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Blair Devine Feb 17
I don't regret meeting you,
I just wish that I had knew,
what distance from you would do.

Even after just one date,
absence forms when it gets late,
wishing I could feel your weight.

My dream placed you in my arms,
we kept ourselves safe from harm,
you had me lost in your charm.

I awoke from paradise,
to find the room cold as ice,
you might be my truest vice.

Wishing you were really here,
I find a truth you should hear,
you make my fears disappear.

I've said my words, time is scant,
I'll wrap up my little rant,
Happy Birthday Arthur Grant.
Even if it can only end in tragedy, every moment I've known you has been filled with love in a way I never thought possible. I can't remember life without you, and being with you feels more right than anything else I've ever felt. The time we had on the bench proved that no matter where we are, you are my home. I love you.
Scurring like mice
Around the ash
That blows away in a flash

Oh little mice where is your home
To where do you roam
Come make a hole in my life
I'll cut space with a knife

For you, to lay
Oh little mouse what did you say
Your whispers tickle my ear
Are you here, near? You fill me with fear

Oh little mouse where did you go
I- i need to know
Oh little mouse what is your name
Oh little mouse would you be tame?

For you I fall to my knees
For you I offer a million pleas
Even when my breath is gone
Even when the night is long

Oh little mouse I hate you so
Yet you're all I seem to know
And you cling on to my pain
Drops on eyelashes in the rain

I burn and yearn and die waiting
My mouth is open teeth grating
Oh little mouse what is your name?
Oh little mouse is this a game?
In due time it all blows away. My vice in the price that I pay
Frances Marie Sep 2024
Lavish tounge dancing around the gaps
certain guilt flutters onto your cheeks
curious of what was once there.

Pinning for them to be filled
with vices and corroded virtues.
On my knees, I kneel for something more.
In the end all I have is a mouth full
Naked and bare to the world with nothing to give.

My heart exposed for others to take
until I am left slack jawed from the whiplash.
A fire of bitter embers flickers more
as I lose faith in the world around me.

Spirits please guide me to something more
plenty, supple, nimble.
Life with a renewed meaning.
Originally about how much my wisedom teeth hurt, turned into actual emotional hell. I like who I am now, I just need more reasons to continue living for me.
sweet silence
like none other
despite the library door
slamming everytime
someone leaves or arrives

it seems to slam louder
when they leave

i am not perturbed
or distracted, nor am i
expecting not to be

here, alone, surrounded by books,
i just am

lamenting this place not being
as busy
as it should be
who’s fault is that?

celebrating this place not being
as busy
as it should be
guilty as charged

all these faces i see
it’s like a small town here
sometimes abandoned
sometimes inhabited

once again,
i don’t care

how can i?
my head, full of
Aurelius and Bukowski
doesn’t have space to

well, deep down,
i guess i do care
but not as much as
i suppose society begs i

how can i?
i’m too busy figuring out
who i truly am
and the books help, Bukowski
was correct, these philosophers are
like brothers to me and i speculate
my deep “connection” to them
to men whom i never met
yet felt more fatherly care from
than my own

maybe that’s the root

sometimes, all this reading begs the question

do i like books
more than people?
or people more
than books?

i think i know the answer,

i love books, and individuals alike
i don’t like people
especially when they group up
in congregations and crowds,
strangers in a
can of sardines
with no space to possibly
ever care

only to survive and barely breathe
or to escape such a reality

how could i?
when they don’t
even care for themselves

it’s disheartening, really
to witness such potential
in one soul
and watch it *******
melt away
around his or her friends

around their families’
incessant influence and needs
abusing providers

consumed by their personal troubles and struggles
and vices, infected by the amplification of
a hang out
girls night
boys night
the clubs, the bars
the gossips of nonsense and ****
that simply isn’t their business


their obvious and yet
radiantly painful,
like a sunburn that isn’t on you
but hurts to look at on someone else,
avoidance of themselves
begging the following:

could these souls spend
an hour, alone, with a book
and paper and pencil?

how could they?

they’d like to, i’m sure,

but hate themselves just enough
to not be able to.

i dont know, i was in a mood

Zywa May 2023
Forgive me
I don't want to explain away
the fact that I needed time

to put the consequences
of one or the other

The appearances may be against me
but I didn't hold aloof
really, I never wait and see

I don't look away
I just look thoroughly
for a well-considered decision

because so much is happening
and often there is no clear line
in all the details

And I don't want to do anything wrong
That is the seed
of my passivity

My aversion to misdeeds
Evill Will: Passivity (out of aversion to misdeeds)

About misdeeds: poem "Evill Intent" (see May 17th)
Zywa May 2023
I dare to get into bed with you
Your big mouth is too small
for the world, your heart too big

for me, here I am
Well, tell, then I'll dream
with you, about you

in a purple cloak
the skin of innocence and power
Very discreetly, very discreetly

you take revenge
on anyone who does not get into action
and just lets everything happen

You issue wise orders
that camouflage your agenda
Much trouble for nothing

for though you loathe them
they are not another species
they are like you

only not angry enough
to be able to choose
what is important

That is the seed
the seed of your anger
Everyone's passivity
Big Bad Wolf: Anger (out of aversion to other people's passivity)

About passivity: poem "Evill Will" (see May 25th)

Collection "Mastress"
Zywa May 2023
Hand over my mouth, I laugh
at the evil child
you are, who wants everything
as it should be

a better world
justice, equality
and brotherhood, now!

No longer an ideal
that makes fellow human beings suffer
in order not to lack anything themselves

So immature, not you
your complaint, your desire
for more

more solidarity
more harmony
more self-criticism

I know, the seed
of your gluttony
which wants all that
is your sweet anger
Evil Child: Gluttony (for justice, equality and brotherhood, solidarity, harmony and self-criticism, out of anger at the lack of them in society)

About anger: poem "Big Bad Wolf" (see May 24th)

Collection "Mastress"
Zywa May 2023
We live a sober life, enough
is enough for me, and reserves
are necessary according to you

Everything is insured, luckily
no loans, we are working hard
because otherwise one has nothing

The children have their own lives
they won't take care of us
and are already asking for part

of their portion of inheritance, but it's stuck
in stone, in vaults, and in your head
that also wants to cover the coverage

People should grow up
and take care of themselves
reap their own harvest

though we could share more
relying on mutual aid
not just on our own character

in which lies the seed
the seed of greed
Our fear
Evil Boss: Greed (for fear that others will not help you)

About fear: poem "Evil World" (see May 22nd)

Collection "Mastress"
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