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SydneyAnn Feb 2015
I lost control
and now I can't see straight
my mind was yours to unfold
but now I can't dictate
what you know and what you weren't told

I went back in time
but this was in a dream, not reality
I told you things that I had hidden inside
and this was so real to me
what hurts is that it never existed in your world

Maybe I never existed in your world
  Feb 2015 SydneyAnn
Megha Balooni
Bloated memories of you
Tonight, you chase me into fireworks
Its not making sense
Any of it
Why would you caress me so deeply
And near the lake of our love
You dissolve
Fading away,
Ripple by ripple.

You chased me into fireworks
And the last smile that I saw
Took my breath away.
SydneyAnn Feb 2015
I try to close my eyes
Because when they are open I tend to realize
things I hate to admit but that I despise
To me it is no surprise
to see the division on each side
Stereotypes are being idolized
Human beings are not being individualized
not being identified
Just stamp them with a number
Send them to school to make them
but dumber
to the reality
They take the unbalanced lead
of what stares at me
but moves passed me
I am followed by the past me
we are
who we are destined to be
Because of what was taught to me
I have chains on my wrists
in this country
but they say I am free
while they distract me
subtract me
yes, me
but you too
Because we are one but we are two
You and me
me and you
Don't lose yourself
if you are lost, I am too
SydneyAnn Feb 2015
Express with me
Breathe less with me
Undress with me
Make a mess of me

Break me
Make me
Take from me
Do anything but ache for me

Leave me
Deceive me
Free me
Do anything but be with me
SydneyAnn Feb 2015
Rest In Peace
You are dead to me
And I'm dead to me, too
because I left too much of myself with you
What's real is real,
and what's real is you're dead
Maybe not in reality
but I swear that it's real in my head
The voices tell me what is true
and the truth is,
even when you're dead I am in love with you
SydneyAnn Feb 2015
High eyes
Hidden lies
A compromise/ Violence in disguise
A noose is the new suit and ties
We are morphing into one- jobs 9 to 5
Sleeps schedules are identical- tired eyes
We are our own
but you are I, you's and I's
Laws to abide
Words to coincide
Strong people- scared- run and hide
You are us or you are them- chose a side
America the Great- America the Free
They lied

— The End —