
Yet to burst and let go
A one freed when it left
So to see those lives' chances
Let them come
Let them be
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Between two
Ends in divorce
Or common grounds found
Explored and understood

Where a segment of a country
At odds with truth justice and decency
Undermines a struggling democracy
There is no greatness to be found
More pennings on mirakee
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Lines of discontent
Drawn out for decades
It doesn't make sense
Keep on going scratch and muddy
Self-righteous behaviour
Why bury yourself
Diminish family
Isolate friends
Can't see a light
Dullness sets in
Where are you now
This battle you won't win
Observations hurt
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Not to be changed
Ideas layed out in print
Plan smithened long ago
Facing mighty headwind
Presentation without fanfare
Reaction the big Q
Will she take it or dismiss
Her decision
He did dare
No further definition
Flatfielder Dec 2020
Down in the cellar?
Look up
towards the stairwells' light
By a fellow poet just now
Flatfielder Dec 2020
Deep in the valley
of the deepest dream
the innocence of feelings
Have overcome
A possibility of shame
Soaking in the humid
the fluid of please
Recalling this adventure
Holding a sweaty covers crease
Flatfielder Dec 2020
Dance in the snow
Slide down that hill
Go where you are meant to be
Dream your way
Intermittently sore
Find the alley
Find the door
Enter silently
Fear no more
In your dream you are home
You fall asleep
Awaken gently
All is left is dreaming on
Dream on
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Mornings early
There is no rush
Time in between
Where to find ones touch
Physic and mind
In darkness
Horizons becoming bright
Feeling imaginations
**** creatures align
Hearts beating
Blood rushing
Veins returning there cargo
Alive there is living
To be done
Sheets are clinging
Surreal thoughts, more so
When penned
Flatfielder Nov 2020
A speck of time
Our presence
Earths' endurance
Before  After
Another prompt on mirakee answered,
Flatfielder Nov 2020
To a new age
Replace door
Between incompetence
And applied principles
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Leave stones and sweat
Floers' fragrance in summer
Limitations set forth
Watching the blue sky
Or the waves of the sea
Erased from view
Parents' nightmares
Memories, war, refugees ,prisoner
Yet the earth doesn't budge
A spiritual foothold
This plot remains sacred
As long as I live
Plants shall now die
Transplanted and sad
To either in the sunlight
They lost the will to live
Took a deep breath
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Life as it is
The etching it leaves
Soft core
Through an acid rhyme
Save me
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Side by side
Walks into eternity
Hand in hand
Compassionate strides
Cheek to cheek
Warmth in dance
Body to body
Sensational trip
Ageless connection
Seen through a lens
Dance of the decades
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Stand up straight
Regain posture
Commands ring my ear
Always feared
Never experienced
They are still around
You ducked life as it ought to have been
Take pen and paper
They endure
Your self doubt exhillirations
All combined and accepted
How to be sure?
Flatfielder Nov 2020
When a king went into exile
Someone rescued his soul
When the crowd came closing in
Freedom fighters
with survivals' goal
Stern rulers now must leave
The story of revolving
A cycle mankind weaves

Looking at my own head
A globe on a torso
Two ears are the poles
Two eyes the oceans
Flooding empathy's tears
Add many selfish looks
No answers expecting
Long nose the sniffer
distinguishes fears
While the mouth is the gobbler
will **** in all the pleasures
A foodies tastebuds at work

One has chosen to be in exile
Even when submerged
in a crowds game
Done to myself there is no shame
The feeling of exile
Within the whole of me
Suddenly my ear itches
It shuts me down
It throws me off
My irrational thinking
The buzz in my ear
A runaway
Flatfielder Nov 2020
The liar within
Truth seeker found
Gave way to hatred
Fear mongering so loud
Dispose of anger
The evil in Deed
Expose good human traits
Remain a while longer
Bad. Good. Better

By near_lane7 (flatfielder)
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Give me silence
Let me retreat
My time has been stretched
Memories faded
I have to admit
Were they faults or rejections
These no achieving deeds
The search for love
Quests for answers
Fled that vulnerable scene
Stifled thoughts
Blocked laneways
Unknowns remained
Rescued and mastered
By the very next of kin
Way back and now
Flatfielder Dec 2020
Panic in silence
A future at stake
To be easy going
Put into suspense

How will judgement come
Those attempts at gaining their trust
Hope for survival
,Be Social and kind

Will a truth be unearthed
To let it be
A feeling consumes
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Stuck in branches
High up in a tree
Go higher
Get in deeper
Looking down
Fear of freefall
What is waiting
Precarious indecision
Moment of truth
Flatfielder Dec 2020
Clinging of hard heels
March of oppression
The arenas are packed
Lies shine there is no lesson
The pendulum swung
In this one way direction
Fear and cowardice
Don't even dare a different mention
(c)near_lane 7
Written a year and a half ago
By me being in a dreadful mood
Flatfielder Jan 2021
Miss a good conversation
Knitting sweaters
Warm and fun
Care for warmth
Earth's children
Little baby soon the one
You will keep knitting
Feel the giving
Find the wool
The special kind

See a child wrapped in your care
It shall pass on
Warmth and cozy
Grown and prospered into giving
To the next little one
Your sweaters live
Protect the many
A team a group
They identify
A mother knitting
A mother caring
Her own children grown
A deep sigh
My wife knitting
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Intense feelings
Comfort and joy
Found the one way
Not waver
An individual's ploy
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Try to tame my rhyme
To find more expression
free verse reads so well
Many writers have the possession
Would like to try
Will be reading more
Moreso in succession

Complexities these verses harbor
Climaxes achieved
Always makes me wonder
Of the depth of the seas
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