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Randy Johnson Nov 2017
It's Black Friday and I grabbed the last iPad.
When I grabbed it, it sure made people mad.
One man kicked me in the crotch and another got his foot stuck in my ***.
Black Friday turns people into beasts, they sure don't have any class.
A man said if I didn't hand over the iPad, he would kidnap my wife's mother.
I told him to take the old crow, they deserve each other.
Black Friday brings out the worst in people and that's sad.
I'll break my foot off in your *** if you try to grab my iPad.
This is a fictional poem.
Mane Omsy Nov 2017
Someone shout at them
Scare the beasts away
******* the clean ground
Suicidal animal viruses

Here, here, and there
Everywhere they shelter
Liabilities to the neighbors
Leaving migraine foams

Traces of their deeds
Scattered in the streets
Fighting for barks that’s louder
Bound to be the worst of all
Linkuya Nov 2017
-Trampled Under Hoof-

Thick dust kicks up from this sulfur tar,
Suffocating the fools dim enough come near,
Ultra violence breeds screams from afar,
Thunder Puncher gored on a topaz field.

Trampled under hoof,
No escape from this fate,
Wishing he was saved,
Filling up with hate.

Even mutilated by nature his fists rose high,
Thunder Puncher still has the will to fight,
Standing as the warm blood still escapes his thighs,
Bloodied and muddied, fists flying with all his might.


Ripping and tearing,
Scorching and staring,
Never with bearings,
Always out scaring.

Who is he to fear,
Violently attacking all,
Sharp as a spear,
Hand held in a ball.

Now they've all fallen,
Trilobite the victor,
Blood falling like pollen,
Death the constrictor.
evelyn augusto Nov 2017
I wasn't  made with
an ambidextrous
spirit.  No, nor skilled
in simultaneously
gripping and letting go--
not trained, since
childhood, to do that
which my heart resists.

It's hard to hold on.

And when my chest
rattled like a
diamond snake--
and I was uncertain
of what was at stake.

I learned:
I am the bull's eye.
I am the stop sign.
I am the excuse
for his violence--
I am the story nobody
wants to hear or

I am no longer me

but only that
gun shot
right here
to my middle.

By:  Evelyn Augusto. 2017
Dueling with words to end gun violence.
Alyalyna Nov 2017
You show me your love
In such a delicate way
Then you ruin it all
Then you build it up again.

Heart-shaped bruises
Cover my body,
You say without you
I'm nonsense, nobody.

I'd never been so much in love
I know now it'll last long
They say you're pretty tough
I say our love - it's strong

You show me your love
When I ask you to
You are unpredictable
My eden apple

Poisoning and punishing
But you're never vanishing
You're the last who stays
When all of them turn away
On my darkest days

you are the last out here
you punish but you never dissapear
i need you so much near
my baby, my dear...
evelyn augusto Nov 2017
Excuse me, I can't hear you--
your gun is speaking louder  
than you do and yes,
you scare me, it isn't how
it ought to be--we are more
like each other than you can see.

I can't hear you
I can't hear you
your gun is speaking
louder than you do
and yes, it saddens me
because all I see--is a woman who
doesn't know who she could be.

I can't hear you
I can't hear you
your gun is speaking louder
speaking louder

There's no more you.

Written by Evelyn Augusto for Guns Don't Save People Poets Do.  October 21, 2017
Isrella Uong Nov 2017
Something so pure,
So emotionally binding,
Turned into unspeakable violence.
And although it was coerced into pleasure,
It felt like torture;
I couldn’t speak, yet I destroyed the silence.

Because it loved it.
If it loved it and I hated it,
I wanted to say that I had its last words,
But I tumbled in a feeling of guilt.

Because it loved it.
Because it enjoyed it.
Because it screamed for it,
Despite my continuous suffocated roars for scissors:
A plea for those two blades to cut the ligature;
It would’ve been a higher thrill than graffiti on my empire.

Leagues of leaking and leaking…
I can still breathe low, but I feel violated,
Like it’s taken a part of my alliance,
Like it’d climbed up my echelon.

If this isn’t transgression,
Than tell my soul to drown in
Someone else’s “take out, take in,”
Because I can’t take in its terrain.
It is what there is, there’s only emptiness to gain.
Did it really have to occur?

I stand in the shower
Rubbing my skin of its filth and the desires
Imprinted on my exterior in a forceful manner,
To the point where my extensions
Are the ones soaked in blood…
A blood that I hope to be a metaphor,
Not seen by my sight, but more so like a coverup;
A mending medicine that will keep my body from bleeding
All the sins committed against my entity.
It is said, and it must be true, I need healing.
I haven’t forgiven the violation of this past silhouette;
Yet, I’ve forgiven everything else.
September 2, 2017. One of my sisters has been ***** before. I wanted to write about it, but I know very well that, not having been through this sort of experience, I do not have a complete understanding of it. Therefore, this text might lack in personal touches.
evelyn augusto Nov 2017
“Give up trying to do anything.  
                      nothing works works.”  
                From a note written by
                     Scott Allen Ostrem

If only you came to buy
another cell phone, a pen and
note card, some crayons &
paper.  Anything.  Anything
that would give you a voice.

If only you bought the
fixings for a satisfying supper,
or a gift for a lost lover.
Anything. Anything to help
you express your distress.

Anything to free your
words from the prison of
your maddness, anything
to melt your frozen tongue,
anything to return your
manhood,  other than that gun!

Anything.  Anything.   If only . . .

By:  Evelyn Augusto
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