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 Feb 2016 Taylor Gorman
JR Rhine
Your love rains down
                                       from the shower head.

Sharp needles of fire
                                                                ­                  dousing cold feet.

                                   It feels like daggers,

                                               and wouldn't be so,

if I hadn't lingered for so long,
                                                                           in my frigid hesitancy.
I've been reading "Coney Island of the Mind" by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Part of the jazz-inspired Beat generation, his writings are incredibly experimental and diverse. Definitely check him out if you haven't.
 Oct 2015 Taylor Gorman
Which side of the looking glass
am I even in?
Does is even matter?
 Sep 2015 Taylor Gorman
I constructed a piano, out of dead leaves and pine needles

Frail it was, pitiful it looked

But I played it without shame, as most as I could

To create sounds, to my desolate landscape

And for a moment

Break away, the chains of the lonely sin
 Sep 2015 Taylor Gorman
Fireflies carry a light behind them
They wander at night not knowing where to go
And they are not afraid
Because they know
They are guided by a light
That flies with them
behind their wings

But it's sad too,
Because they will never be able to see it
That shimmering light
That stayed behind them
All through the years.
 Sep 2015 Taylor Gorman
"I looked at my life in the mirror
and I saw a shattered glass."
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