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9h · 98
Don't Force It
When I was
I had to learn.
Sit and wait to
I  would get
impatient and force it.
If you read it,
you could tell.

Now I’m quite a bit older, and
I quit trying.
Fodder seems to be
I can write about
the most mundane

Today I’m at the
library waiting for my
girlfriend to
finish up at the dentist.
She’s getting her
teeth cleaned.
All my drinking ruined
my teeth.
When I got them
pulled a year ago,
there wasn’t a
healthy tooth in my head.
I have dentures now, so
I don’t have to
worry about how much I drink.
I know this isn’t a
good poem, but
there she is
all shiny and bright…
and sober.
This is a repost.  I have been sober for over two years now.  Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
3d · 179
I'll Be Home
Life is a series of tiring verbs
as I wade through the
ashes of orchids.
I'm a vagabond with
a ragged soul
coming for you *******
a lonesome road.
I float aimless,
like an acorn in
a mountain stream.
The death of dreams smells
like autumn leaves,
lonely as driftwood.

Home is not going to be
a white door at the
end of a sidewalk.
It's bigger and broader,
and can't fit behind a
fence and walls.
It will always be the
sum of my
memories and longings.

Home is walking the streets,
hand in hand,
with our son on my shoulders.
Home is lying in
the grass with your
fingers in my beard, and hope
oozing from your blue eyes.
It's eating sushi and laughing at
our accidental touch of hands,
reaching together for
the last California roll;
avocado safe at
a sun-dappled table.

I'm drifting lost on
a southern wind.
When I'm with you again,
wherever that is,
I'll be home.
Here is a link to my latest poetry reading on youtube.
4d · 121
One for Hunter
This one goes out to
the rambling, gambling madman
from Aspen- the late great
Hunter S. Thompson.
My drinking has landed me
in prison for a short stint.
To occupy my time,
I read and write,
it keeps my mind sharp
and the nursing homes at bay.
Also, a pen or a book in my
hand has the added benefit
of a signal to the other
inmates that I'm in my own
world, and I don't care to converse.

H.S.T's guerrilla approach to
writing, and his sharp gonzo wit
keep me laughing and thinking
on this carnival ride from hell.
And if I can laugh in prison,
I'm halfway home.
My mind will go where my
body can't.

Like Hunter, I'm a betting man who always
bets on the long shots.
So I'm putting a bundle on
me to pull out of this **** hole
and do something with my life.
** ** **, God Bless you, Doctor.
And as my old man used to say,
"They can **** us, but they
can't eat us."

Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read this poem and others from my book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on Amazon.
5d · 168
A Necessary Land
I’ve been to a place at
The end of the sidewalk.
In between safety and  
wild debauched nights of
concrete and neon.

It’s a tabula rasa.
Pristine and precious.
I love it there
where creativity and
innocence dwells on the
backs of phoenix birds and
purple pigeons,
and on the slopes of verdant
valleys, lush with cerulean
blue ponds.

The trees all
gave and gave.
Dragon fruit and  
mangoes and
plants that taught me  

Every fish and turtle that
I caught talks of Keroack
and Dali,
dreams, and love.
thick as maple syrup.
I met some surreal people
and creatures in this land.

And every **** one
of them oozed  
compassion and  
truth from  
every pore.
Here is a link to my brand-new poetry reading.

I've been trying to build a website
If you check it out, let me know what you think.
Feb 10 · 182
A Boat on a Leash
Thomas W Case Feb 10
I dreamed that I had
a boat on a leash,
which was strange
because moments before,
I had it in the ocean,
and I was fishing off
the starboard side.
My nephew was with me
and he got us lost.

We dragged that boat all
over Ventura.
We were looking for
the marina.
The longer that the boat
was on the leash,
the smaller it got.
Pretty soon it was
just a toy, a poisoned
dog that we
threw in the trash.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
This particular reading is of an open mic I did through the Writer's Workshop in Iowa City.

