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Poetry bother me,
late night,
late in the day ,
does not matter!
.It Is a desire to *****
a new world,
a new thing
that makes me crazy,
Chases in bed ,
rips the mattress ,
I steal the covers,
I hijacks the pajamas.
.all Day bother me,
all the time,
does not matter!
.A Poetry ****** me off
all the time,
robs me the second ,
the minutes , the entire clock.
.**** with my calm ,
bare my soul ,
accentuates my anger
and stone me ,
.me Turns inside out ,
disrespects me ,
me frightens ,
***** me ,
.She Takes me
and you receive me as anecdote,
Sometimes you love me
and sometimes I hate me .
Poetry completes me ,
But never satisfy me .
So addiction me
this drug me anesthesia ,
.They Treat me like a *****
And ***** me mercilessly ,
smells all my powder
and leave me in bed , alone.
.Me Separates ,
Alienates me ,
Enslaves me ,
I still buries in life.
.Make me to be
Another toy,
poetry that complete me ,
But never satisfies .
Phillip Knight Jul 2016
Time is no longer a concept of meaning
The changing of the days is no more measured than accepted
Life moves only in particles
Watching them come together
Formulating perfect moments
Snapshots of happiness

There is no impatience in watching honey
As it trickles smoothly from spoon
It is the beauty in co-existence
Physically trapped and spiritually free
Emotions in the wind, far travelled to a lovers arms
Five minutes can see more change than five years
Polaroid development with the history already etched under skin

It is the scent relaxing on skin that never fades
The changing face that is never unfamiliar
The silence between songs as the jukebox rotates to the next record
Undeniably slow, yet breathlessly impelling
Defined by beat

Like heart beat

I am a golden game clock
Planned to precision
Pressed to freeze
In moments of thought where time has no existence
No right to dictate
Freedom to fly in fantasy

This is where we meet
As falling letters floating in the breeze
How long we have fell, is not of importance
Not when we create the sentences in love of which we speak in gesture
Our calligraphy changes the landscape
Redrawn in no time, yet with all the time to share
We shall always watch the same skyline
Read the same meaning in Verse
Live together under the dust covers of historical literature
Lost in an animated culture
And forever freeze time in the wait
That those seconds of joy turn the timer,
Awaiting the change.

For the change is coming
It is on the horizon
Even though we are yet to see a new dawn beginning
One day, we shall allow time to fulfil its purpose
Graff1980 Jul 2016
I am a sick *******
Sweet friend
Emotion fiend
Seeking stories
Wanting your
gorgeous pain
To hold
To harbor
The albatross
At the arbor
Flying to the dying ship
That weight around your neck
That anchors you to ****
That razor blade
You want to use to cut it
I am a vampire of sorrows
******* up injustice
Then spitting these flitting verses
Back out like sputum
So others can use them
To make us all more human
Though my wrists cramp with heartbreaks
I still write at night by lampshade
Sipping small vials of nightshade
Hoping to take your pain away
And plant posies with all that poison
Phillip Knight Jul 2016
Explain to me your fears
For those fears however real or misconstrued
To be halved by my knowledge
Quashed by my love
Speak of the loss in moonlight
When thoughts turn away from peace of mind
Allow me such a prayer upon a false deity
That I may release you from the harrow
Secretly positioned as the statue of strength
So that if the day may begin as the first day without you
Be it one with I still in mind
That I, from my own statue state
Frozen in the moment of our last embrace
May be strength in which to hold.
Yet we mustn't foretell of feelings
For who am I to consider a feeling that I cannot live without.

If one day you were to leave
Through the explanation of need
I could but let you go
As I refuse to be the hand that rips a heart in a tug of love
For that would be the only reason
Yet if it was to be the stranglehold of fear as your need for release
I could not say goodbye
Instead push forward my words of confidence
In assurances of love
That I shall break that statue
Break the silence and cold stone of fear
Pull you from the shrapnel
Release you only into me
And be the vapour in your veins
For that you to breathe me in every wake
To smoke screen the moonlit fears

I consider a thought
That of loss
And if that loss would stop me seeing you in the wind
How could it remove the early bird call of awakening to you
As if through the night you plant seeds that grow under lids and open my eyes to your blossom.
Could loss take the thought of you
Take the words from out the poetry that flows so easily within the pages of your love
I fear it not
For without the daily communication
The stolen moments
The mornings, the evenings
Without the wine and gins
Without the music and messages
You still
Would be, inside.

