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elizabeth Feb 2017
My type of poetry
Is not meant to bring
Joy, happiness, and warm feelings.
It is meant to cause
The hardest of hearts to feel,
The driest of eyes to cry,
And the toughest of men to feel weak.
It is not meant to be read aloud;
It is meant to be read while
You are alone at night, crying
Because you are tired.
It is meant to let you know
That someone else out here
Feels your pain and knows what it's like.
It is meant to break you down
And help you build yourself
Up again because you are strong.
You will make it through this.
You'll make it through
Because deep down,
You know you aren't searching
For poems about depression
Late at night because you want
Inspiration to **** or hurt yourself.
You want to know someone else
Out there in this cruel
******* world understands.
You want to know someone cares,
And that someone else feels the pain.
You want to know it gets better,
That there is in fact a light
At the end of the tunnel.
And let me tell you,
I struggle too.
Most days, I can't see that light,
That faint residue of hope.
But that's okay.
Because it's the journey that counts.
And you and I
Are on this journey together.
February 24, 2017.
Everyone struggles. Everyone goes through the pain of life. Some of us have it worse off than others, and that's okay. Because we all have the same strength. It's not about being weak or not, it's about having the ***** to get back up and try your hardest to make it a better day. And I know you can do it. It's been hard for me the past few years, what with battling my depression and also dealing with some minor PTSD, panic attacks, and the like. But I'm still here. I have bad days, and worse days, just like everyone else- but I'm still here. And that's what counts.
It will get better, I know it will. Just believe in yourself, even when no one else does. Because one day, you will be able to stand up tall and say "I did it. I made it. I've won."
Stay strong, everyone.
Much Love,
Brandon Feb 2016
Know I've been around
You've been on my mind, subconsciously
I think too much
Our feelings have faded
Act like you know better
I know I haven't been around
I haven't forgotten you
Your name stimulates my heart
My chords vibrated from the start
Your seat has not been taken
I've been so far gone
I've been so led on
I've formed broken bonds
Established severed connections
I feel it
I can feel it
This rush of adrenaline in my veins
Oh no, oh no, no, no
This is Hope telling me to keep going
How do you sit down and quit?

You don't
Hope is always on your side. If you feel like your life is only going to get worse, I want you to know that the Sun always shines through the clouds if it's bright enough. Never give up, because the hard times will make you appreciate the golden times. You CAN do it.
Zonika van Zijl Oct 2015
It was rather beautiful how the world began to fade,
As she decided nothing will control her anymore.
The day she realised that her journey will be to liberate,
All those who feel trapped by a locked door.

Her path was clear
and her mind open wide.
She was to lead
the hopeless to the light.

To be a beacon
and show there was a way.
That moving forward wasn't an option,
if they choose to stay.

The hopeless people
took a stand.
All were fighting,
hand in hand.

Taking control over
all the earth.
And that's the story
of Hope's birth.

I still go to our favorite spot
The one where you kissed me for the first time,
Where you told me you loved me for the first time,
Where you promised me the world, forever.
That one spot, where you hurt me for the first time.
Where our passion fueled conversations turned dark
Where you finally gathered the nerve to tell me to my face
I don't love you anymore.*
Yeah, I still go to our favorite spot,
Even if it's not you I bring with me anymore.
Emma Holt Mar 2015
What a wonderful feeling of joy
That takes you over
Inhabits even the darkest of spaces
Because of one thing you did
That pleased yourself
And others
Most important of all...
Avery, congratulations a million times! You are such a hard worker, and I am so proud of you!
Camila Feb 2015
I lived (unconsciously) to die.
Reckless behavior, bending the rules.
I wanted to **** the butterflies he had given me,
drown them in ***** and whisky.
I tried riding in cars with unknown boys to fill the deep void.
I lost count of the beds I  woke up in,
I lost count of the nights I cried myself to sleep
I hated the loneliness in the morning after having someone next to me.

Live fast and die young.
Excess was not enough.
I wanted everything faster, higher, stronger.
More music, more "friends", more shots, more kisses
I didn´t realize I was slipping through my own hands.
Less time,  less life, less love, less of me.
I kept pushing the buttons of whatever god that was keeping me safe
and I let my demons become the owners of who I usted to be.

I thought I was living the life,
but I was already dead inside.
Inspired by one of my best friends who went through depression, with the help of her family and us, her friends, she finally made it and is now sober and truly happy or at least getting there.

— The End —