I've also been working on a website.
Feb 6 · 233
The Horses Need Hay
Please excuse the boundary
of my sadness;
it's not normal, I'm aware,
maybe, even maddening.

But, the horses need hay.
They are hungry.

Long evenings
full of shadows,
surround my blood
stained lazy bed.

The horses need hay.

Let's gather our
senses, and get to
the fields.
Make-believe we
have purpose and

Isn't that
the mindset we need
to overcome the largest
lie of them all.
Here is a link to my YouTube channel, where I read poetry from my recently published book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, which is available on Amazon.
Feb 4 · 228
Psilocybin silly when the
cops arrive.
Sitting on the couch naked,
laughter, aching jaws.
They ask where my wallet is?
I ask, where are my pants?
Even they laugh.
I can't say mushrooms are
all bad.
They are the catalysts that
brought me back to the
hospital to deal with the
real killer...
True Story.
I recently did an open mic via zoom at the writer's workshop in Iowa City.  Here's a link.
I'm on a Bukowskesque roll,
pounding the poems out
seven or eight a night.
I know it won't last.
It's like a fast.
It's the hunger that
drives you.
And when you're starving,
you eat--then rest.
Not today, though;

I've hit
my stride.
And the night is mine for
the taking.

And the words are mine for
the ******.
And my heart, I am staking
on the fact
I will stay
Here is a link to a poetry reading that I did via Zoom for the Iowa City Writer's Workshop.
Feb 2 · 150
Cock Soft
Here comes another
classic case of
writer's block.
**** soft,
I spew
across the
white pages.
Maybe age is
catching up
with me.
Time has been
a friend,
but I'm only as
good as my last poem.
I long for the days
when songs filled
my heart, where every
part of me smelled
the rain and the
wet dogs, and the
streets of Spain.
The pain was always
fodder, the joy, the sadness
the madness of love and
*** and passion.
The rancid anger and rage
became the words of
a sage when I broke
out the notebook.

Not tonight, though,
I will wait for the
******* and the blood
to simmer in
the red dot on the
white snow.
Patiently waiting for
the hemorrhaging of
the soul.
Here's a link to my you tube channel and a brand new poetry reading of this poem and more from my book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on
Jan 31 · 424
Thomas W Case Jan 31
flower of passion
petals like moist lips in rain
spring bids good morning.
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Thomas W Case Jan 29
I was helping my
son with his homework
the other day.
For one of his assignments,
he had to write a
public service announcement.
He has been visited
by the muse
at an early age.
His goal is to publish
his first book by the
time he's 18.

It got me thinking about
my life as a writer,
and the young formative
As a boy, I had a
broad imagination,
and much time alone.
I remember coming
up with plot lines in
my head, and then
writing little adventure stories.
My dad was a drama
He directed four or
five plays a year.
I grew up watching
the classic plays,
and developing a love
for literature.

In Junior high,
I saw the power
of my gift.
I wasn't a popular
kid; somewhat of a
But one day in
English class, I wrote
a story about a
*****-headed hamster,
with an underbite-like
a French bulldog.
The other kids loved it.
They listened and laughed,
and applauded.
Words became my
new best friend.

I grew and leaned on
writing through the
good times and the bad.
They were warmth
In the long winters,
and rain in
Through the alcoholic
haze of much of
my adulthood,
writing kept me sane,
and it gave me
the will to keep
living when the
pain grew into
a beast of its own...

My son hands me
his paper and it's
brilliant--it warns people
about the dangers
of cyber hackers, by
portraying the average
person surfing the net
as a lamb walking along
in the grass,
thinking life is grand just being
a sheep, when along
comes the wolf that pounces and
He finishes with,
'Don't let this happen to you.
Protect your computer and files
with such and such software.'

