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Martin Narrod Oct 2015
This bold mahogany dawn never retires
Buckets of roses unfold along the slopes of this graphite mountain
Smoke stirs from the cave wall paintings
Where wild horses lead the feral battles of yesterday

The most vulnerable humans could ever be is now
With four eyes and four arms open.
She might be as wet as a blonde Swedish shark- no matter.

The best and worst of life comes from the sacred triangle
ConnectHook Sep 2015

My fantasies turned blonde in ‘seventy-six.

Bjorn, and the flickas sailed  from East to West.

Santa Lucia never shone so blessed

as she did in my private Euro-mix.

Perfect pop longs for that feminine fix.

Cassette wheels whirred –  branding, then impressing

grooves upon the brain; my thrall confessing

love for Nordic light (in Disco metrics).

The names still strike flames, kindling bright renown:

Frida, Agnetha  –  your longships linger

Your Viking faces sacked my harbor town.

portaging hope to this shipwrecked singer,

enwreathing smiles to reach our further shore.

I Do… (times five – and will forevermore).

Three bright yellow stars on a little box of matches,
in a kitchen in Reykjavik.

When lit, they flare up with uncommon energy and brightness.
This little box of matches is from Sweden, like your people.

Having said it badly once,
I want to tell you what you have taught me.
How joy and strength, honesty and humor, create sanity.

Goodness is a fragrance you exude, like soft brown bread.
Green shoots of grass, and leaves,
are brighter because you have told me about them.

Once, sitting together in a park,
a real-live bluebird settled onto a telephone wire in front of us.

A metaphor paying a call, making a personal visit.

You brought that bluebird to us.
I know it.

Because you are my beloved best friend,
a Swedish form of light.
©Elisa Maria Argiro, 2008,  Santa Fe, New Mexico
Flint and flight:                                               Flinta och flyta:
Nature curls, open,                                        Naturen lockas, öppnas,
The  unwinding.                                          ­   Nystas av.

We walk, not straight lined                         Vi går, ej rakt fram
But in slow curves,                                        Men i långsamma kurvor,
Towards a met horizon.                                Mot en mötande horisont.

To breathe, not in flumes,                             Att andas, inte i rännor,
But breath invisible,                                       Men med osynlig andedräkt,
As warmth freezes winter.                            Såsom värmen fryser vintern.

All root and branch                                        Alla rötter och grenar
Strive to hold up                                             Strävar att hålla upp
A falling sky.                                                   En fallande himmel.
On the evening of April 30th Sweden celebrates Valborgsmässoafton - Walpurgis Night - the arrival of Spring.
Shaded Lamp Jun 2014
If it were a sport it would be golf
It could be any reindeer but Rudolf
If it were shop shelf it would stock bleach
next to self tan oil for the 2 weeks on the beach
If it were a weather it would be overcast
A time of day? It would be breakfast.
As an animal it would surely be a toad
That did not quite make the journey across the road
And in the middle of the road it remains
The middle of the road flows through its veins.
Come over some time.
Rest your body
in this cemetery
And in my backpack
You’ll find your soul

One arm on the damp grass
Close your eyes
breathe in the harsh air
Cigarettes are to blame

Blank tombstones and timeless graves
Carve our names in cursive
Drink in their honor
Rest your head on a tree trunk
Sleep now
A peaceful death

Awoken by the morning mourners
Frozen tears, frozen trees
Stockholm, have we not shivered enough?
Heaven on earth
Heavenly warmth

Afternoon strolls
The dead crawls
knees dancing
Let’s find shelter
A permanent home
Let’s dig a hole

— The End —