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No one sees mt pain.
No one hears me cry.
No one knows I slowly die.
But here it is- my final goodbye.
Do me a favor.
Just go away.
Leave me alone.

I tell you that every day.
Everything else has left,
So why not you?

Please do me a favor.
Just go away.
And leave me alone.

I thought I had lost you long ago.
But you came back to me.
I guess you never really left.

Do me a favor.
Just go away.
Leave me alone, this time for good.

I pray for this every night.
Want you to leave so bad.
But you never do, always are on the back of my mind.

But please do me a favor.
And just go away.
Leave me alone.

I lost everything but not you.
My friends, my hopes, my desires, my love for myself.
But you always stayed.

Do me a favor.
Just go away.
And leave me alone.

I did not ask for you.
So please go away and leave me alone.
This time for good.
This poem is about depression and how bad I want it to leave me alone when it comes back and hits me in the face. When I have a good time and I am not depressed and I feel sad for no reason it  scares me, will depression take over again.
Feel free to hate me.
Feel free to love me.
You can insult me.
You can give me compliments.
As much as you want.
But please tell me.
Stop talking behind my bak.
Stop pointing.
You can just tell me what you think of me.
I am strong enough to hear the true.
Hate me.
Love me.
Tell me but please respect me.
I am just like you only different.
And you can hate me or love me.
But I am still a human being.
Sick of all the laughing, whispering and pointing.
So just tell me what you think.
I am strong enough to handle the true when you say it in my face.
My body is a curse,
A boundry I cannot cross,
for tommorow it will be a bless,
my body is a cage,
my mind the captived one,
my body is like a prison,
for my very own soul
this is a poem about being gender fluid
I tell you I'm okay.
but when I am okay means, I am breathing and don't have a wish to stop doing so today.
Can you really say that I'm okay?
I am speechless,
have no words,
I can't speak,
I am wordless

Never I had expected this,
that something like this,
would happen to you.
I am so sorry

I am speechless,
left behind wordless,
I forgot how to speak,
don't know what to say,

but your name,
I love you,
I want to give up,
I can't live without your love.
I want to give up,
But you told me no to.
I promised you,
It was practically your dying wish.
But it is so hard, living without your love,
That all I can think about is giving up.
But I won't, I promised,
I will stay strong.
For you, for our undying love,
I will never give up.
I want to give up, cannot live without your love,
I promised, I can't and I won't give up.
Empty swings.
Playground left behind.
No children playing or running.
No people here laughing.
Or just talking.
Just a mother alone with her mind.
All the happiness gone.
Blown away by the cold northern wind.
The same wind that chilled you.
Killed you.
Took you away.
My sweet child.
And now I am here.
Just me.
A childless mother and her mind.
Standin by the empty swings.
At an empty playground.
Left behind.
I just stand there.
Mourning your untimely death.
Missing your beautiful smile.
Your warm laugh.
Oh my sweet child.
Every day I mourn your death.
Curse the cold norther wind that took you away.
The wind that took a mother's child.
The most precious thing.
Oh my beautiful child.
And every day.
I come back.
To watch the empty swings.
And look back at the past.
To mourn your untimely death.
And every day I watch this empty swings.
The swings you used to play on.
Till this cold northern wind took you away.
Now a mother comes to the empty swings.
Every day.
Crying for the lost of her son.
A childless mother at an empty playground.
All  happyness long forgotten.
There by the empty swings.
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