He asked me if I thought
he could be a good writer.
I laughed and told him
that he already was.
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Jan 27 · 192
My Shoes
Thomas W Case Jan 27
I like
my shoes; they are
the only pair
I have.
I've walked miles in
They have
got me around for years.
My shoes are
falling apart.
They should have
quit on me a long
time ago.
Strangely enough,
people compliment
me on them.
They don't see
that the soles are
worn thin, or that they
smell like cat **** and
rotting flesh.
They don't see the
blood stains on
the canvas and the
piece of broken glass stuck
in the heel.
they say,
'Nice kicks;
they look good on you.'
I can't afford
another pair right now,
and even if I could,
I wouldn't spend
the money on them.
No, I like my
shoes, even with
all their imperfections.
They have seen
a thousand sunsets and
carried me away
from many heartbreaks.
My shoes have
and sauntered through
and all kinds of ****.
My shoes have
saved me and
betrayed me.
And they have
tasted every type
of ***** known
to man.
When I'm dead and
I hope someone
my shoes and throws
the ashes in
that long lonesome
river, under the bridge,
where men
live and fight
and dream.
Here's a link to my YouTube channel, where I read poetry from my book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, which is available on Amazon.
Jan 24 · 367
I Was Blind
Thomas W Case Jan 24
Life is about giving
back instead of taking.
I took a lot all my life,
apathetic and selfish.
When I see people today,
they don't look like marks.
I don't think about what I
can take from them.
They are God's handiwork.

Life is strange and short.
I couldn't have caused this
inner transition.
I always subscribed to
morality in theory.
Thank God,
the blind still receives sight.

Sometimes, acquaintances will say
that I've grown soft
as they turn to green jello, right
before my eyes.
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Jan 22 · 523
Young, but Once
Thomas W Case Jan 22
I wish I were young again, I would bow to the majestic
beauty of the sleepy sunset.
Happy like a kid with a kite, my feet would bathe in the
snakelike streams escaping through
the meadows, beneath the starlit autumn sky.
Here is a linkl to my you tube channel where I do a brand new video.
Jan 21 · 334
The Pull of the Streets
Thomas W Case Jan 21
It's hard to understand, unless
you've been there.
There is a pull to the streets.
I can't count how many dead
end jobs I've held—how many roach
infested rooms I've
crashed in.
The inevitable day comes when
I tell the boss, '*******, I don't need this ****! '
I walk out into the misty
afternoon—I look left, then right.
I drowned out thoughts of the future with
a cheap pint of *****.

I see one eye George on my travails,
he's half-lit—living in the woods.
'Don't let the ******* get you down.' He says, as he
stumbles by bent, and taking a standing eight count.
Mickey the ****** stops me a
block from my flop-house.
'Tommy boy, I'm sick…gotta a couple of bucks so
an old drunk can get well? '
I slip him a five.
He says with a tear in his eye,
'God bless you Tommy—you know I
had it all, I'm afraid the
streets own me now.'
'Keep your chin up' I say as
I plummet down the
street, pretending
tomorrow is a decade away.

I climb the three flights of
stairs to my room,
slip the key in the lock,
turn the ****—it opens.
'I love these little miracles' I say under
my breadth.
My three-legged cat Walter saunters up to
me—he's white with marmalade splotches.
He does his best to rub up against
my leg—I pet his matted fur.

I passed out in an alley one
night, and woke up to Walter lying next to me.
I think something crawled into
my ear and made a home,
it's been there ever since.

I crash down on my chair,
and watch Walter scratch at
the door with his one front leg.
He hasn't been neutered—he gets the
pull of the streets.
I let him out and take a long swig of
the *****—the potion does its magic.
Life doesn't look so bad,
there will be other jobs, and I still have
two weeks left in this
dump of a room.
A writer needs four walls—yet there is
the pull of the streets.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read this poem and others. (Music by Tom Waits)
Jan 19 · 201
Orpheus Rebooted
Thomas W Case Jan 19
Just like Orpheus,
I descended.
my digression was
for different
Yeah, I tried to
rescue you from
your hell.
Bring you out of
the degradation,
the debauchery.

