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a Mar 2018
I have wasted too much
of this darkness.
I have dampened it
until dawn.
when I lay my eyes on tomorrow,
I'll arise like the sun.
i wanted to write a poem,
but didn't know where to start.
with a
striking sentence maybe or
a word from the heart.

because sometimes, writing could be difficult
when your head is nothing
but an echo of a myriad mess,
like untangling strings of blurred words
just so you would d r o w n less.

and i wish to ask those poets
who could write so hauntingly.
crimson hearts tattooed on paper
souls for the world to see.

but then, poetry would never judge,
it'll just call, saying:
' darling, your emotions crave me
grab a piece of paper
to set yourself free. '

'i want to write a poem
pencil on hand, an old paper from my bed stand
sits empty
for wherever should i begin?'

i still don't know.
I wrote this when I was around 14 (needs tweaking, i know), right when poetry began to mean more than just a hobby to me. It became my outlet, my safe haven, my refuge. And now as a young poet I will continue to hold it dear in my heart and continue my passion.
Azh Chinen May 2017
Memories in childhood are more powerful and pure than adulthood memories.  Because in childhood,you are encouraged.  In childhood you are young.  Youth is further away from your last minute.Your last second.  In adulthood, though, you're still happy.  Because your child will grow.  To pass the childhood.  To come for your child to experience adulthood with his or her family and pass it on.
Azh Chinen Apr 2017
We can fly high.  Make progress.  But if we don't try we will never fly high.  If we slip up and fall all the way down,we can always at least try to get back up.  It is better to fall and try to get back up,than to just sit there and do nothing.
How high you fly is your progress.
Azh Chinen Apr 2017
Creeper,creeper on the wall,who's the strangest of them all?  I see you creeping through the come up,and then you bite me on the knees.  Creeper,creeper on the wall,your the strangest of them all.
Muyiwa Williams Aug 2016
Dear Black Girl

I am Sorry

That from girlhood you are not
taught to see

The Beauty in Ebony

Or to realize that the stars are
only seen

With the inkiest skies

And by Year One

You are tucked into a Guerilla

How to avoid jests
From the best of fair critics

Calling the bluff at your skin tone.

How your Lips are some what large
And how your career is in shaking your *** on TV 5 years to come.

How you have to be compared with the lighter skinned girls

Or how you stared many times at the bleaching cream


Don't let them define you by the melanin
The one in your Skin

Cos you don't have to be a ******

To make Heaven.
So by your teenage years

You feel you are the PLAN B

of the Black Kings

They only plan to *** you

And leave you


So smile

Hold your head up high

Like they say

Black Don't Crack.
Kimberly S Oct 2015
Promises broken
Lips not kissed
Fears not conquered
Tear stained cheeks
Bruised hearts
Love wasn't meant for us
love is something that will always be around that you and me will always share it is something very nice to share
My 7 year old cousin wrote this so I decided to share it. I know it isn't much of a poem

— The End —