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 Nov 2017 Oni Olusegun
You keep spewing out poems
Each so renewing and flowin'
Your words speak
Knowledge that reaches peaks
In every line
The meaning is so defined
Crafted so loving
Your writing far from beige
Reflecting how truly you are a poetic sage!
A poem for StarBG~! :)
What a stimulating conversation
I might have a revelation

For new possibility
Emotional tranquility
If your mind is open and calm
My words will hold you closer
Till your heart is warm

The heart might be warm
but it can still do harm
for the heart
can tear you apart
love can forsake
if you let your heart partake,
it's all a mistake

Living in fear
of the unknown mistakes,
far or near
Life is then in dismay
Without nothing,
to sleeping one day

Angel-like rain castle

Part 2 of 5
To be continued....
Smiles are deceitful my eyes tell the truth, what more do you need my face is the proof!

Look closer than that I am but a shell, brimming with Rage, my own personal hell.

believe nothing you see, not even me, for I am the demon and the demon is me.
Thanks to all who read my work
What do you call someone so free,
Someone whom I'm pretending to be

What do you call someone who doubts,
who's insecurities rise and inner fears shouts
Call me what you like
Not too sure on this one but I thought I'd post it :D
Today I felt the urge to fall down a flight of stairs, and when I say fall
I mean,
                                   and plunge.

I wanted to feel something, a pain that wasn't already carried within me.

I could imagine the weightlessness I  would have felt as my body relaxed,
how time would have appeared hampered as if altered by my sudden descent.

That numbing pain as each step would buffet my spine and finally the  ominous silence that preludes my last breath while my misery pools around me glistening for all to see.

though sadly...

.             I live in a bungalow
Vertical, ever get that sudden urge to jump off something you know you shouldn't ?

My first non- rhyming piece, hope you enjoy :)
 Nov 2017 Oni Olusegun
 Nov 2017 Oni Olusegun
His voice said
Nice to meet you.
His eyes said
You look good.
His hand said
I want you to notice me.
My head said
Stay away from him.
My heart said
Kiss him.
My voice said
Nice to meet you too.
I have sat for many hours
Opening my soul to you
Listening with my heart
To your wisdom, wishing you were my mom

Now you are gone
And I am alone again
The pain is still hurting
But I can no longer listen to your voice

I didn’t want you to go
I wanted to be your child
Although I understand
You needed to retire to find a new life

The children inside my mind
Weep for you every day
I sit alone in my room
And allow their despair to wash over me

After all the years
Of telling you my heart
I can no longer reach out to you
And that hurts me to the core of my being

You could die
And I would never know
I could die
And you would not care when or why

I wish I could see
You just one more time
To tell you how I hurt
But I know you would never allow that

You told me once
I would not owe you anything
When we parted company
That I would be free to go my own way

Now that it you’ve gone
I must forward without you
I must remember what you taught me
But my soul is pain and so **** confused

You were the mother
I never had
It is like you’ve died
I’ll never see you or hear your wisdom again

I know I can say
All these things
Because you will not know
I would never impose upon your professionalism

I just wish
Oh God I wish
You were my real mom
Then you wouldn’t be out of reach forever  

I have one more thing
I would like to say
Before I end this poem
I love you Paula, and I miss you very much
Paula was a fantastic therapist. She and I walked the long road to recovery from severe childhood trauma together for 27 years.
When she retired, she left me utterly alone. I survived though, because that's what I do. I miss her, and I wish her luck.
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