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I remember the rain, heavy on our umbrellas,  
the scent of wet earth as we walked,  
silent, yet knowing.  
You handed me the slippers first,  
a small kindness that opened a password door in my heart.  

In our classroom filled with murmurs and pages turning,  
you sat in the last row,  
your glasses catching the fluorescent light and time,  
your hairband keeping time with your movements
You were a tomboy, you said,  
but to me, you were softer than the world allowed.

A quiet building, an empty hallway,  
fries shared between words that meant everything and nothing
The pull of something unspoken  
led us up the stairs, past the classrooms where fans hummed  
to a moment that rewrote us.  

Afterward, we laughed in daylight,  
separate yet tangled,  
our conversations shifting between equations and longing.  
You had friends; I had you in the quiet.  
And then time carried us away,  
first to different cities, then to different lives.  

You reappeared in pixels and midnight messages,  
a voice from the past steadying me in my new world
But distance is a slow tide,  
pulling even the strongest memories apart
I spoke too much, stupidly shared too much, or maybe just enough,  
and you drifted again,  
this time with no promise of return.  

Now, I hold you in flashes
the rain, the fries, the hush of a stairwell,  
the echo of a name I can no longer address.
Maria Feb 8
I’m cold… You think I’m really fluey?
I’m not for sure… Maybe you’re right.
The weather’s nasty by mischance for now.
And I’m not wearing my cozy woolly scarf.

This February snows a lot and rages.
I’d like to wrap in plaid and not to leave.
I know it’s blues. I know for certain, sweetheart.
You shouldn’t get a feel for me. I’m peeve.

The spring will come. There will be a revival
Of new ideas, follies and delight.
And I will rise, I will return, my dear,
Better than previous. I will be vitalized!
Kayla S Jan 5
You mean the world to me,
I'll love you forever
We're truly meant to be.
Our love can never sever.

I won't settle for anything less
Or hope for anything more
Because I'll have my wedding dress
With our vows waiting to be swore.

If the world happens to end
While we're still alive
I'd hope we'd pretend
that our love will survive

Through sickness and health
and death due us part.
I hope to see you knelt
Promising to never breaking my heart.
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
Corazón, Querida, pienso en ti esta noche
Tengo un gran deseo de ver tu cara bonita
Quiero sumergirme profundamente en tus ojos negros
Ahora mismo, a donde estoy tumbado en la playa.

Es un largo tiempo ya que mi corazón sufre
Pero esta noche las lágrimas se derraman sobre la arena
Apenas puedo resistir la presión de este calor
Eso me quema hasta las profundidades de mi ser.

Corazón, dulce amor, pienso en ti esta noche
No tengo tu correspondencia, no sé qué hacer
Voy a buscarte algún lugar en el espejo.
Estoy orando por un milagro en el menor tiempo posible
Pronto estarás muy cerca de mí para complacerme
Y voy a envolverte, donde puedes encontrar amor y paz.

Hebert Logerie Sunday, November 1, 2015
アラン Nov 2024
morning air, soft,
warm and welcome as a lovers touch
summer leaves promise
almost time
almost ready

I travelled far
not counting footsteps
shapeless past not formed
by ranks of hours
yet now days to come
are measured precise
and welcome as
the needle falls

too short now
and too long
stretching home

and footsteps close
to beating hearts
to clasping hands
to sighing breath

hazem al jaber Dec 2023
Sweetheart ...
my only love ...
as i always ...
telling my heart ...
about you ...
that you will be ...
into my heart ...
always and forever ...
as a flower whose it's leaves ...
will never wither ...
and every day ...
will be as a spring ...
all years ...
and it will never know ...
about season called autum ...
yes my angel ...
i'm saying those words ...
with all of my strength ...
that i have ...
and from the depth of my heart ...
my heart , which it beats ...
because of you ...

yes ...
i adored you ...
and still ..
on my love ...
only for you ...

hazem al ..
hazem al jaber Nov 2023
Sweetheart ...
the owner of my heart ...
i'm whispering to you ...
with a passion's whispers ...
and calling you ...
within my heart ...
from my so far place ...
in the language as all lovers ...
but ,...
i'm not like those lovers ...
because ...
the feelings and the love ...
that i hold inside ...
no one get ...
like what i feel about you ...
and , how i be ...
when it's the night ...
when i hug my pillow ...
between my arms ...
to feel you as real ...
with me ...
until the sun rise ...
to start my day ...
with you ...

love you ...

hazem al ...
louella Aug 2023
darling mellow sunshine,
paint your words upon my tongue
so you do not have to move your lips—
i will do the task for you.

darling hilltop basking bluejay,
dance in defiance
in the long grass—
you never have to impress
anyone, but your creator.

darling dazzling firefly,
shining in the backyard,
sit with me on the porch swing
until the afternoon strikes us groggy
and we will sleep within the overgrown weeds.

darling seaboard sandpiper,
splashing lukewarm waves
upon the body you call yours
dream until your dreams become fulfilled.

darling intimate flower field,
the cumulus clouds above
draw shade upon our upside-down faces
be free and become one with me
a cautious lover,
a dandelion spread by the wind.

adorably flimsy darling,
i love you.
to someone i’m not sure i know yet.
Danielle Apr 2023
How does it feel like to float in a complete void, alone with an uncertainty of surviving and going back to where you used to live? I was talking about the Sputnik II, the famous satellite launched with the dog Laika aboard. The very scene also portrays the life here on land. Each day, I'm caving in my own realities, an impressive way of escaping. It has buried me in that idea of you existing on it. It is a badge to be given, a sigh each time you twist the **** on the door.

And there I am, a banquet of a montage of a violent delight, a beauty of the sea cascading the shore, it's in my veins, a rushing current of this mere event. I watched people applaud, how the glass clinks, and you, an array of sun, so immaculate, I can't look away.

I cannot bear losing it.

and we'll be a specks withering, it is a bittersweet love:

I would endlessly live on it.
In her eyes
is a sea of

In her heart
is warmth
beyond the sun

She will love
thee and the
World will stop
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