It smelled like
***** and ****.
The swine squealed.
The harpies shrieked.
I looked
too long.
I became you.

Thank God I escaped.
Fate dragged me
out by the scruff
of my neck.
You've made it
your home,
but, I will never
visit your underworld
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.

This poem is a repost.
Jan 16 · 355
I Just Want to Swim
Thomas W Case Jan 16
She had that
octopus smile,
always reaching for
I was her small
fish; her handmaid.
I lived in her nebulous
world for far too long.
Inky confusion...

There's a reason for
your treason, said the
old man to the shark,
but Hem forgot, a beast
is a beast, they do
beastly things.
We all have to eat.

I'm done being the
It's your Ocean,
I'm just trying to
swim in it.

You're an oyster,
and I want your
but I won't drown
for it.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Jan 14 · 181
The Birds of November
Thomas W Case Jan 14
Time has run through
golden fields of hay
and swam the moss-covered
ponds in the soft amber
light of dawn.

There are shards of
beauty in the
rubble of a broken life.

Those summer days



Then galloped on by, like
a ******* colt.

I fed on the breast of life,
grew strong, and free.
And now,
those November birds


coming for me.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry from my book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems (on Amazon)
Jan 12 · 568
I'm Alive
Thomas W Case Jan 12
Tepid water
my toes,
I know
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.

My book Seedy Town Blues is on Amazon.
Jan 10 · 547
Thomas W Case Jan 10
The view from
between your legs,
with my glistening
face in the soft
lamplight is
more than

The trust
is thick,

Your happy
moans are like a
symphony from
Mozart as I wait
for the
grand finish.
dun dun dun dun dun dun dun
dun dun dun dun dun
Dun Dun


You pull me inward,
and I smell
Sticky faced
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Jan 10 · 244
The Vultures Will Come
Thomas W Case Jan 10
Three burly sheriffs showed
up at my neighbors
house yesterday.
Scowls on scarred faces.
Tattered lives, tarnished
Five minutes later,
they were walking my
friend out in handcuffs.
He shuffled, head down.
Autumn frowned and the
leaves scuttled away in

Today, the vultures swooped
in, picked the bones of all
his earthly possessions that
littered what was once his
front lawn.
Jackals, and hideous
hyena faced men and
women took the last of
his things.  

Even though he was
arrested, he still
and although they are
free, they die more
daily in their own
private evictions.
I've seen more
humanity at a
Here's a link to my brand new poetry reading on You tube.
Ferrel cats creep
under porches
to escape the  
rain and snow.
Some have half  
a tail
or a missing ear.
My cats watch
them from the
safety of
the warm house.
They chirp, and

I wonder if
these pitiful
orphans once had
a home and
knew love.
Did the owner
abandon them to
be unburdened by

I wish I could
save those wild
those princes of
the alleys.

Sometimes, they wander
over to my porch.
I put a can of
tuna out.
They look at
me with cautious
green or golden eyes.
I tell them,
it’s going to be
I know it’s a
Winter is coming.
But I feel  
better for a second.
And that’s all that
matters in this
playground of a

Don’t you think?
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
It won't be a silent
night this Christmas in
the Psych Ward.
There are some real
wack jobs in here.
One guy grabbed his crotch,
and said, 'I have hold of all my faculties.'
The nurse asked him what
drugs he was on,
He said, 'It's not the drugs that are
the problem, it's the women.'
Maybe he's not as crazy as I thought.
I shouldn't talk; I'm getting
ECTs (Electra Convulsive Therapy)
One of the side effects is
memory loss. I hope they make me
forget the last woman in my life.
Life is so odd.
I'm locked in the nuthouse,
getting shock treatments.
She's home in her apartment,
cooking and cleaning,
crazy and mean as a ****-house rat.
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Jan 4 · 588
Wet Orchids
Her lips are like
wet orchids, dressed in
the spring rain,
waiting to be
kissed and
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Jan 2 · 275
Strange Days
It’s strange on
days like this.
December 30th, 2024.
The temperature reached
60 degrees today.
An ice fisherman
died on the lake.

