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Lizzie Bevis Feb 25
We built our friendship piece by piece,
with laughter and late-night talks,
but, I never thought we'd reach the day
when our shared path just...stopped.

I remember the good days and the bad,
a shoulder was always there to lean on,
I thought we'd be two crazy friends
growing up and still going strong.

I remember how we used to plan
our lives, growing old and grey.
It is funny how our future dreams
just sort of slipped away.

I've tried my best to fix the broken bits,
and to patch up what came undone,
but some things, once they've changed too much,
can't be joined back together as one.

And yes, it hurts like hell sometimes
to know we've drifted apart and stalled;
But, I wouldn't trade those memories,
not for anything at all.

So here's the truth, plain and simple,
as I let these words go free,
I hope you find what you've been chasing,
and that you are where you are meant to be.

I hope that your days are kind and gentle,
and that all of your dreams will come alive;
And although we're on different paths now,
I hope that you will still continue to thrive.

©️Lizzie Bevis
How bittersweet it is to drift away from old friends.
It will never be the same as it once was.
Zeno Jan 16
I saw a well that was all
familiar to me
Down beneath hides
the coldest winter,
a barren land so gray and empty  

A murky water, pulling me
like a vortex screaming my name
The shadow crawling over my body
binding me

While an ancient Sumerian god
drumming its hands
on the chambers of my heart,
the harrowing melody that stirs every beat
and a dark symphony that sings
of annihilation

******* all the air in the world
each autumn leaves of my lungs
falling apart, one by one

In the roots, where it crawls
twisting and slithering
forming a knot
around my stomach
Like I'm hanging from a tree
that peers over the edge
of the world

A monster hiding beneath
in the darkness of the well
looking back,
to me that was once alive
now lifeless and empty
In the once noble house,
almost all is taken except
The walls, the lath, now held on
by a cleat of wood and lace
that redeems the letcher,
denizen of Sussex wetlands.
Of late the chalet is latched
only by hate, and the letch
chats with outlaws in the storm's eclat
of thunder far off.
No knights or maidens remain,
nor any ruler of demesne
and the treasure is born
off to other kingdoms.
The well is dry and
fields are bare.
And in the end, all depart.
leaving doors open to the wind
and gate down to the woods.
And broken the way
down to the sea.
I can't recall what prompted writing this, but my guess would be a movie or  a program about some medieval castle?
louella Dec 2024
i don’t want to be a well,
that you only lower water down to
once a day,
or less if it storms.
when it rains,
i imagine i’m swimming in your tears,
soaked to the bone
in your dna.
i don’t want to be a well,
a stone foundation only standing
cause it’s expected to.
don’t wanna hold your secrets
and keep them;
i’m terrified of echoing stone walls.
i don’t want to be a well,
that’s only necessary if you’re thirsty.
when it rains,
you have other methods of drinking.
i don’t want to be a well,
far away from your home,
not part of your warm family.
i don’t want to be a well,
a cavern so deep
you can’t see
the bottom.
i need to be known entirely,
researched and studied,
so carefully,
that they’d cry if they spilled
liquid on me.
i don’t want to be a well,
that dries up in a drought,
so easily forgettable,
if it’s not needed around.
i don’t want to be a well,
i want to be well,
i want dinners inside, keep me alive,
not outside with the rainy season,
the growls and howls of wild beasts
untamed for such a quiet thing
as me.
i don’t want to be a well,
but i’m well over my head,
tripping over my own feet,
clunked with buckets constantly.
i want to be warm,
kept in from the cold,
the snow doesn’t know me;
i don’t know its fury.
would you get to know me,
if i wasn’t providing you energy
and love and my own sanity?
would you consider banishing
this is so stupid but it’s how i feel. might change the title later

Jia En Dec 2024
My Starhub Cyber Protect
Has decided that the Starhub site
Isn't safe. I guess this effect
Was unintended (right??)
But then again, it must be
Doing a great job for people like me;
Unable to
Watch YouTube, do
A Buzzfeed
Quiz, satisfy the need
To scroll on Reddit.
Is it
Just me, or is
Just all too
Familiar? Surely you
Know what I mean...
"This site has been blocked" flashing on-screen.
It's just the irony here
That makes it bigger than it appears.
welp my parental controls on my laptop are kinda working too well...?
Lyla Aug 2024
Pump primed
A squeal of metal as rust crumbles
Groaning and gurgling with effort
The flow forced from hiding
By my energy

a trickle,
a sputter,
a gush

Warm, murky with sediment
No clear and cool refreshment, this
I will continue the motions
Wetting the ground with my efforts
Until the output is fit to consume
Jamesb Aug 2024
I am that well that
Was never dug,
Some people laid scratches
In the earth
But that was all,
Discovered that digging
Is hard and takes
Up effort,
When my soil was not
Already freshly dug
They elect to dig elsewhere,
And leave my copious
Waters untapped,
Poetoftheway Aug 2024
there are thousands who know me,
the now me ~
too well…
an idea-phrase that stankles (rankles and stings),
for though my goal is a gaol to hideaway within,
betray myself too oft with my fingerprints upon the
cheeks of all I hold dear…

in that summer breeze you feel
tickling the hairs upon the back of thy neck like a
exactly like a lover who loves reminding you that love is the unexpected kiss upon said neck that weakens
you with pleasuring, and that,
a steady stream of surprises,
is the greatest loving,
treat of all…like that
morning miracle mystery
of a fresh baked
still bakery warm,
that tickles the taste buds
upon the tongue that tickles the
hairs on the back of your neck..

every croissant kissing butter fragrance,
the aroma of every day for
me knowing,
you moaning
and the fragrance
we together
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2024
Shaking hand holds pen
"It is just cold" one more lie
Afraid to face truth
The only person I lie to usually is myself
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