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 Jan 2018 Jdeebs
Dazed Dreaming
People never change.
They just become more of who they really are.
 Jan 2018 Jdeebs
good pain
 Jan 2018 Jdeebs
pain is a rush
pain lets me
feel things
I normally don't.
I'm a sucker for it
bruise me
beat me
take advantage of me.
pain flows through my nerves
into my brain and lets me
forget all of
the things
weighing down my day.
pain gets me off
pain makes me lose myself
in euphoria and feeling
and being
human in a raw
regal sense
now if only
I could find somebody
willing to give me
what I want.
****.... so hard to find a dom
 Jan 2018 Jdeebs
Dakota J Dawson
The beast mortified inside
Breast aflame about to burn
Inside he dies

Where the black flower
Blooms into anew
He will seek respite

For past sins
Old grievances
Poured into a summer blue

His *** meaningless
Spite cracks the whip
Plurality the dinner knife

Sanitation foresaw
Without the forceps
Boarding on a foregone conclusion

The spring mattress
Made broken
No time for resale

His' cage, not a solitude
Words obtuse and unabused
Love is his knight

Shining and gleaming
Scornful without hate
Shameful but sane

His burden
The heart
Colliding with the bar
 Jan 2018 Jdeebs
Love is light
Makes life bright
It all feels right
When you at sight
Full romance in the night
More we understand and less we fight
With your hands holding mine tight
Your kiss makes my day alright
I hope to see you again tonight
Don't say you'll decide
Cause I need you to be by my side
It's a special moment for both of us
As from two of us its going one plus
So this my dear is the news I share
My heart blooms with this feel I bare
Am soon gonna be a bubbly mother
And you my dear child's father
We shall celebrate at the place we met
Years back when you helped me rescue a cat
Since then our love grew
In these few years that flew
I am lucky and happy to have you
In my life you made me all new
From a single to double I will be
In few months you shall see...

Fictional write.
 Jan 2018 Jdeebs
 Jan 2018 Jdeebs
There are moments

those little bursts of happiness

you wish could last a lifetime.

Then there’s those longer moments of sadness

you wish would leave

before bedtime.
 Jan 2018 Jdeebs
 Jan 2018 Jdeebs
I wish time would fly
a little faster

To a time
when my heart is pain free
my mind
doesn't think of

 Jan 2018 Jdeebs
New world
 Jan 2018 Jdeebs
Go fool!
Into the new world with the crowd,
afraid  to walk solo
but the sleepy are waking up you know,
we shout aloud , we stand so proud .
Words we send to end the trend of go with flow,
till only  slow still bow below
the feet of prince deceit.
Like sheep to slaughter the masses follow.
See how they bleat and welcome own  defeat.
See how they swallow.
See how they take it to the hilt then beg for more.
See how they wallow in scripted sorrow.
see how they wilt and grovel before  mans law.
See how they follow....

See things change tomorrow.

The seeds of Eden the truth  sows
see  lie  like vine choking as it grows.
Soon all shall see the emperor has no clothes
and witness  new worlds last death throes.
And you
Forever grateful !
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