It’s strange on
days like this,
when winter plays
a charade.
I open the windows
and let the breeze in.
My cats run around the
house, and think it’s
They wag their
tails and watch the
squirrels hide nuts.

And on strange
days like this,
I look around my
room, at the pictures
on the wall.
Van Gogh
and I wonder if
they ever thought that  
they would die someday.

I think about it.

It’s hard to envision.
I’m so alive when I
sit in the hot jacuzzi
and watch the bubbles
and steam.
I water the plants,
exercise, and take
I will be gone one day.
The rivers will still
flow and wind, and the clouds  
float slowly by, and
chocolate will still taste so

I wonder if
Vincent, Pablo, or
Earnie ever thought about
the strange tricks the
seasons play on us.
Here's a link to my YouTube channel, where I read poetry from my recently published book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, which is available on Amazon.
Dec 2024 · 363
Life in the Clouds
Thomas W Case Dec 2024
The birds started
singing at ten to four
this morning;
coaxing the dawn on
with their song.

The *** would be
great on the clouds
that I saw yesterday.
They looked like
rows of fresh
Every position would be
a little miracle;
perfect depth and

The sweat stung
my eyes as I
smoked in the
sweltering July
I wish I could
live in the clouds...
No job
No taxes or tired back.
Just relaxing in
that puffy white
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Dec 2024 · 420
Dreams of the Fishes
Thomas W Case Dec 2024
Evening sky reflects
on the glass lake.
The soldier of a
tree carries on
through the lonesome
If we could only
see the dreams of
the fish,
far from the
frying pan.
This is a repost.  Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Brand new video.
Dec 2024 · 317
Jaded Wildflower
Thomas W Case Dec 2024
When I was
I became
involved with
a married woman.
She said that
her husband was
She was looking
for a way out
or a break.

She had the
most amazing eyes.
Wild and dark,
like a walnut, on fire.
She smelled like
the earth, sweat,
and wildflowers.
There was something
uncaged about her.

I was young
and naive.
I believed everything
and hoped too much.

The *** was
She taught me a lot.
We broke the
bed and took
bubble baths together.
It was a lavender love.

One day, she came
home with a balloon and
She said we are
having a baby.
Those wild
eyes flashed pure joy.

My mom was
"She has a husband."
My mother was a realist.
She accepted it though,
even bought the woman
some gifts.

It didn't take long for
Amber to show a side
of her, I hadn't seen.
I caught her in some
small lies, and she became
violent when upset.

The affair ended.
She went back to
her husband.
It felt like my heart was
ripped out through
my nose.
Pain like a
rotting *****.

I remember talking to
a friend about it on
the phone,
pausing to *****.
It hurt so
******* bad.

Her sister called
me a week after
the split.
I asked about the
It was all a lie.
She had a
hysterectomy a few
years earlier.

I still believe in people,
and hope too much,
and the years have made
me wiser.

I heard much
later that
she died at 40 of
lung cancer.
Those beautiful dark
eyes finally got
some rest.
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Dec 2024 · 664
Pink Clouds, Like Petals
Thomas W Case Dec 2024
The tower penetrates
the puffy pink
clouds, and the
horizon squirts
sweet rain.
My face gets
She is the sky.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Dec 2024 · 230
I'm Going to Miss Jail
Thomas W Case Dec 2024
I sit in the day room of
cell block one in the county jail at
4: 30 am.  It's quiet, almost serene.
All the other inmates are asleep.
I wait for breakfast: two hard-boiled eggs,
a doughnut, juice, and milk.  
Once a week we can order books.
They will deliver them today.
I'll get Bukowski, Steinbeck, and Cervantes.
The remaining six days will
fly by.
When I'm released, I'll go under
the bridge—steal wine and
stay drunk.
I'll eat every three or four days.
It's January with record-setting
frigid temperatures.
Survival will be a challenge.
There will be an ex-girlfriend to
contend with.
I'll try to get what little
clothes that I left at her place,
that is if she didn't throw them away;
she's somewhat of a **** like that.
My two best friends who stayed under
the bridge with me, died a day
apart two months ago,
so, nothing but
ghosts and memories there now.
I'm going to miss jail.
Here's a link to my YouTube channel, where I read poetry from my recently published book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems.
Dec 2024 · 643
It Took Years
Thomas W Case Dec 2024
Many years
ago, I went to
this little
Irish bar.
On Sunday nights,
there was a jazz band.
They played
and the Duke.

