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LoveIsReal Sep 2014
I can scream, i can yell.
But it won't stop the voices in my head.
I can cry and be called weak,
But I'm the strongest person i know considering what I've been through.
I am strong and i need to believe that.
You are strong also, just believe.
Don't worry about whats already happened, focus on whats happening now.
Love is the strongest feeling as people say,
but I say happiness finds you more then love could ever find you.
Be happy and stay strong!!!
Clarissa Sep 2014
You cant save anyone,
You can only love them.

Yet this is true..
The only person who can save you

is yourself.
Beauteous Beast Sep 2014
It's not about the ghosts or the demons
The heartbreaks and rejections
It's about the happiness and contentment
Not minding what you've imperfected
What you're scared of doesn't matter
As long as you know that you'll be better
Head up, stay strong
and never give it up all
cant find an appropriate title for this
Kenny Batista Aug 2014
This is a call to the lost
I pray you hear it
You've been gone but you ain't forgotten.
Please find your way back
We all know its easy to hide yourself
I mean
It's easier than facing problems
Hiding isn't going to solve anything
Hiding is going to make things worse
Hiding wont help you
I know
I know you've heard this all before
Face the problem.
But what happens when
You think
You're the problem?
Face yourself?
How? You're hiding from yourself
You're your worst nightmare
You're also your favorite dream
You're your favorite person to hate
Favorite person to love even though you don't
But why don't you?
Because we're all ****** up in the head
We all have this fake image of how we should look and act
This fake image of what's attractive
Let me tell you something
The most attractive thing in the world
Is someone who loves themselves
Someone who accepts their appearance and is happy
Someone who, even with all the hate, has a real smile.
Someone who stands up for others because they what it feels like to be put down.
What we need
Is you.
You don't think you're strong
You don't think you're pretty
You don't think you're worth anything
Here's the thing
You're everything and more but you don't see it
When you're hiding
There's no light to see how amazingly strong you are.
There's no light to see your beautiful faces
There's no light to see your smile
Stay Strong KiDDs ❤
KZ Aug 2014
When you feel like there's no tomorrow,
You need to forget about all your sorrow.
You need to see the light,
Throughout your day and night.

For it is you who makes that decision,
But only on one condition.
If you truly want to go,
And feel like the world is a big no-no.

Tell me that you hated all the time we spent together,
That it was all a never.

Tell me.
You see,

You put me in the right,
When there's wasn't even a light.
You said that I need you,
And that you knew.

About the struggles I had to face,
And that I began to think life was race.
A race for who could finish it first,
Without the feeling of being the worst.

But you told me that it wasn't a race,
And that you had to **go at your own pace.
Hello please share.there is no paragraph order or structure to this,just a simple message. There may be some grammatical errors...sorry!
Feedback is needed ****** sure to comment and follow!
Also I have two other poems,
Be sure to check them out.
Eisen Pacheco Aug 2014
It's so much easier to make the same mistakes
to wage a war upon myself
It's so much simpler to smile in your face
to wish that I were someone else

I'm so **** hurtful
but only to my own skin
I'm worth so much more
but I'll still draw blood again

And when will I let myself go                                                               ­         

And when will I push far                                                              ­                  

And when will It be to late                                                             ­                 

And when will I stop opening the same scars                                              

It's barely past midnight
Red is all I see
A innocent boy who's shattered
A beautiful catastrophe

But who will help him now
Cause he's still making the same mistakes
But who will fight for his life
When he feels he's nothing but a waste

And when does this war end                                                              ­            

Cause I still crave razors against my skin                                                     

When I look into the mirror                                                                            

It's still a reflection I can't withstand                                                        ­      

Back at war again
Under your sleeve is the battlefield
A million casualties
Tallied are battles that have healed

Be a warrior
Scar tissue is tougher than regular skin
Be a warrior
Find your strength from within
imadeitallup Aug 2014
You can only imagine
How it feels
How the oxygen
Leaves the room
Just before you
Are consumed
By heat, so intense
You cease to exist
And turn to ash
In it's presence
But you can never know
How it feels
The last breath
In a black lung
Until you burn
Only then,
Can you speak of fire.
yen Aug 2014
i can't put how much i love you into words; they tumble out of my mouth only to be left unspoken
when you walk, remember that you do not walk alone and you will never be forsaken
with arms that are barely strong enough, i'll carry you through the rain
i will kiss your broken parts until you are made whole again

a thousand sunsets may not be enough to depict your beauty
you will never know how much you are worth, you are just too witty
even if you offer me money, body, looks or even fame
i don't need them, i will kiss your broken parts until you are made whole again

i believe that you will get through this ordeal
whatever life throws at you, remember that patience is a virtue
even if you emerge, not the same;
*i will still kiss your broken parts until you are made whole again
Riya Aug 2014
No matter how much she tried,
She couldn’t defeat the Darkness,
Pushing and pulling
Her and throwing her all around.

No matter how hard the light tried,
It couldn’t even pierce the black wall
That had been built all around her.

Her world was black and white,
Completely drained of colour.
No rainbows appeared,
Neither did the sun.

Alas, she grew more and more terrified,
Unable to stop the terrors of the Dark.

She finally let go and let the Blackness engulf her…
Ky Blackstar Aug 2014
Today my best friend, the same girl that laughed until she cried at my corny jokes just one year ago, mesaged me and said its getting bad fast and that all she wants to do is die..I cried reading her message because i knew that the girl i once knew was already gone
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