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 Jun 2016 tlhago
i belong
 Jun 2016 tlhago
I belong surrounded by tall trees
And babbling brooks
With green grass
And picnic lunches.
I belong in dusty bookshelves
And worn out couches
Patterned rugs
And book marks
I belong in warm living rooms
With the fireplace going
Hot chocolate in hand
And family movies.
I belong in smiling faces
And drawn out hugs.
I belong folded between
The cracks in fingers and toes
Wedged inside bright eyes
And eyelashes.
I belong in all of these places
Above all
I belong with you.
 Jan 2016 tlhago
Ellie Shelley
Don’t become infatuated
Don’t fall in love
Especially not with poets
Because they only ever exist in their words
They will write you love poems, and lengthy paragraphs
With words said in ways you have never heard before
You will fall in love, with love poems, the way they say their vowels, and the look in their eyes when they read to you  
They will lull you to sleep with sticky sweet words
And they will speak of the colour yellow, in a new light
A new meaning will come to its definition
And it will slowly become your favorite colour
You will wear yellow dresses, and put daisies in every room  
You will see the speckles of yellow in their brown eyes
But you will find them at three in the morning sitting in the bath tub, bathing in the words of metaphors
You will find them having an affair with Stanzas and Verses at the same time, sleeping with sonnets
You will see that poetry was always their mistress
At night they will no longer share blankets with you, but they will wrap themselves in ballads and couplets
You will only be able to express this new distance with eulogies
You will start seeing yellow everywhere
In the beds of your nails, and them hems of your skirts
Till you start seeing it so often that you will want to puke up every word they have ever said to you
You will realize that talk is cheap and Rhymes are easy
You will realize that poets only ever exist in their words

Wait I.. I take that back
Fall in love with oddly pronounced vowels, love poems, lengthy paragraphs, and sparking eyes
Wear yellow dresses again
Pick a bouquet of daisies
Fall in love with 2 a.m. again
But not with just anyones 2 a.m.
Fall in love with yours
Get swept up in the arms of personification
Drink sticky sweet words, get drunk off yourself
Have a love affair with stanzas
Kiss verses on the lip
Wrap up your wounded parts with haikus
Become infatuated with metaphors
Whisper sweet nothings to yourself
Fill your nights with praise poems
And love songs
Tear up every eulogy you have ever written
Knit yourself a blanket from all the unfinished poems, all your couplets
Sing ballads to yourself
And write sonnets in the moonlight
Fall in love with rich words and complex rhymes
Don’t worry about falling out of love this time
This is two combined poems, the first one is one I've already put on here. I'm using this for an audition to try to get on my schools poetry team. LTAB (Louder Than A Bomb)
 Jul 2015 tlhago
Häz Figueroa
It's funny,
How we have
The tendency
To look upon each other
And smother
Our feelings and emotions
Onto a designated
Ragdoll, of sorts
Who, in the aftermath
Desires to dance
To where the end
Will justify
Nothing, even
The lines
Marked throughout her arm
[Which] signify
Body and mind
At a gradual downfall

Demented thoughts
Like a waterfall
During the world's end
It's more than enough
To bring upon
A deluge
Of volatile insanity
That slowly grows
'Till it explodes
And bestows
Only more torture
Until the penultimate
Second, in which
Her dance ends
And she can only
Lie motionless
With a crimson line
Marked on her neck
Longer, deeper
Giving birth to
The sadness
Coming from
That realization:
The end
Couldn't possibly justify
The actions she took
Against none other
This is the first poem I've put on Hello Poetry, but yeah... been going through some rough times. I don't self-harm, but still... yeah.
 Jul 2015 tlhago
A poem, for some, is not fuelled by a single thought.
It is not a sudden emotion that yearns to be converted instantly to wordful waste, it is gradual.
It is a volcano, that builds up until eruption is inevitable.
Poetry, for some, is layer upon layer of thought and feeling and concept, hardened over time,
For some, it is hours of pain and joy and the works of the indescribable puppeteer so desperately fused
into metaphor.
Poetry, for some, lifelong.

But for others, poetry is pure spontaneity. It is unpredictable and unlook-back-able.
For others, poetry is their act of carpe diem, their tip-toe into daily bravery and recklessness.
Their mark that is not a scar.
Poetry, for others, is a single moment picked out of an infinity of them and pulled apart, or pulled together.
It is wonderful and hideous, it is skydiving and socialising and swimming with the sharks.
It is instant, it is adrenaline.
For others, poetry is lack of thought or understanding, just the swift transition from neuron to ink or binary.
Poetry, for others, is short lived.
This piece was one written at 3:26am. It was my early morning carpe diem. It needs to be improved, it needs to be considered, but I'm still glad I wrote it and will save it without a second look. Poetry is my dip into living in the moment.
 Jun 2015 tlhago
Violet Blue
 Jun 2015 tlhago
Violet Blue
Fake a smile darlin
They'll never suspect a thing
 May 2015 tlhago
The Feeling
 May 2015 tlhago
Sometimes I get this feeling.
This feeling does not really have a name.
It is in the middle of my chest.
It is like my emotions are a rope.
The rope is strangling my heart.
It feels like it is about to explode
but it never does
It constricts my breathing and slows my thoughts
It almost hurts
Whenever I think of you
this feeling follows
All I want is for this feeling to go away
but at the same time
I need it
It reminds me I am alive.
This isn't really a poem, but more of an insight to the crazy thoughts I get at night.
 May 2015 tlhago
Brandy Nicole
 May 2015 tlhago
Brandy Nicole
Take me back to where the earth smiled and my weird mind thrived
All I do is write words that make you cringe

Oh just a loser to modern time
A stranger talking to trees
living for strange thoughts and peaceful nights

Glued to a window the rain falls opposite of me speaks my pain
Days coming round where I'm cruelest to myself

Oh just a loser in your heart and mind
Even kicked by the freaks
What's wrong with me?
Why can't I be the same?

Grew up an outcast, a half-breed
Am I unworthy of love?
No luck of thing called love
I paint a picture of romance different from the norms
Unable to feel in the same cold manner
Call what you will
I'm a loser trapped in between lines, hiding to be sane

All I do is listen and pray to invisible words of the shadows on the wall
I'm a loser in between worlds, can't somebody take be home
Above those clouds and away from prying eyes
Thoughts inspired by bigbang- loser
 May 2015 tlhago
Dana Kathleen
looks familiar
anymore and
I want to go home
but nowhere
feels like
it anymore.

When bluffs
get boring
I trade them
for fields.

When two
lakes aren’t enough
I leave for
a forest of them.

Maybe it’s true
that home isn’t
a place but
a feeling.

is me.

what if
home isn’t
a feeling,
but a person.

is You.

For now
I’ll have to
carry all that
makes a home
in my bones
until I find
someone I can
unpack into
Still needs work, but I thought I'd still share!
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