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SelinaSharday Sep 2020
Hello thought I'd just walk away today!

Not the kinda Lady who'd quickly step a guys way.
I'm a smooth unrushed latte.
cold drink sipped slowly give ya a brain freeze if you got in a hurry.
I'm a colorful cool flurry..
Stir me quick the colors can get too blurry.
Haha lolzz my temp fails.
Train tracks can't be derailed.
A slow story read, browsed gently..pages turned kindly.
I'm not rhyming just to sound pleasantry.
Time I understand..
But its not a reason to step away or get out of line with destiny's plan.
Be about your quick sought errands seek your own plans.
I'm a cool cup of coffee best sipped romantically in the right hands.
By selinasharday rose S.A.M 2020 9/1/20
Slowly yet gently, neva in a hurry..
Martin Mikelberg Aug 2020
slowly works and demonstrates the kimono opening
Irene J Jul 2020
I just wish people could understand
about my wellbeing without I had to tell it to them.

Because sometimes a little part of me wanted me to hurt myself so that the pain that hurting my mind and soul,
could just go away and replace by the pain from the blood that was dripping all over my hand.

Its better that way.
Rather to be in pain silently and slowly falling apart.
I was having a sudden mental breakdown. That moment I realize how stuck and lonely I am, that I’m always been ignore.
out toward the west
last vestiges of day light
slowly reclined
Dave Robertson May 2020
The path ahead is unclear
the first few steps seem fine
(as fine is redefined by times)
beyond is cowled in green gloom
with definition hidden
but enticing

We pause and breathe
ask feet to tentatively tread possibilities
for surer surface

The line ascribed
by timeless river run
seems safe
and the possibility of kingfishers
is a draw indeed

But we have seen these river banks
lost to inundation
and irresistible weight

To realise this too late
would be fatal

so we collaborate in waiting
and make the call
I saw a kingfisher again! That’s three times in 44 years...
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2020
Death would make a dark valentine
I'll join your hand with mine
Midnight strikes
Our skin will meet
Over a road made with sheets

Together we will take it slow
Taken by shadows that are forever kept
Water's slowly rising
Instead I'm learning to swim
In our beliefs
Treading with limbs

Splinters thoughts
Negative energy
Scattered about too many places to see
Pressure wracks my consciousness with unuttered questions
Mix of doubt and adoration broken into sections

Ruins moment with cold insecurity
Fights desperation
Winning barely
Aroma of chocolate wafts through the air
Breathe clarity and briefly my senses are thankfully aware

I slowly blend surroundings until it's all a blur
Table decked with items you prefer
To show you how much your love means to me
All that shows is the success we'll never be
Written 2-7-20
Sura Apr 2020
I don't think I bloomed
I think my roots got deep.
But I didn't grow
I have to keep it all buried and not let it show
Amanda Kay Burke Mar 2020
Be not scared of death
Growing slowly with old age
The simplest blessing
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