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Kewayne Wadley Nov 2018
When I am with you I don't feel so alone.
Every part of me that feels empty is filled.
You smile and all of a sudden I feel that I can do anything.
It's not that I don't believe in grand gestures or believe
that they shouldn't be done every so often.
It's simply that these small moments truly define
what you mean to me.
Discovering what makes every moment that much better.
The smaller dimples that help arrange your smile.
It doesn't matter what mood I am in or how I am feeling.
You know just what to say to put my mind at ease.
Assuring that every thing is going to be ok.

When I am with you I poke fun at you because I don't know how else
to express how I feel.
So I include everything in my power to make you smile whilst telling you
How special you are to me.
Even if that requires embarrassing myself in the process.

Exposing my vulnerabilities and insecurities knowing that they are safe with you.
Through action only do these moments come to life.
Holding you every moment that I can.
At times I know it isn't easy.
Often making yourself do things you don't want to do.
Finding the time and or energy to stay up a while longer to make sure that I am alright.
knowing that you have to wake right back up and go to work.
I recognize a lot of my selfishness and realize that I am not perfect.
Through you am I able to recognize this difference and correct what is wrong,
All the while admitting that your head really isn't that big.
It's your heart and I am glad to be apart of it
jocethepoet Nov 2018
I wonder if you ever thought of us ...
us, being together
I wonder if you ever thought
of who was always there
for you, not on purpose for you
to love me, there  because
I loved you and
didn't want you to hurt
It's amazing
there are times
we're able to get
and very upset
With someone
we care for
that we love so much
Protect them
and shelter
so no one could touch
Do not let hurt or pain
think of touching her veins
'Cause those times
are now gone
and forever have changed

And yet,
here we stand
us both acting like this
We are trapped in a story
with chapters I missed
These pains in my brain
aren't from words you have spit
I'm confused;
I'm insane
or some dumb ****** up ****
Our love is so strong
There's no way it could break
We'll get through ups and downs
All that's thrown
we could take
Totally unprepared
for a ninja attack
That one spy snuck inside
Did it behind our backs
Parasitic invasion
Dug into our brains
Paranoia, delusion
took over the reigns

No communicating
No more talking either
Instead, playing games
As if that would be easier
When able to see
the error in our ways
The path already set
Seeming too hard to change
The Titanic proportions
Coursed for tragedy
Listen to the band play
That's how it had to be

A defensive stance taken
yet also aggressive
All doors been replaced with
high walls
We're left guessing
What each other wants
As if we took the time
'Cause your thoughts
were on you
And my thoughts
only mine
Much time since we flew
Now a submarine diving
Deep down I love you
And for now we're surviving

Turn a leaf that is new
Other side
a blank slate
I know what not to do
It's argue or debate
From now on I will listen
to you when you speak
Truly see your position
Is something not weak
Love is so many things
Caring, trust, and respect
Offer you all of these
Give to you
Hope to get
I will meet you half-way
There'll be times
I give more
Not a competition
So, no need
to keep score
To compete in this game
(for lack of better word)
If one 'wins'
nothing's gained
Outcome is
quite absurd
So together; a 'team'
Both of us
The same side
Make reality dreams
All it takes
is to try

I am back to my senses
A moment to think
There's the cost
and "expenses"
Not careful,
Could sink
It takes effort and work;
Can't just coast and slide by
Lawn needs water to grow
Otherwise, it will die
Tend your lawn
Plant the seeds
that will set hearty roots
And beget fortitude
Not stand off and aloof
If you have love that's real
Sacrifice still be made
But don't let anger steal
True love's worth being saved
Written: November 24, 2018

All rights reserved.
[Anapestic tetrameter format]
Masha Yurkevich Nov 2018
You and me;
together, under that big willow tree.
Laughing, smiling.
Your beautiful brown eyes shining.

I sit in my room,
dreaming about my beloved bridegroom.

My mind drifts off in my fantasies,
I think to myself, please...

I am still here,

                                                                       waiting for him to find me...
misha Nov 2018
don't pull me apart at my seams
but instead stitch me stronger with your love
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