I drank gallons of
****** marys on
those hot
summer nights.
Dill pickle spears, and
green olives came up
later on those
hungover, dreamless

I was young.
I wasted the days,
lying in the sun,
bayonetted by youth.
Copper colored skin,
tin soul.
I would go thousands
of miles, chasing
that train, before I
would be forgiven.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Dec 2024 · 181
The Last
Thomas W Case Dec 2024
This could be
the last poem I
ever write.
I hope not,
but it's possible.

If it were my
last poem,
what would I want
it to say?
Wow, not so easy.

Poetry has been a
loving wife, and I
will miss her on
all those sleepless
nights, when dreams
don't come.
Writing poems have
kept me in touch
with all the harsh
pain, and all the
sublime beauty.
Both are supreme

Poetry has opened
my ears to the
sounds of the
earth, the whispered
rush of the creek
running over stones
and sticks.
The cries of my
children in the
night wanting
their mothers'

If this were
last poem, I would
want it to bring
some joy and be
a bit less sentimental.
Oh well,
guess I have to
write more.
This is a repost.  Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Dec 2024 · 756
Silver and Gold
Thomas W Case Dec 2024
I teach my
little daughter about
things in the sea with
flippers, and I feel
like Neptune or
I can smell
the salty breeze.

I feel like
I won the lottery.
Don't get me wrong,
I'm broke most
of the time, but
my life is rich with
golden memories, and
silver moments, built
one day at a time.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.  A brand new video is up.
Dec 2024 · 349
I Dreamed in Green
Thomas W Case Dec 2024
I long for
the sunburnt days,
freckled dreams and
scabbed up knees.
to be a boy in
summer again.
My baseball and  
**** dog close at
Fishing pole and
lily pad ponds.
I caught frogs and
The budding poet in
me saw sunsets on
the underside of
the shells.

The daylight, and
evening seemed to
last forever.
And when I finally
went to bed,
The buzz of the
cicadas, and the
symphony of the
crickets were my
soundtrack to youth.
I dreamed in green.
Here's a link to my YouTube channel, where I read poetry from my recently published book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems.
Nov 2024 · 231
Poor Eddie Van Patten
Thomas W Case Nov 2024
I was in 4th grade at
Hubble Elementary.
Eddie Van Patten was
in 6th grade.
He was a big kid, even
for a 12-year-old.
He had a bowl cut,
and freckles.
Eddie was a  
but he never  
bothered me.

One bitter cold
January afternoon,
he slipped on a  
patch of ice,
hit the back of
his head and died.
Mr. Maguire, the
gym coach said,
It was the occipital bone.
We were all told
to feel the back of  
our heads.
The coaches' eyes
didn't have that
sparkle anymore.

He said,
“You have to  
learn how to
fall, always protect
the back of your head.
If you don’t land right,
It can **** you.”

For the next
week, we practiced
tumbling and
learning to fall the
right way.
I was sad for
Eddie, but I wanted
to play dodgeball.
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Nov 2024 · 222
Upon Visiting the Dead
Thomas W Case Nov 2024
I visit the dead at
the grocery store,
on the phone
in my e-mails.
I watch them  
on TV,
at the beach,
in my dreams
and in the eyes
of crows.

They wear
colorful clothes, and
always want to
sell me on their
way of life.
No thanks, I’m  
calling the whole  
thing off.
I’m going fishing.
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.

