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Joanna Alexandre Dec 2018
I’m in love with a man
With an unformidable temper
And he loves me
like I’m a punching bag
I’m never prepared when it’s fight night
But I do the best I can
Though he’s Muhammad Ali
And clearly the better man.
Baylee Kaye Nov 2018
my hurting heart loves both sides
all the little children each opinion carries
I long to love them all individually
heal their brokenness at every checkpoint
for a belief is not a label
and a war is not a home
come, let us reason together
let every tongue and tribe make peace
all as one can we fellowship at the table
share our minds and hear the other’s
please, the time has come for peace
too many years of opposition,
too much bloodshed and violence
how many lives is liberation worth?
the freedom of all people,
the hope of all nations.
let peace start in the rising generations,
to ensure that peace will last.
israeli/palestinian conflict
Popleocan Nov 2018
I lay longingly in the mud,
Wishing you would kick me.
Stab my chest, slit my wrists
Then patch me up so simply.

Set a fire to my scalp.
Tie a noose and choke me out.
So maybe with all that hate.
I could learn to love myself.

Bleach and burn my ugly skin.
Drown me but let me breathe again.
So I can feel all the pain.
Each and every little thing.

All I ever want to be.
Is as important as an enemy.

Hated, berated, beaten, destroyed.
Love is something rarely enjoyed.
But better it is to be someone despised.
Than someone seen by no one's eyes.

If you won't love me, if you won't care.
I'll not fall into despair.
I'll foster hate from you to me.
I'll become your enemy.
Mr Morningstar Nov 2018
Do you remember how it felt when she was next to you.
Can you recall the rhythm of her breathing, or the smell of her hair?
Is there memories of the good times? Do you block out the bad.
Her body was your temple.
Yet you raged like an angry bull.
How dare you put fists where rose pedals belonged.
She is not perfect. But she is a beautiful disaster
Like a hurricane in the coast.
Yet you still tried to extinguish the fire that roared inside her.
How dare you.
Jo Swan Nov 2018
Mum plays a game of hide and seek!
A dangerous game of survival
Where she can not show she is weak,
Even though there’s blood on saliva.
She carries me to a safe house
to flee from an abusive spouse.

In her arms, I sense her despair
For we live in uncertainty.
Must this be the burden we bare?
Always running in urgency
to avoid mum being a battered wife.
Must this be the game of our life
When we play hide and seek!

(c) Jo Swan
SomeOneElse Nov 2018
12 more people dead today
Did it have to be this way
Heard it on the news today
It's a very sad day
Someone's just lost a loved one
Father, mother, daughter son
What could motivate someone
To shoot up everyone
What's wrong with society
What's wrong with our country
Need to change priorities
The truth we need to see
Time to say enough’s enough
Time for lies to be rebuffed
Time for us to end this stuff
If you don't like it tough
How many more dead loved ones
Til we control our guns
Written after the latest mass shootong
Ammar Nov 2018
Mental instability
Is like being strapped to a chair
On a sinking ship.
And I've managed to cut myself loose.
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