There is no justification for losing
I would make loss of the world
Before letting you fade
I would give up hope of a god
And faith in everything in the understanding
That everything makes sense.
Would it not be for you
There would be no world
No world in which I would care to live
Watch sunsets and the follow rise
Without moment
I would be still my love.
Forever waiting
Without fear
For one more moment.

Never leave
And I shall stay
Let loose the demons that dare divide us.
Send them to their caves
In silence.
Then explain to me your fears
And I shall show you my love
Not to let go
For I cannot walk an unlit road,
The demons of fear and envy will always be in the obscurities of moonlit perception
Until we can relax
At ease of each other’s hold
A promise, not to the lord, though onto ourselves
To never let go
Xian Jul 2016
Brown, messy table
Dim light and stained fingertips;
A new poem lives
Julia Mae Jul 2016
maybe i want you to find my notebooks someday
so that you can read all about my pain
that i kept stashed and stored and hidden
behind my pen and the countless ink stains on my hands
my pain that i wanted to speak to you about yet never could
so here are my last words, they always didn't come so easy to write
i grew restless, exhausted, and i just wanted you to look into my eyes
instead i held base, behind these scribbled lines
s u r r e a l Jul 2016
many we bleed from our mouths,
waterfalls of cherry vitality coating writing canvas,
sinking--melting--within twisted tongues,
and they're sure to ban us.

with graphite--with ink!--juicy wrists beg no mercy,
'gainst the natives with stash minds,
for our pain melts like water over leather,
yet sinks branding upon skeletons.

for we are blessed by God to bestow eulogies for one another,
as one tips from silver seat,
another awakens his place,
with picky gums and robins for teeth.

and how the ache and thirst must be great!
for the explorers must find all 10 fingers 'tween pages,
clad with strawberries and gauze,
and lips chewed off by ages.

and hollow words are gurgled by luscious syrup,
and packages droop 'neath vocabulary scholars,
O back, O bottom, O mind aches thee!
for only thousands to endure the shock collars.

for little Alice would fear to sit with our odor,
as gears and cogs steam--overheat--with vehemention,
and nights--pray tell--pray tell,
are long and arduous drinking lobes with the devil.

for four frays fancy flights!
'til grandfather croaks your retire,
and we blood-let and let leeches sink 'neath tender armor,
and shadows usurp darker.

as we are vampires--but crave the stone light,
and pour magma into our young's bellies,
so they may inherit our plight,
and ring off their tellies.

which noose may I bind?
which hand may I lock?
which tendon should twine?
which ink should I rock?

as we let, t'is nothing but medical,
as our teeth melt from mouths,
and our eyes dismiss with ridicule,
as our wrists are slaughtered,
and minds fluster through obstacles.

our hearts are obvious time bombs,
that rush to supply our cherry,
but when will the stunning twinkle cease to live on?
and be nothing but lemon balm?

O the sea we cross is made of iron--rust--and steel,
and lusts for its named called out,
for if we delve within this eel.
it'll surely be leaving no room for elders to rout.

the drive for honeyed poison excites me,
and the ache of the chew grows more,
at the thought others will see,
spin innards at the drop of the lore.

for we are the ones that wished for nothing more,
but to be charmed by crimson, and keys, and herrings,
and we pray for the pricking ore,

so the world may finally wear the pain as our custom earrings.
Us writers are surely...
Having an anxious soul is worse than pretending to have a patient face. Being someone you’re not will never change the fact that you are who you are. You will never be her, and you will never be him. If you respect yourself, the ones who care the most will hopefully follow suit and treat you better than the most beloved person that they have ever encountered. Life is always going to hurt, but it will only hurt as much as you let it hurt.
This is a short excerpt of a free verse that I hope to someday have published.
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