My book is Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on
Nov 2024 · 322
Getting it Down
Thomas W Case Nov 2024
My cat’s timing is
I’ve been slothful
with writing lately,
and the cats play
the antagonist.
I sit in my
favorite chair and
put some Vivaldi on.  
I’m determined to write.

As soon as I pick up
my notebook and pen,
the black one with
the white spot on
her neck jumps on  
my lap and bites at
the moving ink pen.

Her sister chases
imaginary bugs on
the coffee table, and
knocks over a slim
glass of water.
She runs away.

The newest edition to
my cat family is a
large tiger stripped
female that is
currently trying to
avoid the puddle, while
she bats at the
leaves of the fig tree.

I bet Bukowski
didn't have to
deal with this ****.
On second thought,
he probably did.
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.

My book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems is available on
Nov 2024 · 226
Into the Abyss She Climbed
Thomas W Case Nov 2024
The poor thing got
lost in the escape.
And she was still hungover
from the childhood terror.
Her personality was
ruined--redolent with
the first flowers of

She made a pretend
world, full of delusions.
A house of cards that
was laden with
lunacy, her insanity
became safe and dependent
on her never taking
responsibility for her
actions--she was a
pawn for the adage,
Hurt people Hurt people,
like Blanche from
A Streetcar Named Desire,
Don Quixote,
Her world crumbled and she climbed
into the abyss,
when she looked
deeply into the
mirror of reality.
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Nov 2024 · 525
The Champ
Thomas W Case Nov 2024
When does the
champ know that  
he doesn’t have  
It anymore?
Is it after that
first loss to a
*** he should  
have knocked out in
the second round?
Is it when his body
doesn't do what
his mind tells it
to do?  

His punches are
His legs are
He once was one
of the greatest.
Iron Mike, they
called him.

He loses to an
overhyped cute
boy with little skills,  
and blonde curls.
It was brutal to watch.

He was king of
the jungle in those
early Brooklyn days.
Old lions don’t just
wander off and die
They get killed and
eaten by  
younger lions.

After this charade,
I hope the champ
hangs up his
gloves for good.
Here's a link to my youtube channel where I read my poetry.
Nov 2024 · 265
Live Well
Thomas W Case Nov 2024
It’s hot in
The summer  
sun looks down  
jealous of
youth playing in
the fields,
carefree and
Kids drown
muskrats with
rocks in the
stream, and have
funerals for flies.
Death watches, and
waits for
winter to come.
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read from my recently published book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on Amazon.
Nov 2024 · 295
Along the Way
Thomas W Case Nov 2024
All the hard
times prepared me
for this.
The hopeless
times, black sun
The long seasons of
Starving, like a
winter tomcat.

The hospital stays.
Jails and psych wards.
The fist fights under
Midnight swims, drunk in
the Iowa River,
not drowned, only out
of spite.
All of this, and
much more got
me ready for this.

I’m sitting up in bed.
It’s 5:00 AM.
My three cats chase
each other, like
lovers in spring.
I’ve been sober
for almost two years.
I even quit smoking
I’m writing regularly,
and publishing much
of it.
It’s mostly well received
I’m sipping a hot cup
of coffee.
It’s from Sumatra and has
notes of herbs and earth.

I look at the pictures of
Van Gogh and
Hemingway above my
antique maple desk,
as I listen to Mozart.
A writer needs four walls.
I have so much more,
and gratitude, the most
important thing I
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Nov 2024 · 216
A Worthwhile Pursuit
Thomas W Case Nov 2024
My mind is a
scrapbook of
memories and
ghosts that waltz to
sullen Cohen
songs in my heart.

it hurts
like a
rotten tooth.
I have a foul and
taste in my mouth.
A metallic bitterness.
There’s a febrile and
pale stranger in the
mirror that cowers
back at me.
Tears, like candle wax.

I used to
try and drink the
pain away.
Chase worldly
pursuits, like a
dog at the track
after that mechanical

As I get older,
I try to practice
I got off that
dirt road to
damnation Island.
We are in this
carnival of ****
I seek a higher love
and try to ease another's
a pursuit worthwhile.
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry from my recently published book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems
Nov 2024 · 2.4k
Sacred Pause
Thomas W Case Nov 2024
When the urge
to react to the
tactless clowns,
down looks like
and life's teeth
are sharper than
a steak knife,
and take a
sacred pause.
This is a repost from last year. Here is a link to my YouTube channel, where I read poetry from my book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, which is available on Amazon.
Nov 2024 · 1.8k
Let Love Reign
Thomas W Case Nov 2024
When anger and hatred
flow through your veins,
let love reign.
On gentle Spring nights when
memories haunt you like
the lost dead,
let love reign.
When stress and confusion
overwhelm you and the
future seems as
uncertain as a roll
of the dice,
let love reign.

When you think God is
a grand prankster and
it feels like an
eternal winter in
your heart,
let love reign.
When the pictures remind
you of times long gone,
and the mirror is
a hard place to live,
let love reign.

If you get lost,
like I do in a
poem or a song,
let love reign.
In my dreams, I will
see you, and kiss you,
and hold you forever,
and there will be no
only good mornings,
if we let love reign.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Nov 2024 · 265
Indigo Night
Thomas W Case Nov 2024
On my windowsill,
of that indigo night
you took me,
and I haven't
been the same since.

Something about you
makes me want to
be a better man.
I've grown wings,
so I take to the sky.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where  I read poetry from my book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on
Nov 2024 · 252
Vagabond Wind
Thomas W Case Nov 2024
You slipped
away from me,
like the robins and
cherry blossoms when
spring ends,
and the fractured nights
of winter come.
I will search the
midnight alleys, and the
mountains of Chile.
I will listen for
your sweet laughter.
I long to taste your
honeysuckle lips, and
hear your heartbeat.
If I never find you,
I will be a lost leaf
on the lonesome
vagabond wind.
This is a repost.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Oct 2024 · 477
The Womb
Thomas W Case Oct 2024
Another lunatic trip to
the hospital.
Nine days, this
go around.
For the first two
days, I just pulled
the covers over my
head and pretended I
was back in the womb.
It was warm and safe.
As much as I
wanted to stay,
I knew it was time to
be reborn into this
strange world of
sick streets, and
broken dreams.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry to promote my book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on Amazom.
Oct 2024 · 261
amor tardius occidit
Thomas W Case Oct 2024
amor tardius occidit
We should have
been so much
Now we're just a torn
in a finished book.
The memories are
but the pain still lingers.
I still smell you on
my fingers.
I still taste you on
my tongue.
Love kills slowly;
a backward glance from
an invisible god.
I'm a bird that sings,
but cannot fly.
I'm the ticking of a
A rocking chair.


Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Oct 2024 · 802
Blue Life
Thomas W Case Oct 2024
I've been to the crushing
It smells of death, and
spider mums.
Daisy chains dropped
when the music died.
The lake is murky now.
Clowns roam the street,
looking for carnivals
and meat.
Silly boys still believe
in love and dreams, and
girls that like opera and
giving head.
This world is strange, and
Picasso walks the lonely
avenues, feeding
seagulls' peanuts and paint.
No one blames him.
It's his blue period.
All the while,
an old bent man plays
the guitar.
He smells like camels,
and hope.
Link to my youtube channel where I read my poetry.
Oct 2024 · 324
Thomas W Case Oct 2024
She worries about
real and imagined,
"what if this? What if that?"
I watched my
worry herself right
into the
grave one disastrous
December night.
My girlfriend doesn't care.
She wants me to
worry right along
with her.
And when I don't
gets angry.

My Dad said,
"They can **** us,
but they can't eat us."
I share this with her.
worry, worry, worry.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
I have combined my fishing adventures with poetry.  Good times.
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